1 fresh grid
Картография: сетка новой системы координат -
2 fresh grid
3 convert a target to a fresh grid
Военный термин: определять координаты цели в новой системеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > convert a target to a fresh grid
4 convert a target to a fresh grid
English-Russian arms dictionary > convert a target to a fresh grid
1) Медицина: Fresh Reservoir Oxy Generator2) Военный термин: free rocket over ground3) Техника: Flow Reduced Orifice Gauge4) Шутливое выражение: Fast Road Of Glass, Four Really Old Guys, Front and Rear On Ground5) Химия: Fresh Reservoir Oxygen Generator6) Религия: Faith Relies On God, Faithfully Relying On God, Firmly Rely On God, For Righteousness Of God, Forever Rely On God, Forever Relying On God, Fully Reliant On God, Fully Rely On God, Fully Relying On God7) Сокращение: Free-Rocket-Over-Ground8) Университет: Find Reflect Organize And Generate9) Физиология: Female10) Электроника: Frequency Regulation Of Generator, Frequency Resolved Optical Gating11) Транспорт: Flies Right Off The Ground12) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: transport carrier13) Образование: Facilitated Reading For Optimum Growth, Facilitating Reading For Optimum Growth, Fluent Reading Our Goal, Fully Responsible Organized And Growing14) Автоматика: free ranging on grid15) НАСДАК: LeapFrog Smart16) Чат: Furnaced Room Over Garage -
6 frog
1) Медицина: Fresh Reservoir Oxy Generator2) Военный термин: free rocket over ground3) Техника: Flow Reduced Orifice Gauge4) Шутливое выражение: Fast Road Of Glass, Four Really Old Guys, Front and Rear On Ground5) Химия: Fresh Reservoir Oxygen Generator6) Религия: Faith Relies On God, Faithfully Relying On God, Firmly Rely On God, For Righteousness Of God, Forever Rely On God, Forever Relying On God, Fully Reliant On God, Fully Rely On God, Fully Relying On God7) Сокращение: Free-Rocket-Over-Ground8) Университет: Find Reflect Organize And Generate9) Физиология: Female10) Электроника: Frequency Regulation Of Generator, Frequency Resolved Optical Gating11) Транспорт: Flies Right Off The Ground12) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: transport carrier13) Образование: Facilitated Reading For Optimum Growth, Facilitating Reading For Optimum Growth, Fluent Reading Our Goal, Fully Responsible Organized And Growing14) Автоматика: free ranging on grid15) НАСДАК: LeapFrog Smart16) Чат: Furnaced Room Over Garage -
7 water
1) вода
2) водовозный
3) водоналивный
4) водоперепускный
5) водоподпорный
6) водопонижающий
7) водоприемный
8) водоуказательный
9) водоумягчающий
10) водоумягчительный
11) водяной
12) муарировать
13) споить
14) ватерный
15) водный
16) гидравлический
17) мочить
18) смачивать
– abrasive water
– acidic water
– activated water
– adsorbed water
– adsorption water
– aerated water
– aggressive water
– alkaline water
– ammonia water
– bath water
– bilge water
– boiler water
– bound water
– capillary water
– chemistry of water
– chlorinated water
– circulating water
– clarified water
– clarify water
– condition water
– crystal water
– deaerated water
– demineralized water
– deposit water
– depth water
– desalinate water
– desalinated water
– desalted water
– disinfection of water
– drain water
– drainage water
– edge water
– elevation of water
– entrapped water
– feed water
– film water
– free water
– hardness of water
– head water
– heating-system water
– heavy water
– high water
– hydration water
– impounded water
– industrial water
– infiltration water
– inject water
– interstitial water
