1 fractal growth
2 fractal growth
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > fractal growth
3 growth
1) рост; увеличение; развитие2) рост; выращивание (напр. кристалла)3) прирост; увеличение•growth by exsolution — рост посредством выпадения преципитатов, экстрактивный рост
growth by flux evaporation — выращивание методом испарения расплава;
growth by open-tube process — выращивание в проточной системе, выращивание методом открытой трубы;
growth by reversible reactions — выращивание методом обратимых реакций;
- growth of wavegrowth in open boat — выращивание в открытой лодочке, выращивание методом Чалмерса
- abnormal grain growth
- aqueous growth
- aqueous-solutlon growth
- arc-image growth
- boat growth
- cellular growth
- Chalmers' growth
- chemical reaction growth
- conservative crystal growth
- continuous grain growth
- controlled dendritic growth
- convection-limited growth
- crucibleless growth
- crystal growth
- crystal-pulling growth
- crystal-pushing growth
- Czochralski growth
- dendrite-ribbon growth
- dendrite-web growth
- dendritic growth
- diffusion-controlled growth
- diffusion-limited growth
- discontinuous grain growth
- domain growth
- electrochemical growth
- epitaxial growth
- epitaxial film growth
- epitaxial vacuum growth
- exaggerated grain growth
- facet growth
- fernlike growth
- flame-fusion growth
- flux growth
- fractal growth
- gaseous growth
- gaseous-phase growth
- gel growth
- grain growth
- heteroepitaxial growth
- high-temperature growth
- homoepitaxial growth
- hopper growth
- horizontal Bridgman-Stockbarger growth
- hydrothermal growth
- ingot growth
- irreversible growth
- isotropic growth
- Kruger-Finke growth
- Kyropoulos growth
- layer growth
- liquid-metal solvent growth
- liquid-phase growth
- logistic growth
- low-temperature growth
- melt growth
- molten-salt growth
- monocomponent growth
- multiwafer film growth
- nonconservative growth
- normal grain growth
- oriented growth
- oxide growth
- pedestal growth
- poly growth
- preferential growth
- pseudomorphic growth
- rate growth
- rheotaxial growth
- seeded growth
- selective growth
- sheet growth
- single-crystal growth
- solid-liquid growth
- solid-solid growth
- solutioh growth
- spherulitic growth
- spiral growth
- sublimation-condensation growth
- thermal growth
- thermal-gradient growth
- transport-limited growth
- unintentional growth
- vapor growth
- vapor-liquid-solid growth
- vapor-phase growth
- vapor-solid growth
- Verneuil growth
- vertical Bridgman-Stockbarger growth
- V-L-S growth
- whisker growth
- zero-gravity crystal growth -
4 growth
1) рост; увеличение; развитие2) рост; выращивание (напр. кристалла)3) прирост; увеличение•growth by exsolution — рост посредством выпадения преципитатов, экстрактивный рост
growth by open-tube process — выращивание в проточной системе, выращивание методом открытой трубы
- aqueous growthgrowth in open boat — выращивание в открытой лодочке, выращивание методом Чалмерса
- aqueous-solutlon growth
- arc-image growth
- boat growth
- cellular growth
- Chalmers' growth
- chemical reaction growth
- conservative crystal growth
- continuous grain growth
- controlled dendritic growth
- convection-limited growth
- crucibleless growth
- crystal growth
- crystal-pulling growth
- crystal-pushing growth
- Czochralski growth
- dendrite-ribbon growth
- dendrite-web growth
- dendritic growth
- diffusion-controlled growth
- diffusion-limited growth
- discontinuous grain growth
- domain growth
- electrochemical growth
- epitaxial film growth
- epitaxial growth
- epitaxial vacuum growth
- exaggerated grain growth
- facet growth
- fernlike growth
- flame-fusion growth
- flux growth
- fractal growth
- gaseous growth
- gaseous-phase growth
- gel growth
- grain growth
- growth of metastable phases
- growth of wave
- heteroepitaxial growth
- high-temperature growth
- homoepitaxial growth
- hopper growth
- horizontal Bridgman-Stockbarger growth
- hydrothermal growth
- ingot growth
- irreversible growth
- isotropic growth
- Kruger-Finke growth
- Kyropoulos growth
- layer growth
- liquid-metal solvent growth
- liquid-phase growth
- logistic growth
- low-temperature growth
- melt growth
- molten-salt growth
- monocomponent growth
- multiwafer film growth
- nonconservative growth
- normal grain growth
- oriented growth
- oxide growth
- pedestal growth
- poly growth
- preferential growth
- pseudomorphic growth
- rate growth
- rheotaxial growth
- seeded growth
- selective growth
- sheet growth
- single-crystal growth
- solid-liquid growth
- solid-solid growth
- solutioh growth
- spherulitic growth
- spiral growth
- sublimation-condensation growth
