1 for convenience of use
Общая лексика: для удобства пользованияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > for convenience of use
2 for convenience, we use ...
• для удобства мы используем...English-Russian dictionary of phrases and cliches for a specialist researcher > for convenience, we use ...
3 for
подland allocation for construction выделение земли под строительствоfor clarity 1. чтобы не затемнять картину 2. условно ( пометка па чертежах)bolts not shown for clarity болты условно не показаныfor continued employment для зачисления в штат; для зачисления на постоянную работуfor convenience (of) для простоты; для большей наглядностиfor elevation по вертикалиfor foreseeable future в обозримом будущемfor future use для последующего использования / примененияfor general use для оперативных нужд; для прочих нуждfor good во благоfor ground elevation по вертикали грунтаfor illustrative purposes для наглядностиfor information only (FIO) только для сведения; только для справкиfor the most part большей частьюfor the move to на пути кfor now до сих пор; пока (что)for... or longer в течение не менее...for own use для собственных нуждfor practical purposes в силу объективных причин; по объективным причинамCNG conversions are at present dormant for practical purposes по объективным причинам, выполнение программы перехода на сжатый природный газ в настоящее время находится в стадии стагнацииfor projection по горизонталиfor quick reference 1. не вдаваясь в подробности 2. в общих чертахfor... reasons по соображениям...;for reasons of по соображениям...for reference only 1. для справки ( указание на чертеже) 2. только для информации; только для сведенияthe drawings are shown for design dimension reference only чертежи приведены для указания расчетных размеровfor the sake of clarity для большей наглядностиfor this purpose для достижения этой целиEnglish-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > for
4 product
сущ.1)а) эк. продукт, изделие, товар (предмет, созданный человеком, машиной или природой; чаще всего имеются в виду предметы, созданные с целью продажи); мн. продукцияfood products — продукты, продовольственные товары
high-quality product — товар высокого качества, высококачественный [первоклассный\] товар
premium quality [premium grade\] product — товар высшего сорта [качества\], товар класса премиум-класса
undiscounted products — товары, продаваемые без скидки
fairly-priced product — товар по приемлемой [справедливой\] цене
See:acceptable product, accessory product, actual product, adulterated product, advanced technology products, ageing product, agricultural product, alimentary products, allied products, all-meat product, alternative products, ancillary product, anonymous product, augmented product, bakery products 1), basic product, beauty product, best-selling product, business products, by-product 1), &3, capitalized product, captive product, characteristic product, 2), co-product, commercialized product, commodity product, common product, comparable products, competing products, competiting products, competitive product, competitive products, complementary products, complete product, complicated product, conforming product, consumer products, consumer durable product, convenience products, core product, crop products, custom-designed product, customized product, custom-made product, declining product, deficient product, dehydrated product, differentiated product, diminishing marginal product, disposable product, diversified products, DIY product, do-it-yourself product, domestic product, durable products, egg product, electronics products, end product 2), &3, energy-saving product, entrenched product, essential product, established product, ethical product, ethnic product, everyday product, exclusive product, export products, fair trade product, fairly traded product, fairtrade product, fighting product, final product 1), а&2, financial product, food products, foreign products, formal product, functional product, generic product, global product, green products, grooming product, hair-care product, half-finished product, harmful product, health product, hedonic product, heterogeneous product, high performance product, high quality product, high-interest product 1), high-involvement products, high-margin product, high-reliability product, high-risk product, high-tech product, high-turnover product, high-value product, home-grown product, home-produced product, homogeneous product, hot product, household cleaning product, household maintenance products, household product, hygiene product, imitative product, imperfect product, import products, import-sensitive products, impulse product, industrial product, inferior product, information product, innovative product, in-process product, intangible product, interlocking products, intermediate product, investigated product, joint product, key product, knowledge-intensive product, known product, laundry products, lead product, leading edge product, leisure products, leisure-time products, licensed product, line extension product, livestock product, low-interest product 1), low-involvement products, low-value product, luxury product, main product 2), &3, manufactured products, marginal physical product, marginal product, mature product, me-too product, metal product, misbranded product, multinational product, multiple-use product 2), mundane product, national product, necessary product, necessity product, new product, no-name product, nonconforming product, non-conforming