1 forward cylinder lock
Оружейное производство: передний стопор барабана (револьвер Смит и Вессон) -
2 forward cylinder lock
3 cylinder
1) цилиндр2) барабан3) баллон; резервуар7) валик ( пишущей машины)8) вчт. цилиндр•-
actuating cylinder
adjustable stroke cylinder
aileron-actuating cylinder
air cylinder
airdox cylinder
air-hydraulic cylinder
air-regulated cylinder
angling cylinder
articulation cylinder
assorting cylinder
attachment cylinder
back cylinder
backup cylinder
base cylinder
blade angling cylinder
blade lift cylinder
blade tilt cylinder
blanket cylinder
blind-end cylinder
bogie trim cylinder
boom cylinder
brake cylinder
brake master cylinder
brake power cylinder
buffer cylinder
cardox cylinder
cartridge brake master cylinder
casing cylinder
centershift cylinder
circular cylinder
clevis-mounted single-ended cylinder
cockle cylinder
collecting cylinder
compressor cylinder
copy cylinder
crushing cylinder
cushioned cylinder
cutting cylinder
dead cylinder
delivery cylinder
die-cutting cylinder
differential lock cylinder
dipper cylinder
disk brake cylinder
disk cylinder
door lock cylinder
door uplatch cylinder
double-end rod cylinder
double rod cylinder
double-acting cylinder
double-stroke cylinder
dough extrusion cylinder
downlock cylinder
drying cylinder
dual master cylinder
dual-piston hydraulic cylinder
dusting cylinder
elliptic cylinder
emery-lined rubbing cylinder
equilateral cylinder
extruder cylinder
fire extinguisher cylinder
folding cylinder
forward servo cylinder
full free lift cylinder
gauze cylinder
grader tip cylinder
gravure cylinder
heating cylinder
helium cylinder
high-pressure cylinder
hydraulic cylinder
hydraulic servo cylinder
hydrox cylinder
hyperbolic cylinder
ice cylinder
impact cylinder
impregnating cylinder
impression cylinder
indented cylinder
inner cylinder
integral-end cylinder
intermediate-pressure cylinder
Lester vertical injection cylinder
lift cylinder
load cylinder
low-pressure cylinder
master cylinder
needle cylinder
nontie rod cylinder
numbering cylinder
oat cylinder
oblique cylinder
oil-nitrogen cylinder
one-piece cylinder
opposed cylinders
outer cylinder
parabolic cylinder
parking brake cylinder
piston cylinder
pitch cylinder
plasticating cylinder
plate cylinder
plunger cylinder
pneumatic cylinder
porcupine cylinder
power cylinder
primary cylinder
puller cylinder
quill cylinder
ram cylinder
ranging cylinder
recording cylinder
refrigerant cylinder
reverse servo cylinder
ribbed cylinder
right cylinder
ripper lift cylinder
ripper tilt cylinder
rodless air cylinder
rotating cylinder
rotogravure cylinder
round-ended cylinder
rubber-cord pneumatic cylinder
rubber-cord cylinder
scanning cylinder
scourer cylinder
self-contained cylinder
service cylinder
servo cylinder
sheet feed-in cylinder
sheet transfer cylinder
shot cylinder
single-acting cylinder
single-piston cylinder
single-rod cylinder
slave cylinder
small-bore cylinder
spring return cylinder
spring-oil cylinder
stamping cylinder
stepped wheel cylinder
stick cylinder
storage cylinder
stuffing cylinder
tandem cylinder
telescoping cylinder
test cylinder
through-rod cylinder
tie down cylinder
traction control cylinder
truncated cylinder
uplock cylinder
vacuum brake cylinder
vacuum power cylinder
valve-on-head hydraulic cylinder
wheel cylinder
working cylinder -
4 mode
1) модаа) нормальный тип колебаний, собственный тип колебаний; нормальный тип волн, собственный тип волн3) способ; метод4) тип; форма ( выражения или проявления чего-либо)6) ак. лад; тональность•- π-mode- 1284 compliance mode
- 32-bit mode
- 32-bit transfer mode
- 8086 real mode
- accelerated transit mode
- accumulation-layer mode
- acoustic mode
- active mode
- address mode
- adjacent modes
- all points addressable mode
- alpha mode
- alphanumeric mode
- alternate mode
- AN mode
- analog mode
- angular dependent mode
- angular mode
- anomalous mode
- answer mode
- antiferrodistortive mode
- antiferromagnetic mode
- anti-Stokes mode
- antisymmetric mode
- APA mode
- aperiodic mode
- asymmetric mode
- asynchronous balanced mode
- asynchronous response mode
- asynchronous transfer mode
- auto-answer mode
- auto-dial mode
- avalanche mode
- axial mode
- background mode
- backward mode
- beam mode
- beam-waveguide mode
- Bi-Di mode
- bidirectional mode
- BIOS video mode
- birefringent mode
- bistable mode
- bitmap mode
- black-and-white mode
- block mode
- block-multiplex mode
- blow-up mode
- browse mode
- burst mode
- byte mode
