1 forecast period
2 forecast period
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > forecast period
3 forecast period
период, для которого дается прогноз ; -
4 forecast period
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > forecast period
5 forecast period
1) Авиация: период действия прогноза2) Техника: срок действия прогноза3) Экономика: прогнозный период4) Макаров: период прогноза5) Общая лексика: период, на который выдан прогноз -
6 forecast period
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > forecast period
7 forecast period
8 forecast period
Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > forecast period
9 post-forecast period
Финансы: постпрогнозный период -
10 time of commencement of forecast period
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > time of commencement of forecast period
11 time of ending of forecast period
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > time of ending of forecast period
12 forecast
forecast nпрогнозforecastпрогнозированиеaccurate forecastточный прогнозaerodrome forecastпрогноз по аэродромуaerodrome forecast materialметеоданные по аэродромуair route forecastпрогноз по маршрутуairway forecastпрогноз по авиатрассеamended forecastуточненный прогнозarea forecastзональный прогнозarea forecast centerцентр зональных прогнозовarea forecast planплан зональных прогнозовarea forecast systemсистема зональных прогнозов(погоды) area of coverage of the forecastsрайон обеспечения прогнозамиaviation digital forecastавиационный цифровой прогнозaviation forecastавиационное прогнозированиеcancel the forecastаннулировать сообщенный прогнозdisseminate the forecastраспространять прогнозEuropean air traffic forecast GroupЕвропейская группа прогнозирования воздушного движенияfacsimile area forecast chartфаксимильная карта зональных прогнозовflight forecastпрогноз на вылетforecast centerцентр прогнозовforecast chartкарта прогнозовforecasted weatherпрогнозируемые метеоусловияforecast generationформирование прогнозовforecast periodпериод действия прогнозаforecast windпрогнозируемый ветерgeneral aviation forecastпрогноз для авиации общего назначенияheight forecastпрогноз по высотеissue a forecastвыпускать информацию о прогнозеlanding forecastпрогноз на момент посадкиlong-range forecastдолгосрочный прогнозlong-range forecastдолгосрочное прогнозированиеmeteorological forecastметеорологический прогнозnoise exposure forecastпредполагаемое воздействие шумаobtain the forecastполучать прогнозpictorial forecastпрогноз в графическом изображенииprepare a forecastподготавливать прогнозprovisional flight forecastориентировочный прогноз на полетradar weather forecastрадиолокационное прогнозирование погодыregional forecastпрогноз по регионуroute forecast serviceслужба обеспечения прогнозами по маршрутуroutine forecastрегулярный прогнозself-contained forecastавтономный прогнозshort-range forecastкраткосрочный прогнозsignificant weather forecastпрогноз особых явлений погодыtabular forecastтабличный прогнозtakeoff forecastпрогноз на момент взлетаterminal forecastпрогноз для конечного аэропортаtraffic forecast groupгруппа прогнозирования воздушного движенияtrend-type forecastожидаемый прогнозupper-air forecastпрогноз для верхнего воздушного пространстваweather forecastпрогноз погодыWorld area forecast centerВсемирный центр зональных прогнозов -
13 period
14 forecast
прогноз ; прогнозировать ; сделать прогноз ; предвидеть ; предсказать ; ? forecast date ; ? forecast horizon ; ? forecast of national population ; ? forecast period ; ? forecast planning ; ? forecast population numbers ; ? forecast year ; ? indicative fo -
15 period
nпериод, срок; время
- accrual period
- accounting period
- actual period
- additional period
- adjustment period
- annual accounting period
- apprehensive period
- assessment period
- audit period
- availability period
- average period
- average collection period
- bailout period
- base period
- bidding period
- blocked period
- blocking period
- breaking-in period
- broken period
- budgeting period
- business period
- busy period
- calendar period
- collection period
- collection period on debts
- commissioning period
- commitment period
- comparable period
- compensation period
- consignment period
- contractual period
- convention priority period
- conversion period
- cooling-off period
- credit period
- crediting period
- credit repayment period
- crisis period
- current period
- cycle period
- delivery period
- depression period
- design period
- discount period
- disinflation period
- dispatch period
- drawdown period
- earning period
- economic period
- effective period
- emergency period
- employment period
- erection period
- evaluation period
- execution period
- exhibition period
- expired period
- exploration period
- extended period for filing
- filing period
- financial period
- fiscal period
- fixed period
- fixed assets turnover period
- full period
- grace period
- guarantee period
- guarantee-covered period
- holding period
- idle period
- implementation period
- inaction period
- indefinite period
- indemnity period
- indicated period
- inexpired period
- inflationary period
- installation period
- insurance period
- insured period
- interest period
- interest capitalization period
- interest paying period
- introduction period
- inventory period
- lease period
- leasing period
- licence period
