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  • 1 bank book

    hesap cüzdanı, banka cüzdanı
    * * *
    (a book recording money deposited in, or withdrawn from, a bank.) banka defteri

    English-Turkish dictionary > bank book

  • 2 withdraw

    v. çekmek, almak, geri almak, geri çekmek, para çekmek, çekilmek, ayrılmak, geri çekilmek, çekinmek
    * * *
    geri al
    * * *
    past tense - withdrew; verb
    1) (to (cause to) move back or away: The army withdrew from its position; He withdrew his troops; They withdrew from the competition.) (geri) çekmek, çekilmek
    2) (to take back (something one has said): She withdrew her remarks, and apologized; He later withdrew the charges he'd made against her.) geri almak, vazgeçmek
    3) (to remove (money from a bank account etc): I withdrew all my savings and went abroad.) çekmek
    - withdrawn

    English-Turkish dictionary > withdraw

  • 3 draw out

    çıkarmak, çekmek, taslağını çizmek, ana hatlarıyla çıkarmak, konuşturmak, söyletmek, görevlendirmek, yerleştirmek, uzatmak, uzamak, istasyondan çıkmak
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (to take (money) from a bank: I drew out $40 yesterday.) çekmek
    2) (to make longer: We drew out the journey as much as we could but we still arrived early.) uzatmak
    3) ((of a car etc) to move into the middle of the road from the side.) yol kenarından ayrılmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > draw out

  • 4 stiff

    adj. sert, katı, koyu, yoğun, kati, zor, zorlu, çetin, fahiş, aşırı yüksek, gergin, tutulmuş, zoraki, soğuk, dik, sarp, kabul edilemez, inanılmaz, absürd, alkollü, içkili, sarhoş
    n. ölü, ceset, kurban, suç ortağı, baş belâsı, sahte banknot, sahte para
    * * *
    1. bükülmez 2. katı
    * * *
    1) (rigid or firm, and not easily bent, folded etc: He has walked with a stiff leg since he injured his knee; stiff cardboard.) sert, katı
    2) (moving, or moved, with difficulty, pain etc: I can't turn the key - the lock is stiff; I woke up with a stiff neck; I felt stiff the day after the climb.) tutuk, oynamayan
    3) ((of a cooking mixture etc) thick, and not flowing: a stiff dough.) koyu, katı
    4) (difficult to do: a stiff examination.) zor
    5) (strong: a stiff breeze.) kuvvetli
    6) ((of a person or his manner etc) formal and unfriendly: I received a stiff note from the bank manager.) resmî, soğuk
    - stiffness
    - stiffen
    - stiffening
    - bore, scare stiff

    English-Turkish dictionary > stiff

  • 5 draw

    n. çekme, çekiş; kura, çekiliş; cazibe, çekim; ilgi çekici şey; berabere biten oyun; yem, ağızdan lâf almak için söylenen söz
    v. resmetmek, çizmek, yazmak, karalamak; çekmek, fıçıdan çekmek; yaklaşmak; germek; teşvik etmek; almak, kazanmak; ikna etmek; sorguya çekmek; keşide etmek; düzenlemek, taslağını çizmek; silâh çekmek; demlemek; devam etmek; kura çekmek, kâğıt çekmek
    * * *
    1. çiz 2. çiz (v.) 3. çekiliş (n.)
    * * *
    [dro:] 1. past tense - drew; verb
    1) (to make a picture or pictures (of), usually with a pencil, crayons etc: During his stay in hospital he drew a great deal; Shall I draw a cow?) çizmek
    2) (to pull along, out or towards oneself: She drew the child towards her; He drew a gun suddenly and fired; All water had to be drawn from a well; The cart was drawn by a pony.) çekmek
    3) (to move (towards or away from someone or something): The car drew away from the kerb; Christmas is drawing closer.) yaklaşmak
    4) (to play (a game) in which neither side wins: The match was drawn / We drew at 1-1.) berabere kalmak, bitmek
    5) (to obtain (money) from a fund, bank etc: to draw a pension / an allowance.) çekmek, almak
    6) (to open or close (curtains).) çekmek, kapamak
    7) (to attract: She was trying to draw my attention to something.) çekmek
    2. noun
    1) (a drawn game: The match ended in a draw.) beraberlik
    2) (an attraction: The acrobats' act should be a real draw.) gösteri
    3) (the selecting of winning tickets in a raffle, lottery etc: a prize draw.) çekiliş, çekme
    4) (an act of drawing, especially a gun: He's quick on the draw.) çekme
    - drawn
    - drawback
    - drawbridge
    - drawing-pin
    - drawstring
    - draw a blank
    - draw a conclusion from
    - draw in
    - draw the line
    - draw/cast lots
    - draw off
    - draw on1
    - draw on2
    - draw out
    - draw up
    - long drawn out

