1 freight rate
2 freight rate
трансп. грузовой тариф, фрахтовая ставка (тариф, взимаемый за перевозку груза и обычно устанавливаемый в зависимости от веса груза или грузоподъемности транспортного средства)See:* * ** * *. цена морской перевозки единицы груза. Размер Ф.с. зависит от характера груза, условий рейса и конъюнктуры фрахтового рынка. . Словарь экономических терминов 1 . -
3 freight rate
транспортный тариф; плата за перевозку; грузовой тариф; фрахтовые ставки -
4 freight rate
n (AmE) (cf goods rate BrE )PACK, PETR TECH tarifa de la carga f, tarifa del flete f, tipo del flete m -
5 freight rate
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > freight rate
6 freight rate
фрахтовая ставка ; транспортный тариф ; плата за перевозку ; -
7 freight rate
фрахтовая ставка,транспортный тариф плата за перевозку -
8 freight rate
9 freight rate
1) Общая лексика: грузовой тариф, плата за перевозку, транспортный тариф2) Экономика: фрахтовая ставка3) Горное дело: стоимость транспортировки4) Нефть: грузовой тариф (танкерной перевозки нефти)5) Деловая лексика: ставка фрахта, фрахтовые ставки -
10 freight rate
11 freight rate
12 freight rate
13 freight rate
14 freight rate
tarif tambang -
15 freight rate
n. nakliye ücreti -
16 freight rate
n. nakliye ücreti -
17 Freight rate
أسعار الشحن -
18 freight rate
x. 운임률 -
19 freight rate
20 freight rate
См. также в других словарях:
freight rate — noun the charge for transporting something by common carrier we pay the freight the freight rate is usually cheaper • Syn: ↑freight, ↑freightage • Derivationally related forms: ↑freight (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Freight rate — A freight rate is a price at which a certain cargo/freight is delivered from one point to another. The price depends on the form of the cargo, the mode of transport (truck, ship, aircraft), the weight of the cargo, and the distance to the… … Wikipedia
freight rate — The rate according to which a carrier is compensated for the transportation of goods, merchandise, and other property. 13 Am J2d Car §§ 105 et seq. Not necessarily the rate for transportation by railroad, the term being applicable as well to the… … Ballentine's law dictionary
freight rate — The transportation charge for goods carried based on number of pieces carried, or the weight, or the mileage, or the value of the goods, or a combination thereof … Black's law dictionary
freight rate — The transportation charge for goods carried based on number of pieces carried, or the weight, or the mileage, or the value of the goods, or a combination thereof … Black's law dictionary
Freight company — Freight companies are companies that specialise in the moving (or forwarding ) of freight, or cargo, from one place to another. These companies are divided into several variant sections. For example, international freight forwarders ship goods… … Wikipedia
Freight derivative — Freight derivatives, which includes Forward Freight Agreement (FFA) and options based on these, are financial instruments for trading in future levels of freight rates, for dry bulk carriers and tankers. These instruments are settled against… … Wikipedia
Freight payment service — Freight Payment ServiceThe freight payment industry was actually formed by a series of Banks when the transportation marketplace was heavily regulated. Motor carrier bills had to be paid within 7 days and rail bills needed to be paid within 5… … Wikipedia
Freight interline system — The freight interline system is a system of relations between trucking companies, rail, and airline networks. Interline freight is cargo that moves between different transportation companies on its journey from origin to consignee. An interline… … Wikipedia
rate — Proportional or relative value, measure, or degree. The proportion or standard by which quantity or .value is adjusted. Thus, the rate of interest is the proportion or ratio between the principal and interest; the buildings in a town are rated… … Black's law dictionary
freight — The price or compensation paid for the transportation of goods by a carrier. Name also applied to goods transported by such carriers. See also freight rate. @ dead freight Money payable by a person who has chartered a ship and only partly loaded… … Black's law dictionary