- life period of capital
- loading period
- long period
- long-run period
- maintenance period
- maturity period
- maximum period
- minimum period
- motion period
- negotiation period
- nonextendable period
- normal operating period
- normative period
- observation period
- offering period
- off-season period
- operating period
- operation period
- order period
- organization period
- past period
- payback period
- payment period
- payoff period
- payout period
- payroll period
- peak period
- peak trading period
- peak traffic period
- planned period
- planning period
- policy period
- prior period
- priority period
- probationary period
- processing period
- project period
- projected period
- prolonged period
- qualifying period
- quoted period
- recessionary period
- recoupment period
- recovery period
- redemption period
- reference period
- renewal period
- reorder period
- repayment period
- replenishment period
- reporting period
- repricing period
- reproduction period
- reserve computation period
- reserve maintenance period
- rest period
- revaluation period
- review period
- running period
- running-in period
- run time period
- scheduling period
- service period
- shipping period
- short period
- shutdown period
- slack period
- specified period
- standard period
- standby period
- starting period
- start-up period
- stated period
- statutory period
- subscription period
- succeeding period
- taxable period
- taxation period
- tendering period
- tender validity period
- testing period
- time period
- training period
- transitional period
- trial period
- turnover period
- unemployment period
- usage period
- useful life period
- validity period
- waiting period
- warranty period
- wearout period
- working period
- write-off period
- period for exchange
- period for eligibility for benefits and deductions
- period for making a claim
- period of adjustment
- period of an agreement
- period of availability
- period of cancellation
- period of circulation
- period of consignment
- period of a contract
- period of coupon payments
- period of credit
- period of delay
- period of delivery
- period of designing
- period of dispatch
- period of distribution
- period of employment
- period of encumbrance
- period of execution of a contract
- period of forecast
- period of grace
- period of guarantee
- period of high demand
- period of inflation
- period of insurance
- period of a licence
- period of a licence agreement
- period of limitation
- period of loan repayment
- period of maturity
- period of migration
- period of nonuse
- period of notice
- period of operation
- period of probation
- period of production
- period of recession
- period of reconstruction
- period of recoupment
- period of rehabilitation
- period of repayment
- period of rescheduling
- period of restructuring
- period of service
- period of storage
- period of storing
- period of studies
- period of survey operation
- period of time
- period of training
- period of transition
- period of transportation
- period of turnover
- period of unemployment
- period of upward tendency
- period of upward trend
- period of use
- period of validity
- period of warranty
- period to maturity
- period under report
- period under review
- for a period of
- over a period
- over the period to maturity
- within the prescribed period
- period allowed for appealing
- exceed a period
- extend a period
- grant an additional period
- prolong a period
- prolong a guarantee period
- quote a periodEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > period
16 period
1) период, промежуток, интервал2) цикл3) продолжительность, длительность4) полигр., вчт. точка5) матем. период•-
acceleration period
admission period
afterblowing period
aircraft service period
base period
blocking period
brake-in period
braking period
building-up period
bum-back period
bum-in period
calibration period
choke-on period
clock period
coasting period
color Durst period
combustion period
commutating period
conducting period
constant failure-rate period
contact period
cooling-down period
cranking period
crew rest period
curing period
cutoff period
cutting period
cycle-slip period
damping period
debugging period
delay period
demonstration period
deoxidation period
depreciation period
development period
digit period
domain period
drilling rig on-stream period
dwell period
early failure period
eclipse period
electrocarbonization period
electrolinking period
emergency period
encounter period
exhaust period
fading periods
fading period
field blanking period
field period
field-scanning period
film advancing period
film dwell period
flash period
flashing period
flight duty period
flood period
flush-off period
forecast period
frame-scanning period
frame period
free period
free-running period
freezing period
fringe period
frost-free period
fuel-off period
half-decay period
half-life period
half-value period
heat deficit period
heat surplus period
heat utilization period
heating period
heating-up period
heaving period
high-water period
holding period
holdover period
horizontal scanning period
horizontal period
hunting period
ice-free period
idle period
ignition delay period
infant mortality period
initial storage period
injection period
intake period
interstep period
inverse period
killing period
latency period
limiting storage period
line-scanning period
line period
