1 fulgurant pain
Медицина: стреляющая боль -
2 fulgurant
3 fulgurant
4 fulgurant
5 fulgurant
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > fulgurant
См. также в других словарях:
bite — Synonyms and related words: acerbity, acidity, acridity, acrimony, acuminate, acute pain, adhere to, afflict, agonize, ail, allotment, allowance, and sinker, astringency, auger, bait, be a sucker, be keen, be taken in, bear hug, benumb, big end,… … Moby Thesaurus
nip — Synonyms and related words: abbreviate, abduct, abridge, abscind, absolute zero, abstract, acute pain, adhere to, afflict, agonize, ail, algidity, amputate, and, annex, annihilate, approach, appropriate, arrest, bag, balk, ball the jack, ban, bar … Moby Thesaurus
pinch — Synonyms and related words: abstract, ace, acute pain, afflict, agonize, ail, alternate, alternative, and, annex, apprehend, apprehension, approach, appropriate, arrest, arrestation, arrestment, atom, backup, bag, bare cupboard, bare subsistence … Moby Thesaurus
prick — Synonyms and related words: aculeus, acuminate, acumination, acute pain, afflict, aggrieve, agonize, ail, anguish, auger, barb the dart, be keen, birthmark, bit, bite, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, blotch, bore, borer, boring pain, brand,… … Moby Thesaurus
stab — Synonyms and related words: Judas kiss, abrade, abrasion, ache, acute pain, afflict, aggrieve, agonize, ail, anguish, approach, assay, attempt, auger, barb the dart, bark, bayonet, betray, betrayal, bid, bite, blemish, blind guess, bloody, bold… … Moby Thesaurus
tweak — Synonyms and related words: acute pain, afflict, agonize, ail, bite, bob, boring pain, burn, chafe, charley horse, clamp, clamping, clamping down, compress, compression, convulse, cramp, cramps, crick, crucify, crush, cut, darting pain, distress … Moby Thesaurus
twinge — Synonyms and related words: ache, acute pain, agonize, ail, anguish, bite, blanch, blench, boring pain, charley horse, cramp, cramps, crick, darting pain, feel pain, feel the pangs, fulgurant pain, girdle pain, gnawing, grimace, gripe, griping,… … Moby Thesaurus
cramp — Synonyms and related words: Jacksonian epilepsy, Rolandic epilepsy, abate, abbreviate, abdominal epilepsy, access, ache, aching, acquired epilepsy, activated epilepsy, acute pain, affect epilepsy, affix, akinetic epilepsy, anchor, angustifoliate … Moby Thesaurus
gnawing — Synonyms and related words: ablative, abradant, abrasive, ache, aching, acute, acute pain, afflictive, agonizing, angina, atrocious, attritive, backache, bellyache, bite, biting, boring pain, cephalalgia, chafing, charley horse, colic,… … Moby Thesaurus
pang — Synonyms and related words: ache, aching, acute pain, anguish, bite, blow, boring pain, charley horse, contriteness, contrition, cramp, cramps, crick, cut, darting pain, discomfort, distress, dolor, fulgurant pain, girdle pain, gnawing, grief,… … Moby Thesaurus
seizure — Synonyms and related words: Jacksonian epilepsy, Rolandic epilepsy, abdominal epilepsy, abduction, abscess, access, accession, acquired epilepsy, activated epilepsy, acute pain, adoption, affect epilepsy, ague, akinetic epilepsy, amok, anemia,… … Moby Thesaurus