1 front-end load
комісія, стягувана до надання послуги (у момент придбання страхового полісу, відкриття кредиту і т. ін.) -
2 transistor
транзистор - abrupt heterojunction bipolar transistor
- access transistor
- amorphous transistor
- avalanche-injector MOS transistor
- ballistic transistor
- barrier-emitter transistor
- beam-lead transistor
- bipolar junction transistor
- bipolar transistor
- bipolar quantum resonant tunneling transistor
- buried-channel MOS transistor
- buried-channel transistor
- buried-oxide MOS transistor
- charge-injection transistor
- chip transistor
- chip-and-wire transistor
- clamped transistor
- closed-gate MOS transistor
- collector-grounded transistor
- common-base transistor
- common-collector transistor
- common-emitter transistor
- complementary transistors
- composite transistor
- Darlington transistor
- deep depletion transistor
- deep-diode transistor
- depletion-mode MOS transistor
- depletion MOS transistor
- diffused-emitter-and-base transistor
- diffused planar transistor
- δ-doped field-effect transistor
- double-diffused MOS transistor
- double-heterojunction bipolar transistor
- double-implanted MOS transistor
- downward-scaled MOS transistor
- electrostatic induction transistor
- emitter-coupled transistor
- enhancement-mode MOS transistor
- enhancement MOS transistor
- epibase transistor
- epitaxial planar transistor
- epitaxial transistor
- fan-out transistor
- fast switching transistor
- field-effect transistor
- filamentary transistor
- floating-gate MOS transistor
- front-end transistor
- gate-modulated bipolar transistor
- GIMIC transistor
- grooved-gate MOS transistor
- heterojunction transistor
- high-electron mobility transistor
- high-performance transistor
- H-MOS transistor
- homojunction transistor
- hot-electron transistor
- integrated circuit transistor
- integrated transistor
- interdigitated transistor
- inverted transistor
- ion-implanted base transistor
- ion sensitive field effect transistor ISFET
- ion sensitive field effect transistor
- junction transistor
- lateral transistor
- load transistor
- low-power transistor
- memory transistor
- merged transistor
- mesa-typetransistor
- mesatransistor
- mesh-emitter transistor
- metal-alumina-semiconductor transistor
- metal-base transistor
- metal-gate MOS transistor
- metal-insulator-semiconductor transistor
- metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor transistor
- metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor
- micropower transistor
- monoiythic hot-electron transistor
- multiemitter transistor
- multiple-emitter transistor
- multiple integrated transistor
- n-channel MOS transistor
- negative-impedance transistor
- n-p-n transistor
- off transistor
- on transistor
- optical transistor
- optoelectronic transistor
- overlay transistor
- parasitic transistor
- pass-gate transistor
- p-channel MOS transistor
- p-channel transistor
- permeable-base transistor
- piezo transistor
- planar transistor
- planar epitaxial transistor
- plastic transistor
- p-n-p transistor
- pull-up transistor
- punch-through transistor
- quantum-effect transistor
- quantum wire transistor
- radio-frequency transistor
- recessed-gate MOS transistor
- recessed-gate transistor
- resonant-gate transistor
- Schottky transistor
- Schottky-barrier collector transistor
- Schottky collector transistor
- Schottky-diode clamped transistor
- Schottky gated transistor
- sealed transistor
- series-connectedtransistors
- seriestransistors
- shallow-junction transistor
- silicon-gate MOS transistor
- silicon-gate transistor
- silicon-on-sapphire transistor
- stacked transistor
- static induction transistor
- stepped electrode transistor
- superconducting transistor
- surface-barrier transistor
- surface-charge transistor
- switching-type transistor
- switching transistor
- tandem transistor
- thin-film transistor
- T-MOS transistor
- trap-controlled transistor
- tunnel emitter transistor
- unijunction transistor
- unipolar transistor
- vertical transistor
- XMOS transistor
- 3D trench transistorEnglish-Ukrainian dictionary of microelectronics > transistor
См. также в других словарях:
front-end load — front′ end load′ n. bus (in a mutual fund) a percentage of the first year s payment used for sales commission and future operating expenses Also called front′ load . Etymology: 1960–65 … From formal English to slang
front-end load — A form of sales charge imposed by some mutual funds. A front end load is an initial charge that is deducted from each investment made in the fund. The amount of the charge is usually a percentage of the amount of the investment. See back end load … Financial and business terms
front-end load — ˈ ̷ ̷ ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : the part of the total load taken out of early payments under a contract plan for the periodic purchase of investment company shares * * * /frunt end / the sales commission and other fees taken out of the first year s payment… … Useful english dictionary
front-end load — /frunt end / the sales commission and other fees taken out of the first year s payment under a contractual plan for purchasing shares of a mutual fund (front end load fund) over a period of years. Also called front load. [1960 65] * * * … Universalium
front-end load — The initial charge made by a unit trust, life assurance company, or other investment fund to pay for administration and commission for any introducing agent. The investment made on behalf of the investor is, therefore, the total initial payment… … Accounting dictionary
front-end load — The initial charge made by a unit trust, life assurance company, or other investment fund to pay for administration and commission for any introducing agent. The investment made on behalf of the investor is, therefore, the total initial payment… … Big dictionary of business and management
Front-End Load — A commission or sales charge applied at the time of the initial purchase for an investment, usually mutual funds and insurance policies. It is deducted from the investment amount and, as a result, it lowers the size of the investment. Front end… … Investment dictionary
front-end load — noun Date: 1962 the part of the total commission and expenses taken out of early payments under a contract plan for the periodic purchase of investment company shares … New Collegiate Dictionary
front end load — (Finance) sales commission paid at the time of purchase, commission paid at the beginning of a financial transaction … English contemporary dictionary
front-end load — Loan fee or sales commission paid from the initial funds borrowed … American business jargon
Front-end and back-end — are generalized terms that refer to the initial and the end stages of a process. The front end is responsible for collecting input in various forms from the user and processing it to conform to a specification the back end can use. The connection … Wikipedia