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  • 1 for life

    (until death: They became friends for life.) életfogytiglan

    English-Hungarian dictionary > for life

  • 2 settle\ down\ for\ life

    megházasodik, családot alapít

    English-Hungarian dictionary > settle\ down\ for\ life

  • 3 life

    * * *
    plural - lives; noun
    1) (the quality belonging to plants and animals which distinguishes them from rocks, minerals etc and things which are dead: Doctors are fighting to save the child's life.) élet
    2) (the period between birth and death: He had a long and happy life.) élet
    3) (liveliness: She was full of life and energy.) életerő
    4) (a manner of living: She lived a life of ease and idleness.) életmód
    5) (the period during which any particular state exists: He had many different jobs during his working life.) élet(tartam)
    6) (living things: It is now believed that there may be life on Mars; animal life.) élet
    7) (the story of a life: He has written a life of Churchill.) élettörténet, -rajz
    8) (life imprisonment: He was given life for murder.) életfogytiglani börtönbüntetés
    - lifelike
    - life-and-death
    - lifebelt
    - lifeboat
    - lifebuoy
    - life-cycle
    - life expectancy
    - lifeguard
    - life-jacket
    - lifeline
    - lifelong
    - life-saving
    - life-sized
    - life-size
    - lifetime
    - as large as life
    - bring to life
    - come to life
    - for life
    - the life and soul of the party
    - not for the life of me
    - not on your life!
    - take life
    - take one's life
    - take one's life in one's hands
    - to the life

    English-Hungarian dictionary > life

  • 4 life-jacket

    noun (a sleeveless jacket filled with material that will float, for keeping a person afloat.) mentőmellény

    English-Hungarian dictionary > life-jacket

  • 5 not for the life of me

    (not even if it was necessary in order to save my life: I couldn't for the life of me remember his name!) a világért sem

    English-Hungarian dictionary > not for the life of me

  • 6 fly\ for\ one's\ life

    fut az életéért, futással menekül

    English-Hungarian dictionary > fly\ for\ one's\ life

  • 7 run\ for\ dear\ life

    menti az irháját, ahogy a lába bírja, fut

    English-Hungarian dictionary > run\ for\ dear\ life

  • 8 swim\ for\ one's\ life

    életét úszással menti, úszik az életéért

    English-Hungarian dictionary > swim\ for\ one's\ life

  • 9 brand

    márka, megbélyegzés, védjegy, növényi rozsda, kard to brand: égetéssel megjelöl, megbélyegez, bélyegez
    * * *
    [brænd] 1. noun
    1) (a maker's name or trademark: a new brand; ( also adjective) a brand name.) védjegy, márka
    2) (a variety: He has his own brand of humour.) fajta
    3) (a mark on cattle etc to show who owns them, made with a hot iron.) billog
    2. verb
    1) (to mark cattle etc with a hot iron.) beéget
    2) (to make a permanent impression on: His name is branded on my memory.) bevésődik
    3) (to attach (permanent) disgrace to: branded for life as a thief.) (meg)bélyegez

    English-Hungarian dictionary > brand

  • 10 disfigure

    eltorzít, torzít, elcsúfít, csúfot tesz vkivel
    * * *
    [dis'fiɡə, ]( American[) -'fiɡjər]
    (to spoil the beauty of: That scar will disfigure her for life.) elrútít

    English-Hungarian dictionary > disfigure

  • 11 element

    * * *
    1) (an essential part of anything: Sound teaching of grammar is one of the elements of a good education.) (alkotó)elem
    2) (a substance that cannot be split by chemical means into simpler substances: Hydrogen, chlorine, iron and uranium are elements.) elem
    3) (surroundings necessary for life: Water is a fish's natural element.) éltető eleme vminek, vkinek
    4) (a slight amount: an element of doubt.) szemernyi vmi
    5) (the heating part in an electric kettle etc.) fűtőelem
    - elements
    - in one's element

    English-Hungarian dictionary > element

  • 12 maim

    meghiúsít, megnyomorít
    * * *
    (to injure badly, especially with permanent effects: The hunter was maimed for life.) megcsonkít

