1 four stroke engine
четырехтактный двигатель
[ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]EN
four stroke engine
An internal combustion engine whose cycle is completed in four piston strokes; includes a suction stroke, compression stroke, expansion stroke, and exhaust stroke. (Source: MGH)
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > four stroke engine
2 four-stroke engine
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > four-stroke engine
3 four stroke engine
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > four stroke engine
4 four-stroke engine
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > four-stroke engine
5 four stroke engine
6 four-stroke engine
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > four-stroke engine
7 four-stroke engine
<mot.> двигатель четырехтактный -
8 four stroke engine
Нефть: четырёхтактный двигатель -
9 four-stroke engine
1) Британский английский: четырёхтактный индукторный двигатель2) Автомобильный термин: четырёхтактный двигатель -
10 four-stroke engine
11 four-stroke engine
(UK) четырехтактный двигательАнгло-русский дорожно-транспортный словарь > four-stroke engine
12 four-stroke engine
13 four stroke engine
14 four stroke engine
15 four-stroke engine
Английский язык для студентов машиностроительных специальностей > four-stroke engine
16 four stroke engine
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > four stroke engine
17 four-stroke engine
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > four-stroke engine
18 four-stroke engine
19 four-stroke engine
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > four-stroke engine
20 four-stroke engine
English-Russian dictionary of machine parts > four-stroke engine
См. также в других словарях:
Four-stroke engine — Four stroke cycle used in gasoline/petrol engines. The right blue side is the intake and the left yellow side is the exhaust. The cylinder wall is a thin sleeve surrounded by cooling liquid. A video montage of the Otto engines running at the… … Wikipedia
four-stroke engine — n an engine that works with two up and down movements of a ↑piston … Dictionary of contemporary English
four-stroke engine — keturtaktis variklis statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Stūmoklinis vidaus degimo variklis, kurio darbo ciklas vyksta per keturias stūmoklio eigas. atitikmenys: angl. four stroke engine vok. Viertaktmotor, m rus. четырехтактный двигатель, m… … Aiškinamasis šiluminės ir branduolinės technikos terminų žodynas
four stroke engine — four cylinder engine, internal combustion engine comprised of four pistons … English contemporary dictionary
four-stroke engine — noun an internal combustion engine in which an explosive mixture is drawn into the cylinder on the first stroke and is compressed and ignited on the second stroke; work is done on the third stroke and the products of combustion are exhausted on… … Useful english dictionary
four-stroke engine — noun An engine in which the pistons perform four strokes per engine cycle (i.e. intake, compression, power, exhaust). See Also: two stroke engine … Wiktionary
Stroke (engine) — Reciprocating motion, used in reciprocating engines and other mechanisms, is back and forth motion. Each cycle of reciprocation consists of two opposite motions: there is a motion in one direction, and then a motion back in the opposite direction … Wikipedia
four-stroke internal-combustion engine — noun an internal combustion engine in which an explosive mixture is drawn into the cylinder on the first stroke and is compressed and ignited on the second stroke; work is done on the third stroke and the products of combustion are exhausted on… … Useful english dictionary
four-stroke — /ˈfɔ stroʊk/ (say faw strohk) adjective 1. denoting or relating to an internal combustion engine cycle in which one piston stroke out of every four is a power stroke. 2. powered by such an engine. –noun 3. a four stroke engine or vehicle. Compare …
four-stroke — UK / US adjective a four stroke engine works by repeating four different movements … English dictionary
four-stroke — adjective a four stroke engine works with two up and down movements of a piston … Longman dictionary of contemporary English