abbreviation = academic.ru/4555/automated_teller_machine">automated teller machine* * *[,ei ti: 'em]((American) (abbreviation) Automated Teller Machine; a machine, usually outside a bank, from which people can get money with their credit cards or bank cards.)* * *[ˌeɪti:ˈem]auto·mat·ed ˈtell·er ma·chine, ATMn Geldautomat m, Bankomat m SCHWEIZ, ÖSTERR* * *abbr See: of automated telling or teller machine* * *ATM abk* * * -
2 cash machine
nounGeldautomat, der* * *noun ((also cash dispenser, cashpoint; American ATM) a machine, usually outside a bank, from which people can get money with their credit cards or bank cards.)* * *ˈcash ma·chine* * *n (esp US)Geldautomat m* * ** * *nounGeldautomat, der
См. также в других словарях:
credit cards — are increasingly used instead of cash or cheques to pay for goods and services. When the cardholder is present, e.g. in a shop, the card is swiped and a bill is printed. The cardholder has to sign the bill or key their PIN (personal… … Universalium
Credit card — Personal finance Credit and debt Pawnbroker Student loan Employment contract Salary Wage Empl … Wikipedia
Credit score — A credit score is a numerical expression based on a statistical analysis of a person s credit files, to represent the creditworthiness of that person. A credit score is primarily based on credit report information typically sourced from credit… … Wikipedia
Credit history — This article deals with the general concept of the term credit history. For detailed information about the same topic in the United States, see Credit score (United States). Credit history or credit report is, in many countries, a record of an… … Wikipedia
money — moneyless, adj. /mun ee/, n., pl. moneys, monies, adj. n. 1. any circulating medium of exchange, including coins, paper money, and demand deposits. 2. See paper money. 3. gold, silver, or other metal in pieces of convenient form stamped by public … Universalium
Credit card interest — Finance Financial markets Bond market … Wikipedia
Credit card fraud — Personal finance Credit and debt Pawnbroker Student loan Employment contract Salary Wage Empl … Wikipedia
money — currency and coin that are guaranteed as legal tender by the government, a regulatory agency or bank. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary at the money out of the money in the money NYSE Euronext Glossary * * * money mon‧ey [ˈmʌni] noun … Financial and business terms
Credit score (United States) — A credit score in the United States is a number representing the creditworthiness of a person, the likelihood that person will pay his or her debts. Lenders, such as banks and credit card companies, use credit scores to evaluate the potential… … Wikipedia
credit card — noun a card (usually plastic) that assures a seller that the person using it has a satisfactory credit rating and that the issuer will see to it that the seller receives payment for the merchandise delivered do you take plastic? • Syn: ↑charge… … Useful english dictionary
Money order — postal money order: Duchy of Brunswick, 1867 A money order is a payment order for a pre specified amount of money. Because it is required that the funds be prepaid for the amount shown on it, it is a more trusted method of payment than a personal … Wikipedia