- thermal growth
- thermal-gradient growth
- transport-limited growth
- unintentional growth
- vapor growth
- vapor-liquid-solid growth
- vapor-phase growth
- vapor-solid growth
- Verneuil growth
- vertical Bridgman-Stockbarger growth
- V-L-S growth
- whisker growth
- zero-gravity crystal growthThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > growth
5 curve
1) кривая•- aging curve
- anhysteretic curve
- anhysteretic magnetization curve
- anode characteristic curve
- antiferromagnetic resonance curve
- arrival curve
- bathtub curve
- bell curve curve
- bell-shaped curve curve
- Bezier curve
- B-H curve
- blackbody curve
- Bloch curve
- Bragg curve
- calibration curve
- capacitance-voltage curve
- characteristic curve
- characteristic time curve
- coexistence curve
- collector characteristic curve
- commutation curve
- confidence curve
- counter tube characteristic curve
- counting-rate curve
- current-voltage curve
- C-V curve
- decay curve
- demagnetization curve
- density curve
- discriminator curve
- dispersion curve
- distribution curve
- D-log E-curve
- dynamic transfer-characteristic curve
- electro-capillary curve
- energy product curve
- equalization curve
- experience curve
- exponential curve
- ferromagnetic resonance curve
- fitness curve
- Fletcher-Munson curves
- fractal curve
- French curve
- frequency-response curve
- gauge curve
- Gaussian curve
- growth curve
- H and D-curve
- heteroclinic curve
- homoclinic curve
- Hurter and Driffield curve
- hysteresis curve
- initial magnetization curve
- isobathic curve
- isocandela curve
- isocost curve
- isoluminance curve
- isolux curve
- isopreference curve
- i-v curve
- Kingsbury curves
- learning curve
- liquidus curve
- Lissajous curves
- load curve
- logarithmic curve
- log-log curve
- logistic curve
- Lorentzian curve
- luminosity curve
- luminous intensity distribution curve
- magnetic induction demagnetization curve
- magnetic induction magnetization curve
- magnetic induction thermal-sensitivity curve
- magnetic moment demagnetization curve
- magnetic moment magnetization curve
- magnetic-product curve
- magnetization curve
- manufacturing learning curve
- Meissner curve
- memory operating characteristic curve
- NC curves
- noise criterion curves
- normal distribution curve
- normal induction curve
- normal magnetization curve
- operating curve
- phase equilibrium curve
- phase transition curve
- photon emission curve
- plateau characteristic curve
- point set curve
- polar response curve
- potential curve
- price-learning curve
- pulse response curve
- receiver operating characteristic curve
- recoil curve
- recording curve
- regression curve
- resistor derating curve
- resonance curve
- resonant curve
- response curve
- RIAA curve
- Robinson-Dadson curves
- saturation curve
- sensitivity curve
- sine curve
- smooth curve
- solidus curve
- spectral response curve
- static magnetization curve
- transmission curve -
6 model
1) модель (1. упрощённое представление объекта, процесса или явления; структурная аналогия 2. макет 3. образец; эталон; шаблон 4. пример; тип 5. стиль; дизайн) || моделировать (1. создавать упрощённое представление объекта, процесса или явления; пользоваться структурной аналогией 2. макетировать 3. создавать образец, эталон или шаблон 4. пользоваться примером; относить к определённому типу) || модельный (1. относящийся к упрощённому представлению объекта, процесса или явления; использующий структурную аналогию 2. макетный 3. образцовый; эталонный; шаблонный 4. примерный; типовой)2) служить моделью; выполнять функции модели3) создавать по образцу, эталону или шаблону4) придерживаться определённого стиля; следовать выбранному дизайну•- 2-D model
- adaptive expectations model
- additive model of neural network
- analog model
- antenna scale model
- application domain model
- AR model
- ARCH model
- ARDL model
- ARIMA model
- ARMA model
- atmospheric density model
- autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic model
- autoregressive distributed lags model
- autoregressive integrated moving average model
- autoregressive moving average model
- band model
- behavioral model
- Benetton model
- Berkeley short-channel IGFET model
- binary model
- binary choice model
- Bohr-Sommerfeld model
- Bohr-Sommerfeld model of atom
- Box-Jenkins model
- Bradley-Terry-Luce model
- brain-state-in-a-box model
- breadboard model
- Brookings models
- BSB model
- business model
- CAD model
- capability maturity model
- carrier-storage model
- causal model
- censored model
- centralized model
- charge-control model
- Chen model
- classical normal linear regression model
