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for a year

  • 1 for one year

    • yksivuotinen

    English-Finnish dictionary > for one year

  • 2 year

    • ikä
    • ikävuosi
    • vuosikurssi
    • vuosi
    • vuosiluku
    * * *
    jiə 1. noun
    1) (the period of time the earth takes to go once round the sun, about 365 days: We lived here for five years, from November 1968 to November 1973; a two-year delay.) vuosi
    2) (the period from January 1 to December 31, being 365 days, except in a leap year, when it is 366 days: in the year 1945.) vuosi
    2. adverb
    (every year: The festival is held yearly.) vuosittain
    - all the year round
    - all year round
    - long

    English-Finnish dictionary > year

  • 3 eight-year-old

    • kahdeksanvuotias
    * * *
    noun (a person or animal that is eight years old: Is this game suitable for an eight-year-old?) kahdeksanvuotias

    English-Finnish dictionary > eight-year-old

  • 4 educational provision for 16-19-year-olds

    • nuorisoaste

    English-Finnish dictionary > educational provision for 16-19-year-olds

  • 5 good wishes for the New Year

    • uudenvuodenonnittelut
    • uudenvuodenonnittelu

    English-Finnish dictionary > good wishes for the New Year

  • 6 guarantee

    • olla takeena jostakin
    • turvata
    • varmuus
    • varmentaa
    finance, business, economy
    • vekselitakaus
    banking term
    • avaali
    • antaa takuu
    • vakuutus
    finance, business, economy
    • vakuus
    • kannatussitoumus
    • garantia
    • mennä takaukseen
    • pantti
    • takuu
    • takuuaika
    • takuuvastuu
    • takasumma
    • takeet
    • taata
    • tae
    finance, business, economy
    • takaaja
    finance, business, economy
    • takaus
    finance, business, economy
    • takuusitoumus
    • takasitoumus
    finance, business, economy
    • takaussitoumus
    • takuutodistus
    • lupaus
    • luvata
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a statement by the maker that something will work for a certain period of time: This guarantee is valid for one year.) takuu
    2) (a thing that makes something likely or certain: It is no guarantee against failure.) tae
    2. verb
    1) (to act as, or give, a guarantee: This watch is guaranteed for six months.) antaa takuu
    2) (to state that something is true, definite etc: I can't guarantee that what he told me is correct.) taata

    English-Finnish dictionary > guarantee

  • 7 appointment

    • toimi
    • nimitys
    • nimittäminen
    • varusteet
    • varattu aika luona
    • virka
    • viranhaltijan nimittäminen
    • virkanimitys
    • ajantilaus
    • aikavaraus
    • ajanvaraus
    • kohtaus
    • sopimus
    • sovittu tapaaminen
    • tapaaminen
    • luovutus
    * * *
    1) ((an) arrangement to meet someone; I made an appointment to see him.) tapaaminen
    2) (the job or position to which a person is appointed: His appointment was for one year only.) nimitys

    English-Finnish dictionary > appointment

  • 8 fallow

    • ruskeankeltainen
    • kesanto
    • kesannoida
    • kesantomaa
    • kesannossa oleva
    * * *
    ((of land) left to its own natural growth and not planted with seeds: We will let this field lie fallow for a year; fallow fields.) kesantona oleva

    English-Finnish dictionary > fallow

  • 9 go steady

    (to have a close friendly relationship with someone of the opposite sex: My girl-friend and I have been going steady for a year.) seurustella