- calculator mode
- central mode
- characteristic mode
- chat mode
- chip test mode
- CHS mode
- circle-dot mode
- circular mode
- circularly polarized mode
- circularly symmetric mode
- clockwise mode
- CMY mode
- CMYK mode
- collective modes
- color mode
- command mode
- common mode
- communications mode
- compatibility mode
- competing modes
- concert hall reverberation mode
- configuration mode
- constant-frequency mode
- contention mode
- continuous-wave mode
- contour modes
- control mode
- conversational mode
- cooked mode
- correlator mode
- counter mode
- counterclockwise mode
- coupled modes
- crossover mode
- current mode
- cutoff mode
- cw mode
- cyclotron mode
- cylinder-head-sector mode
- damped mode
- data-in mode
- data-out mode
- Debye mode
- Debye-like mode
- defocus-dash mode
- defocus-focus mode
- degenerate mode
- delayed domain mode
- depletion mode
- deposition mode
- difference mode
- differential mode
- diffusive mode
- digital mode
- dipole mode
- direct memory access transfer mode
- disk-at-once mode
- display mode
- dissymmetric mode
- DMA transfer mode
- domain mode
- dominant mode
- dot-addressable mode
- dot-dash mode
- doze mode
- draft mode
- drift mode
- ducted mode
- duotone mode
- duplex mode
- dynamic mode
- dynamic scattering mode
- E mode
- Emn mode
- ECHS mode
- ECP mode
- edge mode
- edit mode
- eigen mode
- electromagnetic mode
- elementary mode
- elliptically polarized mode
- embedded mode
- end-fire mode
- enhanced parallel port mode
- enhanced virtual 8086 mode
- enhanced virtual 86 mode
- enhancement mode
- EPP mode
- equiamplitude modes
- EV8086 mode
- EV86 mode
- evanescent mode
- even mode
- even-order mode
- even-symmetrical mode
- exchange mode
- exchange-dominated mode
- excited mode
- exciting mode
- extended capability port mode
- extended cylinder-head-sector mode
- extensional mode
- extraordinary mode
- FA mode
- face shear modes
- failure mode
- fast mode
- fast-forward mode
- ferrite-air mode
- ferrite-dielectric mode
- ferrite-guided mode
- ferrite-metal mode
- ferrodistortive mode
- ferroelectric mode
- file mode
- first mode
- FM mode
- forbidden mode
- force mode
- foreground mode
- forward mode
- forward-bias mode
- forward-propagating mode
- forward-scattered mode
- four-color mode
- four-output mode
- free-running mode
- full on mode
- fundamental mode
- gate mode
- Gaussian mode
- Goldstone mode
- graphic display mode
- graphic mode
- gray-level mode
- grayscale mode
- guided mode
- guided-wave mode
- Gunn mode
- gyromagnetic mode
- H mode
- Hmn mode
- half-duplex mode
- half-tone mode
- hard mode
- harmonic mode
- helicon mode
- Hermite-Gaussian mode
- higher mode
- higher-order mode
- HLS mode
- HSB mode
- HSV mode
- hybrid mode
- idling mode
- impact avalanche transit-time mode
- IMPATT mode
- indexed color mode
- inhibited domain mode
- initialization mode
- injection locked mode
- insert mode
- interactive mode
- internally-trapped mode
- interstitial diffusion mode
- ion-implantation channel mode
- ion-sound mode
- kernel mode
- kiosk mode
- L*a*b* mode
- landscape mode
- large disk mode
- lasing mode
- lattice mode
- laying mode
- LBA mode
- LCH mode
- leaky mode
- left-hand polarized mode
- left-handed polarized mode
- length modes
- letter mode
- LH mode
- limited space-charge accumulation mode
- line art mode
- local mode
- lock mode
- logical block addressing mode
- log-periodically coupled modes
- longitudinal mode
- loopback mode
- lowest mode
- lowest-order mode
- low-power mode
- LSA mode
- magnetic mode
- magnetodynamical mode
- magnetoelastic mode
- magnetosonic mode
- magnetostatic mode
- magnetron mode
- main mode
- masing mode
- master/slave mode
- mixed mode
- mode of excitation
- mode of operation
- modified semistatic mode
- modulated transit-time mode
- module test mode
- mono mode
- mono/stereo mode
- monopulse mode
- moving-target indication mode
- MTI mode
- multi mode
- multichannel mode
- multimode mode
- multiple sector mode
- multiplex mode
- mutual orthogonal modes
- native mode
- natural mode
- near-letter mode
- nibble mode
- nondegenerated mode
- non-privileged mode
- nonpropagating mode
- nonresonant mode
- nonuniform processional mode
- normal mode
- normal-incidence mode
- odd mode
- odd-order mode
- odd-symmetrical mode
- off mode
- off-axial mode
- off-line mode
- omni mode
- on mode
- on-line mode
- operation mode
- optical mode
- ordinary mode
- original mode
- originate mode