- classical regression model
- client-server model
- CMY model
- CMYK model
- cobweb model
- collective-electron model
- color model
- compact model
- component object model
- computer model
- computer-aided-design model
- conceptual model of hypercompetition
- conceptual data model
- conductor impedance model
- congruent model
- connectionist model
- continuum model
- Cox proportional hazards regression model
- data model
- Davidson-Hendry-Srba-Yeo model
- descriptive model
- design model
- deterministic model
- DHSY model
- discrete choice model
- distributed component object model
- distributed computing model
- distributed lags model
- distributed system object model
- distribution-free model
- document object model
- domain model
- domain architecture model
- duration model
- dynamic model
- EER-model
- energy-gap model
- entity-relationship model
- ER-model
- error correction model
- errors-in-variables model
- experimental model
- extended entity-relationship model
- extended relational model
- extended relational data model
- extensional model
- ferromagnetic Fermi-liquid model
- file level model
- financial model
- finite-population model
- fixed-effects model
- flat Earth model
- flat free model of advertising
- formalized model
- fractal model
- frame model
- fuzzy model
- GARCH model
- generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic model
- generalized linear model
- geometric model
- geometrical lags model
- gross-level model
- ground-environment model
- Haken-Kelso-Bunz model
- Heisenberg model
- heuristic model
- hierarchical data model
- HLS model
- holographic model
- HSB model
- HSV model
- Hubbard model
- huge model
- hybrid-pi model
- hypothesis model
- ideal model
- imaging model
- indexed colors model
- information model
- information-logical model
- intensional model
- intercept-only model
- ionospheric model
- irreversible growth model
- Ising model
- ISO/OSI reference model
- Klein model
- Kronig-Penney model
- L*a*b* model
- large model
- large-signal device model
- LCH model
- learning, induction and schema abstraction model
- life cycle model
- limited dependent variable model
- linear model
- linear probability model
- LISA model
- logical model
- logical-linguistic model
- logistic model
- logit model
- loglinear model
- Londons' model of superconductivity
- lookup-table model
- Lorentz model
- low-signal device model
- machine model
- macrolevel model
- magnetic hysteresis model
- magnetohydrodynamic plasma model
- mathematical model
- matrix-memory model
- medium model
- memory model
- MHD plasma model
- microlevel model
- Minsky model
- Minsky frame model
- mixed model
- molecular-field model
- moving average model
- multiple regression model
- multiplicative model
- nested model
- network model
- network data model
- non-nested model
- non-parametric model
- N-state Potts model
- N-tier model
- null model
- object model
- object data model
- one-dimensional model
- one-fluid plasma model
- operations model
- optimizing model
- parabolic-ionosphere model
- parametric model
- parsimonious model
- partial adjustment model
- phenomenological model
- physical model
- pilot model
- Pippard nonlocal model
- plant model
- Poisson model
- polar model
- polynomial lags model
- postrelational model
- postrelational data model
- Potts model
- predictive model
- Preisach model
- preproduction model
- price model of advertising
- probabilistic model
- probit model
- proportional hazard model
- proportional-odds model
- prototype model
- quadratic model
- qualitative dependent variable model
- quantum mechanical model of superconductivity
- quasi-equilibrium model
- quasi-linear model
- random coefficients model
- random-effects model
- register model
- relational model
- relational data model
- relative model
- representative model
- response-surface model
- RGB model
- Ridley-Watkins-Hilsum model
- rival models
- Rössler model
- RWH model
- saturated model
- scalar model
- SCSI architecture model
- semantic model
- semiotic model
- sharply bounded ionosphere model
- simulation model
- single-ion model
- Skyrme model
- small model
- small-signal device model
- solid model
- spherical Earth model
- state-space model
- statistical model
- stochastic model
- Stoner-Wohlfart model
- structural model
- stuck-at-fault model
- surface model
- symbolic model
- symbolic-form model
- synergetic model
- system model
- system object model
- test model
- thermodynamical model
- three-tier model
- tobit model
- transistor model
- translog model
- tropospheric model
- true model
- truncated model
- two-dimensional model