    English-Turkish dictionary > draw

  • 6 ATM

    atm, bankamatik
    ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
    * * *
    [,ei ti: 'em]
    ((American) (abbreviation) Automated Teller Machine; a machine, usually outside a bank, from which people can get money with their credit cards or bank cards.) bankmatik, otomatik para çekme makinesi

    English-Turkish dictionary > ATM

  • 7 cash machine

    n. bankamatik
    * * *
    noun ((also cash dispenser, cashpoint; American ATM) a machine, usually outside a bank, from which people can get money with their credit cards or bank cards.) bankamatik

    English-Turkish dictionary > cash machine

  • 8 save

    conj. başka, hariç, den başka, haricinde, dışında
    n. kurtarma, sayıyı önleme, rakibin sayı yapmasını önleme
    prep. başka, hariç, den başka, haricinde, dışında
    v. kurtarmak, kayda geçirmek, korumak, tasarruf etmek, artırmak, biriktirmek, tutmak, idareli harcamak, bağışlamak, kusuruna bakmamak, engellemek, sayı yapmasını önlemek
    * * *
    1. kaydet 2. koru
    * * *
    I 1. [seiv] verb
    1) (to rescue or bring out of danger: He saved his friend from drowning; The house was burnt but he saved the pictures.) (tehlikeden) kurtarmak
    2) (to keep (money etc) for future use: He's saving (his money) to buy a bicycle; They're saving for a house.) biriktirmek
    3) (to prevent the using or wasting of (money, time, energy etc): Frozen foods save a lot of trouble; I'll telephone and that will save me writing a letter.) (israftan) kurtarmak
    4) (in football etc, to prevent the opposing team from scoring a goal: The goalkeeper saved six goals.) (sporda) kurtarmak
    5) (to free from the power of sin and evil.) (kötülükten) kurtarmak
    6) (to keep data in the computer.) bilgisayar hafızasına kaydetmek
    2. noun
    ((in football etc) an act of preventing the opposing team from scoring a goal.) kurtarma, kurtarış
    - saving
    - savings
    - saviour
    - saving grace
    - savings account
    - savings bank
    - save up
    II [seiv] preposition, conjunction
    (except: All save him had gone; We have no news save that the ship reached port safely.)...-den başka, dışında

    English-Turkish dictionary > save

  • 9 secure

    adj. sağlam, emin, güvenli, güvencede, güvenilir
    v. güvenceye almak, sağlama almak, sağlama bağlamak, sağlamlaştırmak, korumak, teminât vermek, sigortalamak, sağlamak, elde etmek, sıkıca kapatmak
    * * *
    1. bağla (v.) 2. güvenli (adj.) 3. güven altına al (v.) 4. güvende (adj.)
    * * *
    [si'kjuə] 1. adjective
    1) ((often with against or from) safe; free from danger, loss etc: Is your house secure against burglary?; He went on holiday, secure in the knowledge that he had done well in the exam.) güvenli
    2) (firm, fastened, or fixed: Is that door secure?) sağlam
    3) (definite; not likely to be lost: She has had a secure offer of a job; He has a secure job.) garantili
    2. verb
    1) ((with against or from (something bad)) to guarantee or make safe: Keep your jewellery in the bank to secure it against theft.) korumak, güven altına almak
    2) (to fasten or make firm: He secured the boat with a rope.) bağlamak
    - security
    - security risk

