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  • 1 forms

    • formy
    • formuláře

    English-Czech dictionary > forms

  • 2 form

    I 1. [fo:m] noun
    1) ((a) shape; outward appearance: He saw a strange form in the darkness.) tvar; postava
    2) (a kind, type or variety: What form of ceremony usually takes place when someone gets a promotion?) druh
    3) (a document containing certain questions, the answers to which must be written on it: an application form.) formulář
    4) (a fixed way of doing things: forms and ceremonies.) formalita
    5) (a school class: He is in the sixth form.) třída
    2. verb
    1) (to make; to cause to take shape: They decided to form a drama group.) vytvořit
    2) (to come into existence; to take shape: An idea slowly formed in his mind.) zformovat se, utvořit se
    3) (to organize or arrange (oneself or other people) into a particular order: The women formed (themselves) into three groups.) rozdělit (se), uspořádat (se)
    4) (to be; to make up: These lectures form part of the medical course.) tvořit část
    - be in good form
    - in the form of
    II [fo:m] noun
    (a long, usually wooden seat: The children were sitting on forms.) lavice
    * * *
    • tvořit
    • tvar
    • utvořit
    • uzpůsobit
    • tvarovat
    • vytvořit
    • způsob
    • povaha
    • podoba
    • organizovat
    • forma
    • formovat
    • formulář

    English-Czech dictionary > form

  • 3 arc

    (a part of the line which forms a circle or other curve.) oblouk
    * * *
    • oblouk
    • geometrický oblouk

    English-Czech dictionary > arc

  • 4 art

    1) (painting and sculpture: I'm studying art at school; Do you like modern art?; ( also adjective) an art gallery, an art college.) umění (výtvarné); umělecký
    2) (any of various creative forms of expression: painting, music, dancing, writing and the other arts.) umění
    3) (an ability or skill; the (best) way of doing something: the art of conversation/war.) dovednost, umění
    - artfully
    - artfulness
    - arts
    * * *
    • umění
    • zručnost
    • šikovnost
    • lest
    • dovednost
    • dílo

    English-Czech dictionary > art

  • 5 blank

    [blæŋk] 1. adjective
    1) ((of paper) without writing or marks: a blank sheet of paper.) čistý, nepopsaný
    2) (expressionless: a blank look.) prázdný
    3) ((of a wall) having no door, window etc.) slepý
    2. noun
    1) ((in forms etc) a space left to be filled (with a signature etc): Fill in all the blanks!) prázdné místo
    2) (a blank cartridge: The soldier fired a blank.) slepá patrona
    - blankness
    - blank cartridge
    - blank cheque
    - go blank
    * * *
    • vynechaný
    • prázdné místo
    • prázdný
    • nevyplněný
    • nepopsaný

    English-Czech dictionary > blank

  • 6 calcium

    (an element of which one compound (calcium carbonate) forms limestone, chalk etc.) vápník
    * * *
    • vápník

    English-Czech dictionary > calcium

  • 7 communism

    ((often with capital) a system of government under which there is no private industry and (in some forms) no private property, most things being state-owned.) komunismus
    * * *
    • komunismus

    English-Czech dictionary > communism

  • 8 conventional

    adjective ((negative unconventional) according to the accepted standards etc; not outrageous or eccentric: conventional dress; the more conventional forms of art.) konvenční
    * * *
    • obecný

    English-Czech dictionary > conventional

  • 9 corporal

    I ['ko:pərəl] noun
    ((often abbreviated to Corp. when written) (a person of) the rank below sergeant.) desátník
    II ['ko:pərəl] adjective
    (of the body: The headmaster disapproves of caning and all other forms of corporal punishment.) tělesný
    * * *
    • kaprál
    • desátník

    English-Czech dictionary > corporal

  • 10 cream

    [kri:m] 1. noun
    1) (the yellowish-white oily substance that forms on the top of milk, and from which butter and cheese are made.) smetana
    2) (any of many substances made of, or similar to, cream: ice-cream; face-cream.) krém
    3) (the best part; the top people: the cream of the medical profession.) smetánka
    4) (( also adjective) (of) a yellowish-white colour: cream paint.) krémová barva
    2. verb
    1) (to make into a cream-like mixture: Cream the eggs, butter and sugar together.) (u)třít (těsto)
    2) (to take the cream off: She creamed the milk.) sbírat smetanu
    3) ((with off) to select (the best): The best pupils will be creamed off for special training.) vybrat
    - creaminess
    - cream of tartar
    * * *
    • šlehačka
    • smetana
    • krém

    English-Czech dictionary > cream

  • 11 exercise

    1. noun
    1) (training or use (especially of the body) through action or effort: Swimming is one of the healthiest forms of exercise; Take more exercise.) pohyb
    2) (an activity intended as training: ballet exercises; spelling exercises.) cvičení
    3) (a series of tasks, movements etc for training troops etc: His battalion is on an exercise in the mountains.) cvičení, cvik
    2. verb
    1) (to train or give exercise to: Dogs should be exercised frequently; I exercise every morning.) cvičit
    2) (to use; to make use of: She was given the opportunity to exercise her skill as a pianist.) uplatnit
    * * *
    • vynaložení
    • vykonávání
    • vycvičit
    • písemný úkol
    • pohyb
    • procvičit
    • procvičovat
    • nacvičit
    • cvičení
    • cvičit

