1 full alert
Военный термин: полная боевая готовность -
2 full alert
3 full alert
4 full alert
5 full alert posture
Военный термин: полная боевая готовность -
6 full alert posture
7 alert
1. n воен.состояние боеготовности; состояние готовностиto call an alert — объявлять готовность / тревогу
to call off / to cancel an alert — давать отбой; отменять тревогу
- hair-trigger alertto place / to put smb on alert — приводить кого-л. в состояние боевой готовности
- heightened alert
- heightened state of alert
- high alert
- high degree of alert
- in a state of alert
- military alert
- national alert
- nationwide alert
- red alert
- reinforced alert
- security alert
- special alert
- strike alert
- yellow alert 2. a 3. v воен.1) приводить в боевую готовность; поднимать по тревоге2) предостерегать об опасности, предупреждать об опасности• -
8 alert
состояние ( боевой) готовности, готовность; боевое дежурство; время нахождения в боевой готовности [на боевом дежурстве]; тревога; сигнал тревоги; срочное, задание; подавать сигнал тревоги; предупреждать об опасности; бдительный, в состоянии готовностиbe at the alert — находиться в состоянии боевой готовности, быть наготове
be on the alert — находиться в состоянии боевой готовности, быть наготове
9 alert
тревога; сигнал тревоги; оповещение ( об опасной обстановке) ; боевая готовность; положение [состояние] боевой готовности; боевое дежурство; сигнализатор; прибор ( тревожной) сигнализации; объявлять тревогу; приводить в боевую готовность; поднимать по тревоге; предупреждать об опасности; уведомлять; см. тж. alarm— on alert -
10 alert
1. сущ.
1) тревога, сигнал тревоги to call an alert ≈ сыграть тревогу to call off (cancel) an alert ≈ сыграть отбой тревоги In case of an alert, every battalion, every company, and every man know their stations. ≈ В случае тревоги каждый батальон, каждый отряд и каждый отдельно взятый человек знают свое место.
2) воен. состояние боевой готовности( to be) full alert ≈ полная боевая готовность red alert ≈ воздушная тревога "красная";
боевая готовность on the alert ≈ (быть) настороже, наготове to keep on the alert ≈ тревожить, не давать покоя to put (troops) on alert ≈ поднять (войска) по тревоге
2. прил.
1) бдительный, внимательный, настороженный Syn: vigilant, watchful, observant
2) живой, проворный amazingly alert ≈ удивительно живой A tall, alert-looking young man entered the room. ≈ В комнату вошел высокий, с виду проворный человек.
3. гл.
1) привести в состояние готовности
2) предупреждать( об опасности и т. п.) (to) We must alert the public to the danger. ≈ Мы должны предупредить людей об опасности. the advantages of alerting the public to economic realities ≈ польза от предупреждения людей о реальной экономической ситуации Syn: awaken
3) воен. объявлять тревогу, поднимать по тревоге(военное) состояние боевой готовности;
боевое дежурство - high digree of * высокая степень боеготовности - * crew дежурный экипаж - * position положение готовности - * station позиция, занимаемая по тревоге - * weapons дежурные боевые средства - on the * в боевой готовности - on the * начеку, настороже - to put smb. on the * насторожить кого-л тревога, сигнал тревоги воздушная тревога - blue * воздушная тревога "синяя" - white * отбой воздушной тревоги бдительный, настороже, осторожный - suspiciously * подозрительно-настороженный - * to the opportunity ожидающий удобного случая - a good hunting dog is * to every sound хорошая охотничья собака всегда чутко реагирует на любой звук живой, проворный, скорый;
резвый - amazingly * удивительно живой - * sparrow юркий воробей сметливый, понятливый - mentally * с живым умом - he's an * boy он парень бойкий полный( чего-л) ;
живущий( чем-л) - * with hope полный надежд объявлять тревогу. поднимать по тревоге предупреждать (об опасности) - the doctor *ed me to the danger of not getting enough sleep врач предупредил меня об опасных последствиях недосыпания приводить в готовностьalert бдительный, настороженный ~ живой, проворный;
amaringly alert удивительно живой ~ воен. объявлять тревогу, поднимать по тревоге ~ предупреждать об опасности ~ привести в состояние готовности ~ состояние боевой готовности ~ воен. состояние боевой готовности;
(to be) on the alert (быть) настороже, наготове;
to keep on the alert тревожить, не давать покоя ~ тревога, сигнал тревоги~ живой, проворный;
amaringly alert удивительно живой~ воен. состояние боевой готовности;
(to be) on the alert (быть) настороже, наготове;
to keep on the alert тревожить, не давать покоя~ воен. состояние боевой готовности;
(to be) on the alert (быть) настороже, наготове;
to keep on the alert тревожить, не давать покоя -
11 alert
[ə'lɜːt] 1. сущ.1) тревога, сигнал тревогиto call off / cancel an alert — сыграть отбой тревоги
In case of an alert, every battalion, every company, and every man know their stations. — В случае тревоги каждый батальон, каждый отряд и каждый солдат знает своё место.