product, non-durable products, nonfood products, non-standard product, novel product, office products, off-price product, off-standard product, oil products, one-shot product, optional product, over-engineered product, paper products, parity products, patentable product, patented product, patent-protected product, payment product, pension product, pharmaceutical product, physical product, plant products, potential product, premium product, prestige products, price-sensitive product, primary products, prime product, printed products, private brand products, private label products, processed product, qualified product, quality products, ready-made product, rejected product, related product, replacement product, representative product, retirement product, revenue product, revised product, safe product, saleable product, salutary product, satisfactory product, scarce product, second generation product, secondary product, semi-finished products, shoddy product, sideline product, single-use product, skill-intensive product, slow-moving product, social product, sophisticated product, standardized products, sugared product, superior product, supplementary products, surplus product, synthetic product, tainted products, tangible product, tied product, tied products, tinned products, tobacco products 1), tying products, unacceptable product, unbranded product, unidentified product, unpatented product, unsafe product, unsaleable product, unsatisfactory product, utilitarian product, vendible product, viable product, wanted product, well-designed product, worthwhile product, product acceptability, product acceptance, product adaptability, product adaptation, product addition, product advertising, product analysis, product announcement, product application, product area, product arsenal, product assessment, product association, product assortment, product assurance, product augmentation, product availability, product awareness, product benefit, product billing, product brand, product branding, product bundling, product capabilities, product category, product choice, product claim, product class, product classification, product company, product compatibility, product competition, product comprehension, product concept, product conception, product control, product copy, product cost, product costing, product coverage, product cycle, product decision, product deletion, product demand, product demonstration, product departmentalization, product design, product development, product differences, product differentiation, product display, product distribution network, product diversification, product division, product element, product elimination, product engineering, product enhancement, product evaluation, product evolution, product exchange, product exhaustion, product expansion, product extension, product failure, product family, product field, product flows, product form, product graduation, product group, product homogeneity, product idea, product image, product improvement, product inflation, product innovation, product inspection, product integrity, product introduction, product invention, product item, product knowledge, product label, product labelling, product layout, product leveraging, product liability, product life, product life cycle, product line, product lineup, product literature, product management, product manager, product manual, product market, product marketing, product matching, product message, product mix, product modification, product name, product nameplate, product offering, product opportunity, product organization, product orientation, product origin, product patent, product perception, product performance, product personality, product placement, product plan, product planner, product planning, product policy, product portfolio, product position, product positioning, product preference, product presentation, product price, product pricing, product profile, product proliferation, product promotion, product proof, product protection, product publicity, product puffery, product quality, product quantity, product range, product rationalization, product recall, product release, product requirements, product research, product research and development, product retailer, product revision, product revolution, product safety, product sales, product sample, product sampling, product satisfaction, product segment, product segmentation, product shortage, product specialization, product specifications, product standard, product statement, product strategy, product structure, product style, product styling, product subline, product superiority, product survey, product tangibility, product team, product technology, product test, product testimony, product testing, product trial, product type, product uniformity, product usage, product validation, product variation, product variety, product warranty, endorse a product, Central Product Classification, Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product, Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers, Clay Product and Refractory Manufacturing, debt-for-products swapб) эк. продукт, объем продукции ( количество произведенных товаров или услуг)company's product — продукция компании, товары компании
See:2) общ. результат, продукт (итог какой-л. деятельности)History is the product of social and economic forces. — История — это результат взаимодействия общественных и экономических факторов.
the product of this activity is radiation — в результате этой деятельности появляется радиация.
