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  • 1 for

    [fo:] 1. preposition
    1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) pentru
    2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) spre
    3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) timp de; (pe) o distanţă de
    4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.)
    5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) pe
    6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) pentru
    7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) din partea
    8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) în favoarea; pentru
    9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?)
    10) (because of: for this reason.) din
    11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) pentru
    12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) pentru
    13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) drept
    14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) pentru
    15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) în ciuda
    2. conjunction
    (because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) deoarece

    English-Romanian dictionary > for

  • 2 for nothing

    1) (free; without payment: I'll do that job for you for nothing.) gratis
    2) (without result; in vain: I've been working on this book for six years, and all for nothing!) degeaba

    English-Romanian dictionary > for nothing

  • 3 so much for

    (that's all that can be said about: So much for that - let's talk about something else; He arrived half an hour late - so much for his punctuality!) atât despre; iată ce înseamnă

    English-Romanian dictionary > so much for

  • 4 after all

    1) ((used when giving a reason for doing something etc) taking everything into consideration: I won't invite him. After all, I don't really know him.) până la urmă
    2) (in spite of everything that has/had happened, been said etc: It turns out he went by plane after all.) la urma urmei

    English-Romanian dictionary > after all

  • 5 hunt for

    (to search for: I've been hunting for that shoe all morning.) a căuta

    English-Romanian dictionary > hunt for

  • 6 seat

    [si:t] 1. noun
    1) (something for sitting on: Are there enough seats for everyone?) scaun
    2) (the part of a chair etc on which the body sits: This chair-seat is broken.) scaun
    3) ((the part of a garment covering) the buttocks: I've got a sore seat after all that horse riding; a hole in the seat of his trousers.) spate; tur
    4) (a place in which a person has a right to sit: two seats for the play; a seat in Parliament; a seat on the board of the company.) loc; scaun
    5) (a place that is the centre of some activity etc: Universities are seats of learning.) centru
    2. verb
    1) (to cause to sit down: I seated him in the armchair.) a aşeza
    2) (to have seats for: Our table seats eight.) a avea loc pentru
    - - seater
    - seating
    - seat belt
    - take a seat

    English-Romanian dictionary > seat

  • 7 world

    1) (the planet Earth: every country of the world.) lume, pământ
    2) (the people who live on the planet Earth: The whole world is waiting for a cure for cancer.) planetă
    3) (any planet etc: people from other worlds.) uni­vers
    4) (a state of existence: Many people believe that after death the soul enters the next world; Do concentrate! You seem to be living in another world.) lume, planetă
    5) (an area of life or activity: the insect world; the world of the international businessman.) lume
    6) (a great deal: The holiday did him a/the world of good.) un mare bine
    7) (the lives and ways of ordinary people: He's been a monk for so long that he knows nothing of the (outside) world.) lume
    - worldliness
    - worldwide
    - World Wide Web
    - the best of both worlds
    - for all the world
    - out of this world
    - what in the world? - what in the world

    English-Romanian dictionary > world

  • 8 answer

    1. noun
    1) (something said, written or done that is caused by a question etc from another person: She refused to give an answer to his questions.) răspuns
    2) (the solution to a problem: The answer to your transport difficulties is to buy a car.) soluţie
    2. verb
    1) (to make an answer to a question, problem, action etc: Answer my questions, please; Why don't you answer the letter?) a răspunde (la)
    2) (to open (the door), pick up (the telephone) etc in reponse to a knock, ring etc: He answered the telephone as soon as it rang; Could you answer the door, please?) a răspunde (la); a deschide
    3) (to be suitable or all that is necessary (for): This will answer my requirements.) a satis­face
    4) ((often with to) to be the same as or correspond to (a description etc): The police have found a man answering (to) that description.) a corespunde la
    - answering machine
    - answer for
    - answerphone

    English-Romanian dictionary > answer

  • 9 exhaust

    [iɡ'zo:st] 1. verb
    1) (to make very tired: She was exhausted by her long walk.) a epuiza
    2) (to use all of; to use completely: We have exhausted our supplies; You're exhausting my patience.) a epuiza
    3) (to say all that can be said about (a subject etc): We've exhausted that topic.) a epuiza
    2. noun
    ((an outlet from the engine of a car, motorcycle etc for) fumes and other waste.) eva­­­cuare; eşapament
    - exhaustion
    - exhaustive

