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  • calorific value — /ˌkælərɪfɪk ˈvælju/ (say .kaluhrifik valyooh) noun 1. the amount of heat produced by the complete combustion of a given quantity of a substance, especially a fuel. 2. Also, calorific content. the number of calories (def. 2) in a type of food:… …  

  • gross calorific value — (gross heat of combustion at constant volume), Qv(gross), n the heat produced by combustion of unit quantity of a solid or liquid fuel when burned at constant volume in an oxygen bomb calorimeter under specified conditions, with the resulting… …   Coke&Coal Terminology

  • net calorific value — (net heat of combustion at constant pressure), n the heat produced by combustion of unit quantity of a solid or liquid fuel when burned, at a constant pressure of 1 atm (0.1 MPa), under conditions such that all the water in the products remains… …   Coke&Coal Terminology

  • calorific value — noun or calorific power : the heat produced by the combustion of a unit weight of a fuel …   Useful english dictionary

  • calorific value — A measure of heating value of fuel …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • calorific value — noun a) The amount of heat produced by the complete combustion of a material or fuel. Measured in units of energy per amount of material, e.g. kJ/kg. b) The amount of energy available from an item of food when digested, mostly from carbohydrates… …   Wiktionary

  • Calorific Value —   The heat liberated by the combustion of a unit quantity of a fuel under specific conditions; measured in calories …   Energy terms

  • calorific value — noun the energy contained in a fuel or food (now usually expressed in joules per kilogram) …   English new terms dictionary

  • Gross Calorific Value —   The heat produced by combusting a specific quantity and volume of fuel in an oxygen bomb colorimeter under specific conditions …   Energy terms

  • Fuel equivalent — is an accounting unit of the fuel thermal value used for comparing different types of fuel. It is accepted that the calorific value of 1 kilogram of solid (liquid) fuel equivalent (or 1 cubic meter of gaseous one) is 29.3 MJ (7,000 kcal). The… …   Glossary of Oil and Gas

  • calorific — adj. producing heat. Phrases and idioms: calorific value the amount of heat produced by a specified quantity of fuel, food, etc. Derivatives: calorifically adv. Etymology: L calorificus f. calor heat …   Useful english dictionary

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