See:3) мат. произведение ( результат умножения двух чисел)
* * *
продукт, товар: что-либо производимое для продажи.* * ** * *. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * * -
5 advantage
1. n преимущество; превосходство2. n выгода; польза; выигрышadvantage ground — выгодная позиция ; выгодное стратегическое положение
to advantage — выгодно, хорошо; в выгодном свете
what you tell me is not to his advantage — то, что вы мне рассказываете, характеризует его отнюдь не с лучшей стороны
3. n спорт. преимущество в счётеadvantage game — игра, выигранная в партии после счёта по пяти
4. v давать преимущество; благоприятствовать; способствовать; приносить пользу, выгодуtaking advantage of — пользующийся; извлечение выгоды из
Синонимический ряд:1. allowance (noun) allowance; bulge; draw; edge; handicap; head start; jump; odds; start2. benefit (noun) benediction; benefit; blessing; convenience; expediency; favour; gain; godsend; good; gratification; improvement; interest; preference; profit; prosperity; purpose; weal; welfare; well-being3. better (noun) better; superiority; upper hand; victory; whip hand4. dominance (noun) ascendance; dominance; leverage; precedence; preeminence; prevalence; supremacy; vantage point5. payoff (noun) accommodation; bonus; boon; payoff; perk; prerogative; privilege; reward; vantage6. use (noun) account; applicability; application; appropriateness; avail; fitness; gain; interest; profit; relevance; service; serviceability; use; usefulness; utility; value7. benefit (verb) avail; benefit; profit; serve; work forАнтонимический ряд:curse; difficulty; dilemma; disadvantage; disappointment; drawback; frustration; handicap; hindrance; inferiority; loss; obstacle; obstruction; restriction -
6 head
1. n головаbald head — лысая голова, лысина
taller by a head, a head taller — на голову выше
2. n головной портрет, изображение головы3. n жизньit will cost him his head — он поплатится за это головой, это будет стоить ему жизни
4. n ум, рассудок; способностиa cool head — трезвый ум, рассудительный человек
a hot head — горячая голова, горячий человек
5. n переносимость, способностьstrong head — крепкая голова; способность много пить не пьянея
6. n человек7. n голова скота8. n стадо; стая9. n с. -х. поголовье10. n амер. разг. головная боль11. n сл. рот12. n рога13. n уст. причёска; волосы14. n наркоман15. n фанатик, страстный поклонник, болельщик16. a верхний; передний; головнойwaste head — головная часть слитка, отрезаемая в отход
17. a главный, старшийhead boy — старший префект, старший ученик, староста
head girl — старший префект, старшая ученица, староста
18. a встречный19. a предназначенный для ношения на голове; головной20. v возглавлять, стоять во главе; идти, стоять впередиsunk head — заголовок главы, помещенный ниже первой строки
drop head — заголовок главы, помещённый ниже первой строки
21. v превосходить; быть первым22. v озаглавливать; начинать23. v начинать, быть началом, открывать24. v направлять25. v направляться; держать курс26. v мешать, препятствовать27. v уступать дорогу28. v подниматься к истокам; обходитьthe traveller headed the stream instead of crossing it — путешественник не стал переправляться через ручей, а обошёл его
29. v двигаться навстречуhe headed the driving snow — он шёл в пургу против ветра, снег бил ему в лицо
30. v навлекать на себя, напрашиватьсяto head for trouble — навлекать на себя неприятности;
31. v брать начало, вытекатьhead record — паспортная запись в начале массива; запись-заголовок
32. v насаживать, приделывать головку33. v завиваться, образовывать кочаныcabbage head — вилок, кочан капусты
34. v колоситься35. v нарвать, созреть36. v достигать наивысшей, критической точки37. v срезать верхушкуhe struck off the head of the dandelion with a swish of his cane — взмахом трости он срезал голову одуванчика
38. v снимать, обрезать39. v обезглавливать40. v отбивать мяч головой; играть головойСинонимический ряд:1. chief (adj.) chief; dominant; preeminent; superior2. leading (adj.) arch; cardinal; champion; first; foremost; front; leading; main; premier; principal; topmost3. aptitude (noun) aptitude; brain; gray matter; intelligence; mind; wit4. authority (noun) authority; command5. beginning (noun) beginning; headwaters; origin; rise; source6. conclusion (noun) conclusion; crisis; culmination7. director (noun) director; foreman; manager; overseer; superintendent; supervisor8. foam (noun) fizz; foam; froth; lather; spume; suds9. gift (noun) aptness; bent; bump; faculty; flair; genius; gift; inclination; instinct; knack; nose; set; talent; turn10. headline (noun) heading; headline11. headpiece (noun) headpiece; noddle; noggin; noodle; pate; poll; sconce12. leader (noun) administrator; boss; chief; chieftain; cock; commander; commander in chief; dominator; headman; hierarch; honcho; leader; master; principal13. pass (noun) juncture; pass14. promontory (noun) beak; bill; cape; foreland; headland; naze; ness; point; promontory15. subject (noun) argument; matter; motif; motive; subject; subject matter; text; theme; topic16. toilet (noun) convenience; john; johnny; latrine; lavatory; privy; toilet; water closet17. top (noun) acme; crest; crown; peak; summit; tip; top18. bear (verb) bear; go; light out; make; set out; strike out; take off19. behead (verb) behead; decapitate; decollate; guillotine; neck20. direct (verb) address; administer; administrate; aim; cast; command; direct; govern; incline; lay; lead; level; manage; oversee; point; precede; present; run; set; superintend; supervise; train; turn; zero in21. outdo (verb) beat; excel; outdo; surpass22. spring (verb) arise; birth; come from; derive from; emanate; flow; issue; originate; proceed; rise; spring; stem; upspringАнтонимический ряд:attendant; base; basis; body; bottom; bulk; clerk; continuation; dependent; disciple; follow; follower; foot; footman; foundation; subordinate -
7 расчет
I муж.