    English-Turkish dictionary > secure

  • 10 cross

    adj. çapraz, çaprazlama, kesişen, karşıt; aksi, kızgın, dargın; hilekâr, düzenbaz
    n. artı işareti, haç, çapraz; dert; melez; hile; dörtyol ağzı
    v. çaprazlaştırmak; üst üste atmak, çapraz çizgiler çizmek, haç işareti yapmak; kesişmek; karşılaşmak; darılmak; geçmek; melezlemek; engellemek; bozmak
    * * *
    1. çarpı (n.) 2. geç (v.) 3. çapraz (adj.)
    * * *
    [kros] I adjective
    (angry: I get very cross when I lose something.) kızgın; dargın
    II 1. plural - crosses; noun
    1) (a symbol formed by two lines placed across each other, eg + or x.) çarpı (x) veya artı (+) işareti
    2) (two wooden beams placed thus (+), on which Christ was nailed.) çarmıh
    3) (the symbol of the Christian religion.) haç, istavroz
    4) (a lasting cause of suffering etc: Your rheumatism is a cross you will have to bear.) dert, ıstırap
    5) (the result of breeding two varieties of animal or plant: This dog is a cross between an alsatian and a labrador.) melez, kırma
    6) (a monument in the shape of a cross.) haç şeklinde abide
    7) (any of several types of medal given for bravery etc: the Victoria Cross.) haç şeklinde madalya
    2. verb
    1) (to go from one side to the other: Let's cross (the street); This road crosses the swamp.) (karşıdan karşıya) geçmek
    2) ((negative uncross) to place (two things) across each other: He sat down and crossed his legs.) (kolları/bacakları) kavuşturmak, üst üste atmak
    3) (to go or be placed across (each other): The roads cross in the centre of town.) kesişmek, birleşmek
    4) (to meet and pass: Our letters must have crossed in the post.) karşılaşmak
    5) (to put a line across: Cross your `t's'.) üstüne çaprazlama çizgi çekmek
    6) (to make (a cheque or postal order) payable only through a bank by drawing two parallel lines across it.) yanyana iki çizgi çekmek
    7) (to breed (something) from two different varieties: I've crossed two varieties of rose.) melez cins üretmek
    8) (to go against the wishes of: If you cross me, you'll regret it!) karşı gelmek
    - crossing
    - crossbow
    - cross-breed
    - cross-bred
    - crosscheck
    3. noun
    (the act of crosschecking.) sağlama yapma
    - cross-country skiing
    - cross-examine
    - cross-examination
    - cross-eyed
    - cross-fire
    - at cross-purposes
    - cross-refer
    - cross-reference
    - crossroads
    - cross-section
    - crossword puzzle
    - crossword
    - cross one's fingers
    - cross out

    English-Turkish dictionary > cross

  • 11 north

    adj. kuzey, kuzeydeki, kuzeyden esen
    adv. kuzey, kuzeye doğru, kuzeyde, kuzeyinde
    n. kuzey bölge, kuzey
    * * *
    * * *
    [no:Ɵ] 1. noun
    1) (the direction to the left of a person facing the rising sun, or any part of the earth lying in that direction: He faced towards the north; The wind is blowing from the north; I used to live in the north of England.) kuzey
    2) ((also N) one of the four main points of the compass.) Kuzey
    2. adjective
    1) (in the north: on the north bank of the river.) kuzeyde
    2) (from the direction of the north: a north wind.) kuzey, kuzeyden esen, yıldız
    3. adverb
    (towards the north: The stream flows north.) kuzeye, kuzeye doğru
    - northern
    - northerner
    - northernmost
    - northward
    - northwards
    - northward
    - northbound
    - north-east / north-west
    4. adverb
    (towards the north-east or north-west: The building faces north-west.) kuzeydoğuya/batıya doğru
    - north-eastern / north-western
    - the North Pole

    English-Turkish dictionary > north

  • 12 rob

    v. soygun yapmak, soymak, çalmak, zorla almak, hırsızlık yapmak, soyup soğana çevirmek, yoksun bırakmak
    * * *
    * * *
    past tense, past participle - robbed; verb
    1) (to steal from (a person, place etc): He robbed a bank / an old lady; I've been robbed!) soymak
    2) ((with of) to take (something) away from; to deprive of: An accident robbed him of his sight at the age of 21.) yoksun bırakmak
    - robbery

    English-Turkish dictionary > rob

  • 13 across

    adv. karşıdan karşıya, çapraz, karşıya, genişliğinde
    prep. karşısında, içinden, ortasından, üstünden; öbür tarafında
    * * *
    1. boydan boya geç 2. i karşıdan karşıya
    * * *
    [ə'kros] 1. preposition
    1) (to the other side (of); from one side to the other side of: He took her across the road.) karşıdan karşıya
    2) (at the other side (of): The butcher's shop is across the street.) karşıda
    2. adverb
    (to the other side or to the speaker's side: He dived in off the river-bank and swam across.) karşıya

    English-Turkish dictionary > across

  • 14 bounce

    n. sıçrama, zıplama, sekme, yüksekten atma, canlılık, işten atma; kovma, övünme, palavra, martaval,
    v. zıplamak, sıçramak, fırlamak, sekmek, zıplatmak, sektirmek; kovmak, sepetlemek (Argo); işten çıkarmak; dalmak; girivermek
    * * *
    1. yansı (v.) 2. yansıma (n.) 3. zıpla (v.) 4. zıplama (n.)
    * * *
    1. verb
    1) (to (cause to) spring or jump back from a solid surface.) sıçra(t)mak, zıpla(t)mak
    2) ((of a cheque) to be sent back unpaid, because of lack of money in a bank account.) karşılıksız çıkmak
    2. noun
    1) ((of a ball etc) an act of springing back: With one bounce the ball went over the net.) zıplama, sıçrama
    2) (energy: She has a lot of bounce.) enerji, canlılık

