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foreign policy

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  • Foreign Policy — Pays États Unis Langue Anglais Périodicité bimestriel Fondateur Samuel P. Huntington et Warren Demian Manshel Date de fondation 1970 Propriétaire …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Foreign Policy — ist ein anfangs vierteljährlich und derzeit alle zwei Monate erscheinendes Magazin in den USA und thematisiert die amerikanische Außenpolitik sowie internationale Politik, Beziehungen und Wirtschaft. Es wurde 1970 von Samuel P. Huntington und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Foreign Policy — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Foreign Policy es una publicación bimensual fundada en 1970 por Samuel P.Huntington y Warren Demian Manshel. La edita el Fondo Carnegie para la Paz Internacional en Washington D.C.. Su temática trata sobre política… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Foreign Policy — Специализация: новости Периодичность: раз в два месяца Язык: английский Главный редактор: Сюзен Глэссер Издатель: The Washington Post Company …   Википедия

  • foreign policy — ➔ policy * * * foreign policy UK US noun [C or U] GOVERNMENT ► the official ways in which a government has decided to deal with other countries, in relation to trade, defence, etc., or a particular example of this: » The President and Secretary… …   Financial and business terms

  • Foreign policy — A country s foreign policy also called the international relations policy is a set of goals outlining how the country will interact with other countries economically, politically, socially and military, and to a lesser extent, how the country… …   Wikipedia

  • foreign policy —    There exist two main debates regarding Spain s foreign policy under the Franco regime. First, the regime was remarkably opportunistic in exploiting the global divisions of the Cold War. Second, the Foreign Ministry was considerably more… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture

  • Foreign Policy —    If the Habsburg monarchy could be said to have had a business, it was war and diplomacy. The dynasty’s armies and eventually naval forces expanded and defended its empire; ambassadors, consuls, and special envoys from Vienna worked with… …   Historical dictionary of Austria

  • Foreign Policy —    Aiming in the long term at the retrieval of full sover eignty, the prevailing objective of German foreign policy between the formation of the Weimar Republic in 1919 and the Republic s demise in 1933 was the recapture of great power status… …   Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik

  • Foreign Policy — Infobox Magazine title = Foreign Policy image size = 200px image caption = editor = Moisés Naím editor title = Editor in Chief frequency = Bimonthly circulation = 110,077 [http://www.foreignpolicy.com/story/cms.php?story id=74] category = News… …   Wikipedia

  • foreign policy — noun a policy governing international relations (Freq. 14) • Hypernyms: ↑policy • Hyponyms: ↑brinkmanship, ↑imperialism, ↑intervention, ↑interference, ↑nonintervention, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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