2) воен. состояние боевой готовностиNow Jamaica is under another storm alert. — Сейчас на Ямайке вновь объявлено штормовое предупреждение.
Flood alerts were issued on Thursday for parts of the Philippines. — В четверг в некоторых районах Филиппин было объявлено об угрозе наводнения.
4) информ. предупреждение (о входящем звонке, сообщении)Was she missing a vibrating alert because her phone was in an outside pocket of her bag? — Она не слышала вибросигнала своего телефона, потому что он был в наружном кармане её сумки?
••2. прил.1) бдительный, внимательный, настороженныйSyn:2) живой, проворный3. гл.2) предупреждать ( об опасности)We must alert the public to the danger. — Мы должны предупредить людей об опасности.
Syn:3) воен. объявлять тревогу, поднимать по тревоге -
12 full combat alert
13 full-time alert squadron
эскадрилья, круглосуточно находящаяся в полной боевой готовностиEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > full-time alert squadron
14 full-time runway alert
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > full-time runway alert
15 force
1. n1) сила, мощь2) действенность; действие, воздействие (соглашения, закона и т.п.)3) применение силы, насилие, принуждение4) pl войска, вооруженные силы; вооружения5) группа6) сила (производительная, политическая и т.п.); фактор7) численность8) (the Force) полиция (особ. Великобритании)•to be in force — иметь (юридическую) силу; оставаться в силе
to beef up one's military forces — укреплять свои вооруженные силы
to build up military forces — наращивать военную мощь; сосредоточивать войска
to clear rebel forces from somewhere — очищать какой-л. район от войск мятежников
to continue in force — оставаться в силе; действовать (о законе и т.п.)
to disband / to dismantle forces — демобилизовывать / распускать войска
to encourage all progressive forces (to) — поощрять / поддерживать все прогрессивные силы
to enter a city in force — брать город приступом; вводить в город крупные воинские формирования
to have no force — быть недействительным; не иметь силы
to improve one's defense forces — совершенствовать свои силы самообороны
to join forces — объединяться; объединять силы
to join forces with smb — объединять силы с кем-л.
to maintain the balance of forces — поддерживать равновесие / соотношение сил
to modernize one's forces — модернизировать свои вооруженные силы
to put in force — осуществлять, проводить в жизнь; вводить в действие
to put the armed forces on full alert — приводить вооруженные силы в состояние полной боевой готовности
to reduce conventional forces in / throughout Europe — сокращать количество войск и обычных вооружений в Европе
to remain in force — оставаться в силе, действовать (о законе и т.п.)
to reshape one's armed forces — реорганизовывать свои вооруженные силы
to resort to force — прибегать к силе / насилию
to rule a country by sheer force — управлять страной, опираясь исключительно на силу
to seek negotiated reductions in conventional forces — добиваться сокращения обычных вооружений путем переговоров
to suppress smth by brute force — подавлять что-л. грубой силой
to take recourse to force — прибегать к силе / насилию
to use force against smb — использовать силу против кого-л.
- accelerated development of productive forcesto withdraw forces from... — выводить войска из...