    English-Romanian dictionary > exhaust

  • 10 hopeful

    1) ((negative unhopeful) full of hope: The police are hopeful that they will soon find the killer; hopeful faces; He is hopeful of success.) plin de speranţă
    2) (giving a reason or encouragement for hope: That's a hopeful sign - perhaps he is going to change his mind after all.) încurajator
    3) (likely to be pleasant, successful etc: The future looks quite hopeful.) promiţător

    English-Romanian dictionary > hopeful

  • 11 evermore

    adverb (for all time: He said that he would love her (for) evermore.) veşnic

    English-Romanian dictionary > evermore

  • 12 regular

    ['reɡjulə] 1. adjective
    1) (usual: Saturday is his regular day for shopping; That isn't our regular postman, is it?) obişnuit
    2) ((American) normal: He's too handicapped to attend a regular school.) obişnuit
    3) (occurring, acting etc with equal amounts of space, time etc between: They placed guards at regular intervals round the camp; Is his pulse regular?) regulat, egal
    4) (involving doing the same things at the same time each day etc: a man of regular habits.) fă­cut cu regularitate
    5) (frequent: He's a regular visitor; He's one of our regular customers.) obişnuit
    6) (permanent; lasting: He's looking for a regular job.) permanent
    7) ((of a noun, verb etc) following one of the usual grammatical patterns of the language: `Walk' is a regular verb, but `go' is an irregular verb.) regulat
    8) (the same on both or all sides or parts; neat; symmetrical: a girl with regular features; A square is a regular figure.) regulat
    9) (of ordinary size: I don't want the large size of packet - just give me the regular one.) de di­men­­siuni obişnuite
    10) ((of a soldier) employed full-time, professional; (of an army) composed of regular soldiers.) obişnuit
    2. noun
    1) (a soldier in the regular army.) soldat de carieră
    2) (a regular customer (eg at a bar).) client obişnuit
    - regularly
    - regulate
    - regulation
    - regulator

    English-Romanian dictionary > regular

  • 13 approach

    [ə'prəu ] 1. verb
    (to come near (to): The car approached (the traffic lights) at top speed; Christmas is approaching.) a (se) apropia (de)
    2. noun
    1) (the act of coming near: The boys ran off at the approach of a policeman.) apro­piere
    2) (a road, path etc leading to a place: All the approaches to the village were blocked by fallen rock.) cale de acces
    3) (an attempt to obtain or attract a person's help, interest etc: They have made an approach to the government for help; That fellow makes approaches to (= he tries to become friendly with) every woman he meets.) demers; avans(uri)
    - approaching

    English-Romanian dictionary > approach

  • 14 swear by

    1) (to appeal to (eg God) as a witness of one's words: I swear by Heaven that I'm innocent.) a jura pe
    2) (to put complete trust in (a remedy etc): She swears by aspirin for all the children's illnesses.) a avea deplină încredere în