- two-dimensional regression model
- two-fluid model of superconductivity
- two-fluid plasma model
- two-tier model
- Van der Ziel's noise model
- variable parameter model
- vector model
- wire-frame model
- working model -
7 surface
1) поверхность3) внешний вид; внешностьа) относящийся к границе (объекта); происходящий на поверхностиб) внешний; относящийся к внешнему виду5) наземный (напр. о транспорте)•- surface of constant phase
- surface of discontinuity
- surface of estimates
- surface of melt
- surface of revolution
- surface of second order
- absorbing surface
- amorphized surface
- approximating surface
- as-polished surface
- back surface
- ball surface
- bearing surface
- Bezier surface
- Bloch surface
- boundary surface
- burnishing surface
- carrying surface
- Cartesian surface
- caustic surface
- Cayley surface
- cleavage surface
- cleaved surface
- closed surface
- close-packed surface
- coated surface
- concave surface
- congruent surfaces
- connected surface
- constant-energy surface
- contact surface
- contour surface
- convergence surface
- convex surface
- coordinate surface
- corrugated surface
- covering surface
- curved surface
- cylindrical surface
- damage-free surface
- decision surface
- dichroic surface
- diffuse surface
- diffusing surface
- display surface
- elliptic surface
- embedded surface
- emitting surface
- equal-energy surface
- equal-phase surface
- equiphase surface
- equipotential surface
- equiprobability surface
- equisignal surface
- error surface
- etched surface
- Fermi surface
- fissure surface
- flat surface
- focal surface
- formed surface
- fractal surface
- fracture surface
- free surface
- front surface
- functional surface
- geodesic surface
- grained surface
- ground surface
- growth surface
- heat-absorbing surface
- heat-emitting surface
- heat-exchange surface
- hidden surface
- hyperbolic surface
- illuminated surface
- isothermal surface
- Lambert surface
- Landau surface
- liquidus surface
- mating surfaces
- matted surface
- multidimensional surface
- multisheeted surface
- multivalley energy surface
- nodal surface
- nonoriented surface
- nonsingular surface
- normal surface
- n-type surface
- one-sided surface
- open-Fermi surface
- oriented surface
- oxide surface
- parabolic surface
- parametric surface
- passivated surface
- perfectly conducting surface
- perfectly reflecting surface
- phase equilibrium surface
- phase transition surface
- planar surface
- polynomial surface
- printing surface
- profiled surface
- projecting surface
- p-type surface
- quadric surface
- rear surface
- recording surface
- reference surface
- reflecting surface
- regression surface
- response surface
- ribbed surface
- Riemann surface
- Riemannian surface
- rough surface
- saddle surface
- singular surface
- sliding surface
- smooth surface
- soiled surface
- solidus surface
- specular surface
- spline surface
- squarable surface
- storage surface
- substrate surface
- supporting surface
- tangent surface
- textured surface
- TIR surface
- total-internal-reflection surface
- transversal surface
- trend surface
- twisted surface
- two-sided surface
- uniformly diffusing surface
- unilateral surface
- vicinal surface
- viewing surface
- wave surface
- Wulff surface -
8 curve
1) кривая•- aging curve
- anhysteretic curve
- anhysteretic magnetization curve
- anode characteristic curve
- antiferromagnetic resonance curve
- arrival curve
- bathtub curve
- bell curve curve
- bell-shaped curve curve
- Bezier curve
- B-H curve
- blackbody curve
- Bloch curve
- Bragg curve
- calibration curve
- capacitance-voltage curve
- characteristic curve
- characteristic time curve
- coexistence curve
- collector characteristic curve
- commutation curve
- confidence curve
- counter tube characteristic curve
- counting-rate curve
- current-voltage curve
- C-V curve
- decay curve
- demagnetization curve
- density curve
- discriminator curve
- dispersion curve
- distribution curve
- D-log E curve
- dynamic transfer-characteristic curve
- electro-capillary curve
- energy product curve
- equalization curve
- experience curve
- exponential curve
- ferromagnetic resonance curve
- fitness curve
- Fletcher-Munson curves
- fractal curve
- French curve
- frequency-response curve
- gauge curve
- Gaussian curve
- growth curve
- H and D curve
- heteroclinic curve
- homoclinic curve
- Hurter and Driffield curve
- hysteresis curve
- initial magnetization curve
- isobathic curve
- isocandela curve
- isocost curve
- isoluminance curve
- isolux curve
- isopreference curve
- i-v curve
- Kingsbury curves
- learning curve
- liquidus curve
- Lissajous curves
- load curve