- orthogonal modes
- OS/2 compatible mode
- overdamped mode
- overtype mode
- packet mode
- packet transfer mode
- page mode
- parallel port FIFO mode
- parametric mode
- parasitic mode
- pedestal-current stabilized mode
- penetration mode
- persistent-current mode
- perturbated mode
- phonon mode
- pi mode
- PIO mode
- plane mode
- plane polarized mode
- plasma mode
- plasma-guide mode
- playback mode
- polarized mode
- poly mode
- portrait mode
- preferred mode
- principal mode
- privileged mode
- programmed input/output mode
- promiscuous mode
- protected mode
- protected virtual address mode
- proton mode
- pseudo-Rayleigh mode
- pseudospin mode
- pseudospin-wave mode
- pulse mode
- quadrupole mode
- quadtone mode
- quasi-degenerated mode
- quenched domain mode
- quenched multiple-domain mode
- quenched single-domain mode
- question-and-answer mode
- radial mode
- radiating mode
- radiation mode
- Raman active mode
- ranging mode
- rare mode
- raw mode
- RB mode
- read multiple mode
- read-mostly mode
- real address mode
- real mode
- real-time mode
- receive mode
- reflected mode
- reflection mode
- refracted mode
- rehearse mode
- relaxational mode
- resonant mode
- return-beam mode
- reverberation mode
- reverse-bias mode
- rewind mode
- RGB mode
- RH mode
- rho-rho mode
- right-hand polarized mode
- right-handed polarized mode
- safe mode
- saturated-off mode of operation
- saturation mode
- saving mode
- scan mode
- search mode
- secondary-emission pedestal mode
- second-breakdown mode
- self-localized mode
- self-locked mode
- semistatic mode
- shear mode
- shutdown mode
- side modes
- simplex mode
- single mode
- single-vortex cycle mode
- slave mode
- sleep mode
- slow mode
- small room reverberation mode
- soft mode
- softened mode
- sorcerer's apprentice mode
- space-charge feedback mode
- space-charge mode
- spatially orthogonal modes
- special fully nested mode
- spiking mode
- spin mode
- spin-wave mode
- SPP mode
- spurious mode
- spurious pulse mode
- stable mode
- stable-negative-resistance mode
- standard parallel port mode - stationary mode
- Stokes mode
- stop clock mode
- stop mode
- stream mode
- subharmonic mode
- substitutional-diffusion mode
- subsurface mode
- sum mode
- superradiant mode
- supervisor mode
- surface skimming mode
- surface-wave mode
- suspend mode
- SVGA mode
- switching mode
- symmetric mode
- symmetry breaking mode
- symmetry restoring mode
- system management mode
- system test mode
- Tmnp wave resonant mode
- task mode
- TE mode
- TEmnp wave resonant mode
- tearing mode
- telegraph mode
- TEM mode
- terminal mode
- test mode
- text mode
- thermal mode
- thickness modes
- three-color mode
- through mode
- time-difference mode
- time-sharing mode
- TM mode
- TMmnp wave resonant mode
- torsional modes
- total-internal reflection mode
- track-at-once mode
- transfer mode
- transient mode
- transit-time domain mode
- transit-time mode
- transmission mode
- transmitted mode
- transmitting mode
- transverse electric mode
- transverse electromagnetic mode
- transverse magnetic mode
- transverse mode
- transversely polarized mode
- transverse-symmetrical mode
- TRAPATT mode
- trapped mode
- trapped plasma avalanche transit-time mode
- trapped-domain mode
- traveling space-charge mode
- traveling-wave mode
- tristate test mode
- tritone mode
- truncated mode
- twist mode
- twisted nematic mode
- TXT mode
- typeover mode
- uncoupled modes
- undamped mode
- underdamped mode
- unguided mode
- unidirectional mode
- unilateral mode
- unperturbed mode
- unreal mode
- unstable mode
- unwanted mode
- user mode
- V8086 mode
- V86 mode
- VGA mode
- vibration mode
- video mode
- virtual 8086 mode
- virtual 86 mode
- virtual real mode
- volume magnetostatic mode
- wait for key mode
- waiting mode
- Walker mode
- walk-off mode
- wave mode
- waveguide mode
- whispering-gallery mode
- whistler mode
- width modes
- write mode
- write multiple mode
- zero-frequency mode
- zero-order modeThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > mode
5 strut