1) calculation, computation;
estimation, estimate (приблизительный) ;
reckoning по моему расчету ≈ by my calculations из расчета ≈ on the basis of
2) тех. calculation
3) (с кем-л.) (уплата) settlement( of accounts) ;
settling( with) ;
payment быть в расчете с кем-л. ≈ to be quits/even with smb.;
to be all even with за наличный расчет ≈ for cash( payment)
4) (увольнение) dismissal, discharge;
sack разг.;
брит. давать расчет брать расчет
5) ({(значение, важность) account принимать в расчет ≈ to take into account/consideration;
to take account (of)
6) (намерение) intention
7) (предусмотрительность) providence;
assumption, expectation с таким расчетом, что ≈ on the assumption that;
with the idea that в расчете на что-л., с расчетом на что-л. ≈ on/with the expectation of, in anticipation of, counting on/upon
8) разг. (выгода) use;
benefit, advantage;
gain нет расчета делать это ≈ there is no point in doing this брак по расчету ≈ marriage for money, marriage of convenience;
marriage for money
9) перен. retribution с ним будет короткий расчет ≈ retribution will be swift II муж;
воен. gunners мн.;
team, crew, detachment орудийный расчет ≈ guncrewcalculation -
8 credit
1. n1) кредит2) бухг. кредит, правая сторона счета3) аккредитив4) доверие
- acceptance credit
- accommodation credit
- adjustment credit
- agricultural credit
- assignment credit
- averaged rate credit
- back-to-back credit
- bank credit
- banker's credit
- banking credit
- blank credit
- blocked credit
- book credit
- bridging credit
- broker's credit
- budgetary credit
- buyer's credit
- cash credit
- cheap credit
- clean credit
- clearing credit
- collateral credit
- collateralized credit
- commercial credit
- commercial bank credit
- commercial documentary credit
- commercial paper credit
- commodity credit
- company credit
- consumer credit
- consortium credit
- countervailing credit
- convenience credit
- conversion credit
- currency credit
- current account credit
- deferred credit
- direct credit
- directed credit
- disabled access credit
- discount credit
- documentary credit
- dollar credit
- draft credit
- drawing credit
- earmarked credit
- evergreen credit
- export credit
- exporter's credit
- export promotion credit
- extended credit
- external credit
- external trade credit
- farm credit
- financial credit
- fixed credit
- foreign currency credit
- frame credit
- frozen credit
- goods credit
- government credit
- guaranteed credit
- illicit credit
- impaired credit
- import credit
- importer's credit
- import promotion credit
- individual credit
- industrial credit
- installment credit
- insurer's credit
- intercompany credit
- interest-free credit
- interfirm credit
- intergovernmental credit
- interim credit
- intermediate-term credit
- international credit
- interstate credit
- investment credit
- irrevocable credit
- leasing credit
- limited credit
- lombard credit
- long credit
- long-term credit
- low-interest credit
- margin credit
- marginal credit
- maximum credit
- medium-term credit
- mercantile credit
- mixed credit
- monetary credit
- mortgage credit
- mutual credit
- noninstallment credit
- noninterest bearing credit
- nonrefundable credit
- on-call credit
- open credit
- open-end credit
- open account credit
- overdue credit
- overnight credit
- packing credit
- paper credit
- personal credit
- preferential credit
- public credit
- real estate credit
- reciprocal credits
- rediscount credit
- refinance credit
- rehabilitation import credit
- reimbursement credit
- rescheduled credit
- reserve credit
- retail credit
- revocable credit
- revolving credit
- rollover credit
- rural credit
- secondary credit
- second mortgage credit
- secured credit
- self-liquidating credit
- shaky credit
- short credit
- short-term credit
- sight credit
- social credit
- soft credit
