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  • 21 ὑδεριῶσιν

    suffer from dropsy: pres part act masc /neut dat pl (attic epic doric ionic)
    suffer from dropsy: pres subj act 3rd pl (attic epic ionic)
    suffer from dropsy: pres ind act 3rd pl (attic epic doric ionic)

    Morphologia Graeca > ὑδεριῶσιν

  • 22 υδεριάσας

    ὑδεριά̱σᾱς, ὑδεριάω
    suffer from dropsy: pres part act fem acc pl (doric)
    ὑδεριά̱σᾱς, ὑδεριάω
    suffer from dropsy: pres part act fem gen sg (doric)
    ὑδεριά̱σᾱς, ὑδεριάω
    suffer from dropsy: aor part act masc nom /voc sg (attic epic doric ionic)

    Morphologia Graeca > υδεριάσας

  • 23 ὑδεριάσας

    ὑδεριά̱σᾱς, ὑδεριάω
    suffer from dropsy: pres part act fem acc pl (doric)
    ὑδεριά̱σᾱς, ὑδεριάω
    suffer from dropsy: pres part act fem gen sg (doric)
    ὑδεριά̱σᾱς, ὑδεριάω
    suffer from dropsy: aor part act masc nom /voc sg (attic epic doric ionic)

    Morphologia Graeca > ὑδεριάσας

  • 24 υδρωπικά

    suffering from dropsy: neut nom /voc /acc pl
    ὑδρωπικά̱, ὑδρωπικός
    suffering from dropsy: fem nom /voc /acc dual
    ὑδρωπικά̱, ὑδρωπικός
    suffering from dropsy: fem nom /voc sg (doric aeolic)

    Morphologia Graeca > υδρωπικά

  • 25 ὑδρωπικά

    suffering from dropsy: neut nom /voc /acc pl
    ὑδρωπικά̱, ὑδρωπικός
    suffering from dropsy: fem nom /voc /acc dual
    ὑδρωπικά̱, ὑδρωπικός
    suffering from dropsy: fem nom /voc sg (doric aeolic)

    Morphologia Graeca > ὑδρωπικά

  • 26 υδεριώντα

    suffer from dropsy: pres part act neut nom /voc /acc pl
    suffer from dropsy: pres part act masc acc sg

    Morphologia Graeca > υδεριώντα

  • 27 ὑδεριῶντα

    suffer from dropsy: pres part act neut nom /voc /acc pl
    suffer from dropsy: pres part act masc acc sg

    Morphologia Graeca > ὑδεριῶντα

  • 28 υδεριώντι

    suffer from dropsy: pres part act masc /neut dat sg
    suffer from dropsy: pres ind act 3rd pl (doric)

    Morphologia Graeca > υδεριώντι

  • 29 ὑδεριῶντι

    suffer from dropsy: pres part act masc /neut dat sg
    suffer from dropsy: pres ind act 3rd pl (doric)

    Morphologia Graeca > ὑδεριῶντι

  • 30 υδεριώντων

    suffer from dropsy: pres part act masc /neut gen pl
    suffer from dropsy: pres imperat act 3rd pl

    Morphologia Graeca > υδεριώντων

  • 31 ὑδεριώντων

    suffer from dropsy: pres part act masc /neut gen pl
    suffer from dropsy: pres imperat act 3rd pl

    Morphologia Graeca > ὑδεριώντων

  • 32 υδερούν

    suffer from dropsy: pres part act masc voc sg (attic epic doric ionic)
    suffer from dropsy: pres part act neut nom /voc /acc sg (attic epic doric ionic)

    Morphologia Graeca > υδερούν

  • 33 ὑδεροῦν

    suffer from dropsy: pres part act masc voc sg (attic epic doric ionic)
    suffer from dropsy: pres part act neut nom /voc /acc sg (attic epic doric ionic)

    Morphologia Graeca > ὑδεροῦν

  • 34 υδρωπικών

    suffering from dropsy: fem gen pl
    suffering from dropsy: masc /neut gen pl

    Morphologia Graeca > υδρωπικών

  • 35 ὑδρωπικῶν

    suffering from dropsy: fem gen pl
    suffering from dropsy: masc /neut gen pl

    Morphologia Graeca > ὑδρωπικῶν

  • 36 υδρωπικόν

    suffering from dropsy: masc acc sg
    suffering from dropsy: neut nom /voc /acc sg

    Morphologia Graeca > υδρωπικόν

  • 37 ὑδρωπικόν

    suffering from dropsy: masc acc sg
    suffering from dropsy: neut nom /voc /acc sg

