1 fuel system
3.10 топливная система (fuel system): Комбинация бортовой системы хранения топлива, системы подготовки топлива и батареи топливных элементов.
Источник: ГОСТ Р 54111.2-2010: Дорожные транспортные средства на топливных элементах. Требования безопасности. Часть 2. Защита от опасностей, связанных с использованием водорода, в транспортных средствах, работающих на сжатом водороде оригинал документа
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > fuel system
2 fuel system
propellant system; fuel systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of program "Mir-Shuttle" > fuel system
3 fuel system
4 fuel system
5 fuel system
6 fuel system
7 fuel system
<aeron.> бензосистема -
8 fuel system
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > fuel system
9 fuel system
1) Техника: бензосистема, система питания, система питания горючим2) Автомобильный термин: (supply) система подачи топлива, система питания топливом, топливная система3) Нефть: система подачи топлива -
10 fuel-system
11 fuel system
[motor] топливная система -
12 fuel system
13 fuel system
English-Russian Dictionary of Military Terms and Abbreviations > fuel system
14 fuel system
15 fuel system
топливная система -
16 fuel system
система подачи топлива; система питания топливом; бензосистема -
17 fuel-system
18 fuel system
19 fuel system
система питания топливом -
20 fuel system supply point
FSSP, fuel system supply pointEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > fuel system supply point
См. также в других словарях:
Fuel system — Kraftstoff Duchfluss Messer für Flugzeuge Das Kraftstoffsystem (engl. fuel system) eines Flugzeugs dient der Versorgung eines motorbetriebenen Flugzeugs mit Kraftstoff. Je nach Flugzeugtyp und dessen konstruktiver Auslegung, ob kunstflugtauglich… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fuel System Icing Inhibitor — (FSII) is an additive to aviation fuels that prevents the formation of ice in fuel lines. FSII is sometimes referred to by the registered, genericized trademark Prist®. Jet fuel can contain a small amount of dissolved water that does not appear… … Wikipedia
fuel system — A system that stores, cleans, and delivers the fuel to the engine in proper quantities to meet the varying needs that arise as you drive. It is made up of the fuel tank, fuel lines, fuel pump, fuel filter, and carburetor or the fuel injection… … Dictionary of automotive terms
fuel system — noun equipment in a motor vehicle or aircraft that delivers fuel to the engine • Hypernyms: ↑equipment • Part Holonyms: ↑motor vehicle, ↑automotive vehicle, ↑aircraft • Part Meronyms: ↑accelerator, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Fast fuel system — A Fast fuel system allows speedy refuelling of vehicles. Most large earthmoving and mining vehicles with diesel fuel tanks over 150 U.S. gallons (568 liters) are equipped with fast refueling systems. Fast refueling systems utilize an automatic… … Wikipedia
engine fuel system — That part of the aircraft’s overall fuel system that starts after the entry of fuel into the engine. For fuel injected and turbine engines, a high pressure (HP) pump takes fuel from the low pressure, or aircraft, fuel system and raises its… … Aviation dictionary
high-pressure fuel system — That part of the aircraft’s overall fuel system that starts after the entry of fuel into the engine. An HP pump (high pressure pump) takes fuel from the low pressure, or aircraft, fuel system and raises its pressure sufficiently to ensure an… … Aviation dictionary
aircraft fuel system — That part of the fuel system whose components are located prior to the entry of the fuel into the engine. It consists of fuel tanks, plumbing, fuel transfer pumps, and low pressure or booster pumps. It also includes the area from where the engine … Aviation dictionary
low-pressure fuel system — That part of the fuel system whose components are located prior to the entry of the fuel into the engine. It consists of fuel tanks, fuel transfer pumps, and a low pressure or booster pump. It also includes the area from where the engine fuel… … Aviation dictionary
offshore bulk fuel system — The system used for transferring fuel from points offshore to reception facilities on the beach. It consists of two subsystems: amphibious assault bulk fuel system and the offshore petroleum discharge system. See also amphibious assault bulk fuel … Military dictionary
gravity-feed fuel system — An aircraft fuel system in which the fuel from the supply tank to the engine is fed under gravity, rather than with the help of a booster pump. See aircraft fuel system … Aviation dictionary