- sovereign credit
- spot credit
- stabilization credit
- standby credit
- starting credit
- state credit
- state-guaranteed credit
- sterling credit
- store credit
- supermarginal credit
- supplier's credit
- swing credit
- syndicate credit
- syndicated bank credit
- tax credit
- temporary credit
- term credit
- tied credit
- tight credit
- total credit
- trade credit
- uncommitted credit
- uncovered credit
- unlimited credit
- unsecured credit
- untied credit
- unused credit
- used credit
- usurer's credit
- working credit
- credit against goods
- credit against securities
- credit against shipped goods
- credit at the bank
- credit for dependents
- credit for inventories
- credit in foreign currency
- credit in kind
- credit on consumer goods
- credit on easy terms
- credit on favourable terms
- credit on goods
- credit on landed property
- credit of leased equipment
- credit on mortgage
- credit on property
- credit on real estate
- credit on real property
- credit on securities
- credit with the bank
- credit backed by commercial paper
- credit extended under an intergovernmental agreement
- credit guaranteed by the government
- against credit
- on credit
- under credit
- advance a credit
- allot credits
- allow a credit
- apply for a credit
- arrange a credit
- block a credit
- buy on credit
- call in a credit
- cancel a credit
- clear the credit
- draw a credit
- establish a credit
- exceed the credit
- extend a credit
- freeze a credit
- furnish a credit
- get a credit
- give a credit
- give on credit
- grant a credit
- guarantee a credit
- lend a credit
- lodge a credit
- obtain a credit
- open a credit
- procure bank credit
- prolong a credit
- provide a credit
- receive a credit
- redeem a credit
- refuse credit
- reimburse a credit
- reject credit
- renew a credit
- repay a credit
- resume a credit
- sell on credit
- supply a credit
- suspend credit
- take on credit
- tighten credit
- use a credit
- utilize a credit
- withdraw a credit2. vкредитовать счет; записать (сумму) в кредит счета
- credit an account with an amount
- credit an amount to an account
- credit and debitEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > credit
9 occasion
1. n случайon occasion — при случае, при обстоятельствах; иногда
on occasion — при случае, иногда; время от времени
words to befit the occasion — речь, приличествующая случаю
a speech worthy of the occasion — речь, подобающая случаю
2. n событие3. n возможность, благоприятный случай4. n основание, причина, повод; обстоятельствоon all occasions — во всяком случае; во всех случаях
5. n человек, являющийся причиной6. n арх. делаa sense of occasion — такт, понимание
7. v книжн. вызывать, служить причиной; давать поводСинонимический ряд:1. cause (noun) antecedent; call; cause; determinant; ground; inducement; justification; necessity; obligation; prompting; reason2. event (noun) circumstance; development; episode; event; go; happening; incident; instant; milepost; milestone; moment; news; occurrence; season; thing; time; while3. need (noun) demand; need; use4. opportunity (noun) break; chance; convenience; excuse; look-in; opening; opportunity; possibility; shot; show; squeak5. party (noun) affair; festivity; fete; function; gala; party; soiree6. generate (verb) breed; bring about; cause; effect; effectuate; engender; generate; get up; hatch; induce; inspire; lead to; make; motivate; muster up; produce; prompt; provoke; result in; work up7. justify (verb) call for; justify; warrant -
10 personal
1. прил.
1) а) индивидуальный, персональный personal income ≈ личный доход personal injury claim Syn: individual, private б) близкий, (глубоко) личный Opponents are often personal friends, but that makes no difference. ≈ Часто противники в деле бывают близкими друзьями в жизни, но это не меняет положения дел.