    Morphologia Graeca > ὑδρωπικόν

  • 38 उदरम् _udaram

    उदरम् [उद्-ऋ-अप्]
    1 The belly; दुष्पूरोदरपूरणाय Bh. 2.119; cf. कृशोदरी, उदरभरणम्, उदरंभरि &c.
    -2 The interior or inside of anything, cavity; तडाग˚ Pt.2.15; R.5.7; U.2.16,4.29; त्वां कारयामि कमलोदरबन्धनस्थम् Ś.6.2; Śānti.1.5; Ś.1.19; Amaru.88; जलदोदरेभ्यः Mk.5; Rs.3.12; घनानां वारिगर्भोदराणाम् Ś.7.7.
    -3 Enlargement of the abdomen from dropsy or flatulence; तस्य होदरं जज्ञे Ait. Br.
    -4 Any morbid abdominal affection, such as liver, spleen &c. (said to be of 8 kinds वात˚, पित्त˚, कफ˚, त्रिलिङ्ग˚ or दूषी˚, प्लीहा˚, बद्धगुद˚, आगन्तुक˚ and जल˚).
    -5 Slaughter [cf. L. uterus; Zend. udara].
    -6 Battle.
    -Comp. -अग्निः The digestive faculty.
    -आध्मानः flatu- lence of the belly.
    -आमयः disease of the belly, dysentery, diarrhœa.
    -आमयिन् a. suffering from dysentery.
    -आवर्तः the navel.
    -आवेष्टः the tape-worm.
    -ग्रन्थिः, -गुल्मः disease of the spleen.
    -त्राणम् 1 a cuirass, armour covering the front of the body.
    -2 a belly- band.
    -पिशाच a. [उदरे तत्पूर्तौ पिशाच इव] gluttonous, voracious (having a devilish appetite). (
    -चः) a glutton.
    -पूरम् ind. till the belly is full; P.III.4.31. उदरपूरं भुङ्क्ते Sk. eats his fill.
    -पोषणम्, -भरणम् feeding the belly, support of life (cf. उदरंभरि).
    -शय a. अधिकरणे शेतेः P.III.2.15; sleeping on the face or the belly. (
    -यः) fœtus.
    -सर्वस्वः a glutton, an epicure (one to whom the belly is all-in-all

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > उदरम् _udaram

  • 39 wassersüchtig

    * * *
    suffering from dropsy, dropsical
    * * *
    dropsical adj.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > wassersüchtig

  • 40 εξυδερούνται

    suffer from dropsy: pres ind mp 3rd pl (attic epic doric ionic)
    to become dropsical: pres ind mp 3rd pl

    Morphologia Graeca > εξυδερούνται

См. также в других словарях:

  • dropsy — late 13c., aphetic of M.E. ydropsy, from O.Fr. idropsie,, from L. hydropsis, from Gk. hydrops (gen. hydropos) dropsy, from hydor water (see WATER (Cf. water) (n.1)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Dropsy — An old term for the swelling of soft tissues due to the accumulation of excess water. In years gone by, a person might have been said to have dropsy. Today one would be more descriptive and specify the cause. Thus, the person might have edema due …   Medical dictionary

  • dropsy — noun Swelling, edema, often from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD. 1911 The disease under which Addison laboured appears to have been asthma. It became more violent after his retirement from office, and was now accompanied by dropsy.… …   Wiktionary

  • dropsy plant — noun also dropsywort ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ Etymology: so called from its being reputed to cure dropsy : lemon balm …   Useful english dictionary

  • dropsy — noun Etymology: Middle English dropesie, short for ydropesie, from Anglo French, from Latin hydropisis, modification of Greek hydrōps, from hydōr water more at water Date: 13th century edema …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • dropsy — /ˈdrɒpsi / (say dropsee) noun an excessive accumulation of serous fluid in a serous cavity or in the subcutaneous cellular tissue. {Middle English (y)dropesie, from Old French idropisie, from Latin hydrōpsis, from Greek hydrōps} –dropsical,… …  

  • dropsy — dropsy1 [ drɒpsi] noun (plural dropsies) old fashioned or less technical term for oedema. Derivatives dropsical adjective Origin ME: shortening of obs. hydropsy, via OFr. and L. from Gk hudrōps, from hudōr water . dropsy2 …   English new terms dictionary

  • Healing a man with dropsy — Christ Healing, by Rembrandt, 1649 Healing a man with dropsy is one of the miracles of Jesus in the Gospels (Luke 14:1 6).[1] According to the Gospel one Sabbath, Jesus went to eat in the house of a prominent Pharisee, and he was being carefully… …   Wikipedia

  • Fish dropsy — Dropsy is a common disease among fresh water aquarium fish. The name is from an old name for Edema in humans.ymptomsThis disease is characterised by a swollen or hollow abdomen (Ascites). A concentration of fluid in the body tissues and cavities… …   Wikipedia

  • Epidemic dropsy — is a form of edema due to intoxication with Argemone mexicana (Mexican prickly poppy).In Northern India, epidemic dropsy occurs as a food adulterant disease where use of mustard oil as cooking medium is common. When mustard oil is adulterated… …   Wikipedia

  • Wind dropsy — Wind Wind (w[i^]nd, in poetry and singing often w[imac]nd; 277), n. [AS. wind; akin to OS., OFries., D., & G. wind, OHG. wint, Dan. & Sw. vind, Icel. vindr, Goth winds, W. gwynt, L. ventus, Skr. v[=a]ta (cf. Gr. ah ths a blast, gale, ah^nai to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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