- active forces
- activities of forces
- actual force
- advance force
- aggressive forces
- aggressor forces
- air forces
- alignment of forces
- alliance of the forces
- allied forces
- allocation of forces
- anti-aircraft forces
- anti-colonialist forces
- anti-fascist forces
- anti-government forces
- anti-kidnap force
- anti-monopoly forces
- anti-national forces
- anti-popular forces
- anti-war forces
- armed forces of a country
- armed forces
- assault force
- Atlantic Nuclear Force - binding force
- bomber forces
- border forces
- border-security forces
- brutal force
- build-up forces
- build-up of forces
- by force
- by sheer force
- carrier striking force
- Central American task force
- character of the armed forces
- coalition forces
- combatant forces
- combined forces
- Commonwealth Military Force
- competing forces
- competition forces
- compulsory force
- conditions of entry into force
- conservative forces
- consistent force
- consolidation of all forces
- contributor to the multinational force
- Conventional Force in Europe
- conventional forces
- correlation of forces
- crack forces
- cross-border force
- crude force
- deep cuts in conventional forces
- defense forces
- democratic forces
- determining force in social development
- deterrent force
- directing force
- display of force
- disquiet in the armed forces
- division of political forces
- dominant force
- economic force
- effective forces
- elemental forces of nature
- enforcement forces - extraction force
- follow-on force
- force is not the answer
- force of a clause
- force of a treaty
- force of an agreement
- force of argument
- force of arms
- force of example
- force of law
- force of occupation
- force of public opinion
- force of weaponry
- force to be reckoned with
- forces in the field
- forces of aggression and war
- forces of flexible response
- forces of internal and external reaction
- forward-based forces
- free play of democratic forces
- full force of the treaty
- general purpose forces
- ground forces
- guiding force
- hired labor force
- in force
- in full force
- independent force
- inequitable relationship of forces
- influential force
- intermediate range forces
- international balance of forces
- international peace-keeping forces
- internationalist forces
- interplay of political forces
- interposing force
- invasion forces
- irregular forces
- joint NATO armed forces
- labor force
- land forces
- landing force
- lawful use of force
- leading force in smth
- leading force
- left-wing forces
- legal force
- liberation forces
- local forces
- logistical forces
- main force
- major force
- mandatory force
- manifestation of force
- material force
- member of a peace-keeping force
- military force
- monetary forces
- motive force
- moving force
- multilateral forces
- mutinous forces
- mutual non-use of military force
- national forces
- national liberation forces
- national political forces
- natural forces
- nature of forces
- naval forces
- noneconomic forces
- non-use of force
- nuclear forces
- nuclear strike force
- obligatory force of international treaties
- observer force
- occupation force
- occupying force
- of legal force
- on entry into force
- operation of market forces
- operational forces
- opposing forces
- organizing force
- pan-Arab force
- paramilitary forces
- patriotic forces
- peace forces
- Peace Implementation Force
- peace-keeping forces
- peace-safeguarding forces
- people's armed forces of liberation
- phased withdrawal of the forces
- police force
- policy of force
- political force
- posture of forces
- potent force
- powerful force
- professionally led force
- progressive forces
- pro-independence forces
- proportions of forces
- punitive forces
- quick-reaction force
- Rapid Deployment Force
- Rapid Reaction Force
- rapid-action force
- rebel forces
- recourse to force
- reduction in the armed forces
- regional security forces
- regrouping of forces
- relationship of forces
- reserve force
- reserve of the forces
- resistance forces
- resort to force
- retaliatory forces
- revanchist forces
- revolutionary forces
- rightist forces
- right-wing forces
- rough parity of forces
- ruling forces
- sea forces
- sea-based strategic missile forces
- second-strike force
- security forces
- self-defense forces
- shifts in the alignment of forces - social and political forces
- social forces
- socio-political forces
- special forces
- spontaneous force
- Stabilization Force
- strategic air forces
- strategic forces