- logarithmic curve
- logistic curve
- log-log curve
- Lorentzian curve
- luminosity curve
- luminous intensity distribution curve
- magnetic induction demagnetization curve
- magnetic induction magnetization curve
- magnetic induction thermal-sensitivity curve
- magnetic moment demagnetization curve
- magnetic moment magnetization curve
- magnetic-product curve
- magnetization curve
- manufacturing learning curve
- Meissner curve
- memory operating characteristic curve
- NC curves
- noise criterion curves
- normal distribution curve
- normal induction curve
- normal magnetization curve
- operating curve
- phase equilibrium curve
- phase transition curve
- photon emission curve
- plateau characteristic curve
- point set curve
- polar response curve
- potential curve
- price-learning curve
- pulse response curve
- receiver operating characteristic curve
- recoil curve
- recording curve
- regression curve
- resistor derating curve
- resonance curve
- resonant curve
- response curve
- RIAA curve
- Robinson-Dadson curves
- saturation curve
- sensitivity curve
- sine curve
- smooth curve
- solidus curve
- spectral response curve
- static magnetization curve
- transmission curveThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > curve
9 model
1) модель (1. упрощённое представление объекта, процесса или явления; структурная аналогия 2. макет 3. образец; эталон; шаблон 4. пример; тип 5. стиль; дизайн) || моделировать (1. создавать упрощённое представление объекта, процесса или явления; пользоваться структурной аналогией 2. макетировать 3. создавать образец, эталон или шаблон 4. пользоваться примером; относить к определённому типу) || модельный (1. относящийся к упрощённому представлению объекта, процесса или явления; использующий структурную аналогию 2. макетный 3. образцовый; эталонный; шаблонный 4. примерный; типовой)2) служить моделью; выполнять функции модели3) создавать по образцу, эталону или шаблону4) придерживаться определённого стиля; следовать выбранному дизайну•- 2-D model
- adaptive expectations model
- additive model of neural network
- analog model
- antenna scale model
- application domain model
- AR model
- ARCH model
- ARDL model
- ARIMA model
- ARMA model
- atmospheric density model
- autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic model
- autoregressive distributed lags model
- autoregressive integrated moving average model
- autoregressive model
- autoregressive moving average model
- band model
- behavioral model
- Benetton model
- Berkeley short-channel IGFET model
- binary choice model
- binary model
- Bohr-Sommerfeld model of atom
- Bohr-Sommerfeld model
- Box-Jenkins model
- Bradley-Terry-Luce model
- brain-state-in-a-box model
- breadboard model
- Brookings models
- BSB model
- business model
- CAD model
- capability maturity model
- carrier-storage model
- causal model
- censored model
- centralized model
- charge-control model
- Chen model
- classical normal linear regression model
- classical regression model
- client-server model
- CMY model
- CMYK model
- cobweb model
- collective-electron model
- color model
- compact model
- component object model
- computer model
- computer-aided-design model
- conceptual data model
- conceptual model of hypercompetition
- conductor impedance model
- congruent model
- connectionist model
- continuum model
- Cox proportional hazards regression model
- data model
- Davidson-Hendry-Srba-Yeo model
- descriptive model
- design model
- deterministic model
- DHSY model
- discrete choice model
- distributed component object model
- distributed computing model
- distributed lags model
- distributed system object model
- distribution-free model
- document object model
- domain architecture model
- domain model
- duration model
- dynamic model
- EER-model
- energy-gap model
- entity-relationship model
- ER-model
- error correction model
- errors-in-variables model
- experimental model
- extended entity-relationship model
- extended relational data model
- extended relational model
- extensional model
- ferromagnetic Fermi-liquid model
- file level model
- financial model
- finite-population model
- fixed-effects model
- flat Earth model
- flat free model of advertising
- formalized model
- fractal model
- frame model
- fuzzy model
- GARCH model
- generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic model
- generalized linear model
- geometric model
- geometrical lags model
- gross-level model
- ground-environment model
- Haken-Kelso-Bunz model
- Heisenberg model
- heuristic model
- hierarchical data model
- HLS model
- holographic model
- HSB model
- HSV model
- Hubbard model
- huge model
