1 free enterprise system
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > free enterprise system
2 free enterprise system
Politics english-russian dictionary > free enterprise system
Англо-русский экономический словарь > FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM
4 free enterprise system
система свободного предпринимательства, традиционный капитализмАнгло-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > free enterprise system
5 free enterprise system
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > free enterprise system
6 free enterprise system
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > free enterprise system
7 defender of the free enterprise system
Дипломатический термин: защитник системы свободного предпринимательстваУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > defender of the free enterprise system
8 sell the free-enterprise system
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > sell the free-enterprise system
9 defender of the free enterprise system
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь > defender of the free enterprise system
10 defender of the free enterprise system
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > defender of the free enterprise system
11 to sell the free-enterprise system
пропагандировать / рекламировать систему свободного предпринимательстваEnglish-russian dctionary of diplomacy > to sell the free-enterprise system
12 free enterprise
эк. свободное предпринимательствоSyn:
* * *
свободное (частное) предпринимательство: экономическая система, основанная на свободной конкуренции частных предпринимателей и свободе спроса и предложения; предприниматели принимают на себя риск в надежде на получение прибыли; роль государства в основном сводится к защите индивидуальных прав граждан;= free market system; private enterprise.* * ** * *. широкий диапазон форм производственно-хозяйственной деятельности партнеров двух или большего числа стран, направленной деятельности партнеров двух или большего числа стран, направленной на развитие производственной и сервисной кооперации, науки и НИОКР, научного обслуживания и маркетинга, на создание совместных предприятий, передовых технологий и т.п. . Словарь экономических терминов 1 . -
13 free or partly controlled enterprise system
система свободного или частично регулируемого частного ; предпринимательства ;Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > free or partly controlled enterprise system
14 system of free enterprise
Дипломатический термин: система свободного предпринимательства, система частного предпринимательстваУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > system of free enterprise
15 system of free enterprise
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь > system of free enterprise
16 system of free enterprise
система свободного / частного предпринимательстваEnglish-russian dctionary of diplomacy > system of free enterprise
17 system
n1) система2) способ; метод3) сеть4) строй•to deploy a system — размещать / разворачивать систему (напр. обороны)
to formulate a system — разрабатывать / вырабатывать систему
to overhaul / to reform a country's political system — перестраивать политическую систему страны
- abolition of the systemto set up a system — создавать / учреждать систему
- accounting system
- administrative system
- advanced system
- advantages of the system
- air-based system
- aircraft telecommunications system
- antagonistic systems
- anti-ballistic missile system
- anti-missile defense system
- anti-missile space defense system
- anti-satellite systems
- ASAT systems
- authoritative system
- automated management systems
- automated system
- automatic control system
- automatic data processing system
- banking system
- bipartisan system
- biparty system
- bonus system
- break-up of the system
- British entry into the European Monetary System
- bureaucrat system
- capitalist economic system
- capitalist system
- career development system
- centrally planned system
- clan system
- classified national defense system
- collapse of the system
- collective security system
- communal system
- communications system
- competitive price system
- complex system
- comprehensive system
- compulsory purchase system
- computer system
- constitutional system
- contract system
- control system
- conventional system
- country programming system
- credit and banking system
- credit system
- crisis of the system
- cultural system
- currently-operating system
- decentralized system
- defense system
- deficiency of the system
- delivery system
- democratic political systems
- deterrent system
- different social systems
- disintegration of the system
- distribution system
- dynamic international system
- early warning system
- ecological system
- economic system
- educational system
- effective system
- efficient system
- election system
- electoral system
- electronic system
- European Monetary System
- exploitation system
- exploiting system
- fair system
- family-planning system
- federal grant system
- finance and credit system
- financial system
- first-past-the-post voting system
- forecasting system
- formation of the system
- free enterprise system
- free market system
- generalized system of preferences
- global system
- grid system
- ground-based system
- health care system
- health system
- historically established system
- home security system
- immunity system
- industrial system
- inequitable system
- information system
- institutional system
- integrated system
- intelligence system
- International Nuclear Information System
- international system
- International Trusteeship System
- irrigation system
- job-by-job system of payment
- judicial system
- land tenure system
- land-based antiballistic missile system
- legal system