    English-Turkish dictionary > bounce

  • 15 change

    n. değişiklik, değişim, demir para, yenilik, bozuk para, para üstü, üstü, borsa [brit.]
    v. değiştirmek, aktarmak, değişmek, takas etmek, değiş tokuş etmek, bozdurmak, bozmak, dönüşmek, haline gelmek, üzerini değişmek
    * * *
    1. değiş (v.) 2. değişiklik (n.) 3. değiştir (v.) 4. değişim (n.)
    * * *
    [ ein‹] 1. verb
    1) (to make or become different: They have changed the time of the train; He has changed since I saw him last.) değiş(tir)mek
    2) (to give or leave (one thing etc for another): She changed my library books for me.) değiştirmek
    3) ((sometimes with into) to remove (clothes etc) and replace them by clean or different ones: I'm just going to change (my shirt); I'll change into an old pair of trousers.) değiştirmek, üstüne giymek
    4) ((with into) to make into or become (something different): The prince was changed into a frog.) dönüş(tür)mek
    5) (to give or receive (one kind of money for another): Could you change this bank-note for cash?) değiştirmek
    2. noun
    1) (the process of becoming or making different: The town is undergoing change.) değişme, değişim
    2) (an instance of this: a change in the programme.) değişiklik
    3) (a substitution of one thing for another: a change of clothes.) değiştirme
    4) (coins rather than paper money: I'll have to give you a note - I have no change.) bozukluk
    5) (money left over or given back from the amount given in payment: He paid with a dollar and got 20 cents change.) para üstü
    6) (a holiday, rest etc: He has been ill - the change will do him good.) tatil, dinlenme
    - change hands
    - a change of heart
    - the change of life
    - change one's mind
    - for a change

    English-Turkish dictionary > change

  • 16 current account

    cari hesap
    * * *
    (an account with a bank from which money may be withdrawn by cheque.) cari hesap

    English-Turkish dictionary > current account

  • 17 draft

    n. müsvedde; çekiş, ödeme emri, para çekme, çekme, istismar; taslak, manga; askerlik; sıkıntı, rahatsızlık; hava akımı, cereyan
    v. tasarlamak, taslağını çizmek, planlamak; askere almak, görevlendirmek
    * * *
    1. taslak çiz (n.) 2. kabaca plan yap (v.) 3. taslak (n.)
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a rough sketch or outline of something, especially written: a rough draft of my speech.) taslak, müsvedde, tasarı
    2) (a group (of soldiers etc) taken from a larger group.) kura ile seçilenler, tertip
    3) (an order (to a bank etc) for the payment of money: a draft for $80.) havale, ödeme emri
    4) ((American) conscription: He emigrated to avoid the draft.) askere al(ın)ma
    2. verb
    1) (to make in the form of a rough plan: Could you draft a report on this?) taslak hazırlamak, müsvedde yapmak
    2) ((American) to conscript into the army etc: He was drafted into the Navy.) askere almak/çağırmak
    - draft dodger
    - draft evasion
    - draftsman

    English-Turkish dictionary > draft

  • 18 healthy

    adj. sağlıklı, sağlığa yarar, sağlığa yararlı, kuvvetli, yararlı, sağlam, büyük, önemli, demir gibi
    * * *
    * * *
    1) ((generally) having good health: I'm rarely ill - I'm really a very healthy person; My bank balance is healthier now than it used to be.) sağlıklı, sıhhatli
    2) (causing or helping to produce good health: a healthy climate.) sağlığa yararlı
    3) (resulting from good health: a healthy appetite.) sağlıklı, olumlu
    4) (showing a sensible concern for one's own well-being etc: He shows a healthy respect for the law.) yapıcı, iyi

