1 fragile
['frædʒaɪl] [AE -dʒl]1) (delicate) [glass, structure] fragile; [ state] delicatoto feel fragile — (physically) sentirsi debole; (emotionally) essere fragile
* * *(easily broken: a fragile glass vase.) fragile* * *fragile /ˈfrædʒaɪl/, ( USA) /ˈfrædʒəl/a.1 fragile; delicato: fragile bones, ossa fragili; fragile goods, merci fragili; a fragile alliance, un'alleanza fragile; a fragile ecosystem, un ecosistema fragile (o delicato)2 fragile di salute; delicato; gracile; cagionevole; debolefragilityn. [u]1 fragilità; delicatezza* * *['frædʒaɪl] [AE -dʒl]1) (delicate) [glass, structure] fragile; [ state] delicatoto feel fragile — (physically) sentirsi debole; (emotionally) essere fragile
См. также в других словарях:
ecosystem — 01. Any changes made in our [ecosystem] affect all the plants and animals that live there. 02. Destroying one part of the [ecosystem] affects every other part of it. 03. As you wander down the beach, you encounter different tiny [ecosystems],… … Grammatical examples in English
fragile — 01. Be careful with that box; it has dishes and glasses in it, so it s really [fragile]. 02. My grandmother is really old, and her bones are [fragile] because she didn t get enough calcium in her diet when she was growing up. 03. The government… … Grammatical examples in English
Everglades National Park — IUCN Category Ib (Wilderness Area) … Wikipedia
Desert National Park — Desert National Park,Maru Pradesh Rajasthan, India, is situated in the west Indian state of Rajasthan near the town of Jaisalmer. This is one of the largest national parks, covering an area of 3162 km². The Desert National Park is an… … Wikipedia
Pinaleno Mountains — Geobox|Range name=Pinaleño Mountains image size= image caption= country=United States state=Arizona geology=|orogeny= highest=Mount Graham highest lat d=32|highest lat m=42|highest lat s=05|highest lat NS=N highest long d=109|highest long… … Wikipedia
Ocean fisheries — A fishery is an area with an associated fish or aquatic population which is harvested for its commercial value. Fisheries can be wild or farmed. Most of the world s wild fisheries are in the ocean. This article is an overview of ocean fisheries.… … Wikipedia
Sea turtle — Sea turtles An olive ridley sea turtle Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Appiko movement — The Appiko movement was a revolutionary movement based on environmental conservation in India.The Chipko Andolan (Hug the Trees Movement) in Uttarakhand in the Himalayas inspired the villagers of the Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka Province… … Wikipedia
Danube Delta — Danube Delta * UNESCO World Heritage Site Country Romania … Wikipedia
Antarctic krill — Taxobox name = Antarctic krill image width = 200px regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda subphylum = Crustacea classis = Malacostraca ordo = Euphausiacea familia = Euphausiidae genus = Euphausia species = E. superba binomial = Euphausia superba… … Wikipedia
List of Kashmiri people — List of notable persons of Kashmir:aints*Sheikh Noor ud deen Noorani also known as Nund Reshi, Nundreshi, Sheikh ul Alam, [Alamdar e Kashmir] [http://www.nundreshi.org] . The most famous saint in Kashmir, a poet and a great social reformer.Kings… … Wikipedia