    English-Romanian dictionary > swear by

  • 15 hold

    I 1. [həuld] past tense, past participle - held; verb
    1) (to have in one's hand(s) or between one's hands: He was holding a knife; Hold that dish with both hands; He held the little boy's hand; He held the mouse by its tail.) a ţine
    2) (to have in a part, or between parts, of the body, or between parts of a tool etc: He held the pencil in his teeth; She was holding a pile of books in her arms; Hold the stamp with tweezers.) a ţine
    3) (to support or keep from moving, running away, falling etc: What holds that shelf up?; He held the door closed by leaning against it; Hold your hands above your head; Hold his arms so that he can't struggle.) a (sus)ţine
    4) (to remain in position, fixed etc when under strain: I've tied the two pieces of string together, but I'm not sure the knot will hold; Will the anchor hold in a storm?) a rezista
    5) (to keep (a person) in some place or in one's power: The police are holding a man for questioning in connection with the murder; He was held captive.) a (re)ţine
    6) (to (be able to) contain: This jug holds two pints; You can't hold water in a handkerchief; This drawer holds all my shirts.) a conţine, a ţine
    7) (to cause to take place: The meeting will be held next week; We'll hold the meeting in the hall.) a (se) ţine, a rămâne
    8) (to keep (oneself), or to be, in a particular state or condition: We'll hold ourselves in readiness in case you send for us; She holds herself very erect.) a se menţine într-o stare
    9) (to have or be in (a job etc): He held the position of company secretary for five years.) a ocupa
    10) (to think strongly; to believe; to consider or regard: I hold that this was the right decision; He holds me (to be) responsible for everyone's mistakes; He is held in great respect; He holds certain very odd beliefs.) a crede, a socoti; a deţine
    11) (to continue to be valid or apply: Our offer will hold until next week; These rules hold under all circumstances.) a fi valabil
    12) ((with to) to force (a person) to do something he has promised to do: I intend to hold him to his promises.)
    13) (to defend: They held the castle against the enemy.) a apăra
    14) (not to be beaten by: The general realized that the soldiers could not hold the enemy for long.) a rezista
    15) (to keep (a person's attention): If you can't hold your pupils' attention, you can't be a good teacher.) a reţine
    16) (to keep someone in a certain state: Don't hold us in suspense, what was the final decision?) a se ţine
    17) (to celebrate: The festival is held on 24 June.) a deţine
    18) (to be the owner of: He holds shares in this company.) a (se) menţine
    19) ((of good weather) to continue: I hope the weather holds until after the school sports.) a aştepta
    20) ((also hold the line) (of a person who is making a telephone call) to wait: Mr Brown is busy at the moment - will you hold or would you like him to call you back?) a ţine
    21) (to continue to sing: Please hold that note for four whole beats.) a păstra
    22) (to keep (something): They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.) a rezerva
    23) ((of the future) to be going to produce: I wonder what the future holds for me?)
    2. noun
    1) (the act of holding: He caught/got/laid/took hold of the rope and pulled; Keep hold of that rope.) apucare
    2) (power; influence: He has a strange hold over that girl.) influenţă
    3) ((in wrestling etc) a manner of holding one's opponent: The wrestler invented a new hold.) priză
    - - holder
    - hold-all
    - get hold of
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold good
    - hold it
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold one's own
    - hold one's tongue
    - hold up
    - hold-up
    - hold with
    II [həuld] noun
    ((in ships) the place, below the deck, where cargo is stored.) cală

    English-Romanian dictionary > hold

  • 16 go

    [ɡəu] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - goes; verb
    1) (to walk, travel, move etc: He is going across the field; Go straight ahead; When did he go out?) a merge
    2) (to be sent, passed on etc: Complaints have to go through the proper channels.) a fi trans­mis/difuzat
    3) (to be given, sold etc: The prize goes to John Smith; The table went for $100.) a se da; a se vinde
    4) (to lead to: Where does this road go?) a duce
    5) (to visit, to attend: He goes to school every day; I decided not to go to the movie.) a merge
    6) (to be destroyed etc: This wall will have to go.) a dispărea
    7) (to proceed, be done: The meeting went very well.) a se desfăşura
    8) (to move away: I think it is time you were going.) a pleca
    9) (to disappear: My purse has gone!) a dis­pă­rea
    10) (to do (some action or activity): I'm going for a walk; I'm going hiking next week-end.) a face
    11) (to fail etc: I think the clutch on this car has gone.) a se strica
    12) (to be working etc: I don't think that clock is going.) a merge, a funcţiona
    13) (to become: These apples have gone bad.) a de­veni
    14) (to be: Many people in the world regularly go hungry.) a fi
    15) (to be put: Spoons go in that drawer.) a se pune
    16) (to pass: Time goes quickly when you are enjoying yourself.) a trece
    17) (to be used: All her pocket-money goes on sweets.) a fi cheltuit
    18) (to be acceptable etc: Anything goes in this office.) a fi permis
    19) (to make a particular noise: Dogs go woof, not miaow.) a face/a scoate un anume sunet/ zgomot
    20) (to have a particular tune etc: How does that song go?) a suna
    21) (to become successful etc: She always makes a party go.) a reuşi
    2. noun
    1) (an attempt: I'm not sure how to do it, but I'll have a go.) încer­care
    2) (energy: She's full of go.) energie
    3. adjective
    1) (successful: That shop is still a going concern.) curent
    2) (in existence at present: the going rate for typing manuscripts.)
    4. noun
    (permission: We'll start as soon as we get the go-ahead.) cale liberă
    - going-over
    - goings-on
    - no-go
    - all go
    - be going on for
    - be going on
    - be going strong
    - from the word go
    - get going
    - give the go-by
    - go about
    - go after
    - go against
    - go along
    - go along with
    - go around
    - go around with
    - go at
    - go back
    - go back on
    - go by
    - go down
    - go far
    - go for
    - go in
    - go in for
    - go into
    - go off
    - go on
    - go on at
    - go out
    - go over
    - go round
    - go slow
    - go steady
    - go through
    - go through with
    - go too far
    - go towards
    - go up
    - go up in smoke/flames
    - go with
    - go without
    - keep going
    - make a go of something
    - make a go
    - on the go

