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См. также в других словарях:

  • FRUSTRATION — Le meilleur exemple de frustration est sans doute celui de l’enfant qui cherche à apaiser son désir de savoir en consultant une encyclopédie, et qui se sent frustré par le savoir, pourtant de bon aloi, que cette encyclopédie a pu lui fournir.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Frustration — is an emotional response to circumstances where one is obstructed from arriving at a personal goal. [A Bridge to Simplicity Through Diagrams by Thomas Fargnoli. Page 60] The more important the goal, the greater the frustration. It is comparable… …   Wikipedia

  • frustration — frus·tra·tion /ˌfrəs trā shən/ n 1 a: the act of frustrating b: the state or an instance of being frustrated c: something that frustrates 2: a common law doctrine of contract law: parties to a contract may be excused from performance even though… …   Law dictionary

  • Frustration — Frus*tra tion, n. [L. frustratio: cf. OF. frustration.] The act of frustrating; disappointment; defeat; as, the frustration of one s designs. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Frustration — Frustration: Das seit der Mitte des 20. Jh.s belegte Fremdwort bezeichnet in der Fachsprache der Psychologie eine »Enttäuschung durch einen erzwungenen Verzicht, Versagung von Befriedigung«. Vermehrt lässt sich seine Verwendung in jüngster Zeit… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • Frustration — (v. lat.), Täuschung, Vereitelung …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Frustration — (lat.), Vereitelung, Täuschung …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • frustration — act of frustrating, 1550s, from L. frustrationem (nom. frustratio) a deception, a disappointment, noun of action from pp. stem of frustrari (see FRUSTRATE (Cf. frustrate)). Earlier (mid 15c.) with a sense of nullification …   Etymology dictionary

  • frustration — [n] disappointment, thwarting annoyance, bitter pill*, blocking, blow, bummer, chagrin, circumvention, contravention, curbing, defeat, disgruntlement, dissatisfaction, downer*, drag*, failure, fizzle, foiling, grievance, hindrance, impediment,… …   New thesaurus

  • frustration — Frustration, Frustratio …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • frustration — [frə strā′shən] n. [ME frustracioun < L frustratio] 1. a frustrating or being frustrated 2. something that frustrates …   English World dictionary

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