- liberalization of the political system
- life-support system
- majority system
- management system
- managerial system
- mandate system
- mandatory system
- market system
- mayor-council system
- merit system
- metric system
- missile and satellite detection system
- missile delivery system
- misuse of the judicial system for political purposes
- monarchical system
- monetary and credit system
- monetary system
- monitoring system
- monopolistic system
- motor-road and railway system
- multifaceted system
- multilateral payments system
- multiparty system
- mutually-acceptable system
- national accounting and control system
- national defense system
- new arms systems
- noncapitalist system
- obsolete social system
- old system
- one-man-one-vote system
- one-member-one-vote system
- one-party system
- opposing social systems
- optimum system
- outmoded system
- overhaul of the tax system
- parliamentary system
- party system
- payments system
- pension system
- people's democratic system
- philosophical system
- planning system
- political system
- post adjustment system
- power system
- preferential system
- premium system
- presidential system
- price system
- private enterprise system
- program budgeting system
- proportional representation system
- public pension system
- records system
- regimented political system
- remnants of the system
- reports system
- republican system
- ruling system
- safeguards system
- satellite-tracking system
- sea-based system
- security system
- social security system
- social system
- socio-economic system
- socio-political system
- space defense system
- space weapons systems
- space-based system
- spoils system
- stability system
- stable system
- state political system
- state system
- state-managed social security system
- strategic nuclear-weapon systems
- submarine-based system
- supply system
- system of collective security
- system of exploitation
- system of geographical distribution
- system of government and public organizations - taxation system
- technologically advanced weapons systems
- territorial system
- training system
- transition to a multiparty system
- tribal system
- trusteeship system
- two-party system
- united economic system
- visa system
- voting system
- wage system
- world system
- world trading system -
18 system
1) система; способ; метод2) устройство; строй3) классификация4) учение5) сеть (дорог) -
19 system
n1) система; комплекс2) система; порядок; классификация3) метод; способ
- accelerated cost recovery system
- accounting system
- actual cost system
- administrative system
- advanced system
- airline system
- appointment system
- assessment system
- automated control system
- automated management system
- automatic conveyor system
- automatic data processing system
- automatic transfer system
- banking system
- batch system
- bidding system
- bilateral clearing system
- bimetallic monetary system
- bonus system
- budgetary control system
- cash system
- centralized control system
- central record system
- chain store system
- checking system
- classification system
- clearing system
- clearing house interbank payment system
- closed system
- closed system of finance
- communication system
- computerised system
- computerised system of payments
- computerised interbank clearing system
- conference system
- constrained system
- constraint system
- container system
- contract system
- contractual vertical marketing system
- control system
- controlled system
- corporate vertical marketing system
- cost accounting system
- cost control system
- cost distribution system
- credit system
- crediting system
- credit scoring system
- credit transfer system
- cropping system
- currency system
- data system
- data acquisition system
- data collection system
- data interchange system
- data processing system
- data transmission system
- decentralized system
- decimal system
- deferred rebate system
- department incentive system
- deposit insurance system
- distribution system
- dual system
- dual-pay system
- dual price system
- dual standard cost system
- dynamic system
- economic system
- educational system
- electronic book-entry system
- electronic fund transfer system
- engineering system
- equilibrium system
- estimate cost system
- European monetary system
- evaluation system
- exchange system
- factory system
- farming system
- farm price system
- Federal Reserve System
- feedback system
- financial system
- fiscal system
- forecasting system
- free enterprise system
- generalized system of preferences
- giro system
- hauling system
- hire purchase system
- historical cost system
- household system
- import quota system
- imprest system
- industrial system
- inefficient tax system
- information system
- information retrieval system
- in-plant system
- inspection system
- integrated accounting system
- integrated record system
- Internet-based system
- inventory control system
- irrigation system
- job order cost system
- judicial system
- justice system
- land tenure system
- land-use system
- legal system
- licence system
- linear system
- lump system
- macroeconomic system
- management system
- management information system
- managerial system
- market system
- marketing system
- master system
- measuring system
- mechanical accounting system
- mercantile system
- metric system
- monetary system
- monitoring system
- multichannel system
- multicomputer system
- multidepot system
- multiitem system
- multilateral system of settlements
- multilevel system
- multiple system
- multiproduct inventory system
- multipurpose system
- multirobot system
- multistage system
- multiuser computer system
- national banking system
- normalized system
- office system
- one-crop system
- one-price system
- open price system