    English-Romanian dictionary > go

  • 17 subject

    1. adjective
    ((of countries etc) not independent, but dominated by another power: subject nations.) supus
    2. noun
    1) (a person who is under the rule of a monarch or a member of a country that has a monarchy etc: We are loyal subjects of the Queen; He is a British subject.) supus
    2) (someone or something that is talked about, written about etc: We discussed the price of food and similar subjects; What was the subject of the debate?; The teacher tried to think of a good subject for their essay; I've said all I can on that subject.) subiect
    3) (a branch of study or learning in school, university etc: He is taking exams in seven subjects; Mathematics is his best subject.) materie
    4) (a thing, person or circumstance suitable for, or requiring, a particular kind of treatment, reaction etc: I don't think her behaviour is a subject for laughter.) subiect (de)
    5) (in English, the word(s) representing the person or thing that usually does the action shown by the verb, and with which the verb agrees: The cat sat on the mat; He hit her because she broke his toy; He was hit by the ball.) subiect
    3. [səb'‹ekt] verb
    1) (to bring (a person, country etc) under control: They have subjected all the neighbouring states (to their rule).) a supune
    2) (to cause to suffer, or submit (to something): He was subjected to cruel treatment; These tyres are subjected to various tests before leaving the factory.) a supune
    - subjective
    - subjectively
    - subject matter
    - change the subject
    - subject to

    English-Romanian dictionary > subject

  • 18 right

    1. adjective
    1) (on or related to the side of the body which in most people has the more skilful hand, or to the side of a person or thing which is toward the east when that person or thing is facing north (opposite to left): When I'm writing, I hold my pen in my right hand.) drept
    2) (correct: Put that book back in the right place; Is that the right answer to the question?) po­tri­vit
    3) (morally correct; good: It's not right to let thieves keep what they have stolen.) bine
    4) (suitable; appropriate: He's not the right man for this job; When would be the right time to ask him?) potrivit
    2. noun
    1) (something a person is, or ought to be, allowed to have, do etc: Everyone has the right to a fair trial; You must fight for your rights; You have no right to say that.) drept
    2) (that which is correct or good: Who's in the right in this argument?) dreptate
    3) (the right side, part or direction: Turn to the right; Take the second road on the right.) par­tea dreaptă, dreapta
    4) (in politics, the people, group, party or parties holding the more traditional beliefs etc.) dreapta
    3. adverb
    1) (exactly: He was standing right here.) chiar
    2) (immediately: I'll go right after lunch; I'll come right down.) imediat
    3) (close: He was standing right beside me.) chiar
    4) (completely; all the way: The bullet went right through his arm.) de tot
    5) (to the right: Turn right.) la dreapta
    6) (correctly: Have I done that right?; I don't think this sum is going to turn out right.) corect, bine
    4. verb
    1) (to bring back to the correct, usually upright, position: The boat tipped over, but righted itself again.) a (se) redresa
    2) (to put an end to and make up for something wrong that has been done: He's like a medieval knight, going about the country looking for wrongs to right.) a îndrepta
    5. interjection
    (I understand; I'll do what you say etc: `I want you to type some letters for me.' `Right, I'll do them now.') bine
    - righteously
    - righteousness
    - rightful
    - rightfully
    - rightly
    - rightness
    - righto
    - right-oh
    - rights
    - right angle
    - right-angled
    - right-hand
    - right-handed
    - right wing
    6. adjective
    ((right-wing) (having opinions which are) of this sort.) de dreapta
    - by rights
    - by right
    - get
    - keep on the right side of
    - get right
    - go right
    - not in one's right mind
    - not quite right in the head
    - not right in the head
    - put right
    - put/set to rights
    - right away
    - right-hand man
    - right now
    - right of way
    - serve right

