1 случайность
chance; fortuity, fortuitousness (случайный характер)* * ** * *chance; fortuity, fortuitousness* * *accidentaccidentscasualtycontingencyeventualitieseventualityfortuitiesfortuityrandomnessrandomnesses -
2 случай
1) General subject: accident, case, chance, clip, contingency, episode, event, experience, fortuity, hap, haphazard, happening, haps, incident, incidental, instance, luck, occasion, occurence, occurrence, opportunity, thing, adventure, circumstance, cases, context2) Colloquial: break3) Obsolete: tidings4) Literal: die5) Latin: casus6) Bookish: fortuitousness7) Mathematics: alternate version, alternative (to), chance, modification, situation, variant, variation (of)10) Jargon: squeak, (законы вероятности) avs, slip-up11) Oil: assumption12) Sakhalin energy glossary: incident( is an unplanned event or chain of events which has, or could have caused injury or illness and/or damage /loss/ to people, assets, the environment or reputation)13) leg.N.P. chance (criminal law), misadventure, occasion (criminal law)14) Aviation medicine: accident (несчастный)15) Makarov: hazard -
3 случайность
1) General subject: Happenstance (A combination of "Happen" and "Circumstance". Пример: "It was by happenstance that I came by here today."), accident, accidental, chance, contingency, eventuality, (счастливая) fluke, fortuity, hap, hapchance, haphazard, happenchance, incident, occasionality, odd, odd (и т.п.), peradventure, casualness, casuality2) Philosophy: affection3) Bookish: fortuitousness4) Mathematics: incidental, random nature5) Mining: emergency6) Diplomatic term: cast of the die7) Psychology: casualty, contingence, fortune8) Jargon: snafu9) Information technology: play of chance10) Oil: randomness11) Special term: randomnicity12) Quality control: absence of pattern (напр. выбора изделий для контроля)13) Psychoanalysis: (чистая) haphazard14) Makarov: hazard -
4 случайность
ж.1. chanceпо счастливой случайности — by a lucky chance, by a happy accident, by sheer luck
ограждать себя от случайностей — put* oneself beyond the reach of chance
2. ( случайный характер) fortuity, fortuitousnessслучайность встречи — fortuity of a meeting, casual / accidental / chance nature of a meeting
случайность ошибки — accidental nature of a mistake, или an error
5 случайность
ж.1) ( случайное обстоятельство) chanceпо счастли́вой случа́йности — by a lucky chance, by a happy accident, by sheer luck
по несча́стной случа́йности — as ill luck would have it
э́то была́ проста́я / чи́стая случа́йность — it was a pure accident
зави́сеть от случа́йностей — be governed by (the rule of) chance
огражда́ть себя́ от случа́йностей — put oneself beyond the reach of chance
2) (непредвиденность, непреднамеренность) fortuity [-'tjʊɪ-], fortuitousness [-'tjʊɪ-]случа́йность встре́чи — fortuity of a meeting, casual / accidental / chance nature of a meeting
случа́йность э́той оши́бки несомне́нна — there is no doubt that the mistake is accidental
6 случайность
7 случайность
accident имя существительное: -
8 случайность
1. randomness2. eventuality3. fortuitousness4. fortuity5. happenstance6. chance; fortuity7. accidentчистый случай, абсолютная случайность — mere accident
8. contingency9. haphazard10. incidentАнтонимический ряд:закономерность; намеренность
См. также в других словарях:
fortuitousness — index act of God, chance (fortuity), happenstance Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
fortuitousness — fortuitous ► ADJECTIVE 1) happening by chance rather than design. 2) happening by a lucky chance; fortunate. DERIVATIVES fortuitously adverb fortuitousness noun fortuity noun (pl. fortuities) . ORIGIN Latin fortuitus, from forte … English terms dictionary
Fortuitousness — Fortuitous For*tu i*tous, a. [L. fortuitus; akin to forte, adv., by chance, prop. abl. of fors, fortis, chance. See {Fortune}.] 1. Happening by chance; coming or occuring unexpectedly, or without any known cause; chance; as, the fortuitous… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fortuitousness — noun see fortuitous … New Collegiate Dictionary
fortuitousness — See fortuitously. * * * … Universalium
fortuitousness — noun The quality of being fortuitous … Wiktionary
fortuitousness — (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun The quality shared by random, unintended, or unpredictable events or this quality regarded as the cause of such events: chance, fortuity, fortune, hap, hazard, luck. See CERTAIN … English dictionary for students
fortuitousness — n. quality of being accidental, quality of occurring by chance … English contemporary dictionary
fortuitousness — for·tu·i·tous·ness … English syllables
fortuitousness — noun the quality of happening accidentally and by lucky chance • Derivationally related forms: ↑fortuitous • Hypernyms: ↑uncertainty, ↑uncertainness, ↑precariousness … Useful english dictionary
Contingentness — Con*tin gent*ness, n. The state of being contingent; fortuitousness. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English