2) задевающий, затрагивающий личность
3) грам. личный personal pronoun
4) юр. движимый( об имуществе)
2. сущ.;
обыкн. мн.;
1) светская хроника в газете
2) раздел рекламных объявлений
3) спорт индивидуальное нарушение правил Syn: personal foul личный, персональный - * opinion личное мнение - * needs личные потребности - * cleanliness личная гигиена - * effects личные вещи;
носильные вещи - * assistant личный помощник - * equipment личное снаряжение и вооружение военнослужащего - * weapon личное оружие - * action /plea/ (юридическое) личный /обязательный/ иск - * rights личные права - * service доставка на дом /лично в руки/ - articles for * use вещи для личного употребления /пользования/ - * accidents insurance страхование от увечья - it suits his * convenience ему это удобно;
его это устраивает - to have * knowledge of smth. знать что-л. по своему личному опыту - to make a * application явиться собственной персоной( юридическое) движимый - * property /goods/ движимое имущество - * chattels, chattels личная движимость, личное движимое имущество задевающий, затрагивающий личность - * remarks /abuse/ замечания, имеющие целью затронуть или обидеть( кого-л.) - to become * переходить на личности - don't be *! не переходите на личности! - let us avoid being * будем стараться держаться в рамках приличия /не оскорблять друг друга/ характерный для данного лица - * charm личное обаяние - * beauty красивая внешность - * identity личные качества - this is * to myself это мне свойственно (грамматика) личный - * pronouns личные местоимения - * verb (редкое) глагол, спрягающийся по всем трем лицам to become ~ задевать( кого-л.), переходить на личности chattels ~ движимое имущество chattels ~ личная собственность chattels ~ личные вещи personal юр. движимый (об имуществе) ~ движимый (об имуществе) ~ движимый ~ задевающий, затрагивающий личность;
personal remarks замечания, имеющие целью задеть или обидеть (кого-л.) ~ задевающий, затрагивающий личность ~ грам. личный;
personal pronoun личное местоимение ~ личный, персональный;
personal income личный доход;
personal discussion обсуждение путем личного общения ~ личный, персональный ~ личный ~ персональный ~ (обыкн. pl) амер. светская хроника в газете ~ (амер.) светская хроника в газете ~ личный, персональный;
personal income личный доход;
personal discussion обсуждение путем личного общения ~ opinion личное мнение;
personal injury claim юр. иск о возмещении личного ущерба ~ opinion личное мнение;
personal injury claim юр. иск о возмещении личного ущерба ~ грам. личный;
personal pronoun личное местоимение ~ задевающий, затрагивающий личность;
personal remarks замечания, имеющие целью задеть или обидеть (кого-л.)Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > personal
11 personal
[ʹpɜ:s(ə)nəl] a1. 1) личный, персональныйpersonal effects - личные вещи; носильные вещи
personal action /plea/ - юр. личный /обязательный/ иск
personal service - доставка на дом /лично в руки/
articles for personal use - вещи для личного употребления /пользования/
it suits his personal convenience - ему это удобно; его это устраивает
to have personal knowledge of smth. - знать что-л. по своему личному опыту
2) юр. движимыйpersonal property /goods/ - движимое имущество
personal chattels, chattels personal - личная движимость, личное движимое имущество
2. задевающий, затрагивающий личностьpersonal remarks /abuse/ - замечания, имеющие целью затронуть или обидеть (кого-л.)
don't be personal! - не переходите на личности!
let us avoid being personal - будем стараться держаться в рамках приличия /не оскорблять друг друга/
3. характерный для данного лица4. грам. личныйpersonal verb - редк. глагол, спрягающийся по всем трём лицам
12 sampling
сущ.1)а) стат. выборочное исследование (метод исследования, при которым статистические свойства совокупности каких-л. объектов генеральной совокупности изучаются на основе выборки)stratified random sampling among 2000 examined women — стратифицированное случайное выборочное исследование 2000 изучаемых женщин
upon the basis of sampling of available records — на основании выборочного исследования имеющихся записей
If a dealer does not have adequate records of his or her retail sales or purchases, the department may, upon the basis of a test or sampling of the dealer's available records or other information relating to the sales or purchases made by such dealer for a representative period, determine the proportion that taxable retail sales bear to total retail sales or the proportion that taxable purchases bear to total purchases. – Если у дилера нет соответствующих записей его или ее розничных продаж или покупок, департамент может на основании проверки или выборочного исследования имеющихся записей дилера или другой информации, относящейся к продажам или покупкам, сделанным таким дилеров за изучаемый период, определить соотношение величины налогооблагаемых розничных продаж и суммарных розничных продаж или соотношение величины налогооблагаемых покупок и суммарных покупок.
