1 styrefjer
( fugls) tail feather. -
2 mage
sg - mágen, pl - máger1) па́ра ж, подо́бие с, ро́вня ж2) саме́ц м, са́мка ж••kráge sǿger máge — посл. рыба́к рыбака́ ви́дит издалека́
* * *like, mate* * *I. (en -r)( sidestykke) match;( kopi, reproduktion) replica, copy;( den ene del af et par) fellow;( fugls) mate;( ægtefælle) husband, wife;F spouse;[ magen til frækhed!] what a nerve![ den er mage til én jeg har] it is exactly like one I have;[ der findes ikke mage(n) til ham] there is no one like him, he hasn't his equal on earth;[ jeg har aldrig kendt (el. hørt el. set) mage!] well I never! I never heard (, saw) the like of it![ skaffe magen til] match;[ krage søger mage] birds of a feather flock together.II. vb( indrette) arrange;[ mage det således at] arrange matters (el. it) so as to, manage to. -
3 pip
I. (et -)( fugls lyd) chirp, cheep, peep;( dut) bleep;[ ikke et pip](dvs ikke en lyd) not a peep ( fx I don't want to hear a peep out of you),( ikke et ord) not a word ( fx I haven't heard a word from him);( pille ned) deflate somebody,( overvælde) overwhelm somebody;[ det tog helt pippet fra mig (, ham)](= det tog på mig) it took it out of me (, him).II. (en)( fuglesygdom) pip.III. sb:[ få pip] go batty;[ det er til at få pip af] it is enough to give you the pip;[ have pip] be batty;[ det er det rene pip] that is completely cuckoo (el. daft). -
4 top
apex, crest, crown, head, peak, pinnacle, summit, top, zenith* * *I. (en -pe)( øverste del) top,( af bjerg også) summit,( spids) peak;( fugls) tuft, crest;( hårtop) tuft of hair;( af bølge) crest;( mastetop) masthead;( plantes) top ( fx carrot top);( overdel) top ( fx of a swimsuit);( lille paryk) hairpiece, toupee;(fig) top ( fx get to the top of one's profession),F pinnacle, summit ( fx of fame, power);( legetøj) (spinning) top;[ spille top] spin a top;[ en top sukker] a loaf of sugar;(se også isbjerg, kransekage);[ med præp:][ en skefuld med top på] a heaped spoonful;(fig) it is lonely at the top;[ fra top til tå] from top to toe; from head to foot;(se også måle);[ flaget går til tops] the flag is run up (el. hoisted). -
5 trille
coast, roll, trundle, wheel* * *I. (en -r)( i sang og musik) trill;( fugls) warble;[ slå triller] trill,( om fugl) warble;[ det spiller ingen trille] that makes no difference.II. vb roll;( om dråber, fx tårer) roll,( langsomt) trickle ( fx tears rolled (, trickled) down her cheeks);( trillebånd, tønde) trundle;[ trille omkuld] roll over;[ trille om af grin] fall about (laughing);(se også tommelfinger).III. vb( slå triller) trill,( om fugl) warble.
См. также в других словарях:
fugls — [akin to Eng fowl] : bird … Gothic dictionary with etymologies
Barndoor fowl — Fowl Fowl (foul), n. Note: Instead of the pl. {Fowls} the singular is often used collectively. [OE. foul, fowel, foghel, fuhel, fugel, AS. fugol; akin to OS. fugal D. & G. vogel, OHG. fogal, Icel. & Dan. fugl, Sw. fogel, f[*a]gel, Goth. fugls; of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Barnyard fowl — Fowl Fowl (foul), n. Note: Instead of the pl. {Fowls} the singular is often used collectively. [OE. foul, fowel, foghel, fuhel, fugel, AS. fugol; akin to OS. fugal D. & G. vogel, OHG. fogal, Icel. & Dan. fugl, Sw. fogel, f[*a]gel, Goth. fugls; of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fowl — (foul), n. Note: Instead of the pl. {Fowls} the singular is often used collectively. [OE. foul, fowel, foghel, fuhel, fugel, AS. fugol; akin to OS. fugal D. & G. vogel, OHG. fogal, Icel. & Dan. fugl, Sw. fogel, f[*a]gel, Goth. fugls; of unknown… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fowls — Fowl Fowl (foul), n. Note: Instead of the pl. {Fowls} the singular is often used collectively. [OE. foul, fowel, foghel, fuhel, fugel, AS. fugol; akin to OS. fugal D. & G. vogel, OHG. fogal, Icel. & Dan. fugl, Sw. fogel, f[*a]gel, Goth. fugls; of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gallus domesticus — Fowl Fowl (foul), n. Note: Instead of the pl. {Fowls} the singular is often used collectively. [OE. foul, fowel, foghel, fuhel, fugel, AS. fugol; akin to OS. fugal D. & G. vogel, OHG. fogal, Icel. & Dan. fugl, Sw. fogel, f[*a]gel, Goth. fugls; of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
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