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  • 1 draft

    finance, business, economy
    • tratta
    • hohka
    • vedos
    finance, business, economy
    • vekseli
    • veto
    • viima
    • ehdotelma
    • erillisjoukko
    • esitys
    • siemaus
    • siirtovekseli
    • apaja
    • asete vaade
    finance, business, economy
    • asete
    • annos
    • täydennysjoukko
    • valmistella
    • valita
    • kalasaalis
    • kalansaalis
    • hahmotella
    • hahmotelma
    • muotoilla
    • muotoilu
    • läpiveto
    • sommittelu
    • syväys
    • suunnitelma
    • syyni
    • kutsua palvelukseen
    • kulkusyvyys
    • kutsua asepalvelukseen
    • kulaus
    • kutsunta
    • lakiehdotus
    • laatia
    • piirros
    • piirustus
    • konsepti
    • luonnos (tek.)
    • lähettää erilleen
    • luonnostella
    • luonnos(tekniikka)
    • luonnos
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a rough sketch or outline of something, especially written: a rough draft of my speech.) luonnos
    2) (a group (of soldiers etc) taken from a larger group.) ryhmä
    3) (an order (to a bank etc) for the payment of money: a draft for $80.) asete
    4) ((American) conscription: He emigrated to avoid the draft.) kutsunta
    2. verb
    1) (to make in the form of a rough plan: Could you draft a report on this?) laatia, luonnostella
    2) ((American) to conscript into the army etc: He was drafted into the Navy.) kutsua asepalvelukseen
    - draft dodger
    - draft evasion
    - draftsman

    English-Finnish dictionary > draft

  • 2 presentation of a draft plan for public inspection

    • kaavaehdotuksen julkipano

    English-Finnish dictionary > presentation of a draft plan for public inspection

  • 3 deferment

    • viivästys
    • lykkäys
    * * *
    1) (delaying; postponement.)
    2) (officially sanctioned postponement of compulsory military service: draft deferment for college students.)

    English-Finnish dictionary > deferment

  • 4 deferral

    • lykkäys
    * * *
    1) (delaying; postponement.)
    2) (officially sanctioned postponement of compulsory military service: draft deferment for college students.)

    English-Finnish dictionary > deferral

См. также в других словарях:

  • Draft NBA 2007 — Greg Oden, 1er choix de la draft NBA 2007. Généralités Sport Basket ball Ligue National Basketball Association Date …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Draft nba 2007 — La draft NBA 2007, aussi appelée repêchage au Québec, est la bourse aux joueurs de l année 2007 durant laquelle les équipes NBA sélectionnent des sportifs issus de l université, du lycée ou d un autre championnat. Elle a eu lieu le 28 juin 2007… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Draft evasion — is a term that refers to an intentional failure to comply with the military conscription policies of the nation to which he or she is subject. Such practices that do not involve law breaking or which are based on conscientious objection are… …   Wikipedia

  • Draft horse — For other uses of the term heavy horse , see Heavy horse. For the Australian sport, see Campdrafting. Shire horse, of typical draft conformation A draft horse (US), draught horse (UK) or dray horse (from the Old English dragan meaning to draw or… …   Wikipedia

  • Draft (hull) — Draft marks on a ship s bow The draft (or draught) of a ship s hull is the vertical distance between the waterline and the bottom of the hull (keel), with the thickness of the hull included; in the case of not being included the draft outline… …   Wikipedia

  • Draft — For a discussion of British and American spelling differences, see Draught and draft. Contents 1 Watercraft dimensions 2 Selection processes 3 …   Wikipedia

  • draft in — ˌdraft ˈin [transitive] often passive [present tense I/you/we/they draft in he/she/it drafts in present participle drafting in …   Useful english dictionary

  • draft|a|ble — «DRAF tuh buhl, DRAHF », adjective. 1. that can be drafted. 2. eligible for a draft: »A steamship company wouldn t hire him because he s draftable (Wall Street Journal) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Draft dodger — A draft dodger, draft evader or draft resister, is a person who avoids ( dodges ) or otherwise violates the conscription policies of the nation in which he or she is a citizen or resident, by leaving the country, going into hiding, attempting to… …   Wikipedia

  • Draft-card burning — Young men burn their draft cards in New York City on April 15, 1967, at Sheep Meadow, Central Park Draft card burning was a symbol of protest performed by thousands of young American men as part of the opposition to the involvement of the United… …   Wikipedia

  • Draft Bloomberg movement — The Draft Bloomberg movement is a political draft movement in the United States that launched in 2007[1] as an effort to convince New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to run for President of the United States as an independent candidate in the… …   Wikipedia

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