    English-Czech dictionary > exercise

  • 12 fill in

    1) (to add or put in (whatever is needed to make something complete): to fill in the details.) doplnit
    2) (to complete (forms, application etc) by putting in the information required: Have you filled in your tax form yet?) vyplnit
    3) (to give (someone) all the necessary information: I've been away - can you fill me in on what has happened?) informovat
    4) (to occupy (time): She had several cups of coffee at the cafeteria to fill in the time until the train left.) vyplnit
    5) (to do another person's job temporarily: I'm filling in for her secretary.) zastoupit, zaskočit za
    * * *
    • vyplnit
    • vyplňovat

    English-Czech dictionary > fill in

  • 13 informal

    1) (not formal or official; friendly and relaxed: The two prime ministers will meet for informal discussions today; Will the party be formal or informal?; friendly, informal manners.) neoficiální
    2) ((of speech or vocabulary) used in conversation but not usually when writing formally, speaking in public etc: `Won't' and `can't' are informal forms of `will not' and `cannot'.) hovorový
    - informally
    * * *
    • všední
    • pohodlný
    • obyčejný
    • každodenní
    • neformální

    English-Czech dictionary > informal

  • 14 membrane

    (a thin film or layer of tissue that covers or lines parts of the body, forms the outside of cells etc.) membrána
    * * *
    • membrána
    • blána

    English-Czech dictionary > membrane

  • 15 neon

    (an element, a colourless gas used in certain forms of electric lighting, eg advertising signs.) neon
    * * *
    • neon

    English-Czech dictionary > neon

  • 16 phrase

    [freiz] 1. noun
    1) (a small group of words (usually without a finite verb) which forms part of an actual or implied sentence: He arrived after dinner.) slovní spojení
    2) (a small group of musical notes which follow each other to make a definite individual section of a melody: the opening phrase of the overture.) fráze
    2. verb
    (to express (something) in words: I phrased my explanations in simple language.) formulovat
    - phrasing
    - phrase-book
    - phrasal verb
    * * *
    • úsloví
    • vyjádřil
    • rčení
    • slovní spojení
    • fráze
    • formulovat

    English-Czech dictionary > phrase

  • 17 plaque

    1) (a plate of metal etc fixed to a wall etc as a memorial: His name was inscribed on a brass plaque.) deska
    2) (a china etc ornament for fixing on the wall.) plaketa
    3) (a deposit of saliva and bacteria which forms on the teeth.) povlak
    * * *
    • plaketa

    English-Czech dictionary > plaque

  • 18 pus

    (a thick, yellowish liquid that forms in infected wounds etc.) hnis
    * * *
    • hnis
    • malárie

    English-Czech dictionary > pus

  • 19 radiotherapy

    (the treatment of disease by X-rays and other forms of radiation.) radioterapie
    * * *
    • radioterapie

    English-Czech dictionary > radiotherapy

  • 20 rail

    [reil] 1. noun
    1) (a (usually horizontal) bar of metal, wood etc used in fences etc, or for hanging things on: Don't lean over the rail; a curtain-rail; a towel-rail.) zábradlí; držák
    2) ((usually in plural) a long bar of steel which forms the track on which trains etc run.) kolejnice
    2. verb
    ((usually with in or off) to surround with a rail or rails: We'll rail that bit of ground off to stop people walking on it.) ohradit
    - railroad
    - railway
    - by rail
    * * *
    • zábradlí
    • železnice

    English-Czech dictionary > rail

См. также в других словарях:

  • Forms — Oracle Forms ist einer der Kern Komponenten der Oracle Developer Suite und erlaubt die WYSIWYG Erstellung sowie die Programmierung von Datenbank gestützten, interaktiven Dialogmasken. Neben der Oracle Datenbank werden auch diverse andere SQL… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • forms — The theory of forms is probably the most characteristic, and most contested of the doctrines of Plato . In the background lie the Pythagorean conception of form as the key to physical nature, but also the sceptical doctrine associated with… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Forms —    One great objection brought against the Episcopal Church by many persons not members of it is what they call forms and ceremonies. They say what they want is spiritual religion, and this objection seems to be so final with them there is… …   American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia

  • forms — All forms referred to herein; e.g., Buyer Delivery Commitment, shall be forms prescribed by the exchange. Chicago Mercantile Exchange Glossary …   Financial and business terms

  • forms of action — n. The categories of legal actions available under common law, such as trespass, debt, etc., and divided into actions at equity and actions at law; now all forms of action are gathered together under the Rules of Civil Procedure into the single… …   Law dictionary

  • Forms of address in the United Kingdom — Forms of address used in the United Kingdom are given below.Several terms have been abbreviated in the table below. The forms used in the table are given first, followed by alternative acceptable abbreviations in parentheses.Abbreviations*His/Her …   Wikipedia

  • forms of action — governed common law pleading and were the procedural devices used to give expression to the theories of liability recognized by the common law. Failure to analyze the cause of action properly, to select the proper theory of liability and to… …   Black's law dictionary

  • forms of action — governed common law pleading and were the procedural devices used to give expression to the theories of liability recognized by the common law. Failure to analyze the cause of action properly, to select the proper theory of liability and to… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Forms of activity and interpersonal relations — in sociology can be described as follows: first and most basic are animal like behaviors, i.e. various physical movements of the body. Then there are actions movements with a meaning and purpose. Then there are social behaviors, which are… …   Wikipedia

  • Forms of juggling — This is an outline of the most popular forms of juggling as practiced by amateur, non performing, hobby jugglers. This list is based on the current trends in the Western world (Europe and North America) for ball, club and ring juggling, and is… …   Wikipedia

  • Forms of cricket — Various forms of cricket exist and the sport may broadly be divided between major and minor versions. Major cricket includes several variations in which top class players have taken part such as Test cricket, first class cricket, single wicket,… …   Wikipedia

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