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force factor

См. также в других словарях:

  • Force concentration — is the practice of concentrating a military force, so as to bring to bear such overwhelming force against a portion of an enemy force that the disparity between the two forces alone acts as a force multiplier, in favour of the concentrated forces …   Wikipedia

  • Factor-X — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para el programa de televisión, véase Factor X (TV). Un wikipedista está trabajando actualmente en extender este artículo. Es posible que, a causa de ello, haya lagunas de contenido o deficiencias de formato. Por… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Force multiplication — Force multiplication, in military usage, refers to an attribute or a combination of attributes which make a given force more effective than that same force would be without it. The expected size increase required to have the same effectiveness… …   Wikipedia

  • factor — fac·tor n [Medieval Latin, doer, maker, agent, from Latin, maker, from facere to do, make] 1: one who acts or transacts business for another: as a: a commercial agent who buys or sells goods for others on commission b: one that lends money to… …   Law dictionary

  • Force Medical Examiner — is the term used to describe doctors used by the police in the United Kingdom. There is no one Force Medical Examiner, the term simply refers to the Doctor that happens to be on call at any one time. The Force Medical Examiner is more commonly… …   Wikipedia

  • Factor price equalization — is an economic theory, which states that the relative prices for two identical factors of production in the same market will eventually equal each other because of competition. The price for each single factor need not become equal, but relative… …   Wikipedia

  • Force Dynamics — is a semantic category that describes the way in which entities interact with reference to force. Force Dynamics gained a good deal of attention in cognitive linguistics due to its claims of psychological plausibility and the elegance with which… …   Wikipedia

  • factor loco tutoris — in the family law of Scotland, formerly a person appointed to a pupil without a tutor until a tutor could be appointed. The post vanished with the coming into force of the Age of Legal Capacity (Scotland) Act 1991 and the role is now carried… …   Law dictionary

  • Force — For other uses, see Force (disambiguation). See also: Forcing (disambiguation) Forces are also described as a push or pull on an object. They can be due to phenomena such as gravity, magnetism, or anything that might cause a mass to accelerate …   Wikipedia

  • Factor of safety — See also: safety factor (plasma physics) Factor of safety (FoS), also known as safety factor (SF), is a term describing the structural capacity of a system beyond the expected loads or actual loads. Essentially, how much stronger the system is… …   Wikipedia

  • factor — 1 noun (C) 1 CAUSE/INFLUENCE one of several things that influence or cause a situation: The rise in crime is mainly due to social and economic factors. (+ in): The vaccination program has been a major factor in the improvement of health standards …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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