loading period
look-ahead period
low-flow period
natural heaving period
natural period
natural pitching period
natural rolling period
natural synoptic period
obscuring period
off period
off-peak period
on period
one-half period
on-off period
operating period
oscillation period
overshoot period
patent period
peak-load period
peak period
period of decimal
period of flame drop
period of flood and ebb
period of oscillation
period of validity
picture period
pitching period
pitch period
plugging period
preheating period
prerefining period
presetting period
presteaming period
process period
pulldown period
pulse repetition period
pumping period of well production
rainless period
reactor period
recession period
recovery period
refining period
refrigerating period
regeneration period
reverberation period
rolling period
roll period
rotation period
run period
running-in period
runoff period
sampling period
scavenge period
service life period
service maintenance period
settled production period
shaping-up period
shifting period
slack period
snowmelt period
soaking period
soak period
standing period
starting period
start-up period
storage cycle period
storage period
switching period
taking-down period
tap-to-tap period
test period
thousands period
timing period
transient period
unit period
unloading period
vertical scanning period
vertical scan period
vibration period
video frame-suppression period
warm-up period
warranty period
wave period
wear-out failure period
window period -
17 period
1) период, интервал времени2) мат. период ( повторяющаяся группа цифр в десятичной дроби)3) пора; эпоха5) фаза6) цикл• -
18 period
aircraft service periodпродолжительность обслуживания воздушного суднаcrew rest periodвремя отдыха экипажаfirst overhaul periodресурс до первого капитального ремонтаflight duty period1. ограничение времени полета2. полетное рабочее время forecast periodпериод действия прогнозаguarantee periodгарантийный периодintake periodтакт впускаoff-peak periodвнепиковый периодoverhaul periodмежремонтный ресурсparking periodпродолжительность стоянкиperiod of rating currencyпериод действия квалифицированной отметки -
19 forecast
forecast; FCSTA statement of expected meteorological conditions for a specified time or period, and for a specified area or portion of airspace.(AN 3; AN 11; PANS-ATM)прогноз; FCSTOписaниe мeтeoрoлoгичeских услoвий, oжидaeмых в oпрeдeлённый мoмeнт или пeриoд врeмeни в oпрeдeлённoй зoнe или чaсти вoздушнoгo прoстрaнствa.International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > forecast
20 forecast
прогноз; прогнозировать
См. также в других словарях:
Forecast period (finance) — In finance, the forecast period is the time period in which the individual yearly cash flows are input to the discounted cash flow formula. Cash flows after the forecast period can only be represented by a fixed number such as the compound annual … Wikipedia
Forecast error — In statistics, a forecast error is the difference between the actual or real and the predicted or forecast value of a time series or any other phenomenon of interest. In simple cases, a forecast is compared with an outcome at a single time point… … Wikipedia
forecast — A quantifiable estimate of future activities. The term forecast is used in several ways: (i) as a synonym for *budget, (ii) for a period of time shorter than that of a budget, and (iii) for a period of time longer than that of a budget. See also… … Auditor's dictionary
forecast — A statement of expected meteorological conditions for a specified time or period, and for a specified area or a portion of airspace (ICAO). It includes terminal and en route weather, wind velocity at various heights, cloud amounts and types,… … Aviation dictionary
extended forecast — Meteorol. a forecast of weather conditions beyond the normal two day forecast period. * * * … Universalium
extended forecast — Meteorol. a forecast of weather conditions beyond the normal two day forecast period … Useful english dictionary
Terminal Aerodrome Forecast — In meteorology and aviation, TAF is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAF is an acronym of Terminal Aerodrome Forecast or, in some countries, Terminal Area Forecast. Generally a TAF is a… … Wikipedia
Shipping Forecast — The Shipping Forecast is a four times daily BBC Radio broadcast of weather reports and forecasts for the seas around the coasts of the British Isles. It is produced by the Met Office and broadcast by BBC Radio 4 on behalf of the Maritime and… … Wikipedia
Trend Type Forecast — A TTF is a Trend Type Forecast, an aviation weather forecast written by a real person on location at a major airport or military base. A TTF is a professionally considered forecast for weather over a two hour period Annex 3 to the Convention on… … Wikipedia
Track forecast cone — [ Hurricane Katrina s five day track forecast, showing the storm s track forecast cone] The track forecast cone is the name employed by the National Hurricane Center for the graphical representation of the uncertainty in its forecasts of a… … Wikipedia
Quantitative precipitation forecast — According to the United States [http://www.weather.gov National Weather Service s] [http://www.nws.noaa.gov/ndfd/index.htm National Digital Forecast Database] , The Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (abbreviated QPF) is the expected amount of… … Wikipedia