– lay a cable in water
– light water
– lime water
– low water
– low water level
– low water line
– make-up water
– meteoric water
– millimeter of water
– mine water
– mineral water
– mineralized water
– natural water
– polluted water
– potable water
– power water
– pressure water
– process water
– pump out the water
– pure water
– purified water
– reclaimed water
– return water
– rinsing water
– running water
– seepage water
– settle water
– settling-vat water
– shield water
– ship by water
– shrinkage water
– soften water
– softened water
– soil water
– stagnant water
– steeping water
– storm water
– stratal water
– sulphate water
– superheated water
– surface water
– sweet water
– tail water
– tap water
– thermal water
– travel by water
– twice-distilled water
– underground water
– upstream water
– void water
– vulcanization in hot water
– waste water
– water absorbing
– water amelioration
– water area
– water balance
– water ballast
– water barge
– water bath
– water blancher
– water cadastre
– water carrier
– water chlorination
– water circulation
– water circulator
– water clarification
– water classifying
– water collection
– water column
– water concentration
– water conduit
– water conservation
– water cooler
– water cooling
– water deluting
– water discharge
– water disharge
– water displacing
– water droplet
– water equivalent
– water flow
– water gas
– water glass
– water hammer
– water hardening
– water heating
– water hose
– water ice
– water injection
– water intake
– water jacket
– water jet
– water landing
– water line
– water main
– water mass
– water of constitution
– water of plasticity
– water paint
– water permeable
– water pipe
– water preparation
– water pump
– water pumping
– water purification
– water receiving
– water regime
– water reservoir-cooler
– water scoop
– water seal
– water shutoff
– water side
– water softener
– water softening
– water sprays
– water suit
– water surface
– water tank
– water treatment
– water turbine
– water use rate
– water wall
– wet water meter
domestic hot water converter — абонентский водоподогреватель
high water level — <geol.> горизонт высоких вод
interstitial bottom water — <energ.> вода пластовая
snow water on ice — <geogr.> лед со снежинцами
water supply well — <energ.> скважина водозаборная
8 fish
1) рыба; pl рыбы ( Pisces)2) ловить рыбу3) ловить что-л. в воде•- African tiger fish
- alligator fishes
- American leaf fish
- anomalopid fish
- baby fishes
- Baikal fishes
- bait fish
- banana fish
- banded parrot fish
- barrel fishes
- bathypelagic fish
- berycoid fish
- bigmouth buffalo fish
- black scabbard fish
- black-spottet parrot fish
- blanket fish
- blow-gun fish
- blue-bottle fish
- bony fishes
- bottom-dwelling fish
- brood fishes
- brown fish
- buffalo fishes
- butterfly fish
- cardinal fish
- carp-like fishes
- cartilaginous fishes
- Chinaman fish
- climbing fish
- coarse fish
- combsail velvet fish
- commercial fish
- common pony fish
- concertina fish
- congrogadid fishes
- convict fish
- coral fishes
- crazy fish
- crocodile fishes
- cutlass fish
- cyprinid fishes
- daggertooth fish
- deepsea bigscale fishes
- deepsea fish
- deepwater scorpion fish
- diadromous fish
- dingo fish
- dollar fish
- downstream-migrant fish
- egg-laying fish
- elasmobranch fishes
- electric fishes
- elephant fishes
- elephant-snouted fish
- epaulet fish
- epaulette fish
- fan fish
- fangtooth fish
- feeler fish
- fighting fish
- flag-tailed surgeon fish
- flash-light fishes
- fluvial anadromous fish
- flying fishes
- forceps fish
- four-eyed fish
