Перевод: со всех языков на русский

с русского на все языки


  • 41 horse

    лошадь, конь
    - riding horse
    - black horse
    - saddle horse
    - frisky horse
    - cart horse
    - Shire horse
    - thoroughbred horse
    - wild horse
    - horse and a foal
    - horse in a stable
    - break a horse
    - breed, raise horses
    - curry a horse
    - fall off a horse
    - hobble a horse
    - lead a horse by the bridle
    - keep horses
    - ride a horse
    - ride a horse bareskin
    - mount on the horse
    - dismoumt off the horse
    - hamess a horse
    - harness a horse to a sleigh
    - feed horses
    - give fodder to horses
    - rein in the horse
    - give the horse reins
    - graze horses
    - play the horses
    - shoe a horse
    - crop the tail of a horse
    - put the horse into the stable
    - put the horse on the haunches
    - start the horse at a walk
    - spur the horse
    - manage a horse
    - groom horses
    - scrub the horse
    - take horse
    - horse runs
    - horse reared
    - horses graze
    - horses neigh
    - dark horse
    - don't look a gift horse in the mouth
    - change horses while crossing the stream.
    - you can take a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink
    - Trojan horse

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > horse

  • 42 (a) playful cat

    a playful (fluffy/furry, lively, frisky, docile, cunning/sly) cat игривая (пушистая, резвая, смирная, хитрая) кошка

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (a) playful cat

  • 43 antic

    1. n гримасы, ужимки; шутовство; кривлянье

    to play antics — кривляться, выкидывать номера

    2. n арх. скоморох, фигляр
    3. a кривляющийся, паясничающий; абсурдный, нелепый
    4. a резвящийся
    5. a арх. гротескный, шутовской
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. bizarre (adj.) bizarre; fantastic; far-fetched; freakish; grotesque; peculiar; queer; strange
    2. comic (adj.) comic; farcical; ludicrous
    3. playful (adj.) coltish; elvish; frisky; frolicsome; gamesome; impish; kittenish; larkish; mischievous; pixie; pixieish; pixilated; playful; prankful; prankish; pranky; puckish; roguish; rollicking; sportive; sprightly; waggish; whimsical; wicked
    4. antics (noun) antics; jokes; mischief; pranks; tricks
    5. prank (noun) caper; didoes; frolic; joke; lark; play; prank; shenanigan; tomfoolery; trick; wheeze
    Антонимический ряд:
    serious; solemn

    English-Russian base dictionary > antic

  • 44 chipper

    1. n рубщик
    2. n каменотёс
    3. n дровосек
    4. n рубило
    5. a амер. бодрый, живой
    6. v чирикать, щебетать
    7. v щебетать; лепетать; болтать
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. dashing (adj.) buoyant; dashing; free and easy; frisky; jaunty; jolly; nonchalant; rakish
    2. lively (adj.) alert; animate; animated; bouncy; bright; cheerful; energetic; gay; keen; lively; peppy; pert; rousing; spirited; sprightful; sprightly; unpedantic; vivacious
    3. neat (adj.) neat; orderly; prim; shipshape; snug; spick-and-span; tidy; trig; trim; uncluttered; well-groomed
    4. chirp (verb) cheep; chip; chirp; chirrup; clutter; peep; tweedle; tweet; twitter
    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > chipper

  • 45 coltish

    a жеребячий, игривый, весёлый, шумный
    Синонимический ряд:
    playful (adj.) antic; elvish; frisky; frolicsome; gamesome; impish; kittenish; larkish; mischievous; pixie; pixieish; pixilated; playful; prankful; prankish; pranky; puckish; roguish; sportive; waggish; wicked

    English-Russian base dictionary > coltish

  • 46 cutesy

    a разг. претендующий на оригинальность, остроумие; жеманный; кокетливый
    Синонимический ряд:
    playful (adj.) childlike; coquettish; cute; flirtatious; frisky; frolicsome; kittenish; mischievous; playful

    English-Russian base dictionary > cutesy

  • 47 frolicsome

    a поэт. игривый, резвый
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. cheerful (adj.) cheerful; convivial; gay; good-humored; good-humoured; happy; jovial; joyful; joyous; lighthearted
    2. playful (adj.) antic; coltish; elvish; frisky; gamesome; impish; kittenish; larkish; mischievous; pixie; pixieish; pixilated; playful; prankful; prankish; pranky; puckish; roguish; rollicking; sportive; sprightly; waggish; wicked