- Strategic Rocket Force
- strength of the armed forces
- strike force
- striking force
- suppression by force
- task force
- territorial force
- theater nuclear forces
- third force- TNF- ultra-right forces
- UN buffer force
- UN Emergency Force
- UN observer force
- unification of forces
- unification of the armed force under a single command
- unified forces
- unilateral cuts in smb's forces
- United Nation Protection Force
- United Nations forces
- United Nations peace-keeping forces
- unity of forces
- use of military forces
- use of preemptive force
- vital force
- voluntary military forces
- weakening of forces
- with political forces splintering
- withdrawal of forces
- without resort to force
- work force
- world market forces 2. vзаставлять, принуждать, вынуждать -
16 posture
военно-политическая [военностратегическая] концепция; стратегия; тактика; политика; принятая установка [основные направления] действий; принцип; состояние; положение; обстановка; см. тж. concept, policy, strategytheater nuclear (force) posture — стратегическая концепция применения ЯО на ТВД; состояние и численность ядерных сил ТВД; политика в области ядерных сил ТВД
— logistics posture— national strategical posture -
17 troops
n pl1) войска, вооруженные силы, воинские части2) добровольцы, помогающие проводить избирательную кампанию; низовые партийные работники•to deploy troops — развертывать войска; дислоцировать войска
to ferry troops — перебрасывать / переводить войска ( по воде или по воздуху)
to maintain troops in a country — держать войска в какой-л. стране
to order troops into action / battle — приказывать войскам идти в бой
to place troops on the highest state of alert / under red alert / on the highest degree of readiness — приводить войска в состояние повышенной боевой готовности
to pull back / out troops — отводить войска
to pull U.S. troops back across the Atlantic — вывозить американские войска обратно через Атлантику
to send in troops — направлять / присылать / вводить войска (в какую-л. страну)
to station troops — дислоцировать / размещать / располагать войска
- assault troopsto take out one's troops — выводить войска
- border troops
- build-up of troops
- ceremonial troops
- club-wielding troops
- counter-insurgency troops
- crack troops
- departing troops
- departure of smb's troops from a country
- deployment of troops
- elite troops
- enemy troops
- foreign troops
- frontier troops
- government troops
- ground troops
- Interior Ministry troops
- interior troops
- internal security troops
- involvement of troops in the fighting
- landing troops
- loyalist troops
- missile troops
- mutinous troops
- noncombatant troops
- occupation troops
- paramilitary troops
- peace-keeping troops
- rebel troops
- rebellious troops
- reduction of troops stationed in a country
- sea-borne troops
- shock troops
- stationing of foreign troops on the territories of other countries
- the area is flooded with troops
- token troops
- troops are due to be out
- troops are massing on the border
- troops are moving off the streets
- troops are out in force in the streets
- troops are out on the streets
- troops are patrolling the streets
- troops attached to the Interior Ministry
- troops have gone on a heightened state of alert
- troops in battle dress
- troops in combat gear
- troops moved into the village
- troops opened fire on demonstrators
- troops were deployed in the streets
- troops were out in large numbers
- troops were under orders to fire in the air
- uncommitted troops
- upkeep of troops
- victorious troops
- withdrawal of troops from occupied territories -
18 FA
1) Общая лексика: U.S. area phone code A Football Agency2) Компьютерная техника: Finite Automata, Finite Automaton, Functional Application3) Геология: Пробирный анализ ( Fire assay)4) Спорт: Family And, Free Agent, Футбольная ассоциация5) Военный термин: Feasibility Assessment, Fighter Attack, Frankford Arsenal, Freeboard Aft, Freedom Arms, French Army, From Arpanet, Full Accounting, Functional Architecture, Fusil Automatique, failure analysis, family allowance, field activity, field allowance, field ambulance, field army, fighter allocator, fighter alter, final assembly, financial adviser, fine alignment, fire alarm, fire arms, fitter/armourer, flag allowance, flight accident, flight attendant, forward area, free area, frequency agility, friendly aircraft, fully automatic, further assignment, Frontal Aviation (FSU), ПА (полевая артиллерия)6) Техника: aeronautical station, facsimile amplifier, failure access, final