- fresh-water fish
- full fish
- full-grown fish
- gempylid fishes
- girdled parrot fish
- glassy fishes
- go-home fishes
- grid-eye fishes
- ground fish
- half-moon fishes
- handsaw fishes
- hard-roed fish
- harvest fish
- headlight fish
- hillstream fishes
- humphead fish
- immature fish
- jackass fish
- jackknife fish
- javelin fish
- knight fish
- lancet fishes
- lantern fishes
- lantern-eyed fishes
- larva-like fishs
- leaf fishes
- least mosquito fish
- leopard fish
- little velvet fishes
- live-bearing fish
- lizard fishes
- long-nosed butterfly fish
- loose fish
- luminous fishes
- mandarin fish
- man-of-war fish
- marble fish
- margate fish
- mature fish
- migratory fish
- morid fishes
- mosquito fish
- mullet-like fishes
- multiple spawning fish
- nomeid fishes
- nototheniid fishes
- nuisance fish
- opah-like fishes
- orbicular velvet fishes
- ordinary fish
- paradise fish
- parrot fish
- pearl-eyed fish
- pediculate fishes
- pelagic fish
- penguin fish
- pennant fish
- perch-like fishes
- physoclistic fish
- physostomous fish
- piked dog fish
- pilot fish
- pineapple fishes
- pinecone fishes
- poison fish
- pony fish
- porcupine fish
- porthole fish
- rainbow fishes
- rattail fish
- razor fish
- red Indian fish
- redmouthed buffalo fish
- resident fish
- royal fish
- sabertooth fishes
- sailfin flying fish
- salmon fishes
- salt-water fish
- Samson fish
- sandpaper fishes
- sargassum fish
- sawtail fishes
- scabbard fish
- scarlet parrot fish
- schooling fishes
- scorpion fish
- semi-anadromous fish
- senator fish
- sergeant fish
- serrivomerid fishes
- sickle fish
- singing fish
- smallmouth buffalo fish
- small-winged flying fish
- soft-finned fishes
- spent fish
- spineless jugular fishes
- spiny-finned fishes
- stunted fish
- sucking fishes
- surf fish
- surgeon fish
- sword fish
- tapir fishes
- telescope fishes
- thread-sail fishes
- tiger fish
- tiny fishes
- toadfish-like fishes
- tongue fish
- toothed pony fish
- trash fish
- trichonotid fishes
- trumpet fish
- turkey fish
- unicorn fishes
- velvet fish
- walking fish
- weasel fish
- weever fish
- white fish
- young fishes
- zebra fish
- zoarcid fishes* * *• ловить (что-л.) в воде• рыба• рыбы -
9 fish
alligator fishes агоновые, агониды, морские лисички, Agonidaebaby fishes мальки, молодьbanded parrot fish псевдолабрус, Pseudolabrusbathypelagic fish батипелагическая рыба, глубоководная рыбаbigmouth buffalo fish буйвол-рыба Ictiobus cyprinellusblow-gun fishes брызгуновые, Toxotidaebottom-dwelling fish придонная рыбаbrood fishes рыбы-производителиbuffalo fishes чукучановые, Catostomidaecardinal fishes апогоновые, кардиналки, кардиналковые, Apogonidaecartilaginous fishes хрящевые рыбы, Chondrichthyesclimbing fish рыба-ползун, Anabasconcertina fish пятнистая дрепана, Drepane punctataconvict fish архосаргус Archosargus probatocephaluscoral fishes щетинозубые, Chaetodontidaecrazy fish помолоб Pomolobus pseudoharenguscrocodile fishes перистедиевые, Peristediidaecutlass fish рыба-сабля, Trichiurusdiadromous fish проходные рыбыdingo fish барракуда Sphyraena obtusataegg-laying fish икромечущая рыбаelasmobranch fishes пластинчатожаберные рыбы, Elasmobranchiielephant fishes химеровые, Chimaeridaeelephant snout fish слонорыл, Mormyrus kannumeepaulet(te) fish астралийская синетелка, Glaucosoma scapularefan fish птераклис Pteraclis veliferafeeler fish батиптер Bathypterois longifilisfighting fish бойцовая рыбка, Betta splendensfluvial anadromous fish полупроходная рыбаflying fishes летучие рыбы, Exocoetidaefour-eyed fishes