- hybrid-pi model
- hypothesis model
- ideal model
- imaging model
- indexed colors model
- information model
- information-logical model
- intensional model
- intercept-only model
- ionospheric model
- irreversible growth model
- Ising model
- ISO/OSI reference model
- Klein model
- Kronig-Penney model
- L*a*b* model
- large model
- large-signal device model
- LCH model
- learning, induction and schema abstraction model
- life cycle model
- limited dependent variable model
- linear model
- linear probability model
- LISA model
- logical model
- logical-linguistic model
- logistic model
- logit model
- loglinear model
- Londons' model of superconductivity
- lookup-table model
- Lorentz model
- low-signal device model
- machine model
- macrolevel model
- magnetic hysteresis model
- magnetohydrodynamic plasma model
- mathematical model
- matrix-memory model
- medium model
- memory model
- MHD plasma model
- microlevel model
- Minsky frame model
- Minsky model
- mixed model
- molecular-field model
- moving average model
- multiple regression model
- multiplicative model
- nested model
- network data model
- network model
- non-nested model
- non-parametric model
- N-state Potts model
- N-tier model
- null model
- object data model
- object model
- one-dimensional model
- one-fluid plasma model
- operations model
- optimizing model
- parabolic-ionosphere model
- parametric model
- parsimonious model
- partial adjustment model
- phenomenological model
- physical model
- pilot model
- Pippard nonlocal model
- plant model
- Poisson model
- polar model
- polynomial lags model
- postrelational data model
- postrelational model
- Potts model
- predictive model
- Preisach model
- preproduction model
- price model of advertising
- probabilistic model
- probit model
- proportional hazard model
- proportional-odds model
- prototype model
- quadratic model
- qualitative dependent variable model
- quantum mechanical model of superconductivity
- quasi-equilibrium model
- quasi-linear model
- random coefficients model
- random-effects model
- register model
- relational data model
- relational model
- relative model
- representative model
- response-surface model
- RGB model
- Ridley-Watkins-Hilsum model
- rival models
- Rössler model
- RWH model
- saturated model
- scalar model
- SCSI architecture model
- semantic model
- semiotic model
- sharply bounded ionosphere model
- simulation model
- single-ion model
- Skyrme model
- small model
- small-signal device model
- solid model
- spherical Earth model
- state-space model
- statistical model
- stochastic model
- Stoner-Wohlfart model
- structural model
- stuck-at-fault model
- surface model
- symbolic model
- symbolic-form model
- synergetic model
- system model
- system object model
- test model
- thermodynamical model
- three-tier model
- tobit model
- transistor model
- translog model
- tropospheric model
- true model
- truncated model
- two-dimensional model
- two-dimensional regression model
- two-fluid model of superconductivity
- two-fluid plasma model
- two-tier model
- Van der Ziel's noise model
- variable parameter model
- vector model
- wire-frame model
- working modelThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > model
10 surface
1) поверхность3) внешний вид; внешностьа) относящийся к границе (объекта); происходящий на поверхностиб) внешний; относящийся к внешнему виду5) наземный (напр. о транспорте)6) земной ( о радиоволне)•- amorphized surface
- approximating surface
- as-polished surface
- back surface
- ball surface
- bearing surface
- Bezier surface
- Bloch surface
- boundary surface
- burnishing surface
- carrying surface
- Cartesian surface
- caustic surface
- Cayley surface
- cleavage surface
- cleaved surface
- closed surface
- close-packed surface
- coated surface
- concave surface
- congruent surfaces
- connected surface
- constant-energy surface
- contact surface
- contour surface
- convergence surface
- convex surface
- coordinate surface
- corrugated surface
- covering surface
- curved surface
- cylindrical surface
- damage-free surface
- decision surface
- dichroic surface
- diffuse surface
- diffusing surface
- display surface
- elliptic surface
- embedded surface
- emitting surface
- equal-energy surface
- equal-phase surface
- equiphase surface
- equipotential surface
- equiprobability surface
- equisignal surface
- error surface
- etched surface
- Fermi surface
- fissure surface
- flat surface
- focal surface
- formed surface
- fractal surface
- fracture surface
- free surface
- front surface
- functional surface
- geodesic surface
- grained surface
- ground surface
- growth surface