strut nстойкаactuating strutцилиндр - подкос(шасси) air-oil shock strutвоздушно-масляный амортизаторbearing support strutстойка несущей опоры(ротора) bottomed shock strutполностью обжатый амортизаторbrace strutподкос(напр. крепления двигателя) breaker strutскладывающийся подкосcompressed shock strutобжатый амортизаторdrag strutзадний подкос(шасси) engine mount strutстойка подмоторной рамыfolding drag strutскладывающийся задний подкосfolding strutскладывающийся подкосfolding strut actuating cylinderсиловой цилиндр складывающегося подкосаforward strutпередний подкосhydraulic shock strutгидравлический амортизаторinlet streamlined strutобтекаемая стойка входного устройства(компрессора) interplane strutбипланная стойкаlanding gear shock strutамортизационная опора шассиlocking strutштанга фиксации(капота) lock strutмеханизм распора(складывающегося подкоса опоры шасси) long-stroke shock strutамортизатор с большим ходом штокаmain strutосновная опора(шасси) nose brace strutподкос передней опоры(шасси) nose strutпередняя опора(шасси) oleo-pneumatic shock strutазотно-масляный амортизаторon shock strut recoveryпри обратном ходе амортстойкиradial strutрадиальная опора(турбины) retracting strutцилиндр - подкос для уборки(шасси) shock strutамортизационная опораshock strut collarхомут амортстойкиshock strut compressed positionположение амортизатора в обжатом состоянииshock strut compressionусадка амортизатораshock strut compression indicatorуказатель обжатия амортизатораshock strut cylinderцилиндр амортизационной опорыshock strut impact travelпрямой ход амортизатораshock strut pistonшток опорыshock strut recoveryобратный ход амортстойкиshock strut strokeход амортстойки(шасси) side strutбоковой подкосstabilizer strutподкос стабилизатораstrut fairingщиток подкосаstrut retraction cylinderцилиндр подъема опорыsupporting strutподкос(напр. крепления двигателя) telescopic shock strutтелескопический амортизаторtripod strutподкос треножного подъемникаwheel-to-shock strut suspensionкрепление колеса на штоке амортизатора(шасси) -
6 jack
силовой цилиндр; см. тж. actuator, cylinder; подъёмник (шасси, закрылков, самолёта) ; сервопривод; гидроусилитель; гнездо ( штепсельного разъёма) ; штекер; разъём; перфоратор
См. также в других словарях:
Lock (water transport) — Canal lock and lock keeper s cottage on the Aylesbury Arm of the Grand Union Canal at Marsworth in Hertfordshire, England … Wikipedia
Captive bolt pistol — A captive bolt pistol (also variously known as a cattle gun, stunbolt gun, bolt gun, or stunner) is a device used for stunning animals prior to slaughter. Proper stunning is essential to prevent the pain and suffering of the animal during the… … Wikipedia
small arm — small armed, adj. Usually, small arms. a firearm designed to be held in one or both hands while being fired: in the U.S. the term is applied to weapons of a caliber of up to one in. (2.5 cm). [1680 90] * * * ▪ military technology Introduction… … Universalium
Revolver — A revolver is a repeating firearm that consists of multiple chambers and at least one barrel for firing. As the user cocks the hammer, the cylinder revolves to align the next round with the barrel, which gives this type of firearm its name. In… … Wikipedia
List of problems solved by MacGyver — This is a list of problems that have been solved by the fictional character MacGyver from the television series of the same name. (This list is not yet comprehensive.) MacGyver employs his resourcefulness and his knowledge of chemistry,… … Wikipedia
technology, history of — Introduction the development over time of systematic techniques for making and doing things. The term technology, a combination of the Greek technē, “art, craft,” with logos, “word, speech,” meant in Greece a discourse on the arts, both… … Universalium
Air gun — Air rifle and Air pistol redirect here. For other uses, see Air gun (disambiguation) An air gun (air rifle or air pistol) is a rifle or pistol which fires projectiles by means of compressed air or other gas, (in contrast to a firearm which uses… … Wikipedia
Internal ballistics — Internal ballistics, a subfield of ballistics, is the study of a projectile s behavior from the time its propellant s igniter is initiated until it exits the gun barrel. The study of internal ballistics is important to designers and users of… … Wikipedia
Chrysler New Yorker — Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation Production 1939–1996 Successor Chrysler LHS … Wikipedia
Honda Accord — Infobox Automobile name=Honda Accord manufacturer=Honda production=1976 ndash;present predecessor=Honda 1300 class=Compact (1976 ndash;1993) Mid size (1994 ndash;2007) Full size (2008 ndash;present) layout=FF layoutThe Honda Accord is series of… … Wikipedia
List of Chinese inventions — A bronze Chinese crossbow mechanism with a buttplate (the wooden components have … Wikipedia