    English-Russian base dictionary > frolicsome

  • 48 gamesome

    a игривый; весёлый
    Синонимический ряд:
    playful (adj.) antic; coltish; elvish; frisky; frolicsome; impish; kittenish; larkish; mischievous; pixie; pixieish; pixilated; playful; prankful; prankish; pranky; puckish; roguish; sportive; waggish; wicked

    English-Russian base dictionary > gamesome

  • 49 impish

    a проказливый, озорной
    Синонимический ряд:
    playful (adj.) antic; charming; coltish; elfish; elvish; fiendish; frisky; frolicsome; gamesome; jaunty; kittenish; larkish; mischievous; naughty; pixie; pixieish; pixilated; playful; prankful; prankish; pranky; puckish; roguish; sportive; waggish; wicked

    English-Russian base dictionary > impish

  • 50 jaunty

    1. a живой, весёлый; бойкий
    2. a беспечный; лихой
    3. a щегольской
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. airy (adj.) airy; breezy
    2. buoyant (adj.) buoyant; carefree; debonair; high-spirited; jovial; lighthearted
    3. dapper (adj.) dapper; sporty; spruce
    4. dashing (adj.) bouncy; chipper; dashing; free and easy; frisky; jolly; nonchalant; rakish
    5. virile (adj.) athletic; clean-cut; handsome; robust; slick; virile
    Антонимический ряд:
    dignified; sober

    English-Russian base dictionary > jaunty

  • 51 kitten

    1. n котёнок
    2. v котиться
    3. v кокетничать; строить из себя скромницу
    Синонимический ряд:
    baby cat (noun) baby cat; baby cougar; baby leopard; baby lion; baby tiger; kit; kitty; newborn feline; young cat

    English-Russian base dictionary > kitten

  • 52 kittenish

    a игривый, шаловливый, резвый
    Синонимический ряд:
    playful (adj.) childlike; coquettish; cute; cutesy; flirtatious; frisky; frolicsome; mischievous; playful

    English-Russian base dictionary > kittenish

  • 53 Kitty

    1. n Китти
    2. n котёнок, киса, кисонька
    3. n карт. пулька; банк
    4. n цель
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. baby cat (noun) baby cat; baby cougar; baby leopard; baby lion; baby tiger; kit; kitten; newborn feline; young cat
    2. pot (noun) jackpot; pool; pot

    English-Russian base dictionary > Kitty

  • 54 mischievous

    1. a вредный
    2. a озорной, шаловливый

    mischievous tricks — озорные проделки, озорство

    3. a редк. злонамеренный, злобный
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. harmful (adj.) damaging; deleterious; detrimental; evil; harmful; hurtful; ill; injurious; nocent; nocuous; prejudicial; prejudicious
    2. naughty (adj.) bad; devilish; disobedient; ill-behaved; impish; misbehaving; naughty; paw; prankish; roguish; sly; waggish
    3. playful (adj.) antic; coltish; elvish; frisky; frolicsome; gamesome; kittenish; larkish; pixie; pixieish; pixilated; playful; prankful; pranky; puckish; sportive; wicked
    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > mischievous

  • 55 pixie

    Синонимический ряд:
    1. playful (adj.) antic; coltish; elvish; frisky; frolicsome; gamesome; impish; kittenish; larkish; mischievous; pixieish; pixilated; playful; prankful; prankish; pranky; puckish; roguish; sportive; waggish; wicked
    2. fairy (noun) brownie; elf; fairy; fay; goblin; imp; leprechaun; nisse; nix; nixie; spirit
    3. scamp (noun) devil; enfant terrible; limb; mischief; rapscallion; rascal; ribald; rogue; scalawag; scamp; skeezicks; slyboots; villain
    4. tree nymph (noun) dryad; goddess; nymph; sprite; tree nymph

    English-Russian base dictionary > pixie

  • 56 playful

    a игривый, шаловливый; весёлый, шутливый
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. antic (adj.) antic; coltish; elvish; frisky; frolicsome; fun-loving; gamesome; happy; hyperactive; impish; kittenish; larkish; merry; mischievous; pixie; pixieish; pixilated; prankful; prankish; pranky; puckish; roguish; rollicking; sportive; sprightly; waggish; wicked
    2. humorous (adj.) amusing; comical; droll; funny; humorous; jocose; jocund; whimsical
    Антонимический ряд:
    listless; morose; sedate; somber; sullen

