1 forget me not
unutma beni (çiçek) -
2 forget me not
unutma beni (çiçek) -
3 forget-me-not
unutmabeni çiçegi -
4 not to forget
v. unutmamak -
5 not to forget
v. unutmamak -
6 certain
adj. kesin, muhakkak, mutlâk, şüphesiz, güvenilir, kuşkusuz, emin, belirlenmiş, belirli, belli; herhangi bir, falanca* * *malum* * *['sə:tn] 1. adjective1) (true or without doubt: It's certain that the world is round.) kuşkusuz, şüphesiz2) (sure: I'm certain he'll come; He is certain to forget; Being late is a certain way of losing one's job.) emin, hiç kuşkusuz, kesin3) (one or some, not definitely named: certain doctors; a certain Mrs Smith; (also pronoun) certain of his friends.) bir, bazı, kimi4) (slight; some: a certain hostility in his manner; a certain amount.) biraz, bir miktar•2. interjection(of course: `May I borrow your typewriter?' `Certainly!'; `Certainly not!') tabiî, hay hay, memnuniyetle- for certain
- make certain -
7 at the same time
aynı anda, bununla beraber, aynı zamanda, yine de, bununla birlikte* * *aynı anda* * *1) (together.) aynı zamanda2) (nevertheless: Mountain-climbing is fun, but at the same time we must not forget the danger.) ancak, bununla beraber -
8 return
adj. dönüş, iade, rövanş————————n. dönüş, geri dönüş, geri gelme, geri verme, geriye gitme, geri dönme, tekrarlama, nüksetme, iade, tazminat, karşılık, kâr, getiri, rapor, resmi açıklama, seçim sonucu, bülten, geri tepme, tornistan, topa geri vurma, ince kıyım tütün, rövanş maçı————————v. dönmek, geri dönmek, misilleme yapmak, nüksetmek, tekrarlamak, geri gelmek, geri vermek, iade etmek, geri göndermek, getiri sağlamak, getirmek (faiz vb), beyan etmek, resmen bildirmek, hüküm vermek, karar vermek [mahk.], yansıtmak, milletvekili seçmek, aynı kâğıttan oynamak, geri vurmak, topu karşılamak, döndürmek* * *1. dönüş 2. geri dön (v.) 3. dönen (adj.)* * *[rə'tə:n] 1. verb1) (to come or go back: He returns home tomorrow; He returned to London from Paris yesterday; The pain has returned.) dönmek, geri gelmek2) (to give, send, put etc (something) back where it came from: He returned the book to its shelf; Don't forget to return the books you borrowed.) geri vermek3) (I'll return to this topic in a minute.) geri dönmek4) (to do (something) which has been done to oneself: She hit him and he returned the blow; He said how nice it was to see her again, and she returned the compliment.) karşılık vermek5) ((of voters) to elect (someone) to Parliament.) (milletvekili olarak) seçmek6) ((of a jury) to give (a verdict): The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.) vermek, bildirmek7) ((in tennis etc) to hit (a ball) back to one's opponent: She returned his serve.) geri göndermek2. noun1) (the act of returning: On our return, we found the house had been burgled; ( also adjective) a return journey.) geri dönme, geri geliş2) (especially in United Kingdom, a round-trip ticket, a return ticket: Do you want a single or a return?) gidiş-dönüş•- return match
- return ticket
- by return of post
- by return
- in return for
- in return
- many happy returns of the day
- many happy returns
См. также в других словарях:
Forget Me Not B&B — (Барселона,Испания) Категория отеля: Адрес: Enric Granados, 44 Principal, Эшамп … Каталог отелей
Forget me not — (übersetzt „Vergiss mein nicht“) ist eine Manga Serie des japanischen Zeichners Kenji Tsuruta. Sie richtet sich vorwiegend an eine erwachsene, männliche Leserschaft, lässt sich also der Seinen Gattung zuordnen. Handlung Die junge Erbin und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Forget-me-not — (übersetzt „Vergiss mein nicht“) ist eine Manga Serie des japanischen Zeichners Kenji Tsuruta. Sie richtet sich vorwiegend an eine erwachsene, männliche Leserschaft, lässt sich also der Seinen Gattung zuordnen. Handlung Die junge Erbin und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Forget Me Not — is a 1968 single by Motown girl group Martha and the Vandellas. Though the song failed to ignite charts in America barely hitting the Billboard Hot 100, where it peaked at #93 (it was the b side to their hit, I Promise to Wait My Love ) and… … Wikipedia
forget-me-not — forget me nots N COUNT A forget me not is a small plant with tiny blue flowers … English dictionary
Forget-me-not — For*get me not , n. [Cf. G. vergissmeinnicht.] (Bot.) A small perennial herb, of the genus {Myosotis} ({Myosotis scorpiodes}, {Myosotis palustris}, {Myosotis incespitosa}, etc.), bearing a beautiful bright blue or white flowers, and extensively… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Forget-me-not — est un manga de Kenji Tsuruta édité par Casterman dans la collection Sakka. Publié par Kôdanska Traduction : Alain David et Yumi Terao Adaptation graphique : Jean Luc Ruault Portail de l’animation et de la bande dessinée asiatiques … Wikipédia en Français
forget-me-not — the flowering plant Myosotis palustris, 1530s, from O.Fr. ne m oubliez mye; in 15c. the flower was supposed to ensure that those wearing it should never be forgotten by their lovers. Similar loan translations took the name into other languages,… … Etymology dictionary
forget-me-not — forget′ me not n. 1) pln any of several Old World plants of the genus Myosotis, of the borage family, having light blue flowers 2) pln any similar or related plant • Etymology: 1525–35; trans. of MF ne m oubliez mye … From formal English to slang
forget-me-not — ► NOUN ▪ a low growing plant of the borage family with bright blue flowers. ORIGIN translating the Old French name ne m oubliez mye; said to ensure that the wearer of the flower would never be forgotten by a lover … English terms dictionary
forget-me-not — [fər get′mē nät΄] n. 1. any of a genus (Myosotis) of marsh plants of the borage family, with clusters of small blue, white, or pink flowers: an emblem of faithfulness and friendship 2. any of a number of other plants related or similar to this … English World dictionary