- heat-absorbing surface
- heat-emitting surface
- heat-exchange surface
- hidden surface
- hyperbolic surface
- illuminated surface
- isothermal surface
- Lambert surface
- Landau surface
- liquidus surface
- mating surfaces
- matted surface
- multidimensional surface
- multisheeted surface
- multivalley energy surface
- nodal surface
- nonoriented surface
- nonsingular surface
- normal surface
- n-type surface
- one-sided surface
- open-Fermi surface
- oriented surface
- oxide surface
- parabolic surface
- parametric surface
- passivated surface
- perfectly conducting surface
- perfectly reflecting surface
- phase equilibrium surface
- phase transition surface
- planar surface
- polynomial surface
- printing surface
- profiled surface
- projecting surface
- p-type surface
- quadric surface
- rear surface
- recording surface
- reference surface
- reflecting surface
- regression surface
- response surface
- ribbed surface
- Riemann surface
- Riemannian surface
- rough surface
- saddle surface
- singular surface
- sliding surface
- smooth surface
- soiled surface
- solidus surface
- specular surface
- spline surface
- squarable surface
- storage surface
- substrate surface
- supporting surface
- surface of constant curvature
- surface of constant phase
- surface of discontinuity
- surface of estimates
- surface of melt
- surface of revolution
- surface of second order
- tangent surface
- textured surface
- TIR surface
- total-internal-reflection surface
- transversal surface
- trend surface
- twisted surface
- two-sided surface
- uniformly diffusing surface
- unilateral surface
- vicinal surface
- viewing surface
- wave surface
- Wulff surfaceThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > surface
См. также в других словарях:
Fractal art — is created by calculating fractal objects and representing the calculation results as still images, animations, music, or other media.Fractal art is usually created indirectly with the assistance of a computer, iterating through three phases:… … Wikipedia
Lyapunov fractal — Standard Lyapunov logistic fractal with iteration sequence AB, in the region [2, 4] × [2, 4] … Wikipedia
Simulated growth of plants — The simulated growth of plants is a significant task in of systems biology and mathematical biology, which seeks to reproduce plant morphology with computer software. Electronic trees (e trees) usually use L systems to simulate growth. L systems… … Wikipedia
Eden growth model — The Eden growth model describes the growth of specific types of clusters such as bacterial colonies and deposition of materials. These clusters are formed as material accumulates randomly on the boundary of the system. These are also an example… … Wikipedia
Antonio Bru — Infobox Scientist name = Antonio Bru birth date = birth date|1962|5|4|mf=y birth place = Madrid, Spain nationality = Spain fields = Applied mathematics Physics workplaces = Complutense University of Madrid alma mater = Complutense University of… … Wikipedia
Eugene Stanley — Harry Eugene Stanley (* 28. März 1941 in Norman, Oklahoma) ist ein US amerikanischer Physiker. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben und Werk 2 Veröffentlichungen 3 Preise … Deutsch Wikipedia
Multiplicative calculus — In mathematics, multiplicative calculus refers to a number of calculi whose derivative and integral are multiplicative as compared to the classical (or conventional) calculus which is additive and linear. Different examples are given below.… … Wikipedia
Ediacara biota — The Ediacara (IPAEng|ˌiːdɪˈækərə, formerly Vendian) biota are ancient lifeforms of the Ediacaran Period, which represent the earliest known complex multicellular organisms. They appeared soon after the Earth thawed from the Cryogenian period s… … Wikipedia
Diffusionsbegrenztes Wachstum — Das diffusionsbegrenzte Wachstum (diffusion limited aggregation, DLA) kommt durch zufällige Anlagerung von Teilchen zustande. Grundlage dafür ist die brownsche Molekularbewegung, nach deren Gesetzmäßigkeiten sich Teilchen in Gasen oder… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Chaotic mixing — An example of chaotic mixing In chaos theory and fluid dynamics, chaotic mixing is a process by which flow tracers develop into complex fractals under the action of a time varying fluid flow. The flow is characterized by an exponential growth of… … Wikipedia
L-system — An L system or Lindenmayer system is a parallel rewriting system, namely a variant of a formal grammar (a set of rules and symbols), most famously used to model the growth processes of plant development, but also able to model the morphology of a … Wikipedia