четырёхглазковые, Anablepidaefresh-water fish пресноводная рыба, речная рыбаfull fish икряная рыба; рыба с молокамиfull-grown fish взрослая рыбаgilt-garter fish гадроптерус Hadropterus evidesgirdled parrot fish псевдолабрус, Pseudolabrusgo-home fishes спаровые, морские караси, Sparidaegolbin fish морской ёрш Glyptauchen panduratusgrid-eye fishes батиптеровые, Bathypteroidaeground fish придонная рыбаhalf-moon fishes скопидовые, полулунниковые, Scorpidaehandsaw fishes алепизавровые, пилозубые, Alepisauridaehard-roed fish икряная рыба; рыба с молокамиheadlight fish диаф, DiaphusHillstream fishes плоскопёрые, Homalopteridaeimmature fish неполовозрелая рыбаjackass fish дактилоспарус Dactylosparus macropterusjackknife fish горбыль Equetus lanceolatusjavelin fish пятнистый ворчун, Pomadasys hastaknight fish рыба-рыцарь, шишечник, Monocentruslancet fishes светящиеся анчоусы, Myctophidaelantern eye fishes фонареглазые, Anomalopidaeleast mosquito fish гетерандрия Heterandria formosaleopard fish пятнистая зубатка, Anarhichas minorlive-bearing fish живородящая рыбаlizard fishes ящероголовые, SynodontidaeLongley lizard fish заурида, Sauridaloose fish отнерестившаяся рыбаmail-cheeked fish хоплихтис Hochplichthys gilbertimarble fish дактилосаргус, Dactylosargusmargate fish половозрелая рыбаmigratory fish проходная рыбыmosquito fish гамбузия, Gambusia affinisNair fish латес Latec calcariferparrot fishes скаровые, рыбы-попугаи, Scaridaepelagic fish пелагическая рыбаpenguin fish (тайерия) обликва, Thayeria obliquapennant fish трахинотус, Trachinotus carolinuspiked dog fish колючая акула, Acanthias vulgarispilot fish 1. рыба-лоцман, Naucrates ductor ; 2. валёк (Prosopium cylindraceus) ; 3. pl чоповые, Kyphosidaepineapple fish клейдопус Cleidopus neozelandicuspinecone fishes рыбы-шишки, шишечниковые, Monocentridaepoison fish ядовитая рыбаporcupine fishes двузубые, ежи-рыбы, Diodontidaeporthole fish скумбрия, Scombroides talaraft fish хоплокорифис ( Hoplocoryphis)rainbow fishes губановые, Labridaerazor fish 1. ксирихтис, Xyrichthys ; 2. двустворчатый моллюск Ensis directus ; 3. pl ножебрюшковые, кривохвостые, кривохвостки, Centriscidaered Indian fish патекус Pataecus prontored mouthed buffalo fish буйвол-рыба Ictiobus cyprinellussabertooth fishes эверманнелловые ( Evermannellidae)salt-water fish морская рыбаSamson fish сериола, желтохвост, Seriolasandpaper fishes курковые, кожистые спинороги, Aluteridaescabbard fish лепидопус, Lepidopusscarlet parrot fish псевдолабрус, Pseudolabrusschooling fishes стайные рыбыsergeant fishes кобиевые, чёрные рыбы, нигритовые, Rorichthyssickle fish пятнистая дрепана, Drepane punctatasinging fish рыба-мичман, поющая рыба, Porichthyssmallmouth buffalo fish буйвол-рыба, Ictiobusspent fish отнерестившаяся рыбаsurf fish 1. морская малоротая корюшка (Hypomesus pretiosus) ; 2. pl эмбиотоковые, дитремовые, живородковые, Embiotocidaetiny fishes мальки, молодьtrumpet fish 1. морской бекас, Macrorhamphosus scolopax ; 2. флейторыл, рыба-труба, Aulostomus maculatusturkey fish полосатая крылатка, рыба-зебра, Pterois volitansunicorn fishes хирурговые, Acanthuridaevelvet fish 1. морской ёрш Aploactis milesii ; 2. pl вельветовые, Caracanthidae ; 2. патэковые, австралийские вельветки, Pataecidaewalking fish рыба-ползунт, Anabas testidinersyoung fishes мальки, молодьzebra fish 1. перцина Percina caprodes ; 2. полосатый данио, Percina caprodes ; 2. полосатый данио, Brachydanio rerioEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > fish
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