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  • 1 estafa

    1 swindle (timo, robo).
    2 fraud, cheat, bilk, theft.
    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: estafar.
    2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: estafar.
    * * *
    1 fraud, swindle
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=timo) swindle, trick
    2) (Com, Econ) racket, ramp *
    * * *
    a) (Der) fraud, criminal deception
    b) (fam) ( timo) rip-off (colloq), con (colloq)
    * * *
    = scam, swindle, rip-off, swindling, cheating, confidence scam, con trick, con, con job.
    Ex. The article 'Online scams, swindles, frauds and rip-offs' lists some of the most better known Internet frauds of recent times.
    Ex. The article 'Online scams, swindles, frauds and rip-offs' lists some of the most better known Internet frauds of recent times.
    Ex. The article 'Online scams, swindles, frauds and rip-offs' lists some of the most better known Internet frauds of recent times.
    Ex. The swindling & deception the immigrants encountered often preyed on their Zionist ideology & indeed, some of the crooks were Jewish themselves.
    Ex. The author discerns 3 levels of cheating and deceit and examines why scientists stoop to bias and fraud, particularly in trials for new treatments.
    Ex. He was a cold-blooded killer, cardsharp, gambler and a consumptive who also ran several confidence scams.
    Ex. The social contract has been the con trick by which the bosses have squeezed more and more out of the workers for themselves.
    Ex. He has long argued that populist conservatism is nothing more than a con.
    Ex. The global warming hoax had all the classic marks of a con job from the very beginning.
    * estafa comercial = business scam.
    * estafa de la venta en cadena = pyramid scam.
    * * *
    a) (Der) fraud, criminal deception
    b) (fam) ( timo) rip-off (colloq), con (colloq)
    * * *
    = scam, swindle, rip-off, swindling, cheating, confidence scam, con trick, con, con job.

    Ex: The article 'Online scams, swindles, frauds and rip-offs' lists some of the most better known Internet frauds of recent times.

    Ex: The article 'Online scams, swindles, frauds and rip-offs' lists some of the most better known Internet frauds of recent times.
    Ex: The article 'Online scams, swindles, frauds and rip-offs' lists some of the most better known Internet frauds of recent times.
    Ex: The swindling & deception the immigrants encountered often preyed on their Zionist ideology & indeed, some of the crooks were Jewish themselves.
    Ex: The author discerns 3 levels of cheating and deceit and examines why scientists stoop to bias and fraud, particularly in trials for new treatments.
    Ex: He was a cold-blooded killer, cardsharp, gambler and a consumptive who also ran several confidence scams.
    Ex: The social contract has been the con trick by which the bosses have squeezed more and more out of the workers for themselves.
    Ex: He has long argued that populist conservatism is nothing more than a con.
    Ex: The global warming hoax had all the classic marks of a con job from the very beginning.
    * estafa comercial = business scam.
    * estafa de la venta en cadena = pyramid scam.

    * * *
    1 ( Der) fraud, criminal deception
    lo han condenado por estafa y malversación de fondos he was found guilty of fraud and embezzlement
    se ha descubierto una estafa en la venta de los terrenos fraud o a swindle has been discovered involving the sale of the land
    2 ( fam) (timo) rip-off ( colloq), con ( colloq), swizz ( colloq)
    * * *


    Del verbo estafar: ( conjugate estafar)

    estafa es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo

    2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    estafa sustantivo femenino

    b) (fam) ( timo) rip-off (colloq), con (colloq)

    estafar ( conjugate estafar) verbo transitivo
    a) (Der) to swindle, defraud;

    estafale algo a algn to defraud sb of sth, swindle sb out of sth
    b) (fam) ( timar) to rip … off (colloq), to con (colloq)

    estafa sustantivo femenino swindle: lo encontraron culpable de estafa, he was found guilty of fraud
    estafar verbo transitivo to swindle, cheat, trick: estafaron a un pensionista y le dejaron sin sus ahorros, they swindled the pensioner out of his entire savings
    ' estafa' also found in these entries:
    - camelo
    - engaño
    - timo
    - robo
    - con
    - fraud
    - rip-off
    - scam
    - show up
    - swindle
    - confidence
    * * *
    estafa nf
    1. [timo, robo] swindle;
    [a empresa, organización] fraud;
    fue condenado por el delito de estafa he was convicted of fraud;
    hicieron una estafa a la empresa de varios millones they swindled several million out of the company, they defrauded the company of several million
    2. Fam [precio abusivo] rip-off
    * * *
    f swindle, cheat
    * * *
    estafa nf
    : swindle, fraud
    * * *
    estafa n swindle

    Spanish-English dictionary > estafa

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