    English-Hungarian dictionary > maim

  • 13 reserve

    védett terület, fenntartás, tartalék, óvatosság to reserve: tartogat, fenntart, félretétet, tartalékol
    * * *
    [rə'zə:v] 1. verb
    1) (to ask for or order to be kept for the use of a particular person, often oneself: The restaurant is busy on Saturdays, so I'll phone up today and reserve a table.) (le)foglal (helyet, szobát)
    2) (to keep for the use of a particular person or group of people, or for a particular use: These seats are reserved for the committee members.) fenntart
    2. noun
    1) (something which is kept for later use or for use when needed: The farmer kept a reserve of food in case he was cut off by floods.) tartalék
    2) (a piece of land used for a special purpose eg for the protection of animals: a wild-life reserve; a nature reserve.) védett terület, rezerváció
    3) (the habit of not saying very much, not showing what one is feeling, thinking etc; shyness.) tartózkodás
    4) ((often in plural) soldiers, sailors etc who do not belong to the regular full-time army, navy etc but who are called into action when needed eg during a war.) tartalék állomány
    - reserved
    - have
    - keep in reserve

    English-Hungarian dictionary > reserve

  • 14 change

    változás, változtatás, változat, tőzsde, átszállás to change: átszáll, módosul, felvált, megváltoztat, cserél
    * * *
    [ ein‹] 1. verb
    1) (to make or become different: They have changed the time of the train; He has changed since I saw him last.) (meg)változtat; (meg)változik
    2) (to give or leave (one thing etc for another): She changed my library books for me.) kicserél
    3) ((sometimes with into) to remove (clothes etc) and replace them by clean or different ones: I'm just going to change (my shirt); I'll change into an old pair of trousers.) átöltözik
    4) ((with into) to make into or become (something different): The prince was changed into a frog.) átváltozik
    5) (to give or receive (one kind of money for another): Could you change this bank-note for cash?) (fel)vált
    2. noun
    1) (the process of becoming or making different: The town is undergoing change.) változás
    2) (an instance of this: a change in the programme.) változás
    3) (a substitution of one thing for another: a change of clothes.) csere
    4) (coins rather than paper money: I'll have to give you a note - I have no change.) aprópénz
    5) (money left over or given back from the amount given in payment: He paid with a dollar and got 20 cents change.) visszajáró pénz
    6) (a holiday, rest etc: He has been ill - the change will do him good.) változatosság
    - change hands
    - a change of heart
    - the change of life
    - change one's mind
    - for a change

    English-Hungarian dictionary > change

  • 15 slave

    rabszolga to slave: robotol, agyondolgozza magát
    * * *
    [sleiv] 1. noun
    1) (a person who works for a master to whom he belongs: In the nineteenth century many Africans were sold as slaves in the United States.) rabszolga
    2) (a person who works very hard for someone else: He has a slave who types his letters and organizes his life for him.) "rabszolga"
    2. verb
    (to work very hard, often for another person: I've been slaving away for you all day while you sit and watch television.) agyondolgozza magát (vki helyett)

    English-Hungarian dictionary > slave

  • 16 world

    * * *
    1) (the planet Earth: every country of the world.) föld(kerekség), világ
    2) (the people who live on the planet Earth: The whole world is waiting for a cure for cancer.) világ
    3) (any planet etc: people from other worlds.) világ
    4) (a state of existence: Many people believe that after death the soul enters the next world; Do concentrate! You seem to be living in another world.) világ
    5) (an area of life or activity: the insect world; the world of the international businessman.) világ
    6) (a great deal: The holiday did him a/the world of good.) rengeteg
    7) (the lives and ways of ordinary people: He's been a monk for so long that he knows nothing of the (outside) world.) világ
    - worldliness
    - worldwide
    - World Wide Web
    - the best of both worlds
    - for all the world
    - out of this world
    - what in the world? - what in the world

    English-Hungarian dictionary > world

  • 17 die

    érmesajtoló, érmesajtoló szerszám, csavarmenetvágó to die: meghal
    * * *
    I present participle - dying; verb
    1) (to lose life; to stop living and become dead: Those flowers are dying; She died of old age.) meghal
    2) (to fade; to disappear: The daylight was dying fast.) elenyészik
    3) (to have a strong desire (for something or to do something): I'm dying for a drink; I'm dying to see her.) ég a vágytól, hogy
    - die away
    - die down
    - die hard
    - die off
    - die out
    II noun
    (a stamp or punch for making raised designs on money, paper etc.) érmesajtoló (szerszám)
    III see dice