- operating system
- operational system
- order system
- ordering system
- par value system
- patent system
- pay system
- pay-as-you-earn system
- pay-as-you-go system
- payment system
- petty cash system
- piecework system
- planning system
- postal system
- post giro system
- power system
- premium system
- price system
- priority system
- private enterprise system
- process control system
- processing system
- production system
- product testing system
- programme system
- programme development system
- programming system
- protectionist system
- protective system
- public-address system
- quality system
- quality intelligence system
- quality rating system
- queueing system
- quota system
- railroad system
- railway system
- rating system
- rationing system
- real-time system
- recording system
- record keeping system
- reference system
- registration system
- relay system
- remote-control system
- reporting system
- retail trade system
- retrieval system
- risk-management system
- rotation system
- savings bank system
- scoring system
- search system
- selection system
- service system
- settlement system
- sewage system
- shared resource system
- shuttle system
- single system
- single-channel system
- social system
- stable system
- stand-alone system
- standard system
- standard cost system
- standby system
- state system
- static system
- stationary system
- storage system
- storekeeping system
- supply system
- sweating system
- tariff system
- tax system
- taxation system
- telecommunication system
- telephone system
- telephone answering system
- tender system
- tenure system
- testing system
- time-shared system
- timesharing system
- transfer system
- transmission system
- transport system
- transportation system
- trial system
- truck system
- two-shift system
- two-tier banking system
- two-tier gold system
- underwriting system
- uniform system of accounts
- universal time system
- unstable system
- value system
- vertical marketing system
- voucher system
- wage system
- wage labour system
- warehousing system
- waste disposal system
- waste handling system
- waste treatment system
- water system
- weighting system
- working system
- world system
- system of accounts
- system of administration
- system of bookkeeping
- system of classification
- system of control
- system of distribution
- system of information
- system of levies
- system of management
- system of marketing
- system of marking
- system of protective tariffs
- system of sales
- system of settlements
- system of tariffs
- system of taxation
- system of transportation
- system of units
- system of weights and measures
- bypass the banking system
- convert to a metric system
- design a system
- operate a system
- phase out the quota systemEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > system
20 system
система; комплекс•
См. также в других словарях:
free enterprise system — an economic system in which all or most of the means of production are privately owned and operated (usually through employing wage labour, and for profit), and in which the investment of capital and the production, distribution and prices of… … Mini philosophy glossary
Free enterprise — may refer to:* Free enterprise system or Free enterprise economy , another term for capitalism * Free Enterprise , a film featuring William ShatnerThree important rights people have in the free enterprise system? … Wikipedia
free-enterprise — adj. Of or pertaining to the {free enterprise} system having private ownership of the means of production and competition between enterprises. [prenominal] [Narrower terms: {capitalistic, capitalist}] {socialistic} Syn: competitive, private… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
free enterprise — Synonyms and related words: autarky, bimetallism, bourgeois, capitalism, capitalist, capitalistic system, economic self sufficiency, finance capitalism, free competition, free economy, free trade, free enterprise economy, free enterprise system,… … Moby Thesaurus
Free price system — A free price system or free price mechanism (informally called the price system or the price mechanism ) is an economic system where prices are set by the interchange of supply and demand, with the resulting prices being understood as signals… … Wikipedia
free enterprise — n. 1. an economic system having predominantly private ownership of the means of production, and relying chiefly on market forces to allocate goods and resources and to determine prices, and having a minimum of governmental interference in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
free enterprise — ➔ enterprise * * * free enterprise UK US noun [U] ECONOMICS ► a system in which businesses compete with each other freely and without government involvement: »It is a political party that believes in limited government, free enterprise, and… … Financial and business terms
free enterprise — ► NOUN ▪ an economic system in which private business operates in competition and largely free of state control … English terms dictionary
free enterprise — noun uncount an economic system in which businesses can compete with each other without being controlled by government … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Free Enterprise — An economic system where few restrictions are placed on business activities and ownership. In this system, governments generally have minimal ownership of enterprises in the market place. This system aims for limited restrictions on trade and… … Investment dictionary
free enterprise — noun an economy that relies chiefly on market forces to allocate goods and resources and to determine prices • Syn: ↑market economy, ↑private enterprise, ↑laissez faire economy • Ant: ↑non market economy (for: ↑market economy) … Useful english dictionary