1 forked connecting rod
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > forked connecting rod
2 forked connecting rod
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > forked connecting rod
3 forked connecting rod
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > forked connecting rod
4 forked connecting rod
1) Техника: вилкообразный шатун2) Автомобильный термин: вильчатый шатун (в V-образном двигателе)3) Нефть: вильчатый шатун (балансира станка-качалки) -
5 forked connecting rod
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > forked connecting rod
6 forked connecting rod
дв. вильчатый шатунEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > forked connecting rod
7 connecting rod
1) шатун; соединительная штанга2) шатун (рис. 14,7); соединительная тяга (рис. 144,6) - connecting rod and cap marks - connecting rod bearing seat - connecting rod big end - connecting rod big end bearing - connecting rod blade - connecting rod bush - connecting rod bushing lock - connecting rod cap - connecting rod dipper - connecting rod fork - connecting rod gear - connecting rod jig - connecting rod oil line - connecting rod pressure - connecting rod scoop - connecting rod shim - connecting rod small end - connecting rod small end bush - connecting rod thrust - connecting rod tip - connecting rod wrench - fork connecting rod - fork and blade connecting rod - forked connecting rod - hinged type connecting rod - I-section connecting rod - jointed connecting rod - master connecting rod - plain connecting rod - steering gear connecting rod - straight connecting rod - tubular connecting rod - yoked connecting rod -
8 connecting rod end
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > connecting rod end
9 connecting rod end
10 articulated connecting rod
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > articulated connecting rod
11 angle of connecting rod
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > angle of connecting rod
12 rod
стержень; тяга; штокarticulated (connecting) rod — дв. прицепной шатун
tail-rotor pitch control push rod — верт. тяга управления шагом хвостового винта
— fuel rod— link rod— push rod— tie rod -
13 forked
вильчатый; с развилиной; разветвлённый- forked clamp - forked frame - forked gripper - forked handle - forked journal - forked lever - forked line - forked road - forked rod - forked stick - forked tube -
14 forked end
15 вильчатый шатун
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > вильчатый шатун
16 end
конец; окончание; торец; край; оконечность; днище; головка (шатуна); рабочее ребро; лезвие; II кончать(ся); прекращать(ся); подходить к концу; оканчиваться; II концевой; крайний; конечный- end cap- end cover - end curtain - end cutting nippers- end door- end face- end-fatigue - end float - end for self-tapping screw - end for thread rolling screw - end journal - end loading - end mill - end motion - end movement - end of blind hole - end of connecting rod - end of engagement - end of run - end on - end pillar - end pin - end plate - end play - end-point gasoline - end point of fraction - end-quench hardenability test - end relief - end shield - end slot - end-slot piston pin - end stop - end temperature - end thrust - end tipper - end-to-end - end-to-end discharge - end view - end washer - as-rolled end - assembly end - at end of each stroke - back end- ball end- big end- box end - built-in end- butt end- connecting rod end - cylinder end - drive end- egg end- entry end - feed end - forked end - heavy ends - joint end - lapped ends - piston-rod end - rear end - running end - small end - split lever end - stub end - threaded end - upset end - upstream end -
17 end
1) конец; окончание; край; оконечность || кончать, кончаться; оканчивать, оканчиваться || концевой; крайний2) торец; торцовая кромка; днище3) лезвие; рабочее ребро4) головка•- after end
- annular end
- as-rolled end
- assembly end
- back end
- ball end
- bent end
- box end
- butt end
- cap end
- chamfered end
- cold ends of press
- connecting rod end
- cross-cut end
- cutoff end
- cylinder end
- datum end
- delivery end
- drive end
- driving end
- end of blind hole
- end of block
- feed end
- forked end
- front end
- head end
- heel end of the tooth
- hook end
- interiorly screw-threaded end
- joint end
- large end of the tooth
- leading end
- location end
- open annular end
- open end
- outboard end
- pointed end
- pull end
- puller end
- reduced end of sleeve
- rod end of the cylinder
- rod end
- rounded end
- screw-threaded end
- sealing end
- shank end
- shouldered end
- skewed end
- slit end
- sloping end
- small end of the tooth
- split lever end
- spur end
- stem end
- strap end
- studded end
- tail end
- threaded end
- throw-off end
- toe end of the tooth
- trailing end
- turn-down end
- turned-in end
- uneven end
- waste endsEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > end
18 pin
1) шпилька; штифт; шплинт || заштифтовывать; зашплинтовывать2) палец; шкворень, штырь; шип3) цапфа; шейка6) болт7) охватываемая [ввёртная\] деталь резьбового соединения; ниппель ( бурильного замка)8) кнопка10) контактный штырь; штырьковый вывод; штыревой контакт12) игла ( печатающего устройства)13) графейка ( фальцаппарата)14) цилиндрический образец (для испытаний на трение и изнашивание)•pin with a beveled end ( — траковый) палец со скошенным торцом-
