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  • Unit dummy force method — The Unit dummy force method provides a convenient means for computing displacements in structural systems. It is applicable for both linear and non linear material behaviours as well as for systems subject to environmental effects, and hence more …   Wikipedia

  • Force (disambiguation) — Force is what causes mass to accelerate or become deformed.Force may also refer to:In science: *Forcing (mathematics), a proof technique of set theory *Brute force method, proof by exhaustion in mathematics *Fundamental force, an interaction… …   Wikipedia

  • Force-based algorithms — Force based or force directed algorithms are a class of algorithms for drawing graphs in an aesthetically pleasing way. Their purpose is to position the nodes of a graph in two dimensional or three dimensional space so that all the edges are of… …   Wikipedia

  • force — [ fɔrs ] n. f. • 1080; bas lat. fortia, plur. neutre substantivé de fortis → 1. fort; forcer I ♦ La force de qqn. 1 ♦ Puissance d action physique (d un être, d un organe). Force physique; force musculaire. ⇒ résistance, robustesse, vigueur. Force …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • forcé — force [ fɔrs ] n. f. • 1080; bas lat. fortia, plur. neutre substantivé de fortis → 1. fort; forcer I ♦ La force de qqn. 1 ♦ Puissance d action physique (d un être, d un organe). Force physique; force musculaire. ⇒ résistance, robustesse, vigueur …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • force — n 1 *power, energy, strength, might, puissance Analogous words: *stress, strain, pressure, tension: *speed, velocity, momentum, impetus, headway 2 Force, violence, compulsion, coercion, duress, constraint, restraint denote the exercise or the… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Force-feeding — Force feeding, which in some circumstances is also called gavage, is the practice of feeding a person or an animal against their will. Force feeding of humans Force feeding is generally carried out by passing a tube through the nose into the… …   Wikipedia

  • force-feed — n. a method of lubricating internal combustion engines in which a pump forces oil into the engine bearings. Syn: lubricating system, force feed lubricating system, force feed, pressure feed lubricating system, pressure feed. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • force field analysis — UK US noun [U] HR ► a method used by organizations to find the positive and negative things that influence a situation, especially a planned change, in order to help them make the right decisions …   Financial and business terms

  • thermoelectromotive force method — Смотри метод термоэлектродвижущей силы …   Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии

  • Force field (chemistry) — In the context of molecular mechanics, a force field (also called a forcefield) refers to the functional form and parameter sets used to describe the potential energy of a system of particles (typically but not necessarily atoms). Force field… …   Wikipedia

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