address register, flat-gain amplifier, frame antenna, functional assembly, обозначение для воздушных станций (МСЭ), оператор управления авиационными средствами7) Шутливое выражение: Food Addicts8) Химия: Fully Amorphous9) Математика: факторный анализ (factor analysis)10) Юридический термин: Female Adult, Fine Attitude11) Бухгалтерия: Закон о Бюджете (ежегодно принимаемый парламентом Великобритании)12) Грубое выражение: For Arse, Fuck All, Fucking A, Fucking Arseholes13) Металлургия: Fresh Area14) Телекоммуникации: Failed Answer15) Сокращение: Football Association, Fraticide Avoidance, Frequency Agile, Russian Frontal Aviation, fore and aft, free aperture, Field Army (China), Persian (Farsi), основные фонды (Fixed Assets), Area Forecast (aviation), Certified Mail (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Factor Analysis, Factories Act 1961 (UK), Faculty Assistant, Failure Alarm, Fairchild Aircraft, Faith Alive, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Fallen Angel, False Alarm, Fame Academy (UK BBC series), Family Assistance, Family Auto (car dealers), FanArt, Fanconi Anemia (form of aplastic anemia), Fanny Adams, Farm Aid, Farmers' Almanac, Fat Admirer, Fat Albert (fictional character), Feasibility Analysis, Federal Agent, Federal Association, Felonious Assault (law enforcement), Fenton's Approximation (Algorithm), Feudal Age, Fiber Adapter, Fibonacci Association, FictionAlley.org, Field Activities, Field Authorization, Fiery Avenger (Everquest game), Filiae Amatissimae (Latin: To (My) Beloved Daughter, epigraphy), Final Acceptance, Final Alert (mapmaking program), Final Approach, Final Approval, Final Art (desktop publishing/printing/design; approved by client and ready to go to production), Finally Approved (sarcastic variation of Final Approval), Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Financial Advisor, Financial Agent, Financial Aid, Financial Assurance, Finanzamt (German: revenue office), Fine Arts, Fiona Apple (singer), Firearms (half-life modification), Fireman Apprentice, Firma (German: company), First Aid/Medical Aid Station, First Article, Fiscal Agent (Medicaid), Fixed Assets, Flanking Attack, Flash Animation, Flexible Alerting, Fluorescein Angiogramic Angiography, Fluorescein Angiography (retinal, choroidal and iris blood vessels testing), Fluorescent Antibody (laboratory virus testing), Fly Ash (mineral admixture for concrete), Focus Alert, Focus Amplifier, Focus Area, Food Allergy, For Auction, Force Analyzer, Forced Air, Forced Answer, Foreign Agent (network node), Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Foreign Military Affairs, Formal Advertising, Formic Acid, Forte Agent, Fourier Analysis, Framework Approach, Frankford Arsenal (PA; ammunition headstamp), Frankfort Arsenal (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Freakin' A! (polite form), Fredericksburg Academy, Free Agent (baseball, football, etc.; player who may sign with any team), French Angora (rabbit), Frequency Agile/Agility, Friederich's Ataxia, Friends Always, Frontal Aviation, Fuel Assembly, Fulbright Association, Full Arc, Full Armor (anime), Fulvic Acid, Function Analysis (product engineering / development tool), Functional Acknowledgment, Functional Administrator, Functional Allocation, Functional Analysis, Functional Assessment, Fund Accounting, Funds Allocated (USACE), Fur Affinity (web site), Fury Assembly, Fuse Alarm, feasibility assessment (US DoD), fractional anisotropy16) Университет: Final Answer, Full Accreditation17) Физиология: Failed appointment, Fat Analysis, Forearm18) Электроника: Filter Anode19) Вычислительная техника: Football Association (British soccer--a word derived from Association), final address (register), (полный) сумматор, (полный)(одноразрядный) сумматор с тремя входами20) Нефть: foaming agents, анализ отказов (failure analysis)21) Иммунология: Fluorescent Antibody22) Транспорт: Flight Attendants, Flying Accident23) Фирменный знак: First Alert24) Экология: free air25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: full authority, Functional Authority26) Образование: Frequently Asked27) Сетевые технологии: fully accessible28) Полимеры: fatty acid, folic acid, furfuryl alcohol29) Автоматика: factory automation, full adder30) Химическое оружие: functional area31) SAP.тех. автоматически переадресовано32) Электротехника: frequency adjustment, field-accelerating (relay)33) Должность: Field Agent34) NYSE. Fairchild Corporation35) НАСА: First Alien, First Ascent -
19 Fa