alignment pin
anchor pin
annular fuel pin
arbor pin
articulated pin
axle pin
ball pin
banking pin
base pin
bearing pin
big register pin
blanket pin
blow pin
bolt pin
brake pin
bushing protecting pin
butt pin
cartridge pin
catch pin
center pin
centering pin
chaining pin
check pin
chip pin
chuck-release pin
claw pin
clevis pin
clutch pin
collar pin
combed register pins
connecting rod pin
contact pin
core pin
cotter pin
coupler pin
coupler shank pin
crank pin
docking pin
door roller pin
dowel pin
draw pin
drawbar pin
drawbore pin
drawing pin
drill pipe pin
driver fuel pin
driving wheel pin
dry joint pin
end center drilled pin
end pin
engine support pin
floating pin
forked pilot pins
fuel pin
fulcrum lever pin
fulcrum pin
guard pin
gudgeon pin
guide pin
hinge pin
hitch pin
idler position pin
input pin
insulator pin
joint pin
king pin
knockout pin
knuckle pin
knuckle pivot pin
larding pin
latch pin
lay pin
lever pin
line pin
little register pin
locating pin
lock pin
locklift pin
marking pin
mask mounting pin
metering pin
Midgley bouncing pin
mixed-oxide fuel pin
molding pin
mortise pin
oscillating pin
output pin
package pin
panel pin
pattern pin
picker pin
pilot pin
piston pin
pivot pin
plug pin
plunger pin
positioning pin
printing pin
punch pin
register pin
retention pin
roll pin
rolling pin
roof pin
rotating pin
round pin
safety lock pin
safety pin
screw pin
sensing pin
set pin
set screw pin
shackle pin
shear pin
snubber pin
spalled pin
spare pin
sphere-pack fuel pin
spindle pin
splint pin
split pin
spring pin
spring suspension link pin
steering pin
stop pin
swivel pin
tapered pin
taper pin
taping pin
tapping pin
terminal pin
test pin
thrust pin
timing pin
tool Joint pin
tracer pin
track assemble forcing pin
track master pin
track pin
twist pin
vented fuel pin
wedge pin
wet joint pin
wire-wrap pin
wooden pin
wrist pin
yoke pin -
19 journal
1) цапфа; шейка; шип2) пята3) журнал•- air-bearing journal
- axle journal
- ball end journal
- ball journal
- bearing journal
- built-in journal
- centering journal
- collar journal
- conical journal
- connecting rod journal
- crank journal
- crankshaft journal
- cylindrical journal
- end journal
- forked journal
- gudgeon journal
- hollow journal
- inserted journal
- king journal
- main bearing journal
- neck journal
- neck-collar journal
- pin journal
- pivot journal
- pointed journal
- shaft journal
- spherical journal
- supporting journal
- tail journal
- taper journal
- tapered journal
- thrust journal
- worn-in journalEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > journal
20 port end
1. головка мартеновской печи2. головка
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Connecting rod — piston (top) and connecting rod from typical automotive engine (scale is in centimetres) In a reciprocating piston engine, the connecting rod or conrod connects the piston to the crank or crankshaft. Together with the crank, they form a simple… … Wikipedia
forked con rod — A special split connecting rod to take two pistons for uniflow scavenging two stroke engines with two pistons per cylinder … Dictionary of automotive terms
connecting rod — The connecting link or arm between the piston and the crankshaft. It converts the up and down (reciprocating) motion of the piston into the circular (rotary) motion of the spinning crankshaft. Often called con rod. Also see big end bearing boxed… … Dictionary of automotive terms
rod — [1] A modified car. Also see street rod. [2] To drive a vehicle hard. [3] A connecting rod. [4] To clean out a radiator by passing a rod through the lines. See rodding the radiator. [5] A thin bar. See boxed rod brake rod connecting rod con rod … Dictionary of automotive terms
Opposed-piston engine — This article is about existing engine designs. For the quite different concept proposed by Frank Stelzer, see Stelzer engine. Fairbanks Morse opposed piston diesel engines on the submarine USS Pampanito An opposed piston engine is a reciprocating … Wikipedia
Twingle engine — The Twingle engine is a two stroke engine, usually of small capacity and usually gasoline fueled. It uses two pistons, one of which controls the inlet ports, the other the exhaust ports. These run in two parallel cylinder bores but share a single … Wikipedia
Opposed piston engine — An opposed piston engine is one in which the cylinders are double ended, with a piston at each end and no cylinder head.ConfigurationsSome variations of the Opposed Piston or OP designs use a single crankshaft like the Doxford ship enginesCite… … Wikipedia
вильчатый шатун — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN forked connecting rod … Справочник технического переводчика
Crankpin — Crankpins highlighted in blue … Wikipedia
List of problems solved by MacGyver — This is a list of problems that have been solved by the fictional character MacGyver from the television series of the same name. (This list is not yet comprehensive.) MacGyver employs his resourcefulness and his knowledge of chemistry,… … Wikipedia
London Steam Carriage — The London Steam Carriage was an early steam road vehicle constructed by Richard Trevithick in 1803 and the world s first self powered passenger carrying vehicle. Cugnot had built a steam vehicle thirty years previously, but that had been a slow… … Wikipedia