    English-Turkish dictionary > healthy

  • 19 note

    n. işaret, belirti, not, nota, pusula, fatura, senet, kâğıt para, belge, dikkat, saygınlık
    v. not etmek, yazmak, işaretlemek, dikkat etmek, önem vermek, farketmek, notalarını yazmak, protesto etmek (senet), belirlemek (fiyat)
    * * *
    1. dikkat et (v.) 2. not (n.)
    * * *
    [nəut] 1. noun
    1) (a piece of writing to call attention to something: He left me a note about the meeting.) not, pusula
    2) ((in plural) ideas for a speech, details from a lecture etc written down in short form: The students took notes on the professor's lecture.) not
    3) (a written or mental record: Have you kept a note of his name?) not, kayıt
    4) (a short explanation: There is a note at the bottom of the page about that difficult word.) açıklama, not
    5) (a short letter: She wrote a note to her friend.) not, pusula
    6) ((American bill) a piece of paper used as money; a bank-note: a five-dollar note.) banknot, kâğıt para
    7) (a musical sound: The song ended on a high note.) perde, ses, ton
    8) (a written or printed symbol representing a musical note.) nota
    9) (an impression or feeling: The conference ended on a note of hope.) izlenim, belirti
    2. verb
    1) ((often with down) to write down: He noted (down) her telephone number in his diary.) not etmek, kaydetmek, yazmak
    2) (to notice; to be aware of: He noted a change in her behaviour.) farkına varmak, fark etmek, dikkat etmek
    - notability
    - notably
    - noted
    - notelet
    - notebook
    - notecase
    - notepaper
    - noteworthy
    - noteworthiness
    - take note of

    English-Turkish dictionary > note

  • 20 plan

    n. plan, proje, tasarı, niyet, taslak, kroki
    v. planlamak, tasarlamak, plan yapmak, planını çizmek
    * * *
    1. planla (v.) 2. plan (n.)
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (an idea of how to do something; a method of doing something: If everyone follows this plan, we will succeed; I have worked out a plan for making a lot of money.) plân
    2) (an intention or arrangement: My plan is to rob a bank and leave the country quickly; What are your plans for tomorrow?) plân, program
    3) (a drawing, diagram etc showing a building, town etc as if seen from above: These are the plans of/for our new house; a street-plan.) plân, proje
    2. verb
    1) ((sometimes with on) to intend (to do something): We are planning on going to Italy this year; We were planning to go last year but we hadn't enough money; They are planning a trip to Italy.) düşünmek, niyet etmek, plânlamak
    2) (to decide how something is to be done; to arrange (something): We are planning a party; We'll have to plan very carefully if we are to succeed.) yapmayı düşünmek, düzenlemek, plânlamak
    3) (to design (a building, town etc): This is the architect who planned the building.) plânlamak, plânını çizmek
    - planning
    - go according to plan
    - plan ahead

    English-Turkish dictionary > plan

См. также в других словарях:

  • Bank of England — Bank of England …   Wikipedia

  • Bank fraud — is the use of fraudulent means to obtain money, assets, or other property owned or held by a financial institution. In many instances, bank fraud is a criminal offense. While the specific elements of a particular banking fraud law vary between… …   Wikipedia

  • Bank of America controversies — Bank of America has been involved in several controversies and received a wide variety of public criticism. This page details some of the more notable and public issues.Criticism of policiesAccount closures without warningWhen opening a deposit… …   Wikipedia

  • Bank Street (Ottawa) — Bank Street near the intersection with Laurier Avenue in downtown Ottawa …   Wikipedia

  • Bank of the United States — Bank chartered in 1791 by the U.S. Congress. It was conceived by Alexander Hamilton to pay off the country s debts from the American Revolution and to provide a stable currency. Its establishment, opposed by Thomas Jefferson, was marked by… …   Universalium

  • Bank fishing — is fishing from river banks and shorelines. People typically do this by casting fishing bait or lures into the water in an attempt to catch fish. Bank fishing is usually performed with a rod and reel but nets, traps, and spears can also be used.… …   Wikipedia

  • Bank of Central African States — Banque des États de l Afrique Centrale (BEAC) (French) Headquarters Yaoundé, Cameroon Established 1972 President Lucas Abaga Nchama[1] Central bank of …   Wikipedia

  • Bank of New England — Corporation Former type Corporation Industry Banking Fate Bankruptcy liquidation P …   Wikipedia

  • Bank regulation in the United States — is highly fragmented compared to other G10 countries where most countries have only one bank regulator. In the U.S., banking is regulated at both the federal and state level. Depending on a banking organization s charter type and organizational… …   Wikipedia

  • Bank reconciliation — is the process of matching and comparing figures from accounting records against those presented on a bank statement. Less any items which have no relation to the bank statement, the balance of the accounting ledger should reconcile (match) to… …   Wikipedia

  • Bank switching — (also known as paging , but only loosely related to the ordinary meaning of paging in computing) was a technique common in 8 bit microcomputer systems, to increase the amount of addressable RAM and ROM without extending the address bus. Bank… …   Wikipedia

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