    English-Romanian dictionary > right

  • 19 hope

    [həup] 1. verb
    (to want something to happen and have some reason to believe that it will or might happen: He's very late, but we are still hoping he will come; I hope to be in London next month; We're hoping for some help from other people; It's unlikely that he'll come now, but we keep on hoping; `Do you think it will rain?' `I hope so/not'.) a spera
    2. noun
    1) ((any reason or encouragement for) the state of feeling that what one wants will or might happen: He has lost all hope of becoming the president; He came to see me in the hope that I would help him; He has hopes of winning a scholarship; The rescuers said there was no hope of finding anyone alive in the mine.) speranţă
    2) (a person, thing etc that one is relying on for help etc: He's my last hope - there is no-one else I can ask.) speranţă
    3) (something hoped for: My hope is that he will get married and settle down soon.) speranţă
    - hopefulness
    - hopefully
    - hopeless
    - hopelessly
    - hopelessness
    - hope against hope
    - hope for the best
    - not have a hope
    - not a hope
    - raise someone's hopes

    English-Romanian dictionary > hope

  • 20 give up

    1) (to stop, abandon: I must give up smoking; They gave up the search.) a aban­dona
    2) (to stop using etc: You'll have to give up cigarettes; I won't give up all my hobbies for you.) a renunţa la
    3) (to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else.) a preda, a ceda
    4) (to devote (time etc) to doing something: He gave up all his time to gardening.) a consa­cra
    5) ((often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be: You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost).) a con­sidera

    English-Romanian dictionary > give up

См. также в других словарях:

  • For all that — For For, prep. [AS. for, fore; akin to OS. for, fora, furi, D. voor, OHG. fora, G. vor, OHG. furi, G. f[ u]r, Icel. fyrir, Sw. f[ o]r, Dan. for, adv. f[ o]r, Goth. fa[ u]r, fa[ u]ra, L. pro, Gr. ?, Skr. pra . [root] 202. Cf. {Fore}, {First},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • for all that — {adv. phr.} In spite of what has been said, alleged, or rumored. * /Well, for all that, we think that she is still the most deserving candidate for Congress./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • for all that — {adv. phr.} In spite of what has been said, alleged, or rumored. * /Well, for all that, we think that she is still the most deserving candidate for Congress./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • For All That's Given, Wasted — Infobox Album | Name = For All That s Given, Wasted Type = EP Artist = Pilot Speed Released = Summer 2001 (Canada Only) Recorded = 2001 Genre = Rock Length = 28:02 Label = Independent Producer = Unknown Reviews = Last album = This album = For All …   Wikipedia

  • For all me — For For, prep. [AS. for, fore; akin to OS. for, fora, furi, D. voor, OHG. fora, G. vor, OHG. furi, G. f[ u]r, Icel. fyrir, Sw. f[ o]r, Dan. for, adv. f[ o]r, Goth. fa[ u]r, fa[ u]ra, L. pro, Gr. ?, Skr. pra . [root] 202. Cf. {Fore}, {First},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • For all the world — For For, prep. [AS. for, fore; akin to OS. for, fora, furi, D. voor, OHG. fora, G. vor, OHG. furi, G. f[ u]r, Icel. fyrir, Sw. f[ o]r, Dan. for, adv. f[ o]r, Goth. fa[ u]r, fa[ u]ra, L. pro, Gr. ?, Skr. pra . [root] 202. Cf. {Fore}, {First},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • For all the world — World World, n. [OE. world, werld, weorld, weoreld, AS. weorold, worold; akin to OS. werold, D. wereld, OHG. weralt, worolt, werolt, werlt, G. welt, Icel. ver[ o]ld, Sw. verld, Dan. verden; properly, the age of man, lifetime, humanity; AS. wer a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • All That Heaven Allows — Infobox Film | name = All That Heaven Allows caption = Original theatrical poster director = Douglas Sirk producer = Ross Hunter writer = Story: Edna Lee Harry Lee Screenplay: Peg Fenwick starring =Jane Wyman Rock Hudson music =Frank Skinner… …   Wikipedia

  • for all — 1. In spite of; even with, despite. Used for contrast. * /For all his city ways, he is a country boy at heart./ * /There may be mistakes occasionally, but for all that, it is the best book on the subject./ * /For all his money, he was very… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • for all — 1. In spite of; even with, despite. Used for contrast. * /For all his city ways, he is a country boy at heart./ * /There may be mistakes occasionally, but for all that, it is the best book on the subject./ * /For all his money, he was very… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • All that — That That, pron., a., conj., & adv. [AS. [eth][ae]t, neuter nom. & acc. sing. of the article (originally a demonstrative pronoun). The nom. masc. s[=e], and the nom. fem. se[ o] are from a different root. AS. [eth][ae]t is akin to D. dat, G. das …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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