1) Общая лексика: U.S. area phone code A Football Agency2) Компьютерная техника: Finite Automata, Finite Automaton, Functional Application3) Геология: Пробирный анализ ( Fire assay)4) Спорт: Family And, Free Agent, Футбольная ассоциация5) Военный термин: Feasibility Assessment, Fighter Attack, Frankford Arsenal, Freeboard Aft, Freedom Arms, French Army, From Arpanet, Full Accounting, Functional Architecture, Fusil Automatique, failure analysis, family allowance, field activity, field allowance, field ambulance, field army, fighter allocator, fighter alter, final assembly, financial adviser, fine alignment, fire alarm, fire arms, fitter/armourer, flag allowance, flight accident, flight attendant, forward area, free area, frequency agility, friendly aircraft, fully automatic, further assignment, Frontal Aviation (FSU), ПА (полевая артиллерия)6) Техника: aeronautical station, facsimile amplifier, failure access, final address register, flat-gain amplifier, frame antenna, functional assembly, обозначение для воздушных станций (МСЭ), оператор управления авиационными средствами7) Шутливое выражение: Food Addicts8) Химия: Fully Amorphous9) Математика: факторный анализ (factor analysis)10) Юридический термин: Female Adult, Fine Attitude11) Бухгалтерия: Закон о Бюджете (ежегодно принимаемый парламентом Великобритании)12) Грубое выражение: For Arse, Fuck All, Fucking A, Fucking Arseholes13) Металлургия: Fresh Area14) Телекоммуникации: Failed Answer15) Сокращение: Football Association, Fraticide Avoidance, Frequency Agile, Russian Frontal Aviation, fore and aft, free aperture, Field Army (China), Persian (Farsi), основные фонды (Fixed Assets), Area Forecast (aviation), Certified Mail (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Factor Analysis, Factories Act 1961 (UK), Faculty Assistant, Failure Alarm, Fairchild Aircraft, Faith Alive, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Fallen Angel, False Alarm, Fame Academy (UK BBC series), Family Assistance, Family Auto (car dealers), FanArt, Fanconi Anemia (form of aplastic anemia), Fanny Adams, Farm Aid, Farmers' Almanac, Fat Admirer, Fat Albert (fictional character), Feasibility Analysis, Federal Agent, Federal Association, Felonious Assault (law enforcement), Fenton's Approximation (Algorithm), Feudal Age, Fiber Adapter, Fibonacci Association, FictionAlley.org, Field Activities, Field Authorization, Fiery Avenger (Everquest game), Filiae Amatissimae (Latin: To (My) Beloved Daughter, epigraphy), Final Acceptance, Final Alert (mapmaking program), Final Approach, Final Approval, Final Art (desktop publishing/printing/design; approved by client and ready to go to production), Finally Approved (sarcastic variation of Final Approval), Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Financial Advisor, Financial Agent, Financial Aid, Financial Assurance, Finanzamt (German: revenue office), Fine Arts, Fiona Apple (singer), Firearms (half-life modification), Fireman Apprentice, Firma (German: company), First Aid/Medical Aid Station, First Article, Fiscal Agent (Medicaid), Fixed Assets, Flanking Attack, Flash Animation, Flexible Alerting, Fluorescein Angiogramic Angiography, Fluorescein Angiography (retinal, choroidal and iris blood vessels testing), Fluorescent Antibody (laboratory virus testing), Fly Ash (mineral admixture for concrete), Focus Alert, Focus Amplifier, Focus Area, Food Allergy, For Auction, Force Analyzer, Forced Air, Forced Answer, Foreign Agent (network node), Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Foreign Military Affairs, Formal Advertising, Formic Acid, Forte Agent, Fourier Analysis, Framework Approach, Frankford Arsenal (PA; ammunition headstamp), Frankfort Arsenal (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Freakin' A! (polite form), Fredericksburg Academy, Free Agent (baseball, football, etc.; player who may sign with any team), French Angora (rabbit), Frequency Agile/Agility, Friederich's Ataxia, Friends Always, Frontal Aviation, Fuel Assembly, Fulbright Association, Full Arc, Full Armor (anime), Fulvic Acid, Function Analysis (product engineering / development tool), Functional Acknowledgment, Functional Administrator, Functional Allocation, Functional Analysis, Functional Assessment, Fund Accounting, Funds Allocated (USACE), Fur Affinity (web site), Fury Assembly, Fuse Alarm, feasibility assessment (US DoD), fractional anisotropy16) Университет: Final Answer, Full Accreditation17) Физиология: Failed appointment, Fat Analysis, Forearm18) Электроника: Filter Anode19) Вычислительная техника: Football Association (British soccer--a word derived from Association), final address (register), (полный) сумматор, (полный)(одноразрядный) сумматор с тремя входами20) Нефть: foaming agents, анализ отказов (failure analysis)21) Иммунология: Fluorescent Antibody22) Транспорт: Flight Attendants, Flying Accident23) Фирменный знак: First Alert24) Экология: free air25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: full authority, Functional Authority26) Образование: Frequently Asked27) Сетевые технологии: fully accessible28) Полимеры: fatty acid, folic acid, furfuryl alcohol29) Автоматика: factory automation, full adder30) Химическое оружие: functional area31) SAP.тех. автоматически переадресовано32) Электротехника: frequency adjustment, field-accelerating (relay)33) Должность: Field Agent34) NYSE. Fairchild Corporation35) НАСА: First Alien, First Ascent -
20 fA
1) Общая лексика: U.S. area phone code A Football Agency2) Компьютерная техника: Finite Automata, Finite Automaton, Functional Application3) Геология: Пробирный анализ ( Fire assay)4) Спорт: Family And, Free Agent, Футбольная ассоциация5) Военный термин: Feasibility Assessment, Fighter Attack, Frankford Arsenal, Freeboard Aft, Freedom Arms, French Army, From Arpanet, Full Accounting, Functional Architecture, Fusil Automatique, failure analysis, family allowance, field activity, field allowance, field ambulance, field army, fighter allocator, fighter alter, final assembly, financial adviser, fine alignment, fire alarm, fire arms, fitter/armourer, flag allowance, flight accident, flight attendant, forward area, free area, frequency agility, friendly aircraft, fully automatic, further assignment, Frontal Aviation (FSU), ПА (полевая артиллерия)6) Техника: aeronautical station, facsimile amplifier, failure access, final address register, flat-gain amplifier, frame antenna, functional assembly, обозначение для воздушных станций (МСЭ), оператор управления авиационными средствами7) Шутливое выражение: Food Addicts8) Химия: Fully Amorphous9) Математика: факторный анализ (factor analysis)10) Юридический термин: Female Adult, Fine Attitude11) Бухгалтерия: Закон о Бюджете (ежегодно принимаемый парламентом Великобритании)12) Грубое выражение: For Arse, Fuck All, Fucking A, Fucking Arseholes13) Металлургия: Fresh Area14) Телекоммуникации: Failed Answer15) Сокращение: Football Association, Fraticide Avoidance, Frequency Agile, Russian Frontal Aviation, fore and aft, free aperture, Field Army (China), Persian (Farsi), основные фонды (Fixed Assets), Area Forecast (aviation), Certified Mail (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Factor Analysis, Factories Act 1961 (UK), Faculty Assistant, Failure Alarm, Fairchild Aircraft, Faith Alive, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Fallen Angel, False Alarm, Fame Academy (UK BBC series), Family Assistance, Family Auto (car dealers), FanArt, Fanconi Anemia (form of aplastic anemia), Fanny Adams, Farm Aid, Farmers' Almanac, Fat Admirer, Fat Albert (fictional character), Feasibility Analysis, Federal Agent, Federal Association, Felonious Assault (law enforcement), Fenton's Approximation (Algorithm), Feudal Age, Fiber Adapter, Fibonacci Association, FictionAlley.org, Field Activities, Field Authorization, Fiery Avenger (Everquest game), Filiae Amatissimae (Latin: To (My) Beloved Daughter, epigraphy), Final Acceptance, Final Alert (mapmaking program), Final Approach, Final Approval, Final Art (desktop publishing/printing/design; approved by client and ready to go to production), Finally Approved (sarcastic variation of Final Approval), Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Financial Advisor, Financial Agent, Financial Aid, Financial Assurance, Finanzamt (German: revenue office), Fine Arts, Fiona Apple (singer), Firearms (half-life modification), Fireman Apprentice, Firma (German: company), First Aid/Medical Aid Station, First Article, Fiscal Agent (Medicaid), Fixed Assets, Flanking Attack, Flash Animation, Flexible Alerting, Fluorescein Angiogramic Angiography, Fluorescein Angiography (retinal, choroidal and iris blood vessels testing), Fluorescent Antibody (laboratory virus testing), Fly Ash (mineral admixture for concrete), Focus Alert, Focus Amplifier, Focus Area, Food Allergy, For Auction, Force Analyzer, Forced Air, Forced Answer, Foreign Agent (network node), Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Foreign Military Affairs, Formal Advertising, Formic Acid, Forte