    English-Russian base dictionary > playful

  • 57 prankish

    1. a проказливый; шаловливый, озорной
    2. a шутливый
    3. a капризный
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. mischievous (adj.) capricious; full of mischief; fun-loving; high-spirited; impish; mischievous; naughty; teasing
    2. playful (adj.) antic; coltish; elvish; frisky; frolicsome; gamesome; kittenish; larkish; pixie; pixieish; pixilated; playful; prankful; pranky; puckish; roguish; sportive; waggish; wicked

    English-Russian base dictionary > prankish

  • 58 puckish

    1. a проказливый, шаловливый, плутовской
    2. a злой
    Синонимический ряд:
    playful (adj.) antic; arch; coltish; elfin; elvish; frisky; frolicsome; gamesome; impish; kittenish; larkish; mischievous; naughty; pixie; pixieish; pixilated; pixyish; playful; prankful; prankish; pranky; roguish; sportive; waggish; wicked

    English-Russian base dictionary > puckish

  • 59 roguish

    1. a жуликоватый; плутоватый
    2. a шутл. проказливый, шаловливый
    3. a с. -х. несортовой, инородный
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. coy (adj.) arch; coquettish; coy
    2. dishonest (adj.) base; dastardly; deceitful; dishonest; dishonorable; dishonourable; knavish; low; lying; mendacious; reprobate; shifty; unethical; unhonest; unscrupulous; untruthful
    3. playful (adj.) antic; coltish; elvish; frisky; frolicsome; gamesome; impish; kittenish; larkish; mischievous; pixie; pixieish; pixilated; playful; prankful; prankish; pranky; puckish; sportive; waggish; wicked

    English-Russian base dictionary > roguish

  • 60 rollicking

    1. a беззаботный, бесшабашный
    2. a разухабистый; шумливый
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. exhilarated (adj.) ecstatic; exhilarated; happy; intoxicated; overjoyed; rapt; vivacious
    2. playful (adj.) antic; frisky; frolicsome; gleeful; jaunty; jovial; lively; merry; playful; sprightly
    3. dancing (verb) capering; cavorting; dancing; frisking; frolicking; gamboling or gambolling; prancing; romping
    4. wallowing (verb) basking; indulging; luxuriating; reveling or revelling; rolling; wallowing; weltering

    English-Russian base dictionary > rollicking

См. также в других словарях:

  • Frisky — «Frisky» …   Википедия

  • Frisky — war eine britische Automarke. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Unternehmensgeschichte …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Frisky — Frisk y, a. Inclined to frisk; frolicsome; gay. [1913 Webster] He is too frisky for an old man. Jeffrey. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • frisky — index jocular Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • frisky — c.1500, from FRISK (Cf. frisk) lively + Y (Cf. y) (2). Related: Friskiness …   Etymology dictionary

  • frisky — [adj] full of spirit active, antic, bouncy, coltish*, dashing, feeling one’s oats*, frolicsome, full of beans*, gamesome, high spirited, in high spirits*, jumpy, kittenish*, larkish, lively, peppy, playful, prankish, rollicking, romping, spirited …   New thesaurus

  • frisky — ► ADJECTIVE (friskier, friskiest) ▪ playful and full of energy …   English terms dictionary

  • frisky — [fris′kē] adj. friskier, friskiest inclined to frisk about; lively; playful; frolicsome; merry friskily adv. friskiness n …   English World dictionary

  • frisky — adjective (friskier; est) Date: circa 1500 inclined to frisk ; playful < frisky puppies >; also lively < a frisky performance > • friskily adverb • friskiness noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • frisky — [[t]frɪ̱ski[/t]] friskier, friskiest ADJ GRADED A frisky animal or person is energetic and playful, and may be difficult to control. His horse was feeling frisky, and he had to hold the reins tightly. Syn: spirited …   English dictionary

  • frisky — adjective full of energy, fun, and cheerfulness: a frisky colt | He s still frisky, even at eighty years old! friskily adverb friskiness noun (U) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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