    English-Hungarian dictionary > die

  • 18 hero

    * * *
    ['hiərəu] 1. plural - heroes; noun
    1) (a man or boy admired (by many people) for his brave deeds: The boy was regarded as a hero for saving his friend's life.) hős
    2) (the chief male person in a story, play etc: The hero of this book is a young American boy called Tom Sawyer.) hős
    - heroically
    - heroism
    - hero-worship
    2. verb
    (to show such admiration for (someone): The boy hero-worshipped the footballer.) hősként imád

    English-Hungarian dictionary > hero

  • 19 love

    semmi (teniszben), szerelem, szeretet to love: szeret, élvezetet talál vmiben
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a feeling of great fondness or enthusiasm for a person or thing: She has a great love of music; her love for her children.) szeretet
    2) (strong attachment with sexual attraction: They are in love with one another.) szerelem
    3) (a person or thing that is thought of with (great) fondness (used also as a term of affection): Ballet is the love of her life; Goodbye, love!) szerelme vkinek
    4) (a score of nothing in tennis: The present score is fifteen love (written 15-0).) semmi
    2. verb
    1) (to be (very) fond of: She loves her children dearly.) szeret
    2) (to take pleasure in: They both love dancing.) imád
    - lovely
    - loveliness
    - lover
    - loving
    - lovingly
    - love affair
    - love-letter
    - lovesick
    - fall in love with
    - fall in love
    - for love or money
    - make love
    - there's no love lost between them

    English-Hungarian dictionary > love

  • 20 philosophy

    plural - philosophies; noun
    1) (the search for knowledge and truth, especially about the nature of man and his behaviour and beliefs: moral philosophy.) filozófia
    2) (a particular system of philosophical theories: I have a very simple philosophy (=attitude to life) - enjoy life!) életfilozófia
    - philosophical
    - philosophic
    - philosophically
    - philosophize
    - philosophise

    English-Hungarian dictionary > philosophy

См. также в других словарях:

  • For Life — Infobox Album | Name = For Life Type = Album Artist = Soul for Real Released = September 24, 1996 Recorded = 1996 Genre = R B Soul Length = Label = MCA Records Producer = Reviews = *Allmusic Rating|4|5 [http://wm02.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg… …   Wikipedia

  • For Life — For Li …   Википедия

  • Life for Life's Sake — Life For Life s Sake: A Book of Reminiscences is a book of memoirs written by Richard Aldington and published by the Viking Press in 1941. Chapter IX deals with the early history of Imagism …   Wikipedia

  • For Life (Isis Gee song) — Infobox ESC entry song = flagicon|Poland For Life caption = year = 2008 country = Poland artist = Isis Gee as = with = language = English languages = composer = Isis Gee lyricist = Isis Gee conductor = place = 24th points = 14 place semi = 10th… …   Wikipedia

  • Food for Life — For the Television Broadcasts drama, see Food for Life is the world s largest vegan and vegetarian non profit food relief organization with projects in over 60 countries [ [http://www.ffl.org/ffl about.php About Food for Life Global] ] .… …   Wikipedia

  • Down for Life — For the film, see Down for Life (film). Down for Life Studio album by D4L Released November 8, 2005 …   Wikipedia

  • Feminists for Life — of America (FFL) is the largest and most visible pro life feminist organization. Established in 1972 and now based in Alexandria, Virginia, the organization describes itself as shaped by the core feminist values of justice, nondiscrimination, and …   Wikipedia

  • March for Life — Marchers outside the Capitol Location Washington, D.C. Date Every year since January 22, 1974 …   Wikipedia

  • Democrats for Life of America — (DFLA) is an advocacy group in the United States attempting to reshape the political left, primarily the Democratic Party, into taking a pro life position. Usually this involves political opposition to abortion, but the DFLA also opposes capital… …   Wikipedia

  • Learning for Life — Infobox WorldScouting owner = Boy Scouts of America type = organization name = Learning for Life headquarters = Irving, Texas country = United States f date = 1992 members = 1,750,767 youth 61,041 adults (2006) [cite web… …   Wikipedia

  • Skills for life — “Skills for Life” Skills for Life is the national strategy in England for improving adult literacy, language (ESOL) and numeracy skills. The strategy was launched by the Prime Minister in March 2001.The Skills for Life strategy sets out how the… …   Wikipedia

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