Syn:See:б) стат. выборка, отбор, забор ( процесс формирования выборки из совокупности)Sampling among households is a procedure whereby researchers randomly generate telephone numbers by means of directories
water [soil\] sampling — забор воды [почвы\]
See:statistical sampling 1), non-profitability sampling, convenience sampling, purpose sampling, house-to-house sampling 2), multistage sampling, optional sampling, quota sampling, oversampling, random digit dialing, accidental sampling, single sampling, double sampling, multiple sampling, unit sampling2) стат. выборка, выборочная совокупность (совокупность объектов, выбранных из генеральной совокупности для исследования)Syn:sample 1. 2)See:3) марк. сэмплинг, распространение образцов (бесплатное или почти бесплатное предложение товара небольшой группе потенциальных покупателей с целью ознакомления покупателей с товаром и стимулирования спроса)See:
* * *
выборочное исследование, опробование: 1) изучение небольшой группы людей, представляющих собой репрезентативную выборку гораздо большей группы людей для целей маркетинга товаров и услуг; 2) бесплатное (или с большой скидкой) предложение товара на пробу небольшой группе клиентов для стимулирования спроса. -
13 power activated child locks
автоэлектрозамки от детейAllows the driver to electronically activate or release the rear-door child locks via a simple control switch. This added convenience will encourage drivers to use the child lock feature more often, thus improving safety for children travelling in the rear-seats. — Позволяет водителю с помощью электроники закрывать или открывать детские замки на задней двери посредством простого переключателя. Это небольшое добавленное удобство поспособствует водителям чаще использовать детские замки, таким образом улучшив безопасность детей, едущих на задних сидениях.
Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > power activated child locks
14 rule
1. n1) правило; норма; принцип2) правление, владычество, господство•2. v1) управлять, править; господствовать2) постановлять, устанавливать3) юр. разрешать (дело); постановлять; выносить определение; устанавливать порядок судебного производства4) стоять на уровне, действовать, преобладать (о ценах, курсах, ставках и т.п.); котироваться
См. также в других словарях:
Convenience store — Party store redirects here. For the Dirtbombs album, see Party Store (album). Corner shop redirects here. For the British band, see Cornershop. A convenience store, corner store, corner shop, commonly called a bodega in Spanish speaking areas of… … Wikipedia
convenience — noun 1 (U) the quality of being suitable for a particular purpose, especially because it is easy to use or saves you time: Many women prefer the convenience of working at home while their children are small. | for convenience: We bought this… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
convenience — [[t]kənvi͟ːniəns[/t]] conveniences 1) N UNCOUNT: with poss If something is done for your convenience, it is done in a way that is useful or suitable for you. He was happy to make a detour for her convenience. ...the need to put the rights of… … English dictionary
convenience — /keuhn veen yeuhns/, n. 1. the quality of being convenient; suitability. 2. anything that saves or simplifies work, adds to one s ease or comfort, etc., as an appliance, utensil, or the like. 3. a convenient situation or time: at your convenience … Universalium
convenience — Whatever conduces to freedom from difficulty, from trouble, or from annoyance; whatever promotes one s ease or advantage or is fit for one s use or suitable for one s wants. Boston Safe Deposit & T. Co. v Stebbins, 309 Mass 282 34 NE2d 616, 148… … Ballentine's law dictionary
convenience — noun 1) the convenience of the arrangement Syn: expedience, advantage, propitiousness, timeliness; suitability, appropriateness 2) for convenience, the handset is wall mounted Syn: ease of use, usability, usefulness, utility … Thesaurus of popular words
convenience — noun 1) the convenience of the arrangement Syn: advantage, benefit, expedience, suitability 2) for convenience, the handset is wall mounted Syn: ease of use, usefulness, utility, accessibility, availability • … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
convenience — con•ven•ience [[t]kənˈvin yəns[/t]] n. 1) the quality of being convenient 2) anything, as an appliance, that saves or simplifies work or adds to one s ease or comfort 3) a convenient situation or time: at your convenience[/ex] 4) advantage or… … From formal English to slang
convenience — con‧ve‧ni‧ence [kənˈviːniəns] adjective convenience foods/meals/goods food products that are made and packed in a way that makes them very quick and easy to use: • the growth in sales of frozen convenience meals see also flag of convenience * * … Financial and business terms
Convenience — is anything that is intended to save resources (time, energy) or frustration. A convenience store at a petrol station, for example, sells items that have nothing to do with gasoline/petrol, but it saves the consumer from having to go to a grocery … Wikipedia
use — 1 / yüs/ n 1 a: an arrangement in which property is granted to another with the trust and confidence that the grantor or another is entitled to the beneficial enjoyment of it see also trust; statute of uses in the important laws section ◇ Uses… … Law dictionary