1 поворотная вилка
2 swivel
I 1. ['swɪvl]nome perno m.2. II 1. ['swɪvl]verbo transitivo (forma in -ing ecc. - ll- BE, -l- AE) fare girare, fare ruotare [chair, telescope]; girare, ruotare [eyes, head, body]2.* * *['swivl] 1. noun(a type of joint between two parts of an object (eg between a chair and its base) that enables one part to turn without the other.) perno2. verb(to move round (as though) on a swivel: He swivelled his chair round to face the desk.) far girare* * *swivel /ˈswɪvl/n. (mecc.)● (naut.) swivel block, bozzello a mulinello □ (ind. costr.) swivel bridge, ponte girevole □ swivel chair, sedia girevole □ (fig. fam.) swivel-eyed, subdolo; disonesto □ (mil.) swivel gun, cannone girevole ( su affusto a piedistallo) □ (mecc.) swivel hook, gancio a mulinello □ ( canottaggio) swivel rowlock, scalmo a forcella □ (med.) swivel stirrup, staffa di trazione □ swivel stool, sgabello girevole.(to) swivel /ˈswɪvl/A v. i.3 (fig.) girarsi, voltarsiB v. t.1 (mecc.) imperniare2 (far) ruotare; (far) girare.* * *I 1. ['swɪvl]nome perno m.2. II 1. ['swɪvl]verbo transitivo (forma in -ing ecc. - ll- BE, -l- AE) fare girare, fare ruotare [chair, telescope]; girare, ruotare [eyes, head, body]2.
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