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См. также в других словарях:

  • Drag coefficient — In fluid dynamics, the drag coefficient (commonly denoted as: cd, cx or cw) is a dimensionless quantity that is used to quantify the drag or resistance of an object in a fluid environment such as air or water. It is used in the drag equation,… …   Wikipedia

  • Drag (physics) — Shape and flow Form drag Skin friction 0% 100% 10% 90% …   Wikipedia

  • Drag equation — In fluid dynamics, the drag equation is a practical formula used to calculate the force of drag experienced by an object due to movement through a fully enclosing fluid. The equation is attributed to Lord Rayleigh, who originally used L2 in place …   Wikipedia

  • frontal resistance — priekinis pasipriešinimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. drag; frontal resistance; head resistance vok. Frontalwiderstand, m rus. лобовое сопротивление, n pranc. résistance frontale, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • drag — priekinis pasipriešinimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. drag; frontal resistance; head resistance vok. Frontalwiderstand, m rus. лобовое сопротивление, n pranc. résistance frontale, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Automobile drag coefficient — The drag coefficient is a common metric in automotive design, where designers strive to achieve a low coefficient. Minimizing drag is done to improve fuel efficiency at highway speeds, where aerodynamic effects represent a substantial fraction of …   Wikipedia

  • form drag — A type of parasitic drag. Form drag is caused by the frontal area of the airplane components being exposed to the airstream. Drag is caused by the form or shape of the body and, hence, the name. It can be reduced by streamlining the exposed parts …   Aviation dictionary

  • aerodynamic drag — The resistance of the air to forward movement, sometimes called air resistance. This is a factor of the shape of the vehicle (drag coefficient and frontal area), the objects which stick out (i.e., mirrors, mufflers, bumpers), the amount of… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Motorcycle fairing — This article is about motorcycle design. For other uses of fairing , see Fairing (disambiguation). 1956 NSU world record setting Dolphin II …   Wikipedia

  • airplane — /air playn /, n. 1. a heavier than air aircraft kept aloft by the upward thrust exerted by the passing air on its fixed wings and driven by propellers, jet propulsion, etc. 2. any similar heavier than air aircraft, as a glider or helicopter. Also …   Universalium

  • Automotive aerodynamics — forces at high speeds. For some classes of racing vehicles, it may also be important to produce desirable downwards aerodynamic forces to improve traction and thus cornering abilities.An aerodynamic automobile will integrate the wheel arcs and… …   Wikipedia

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