Agent, Fourier Analysis, Framework Approach, Frankford Arsenal (PA; ammunition headstamp), Frankfort Arsenal (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Freakin' A! (polite form), Fredericksburg Academy, Free Agent (baseball, football, etc.; player who may sign with any team), French Angora (rabbit), Frequency Agile/Agility, Friederich's Ataxia, Friends Always, Frontal Aviation, Fuel Assembly, Fulbright Association, Full Arc, Full Armor (anime), Fulvic Acid, Function Analysis (product engineering / development tool), Functional Acknowledgment, Functional Administrator, Functional Allocation, Functional Analysis, Functional Assessment, Fund Accounting, Funds Allocated (USACE), Fur Affinity (web site), Fury Assembly, Fuse Alarm, feasibility assessment (US DoD), fractional anisotropy16) Университет: Final Answer, Full Accreditation17) Физиология: Failed appointment, Fat Analysis, Forearm18) Электроника: Filter Anode19) Вычислительная техника: Football Association (British soccer--a word derived from Association), final address (register), (полный) сумматор, (полный)(одноразрядный) сумматор с тремя входами20) Нефть: foaming agents, анализ отказов (failure analysis)21) Иммунология: Fluorescent Antibody22) Транспорт: Flight Attendants, Flying Accident23) Фирменный знак: First Alert24) Экология: free air25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: full authority, Functional Authority26) Образование: Frequently Asked27) Сетевые технологии: fully accessible28) Полимеры: fatty acid, folic acid, furfuryl alcohol29) Автоматика: factory automation, full adder30) Химическое оружие: functional area31) SAP.тех. автоматически переадресовано32) Электротехника: frequency adjustment, field-accelerating (relay)33) Должность: Field Agent34) NYSE. Fairchild Corporation35) НАСА: First Alien, First Ascent
См. также в других словарях:
Full Alert — est un film hongkongais réalisé par Ringo Lam, sorti le 18 juillet 1997. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution 4 Récompenses … Wikipédia en Français
full alert — ready for action (Military) … English contemporary dictionary
be put on full alert — be put on full/red alert be on full/red alert if soldiers are on full alert, they know that a situation is dangerous and are prepared to act immediately if necessary. The army was put on red alert as the peace talks began to break down … New idioms dictionary
be on full alert — be on full/red alert if soldiers are on full alert, they know that a situation is dangerous and are prepared to act immediately if necessary. The British flagship in the area went to battle stations and remained on full alert for twenty minutes … New idioms dictionary
on (full) alert — phrase ready to take action to deal with a dangerous situation All our forces are on full alert. Thesaurus: ready or about to do somethingsynonym Main entry: alert … Useful english dictionary
alert — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ heightened, high ▪ The country has put its troops on high alert. ▪ full ▪ amber, orange, red … Collocations dictionary
alert — I adj. alert to (alert to danger) II n. 1) to call an alert 2) to place, put (troops) on alert 3) to call off, cancel an alert 4) (a) full; preliminary; red alert (the troops were on full alert) 5) on (the) alert (to be on the alert) 6) (misc.)… … Combinatory dictionary
alert — a|lert1 [əˈlə:t US ə:rt] adj [Date: 1500 1600; : French; Origin: alerte, from Italian all erta on the watch ] 1.) giving all your attention to what is happening, being said etc ▪ The animal raised its head, suddenly alert. ▪ Taking notes is one… … Dictionary of contemporary English
alert — 1 adjective 1 always watching and ready to notice anything strange or unusual 2 able to think quickly and clearly: Despite her years, she still has a lively and alert mind. | Please remain alert and report any unattended luggage to the… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
alert — a|lert1 [ ə lɜrt ] adjective * 1. ) able to think in a clear and intelligent way: He s remarkably alert for his age. Regular exercise could help you to feel better, look better, and be more alert. 2. ) alert to paying attention to what is… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
alert — I UK [əˈlɜː(r)t] / US [əˈlɜrt] adjective * 1) able to think in a clear and intelligent way She s remained physically fit and mentally alert. 2) paying attention to what is happening and ready to react quickly if necessary alert to: Parents must… … English dictionary