    English-Finnish dictionary > go steady

  • 10 plan

    • organisoida
    • intentio
    • järjestää
    • jäsennys
    • tuuma
    • ehdotus
    • ehdotelma
    • esitys
    • ajatus
    • ajatella
    • aikomus
    • aikoa
    • aie
    • asemakaava
    • puuha
    • pyrkimys
    • rakennella
    • kartta
    • kaava
    • kaavailla
    • kaavoittaa
    • hahmotelma
    • hanke
    • hahmotella
    • hankkia
    • menetelmä
    • mieli
    • muotoilu
    • muotoilla
    • sepittää
    • sommitella
    • suunnitelma
    • suunnitella(tietotekn)
    • suunnitella
    • tarkoitus
    • kyhätä
    • laatia
    • laatia suunnitelma
    • pohtia
    • piirustus
    • pohjapiirros
    • konsepti
    • luonnostella
    • luonnos
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (an idea of how to do something; a method of doing something: If everyone follows this plan, we will succeed; I have worked out a plan for making a lot of money.) suunnitelma
    2) (an intention or arrangement: My plan is to rob a bank and leave the country quickly; What are your plans for tomorrow?) aikomus, suunnitelma
    3) (a drawing, diagram etc showing a building, town etc as if seen from above: These are the plans of/for our new house; a street-plan.) pohjapiirros, kaavio
    2. verb
    1) ((sometimes with on) to intend (to do something): We are planning on going to Italy this year; We were planning to go last year but we hadn't enough money; They are planning a trip to Italy.) aikoa, suunnitella
    2) (to decide how something is to be done; to arrange (something): We are planning a party; We'll have to plan very carefully if we are to succeed.) järjestää
    3) (to design (a building, town etc): This is the architect who planned the building.) suunnitella
    - planning
    - go according to plan
    - plan ahead

    English-Finnish dictionary > plan

  • 11 annual

    • jokavuotinen
    • vuosi
    • vuosi-
    • vuotuinen
    • vuosittainen
    • vuosikirja
    • yksivuotinen
    • yksivuotinen kasvi
    • kumota
    * * *
    'ænjuəl 1. adjective
    1) (happening every year: an annual event.) vuotuinen
    2) (of one year: What is his annual salary?) vuosi-
    2. noun
    1) (a book of which a new edition is published every year: children's annuals.) vuosikirja
    2) (a plant that lives for only one year.) yksivuotinen kasvi

    English-Finnish dictionary > annual

  • 12 appeal

    • ihastus
    • ihastuttaa
    • houkutus
    • vedota
    • veto
    • viehtymys
    • vetoomus
    • vetoaminen
    • vetovoima
    • anoa
    • apelli
    • valittaa(päätöksestä)
    • valittaa (tuomiosta)
    • valittaa
    • valitus
    • pyyntö
    finance, business, economy
    • revisio
    • kiintymys
    • kannella
    • hakea muutosta
    • halu
    • mieltymys
    • miellyttää
    • muutoksenhaku
    • muutoksenhakemus
    • kysyä
    * * *
    ə:pi:l 1. verb
    1) ((often with to) to ask earnestly for something: She appealed (to him) for help.) vedota johonkin
    2) (to take a case one has lost to a higher court etc; to ask (a referee, judge etc) for a new decision: He appealed against a three-year sentence.) valittaa, vedota
    3) ((with to) to be pleasing: This place appeals to me.) miellyttää
    2. noun
    1) ((the act of making) a request (for help, a decision etc): The appeal raised $500 for charity; a last appeal for help; The judge rejected his appeal.) vetoomus
    2) (attraction: Music holds little appeal for me.) viehätys

    English-Finnish dictionary > appeal

  • 13 date

    • olla peräisin
    • treffit
    • nimitys
    • iätä
    • juontua
    • hetki
    • heila
    • dateeraus
    • dateerata
    • seurustella
    • sijoittaa
    • aikamäärä
    • ajankohta
    • aikakausi
    • ajoittaa
    • aika
    • vuosiluku
    • päivämäärä
    • päivä
    • päiväys
    • päivätä
    • määräaika
    • määräpäivä
    • sovittu kohtaus
    • taatelipalmu
    • taateli
    • tapaaminen
    • käydä vanhanaikaiseksi
    * * *
    I 1. deit noun
    1) ((a statement on a letter etc giving) the day of the month, the month and year: I can't read the date on this letter.) päivämäärä
    2) (the day and month and/or the year in which something happened or is going to happen: What is your date of birth?) aika, ajankohta
    3) (an appointment or engagement, especially a social one with a member of the opposite sex: He asked her for a date.) treffit
    2. verb
    1) (to have or put a date on: This letter isn't dated.)
    2) ((with from or back) to belong to; to have been made, written etc at (a certain time): Their quarrel dates back to last year.)
    3) (to become obviously old-fashioned: His books haven't dated much.)
    - dateline
    - out of date
    - to date
    - up to date
    II deit noun
    (the brown, sticky fruit of the date palm, a kind of tree growing in the tropics.) taateli

    English-Finnish dictionary > date

  • 14 commission

    • palkkio
    • palkkio (välitys)
    • tilata
    • toimeksianto (henkilölle)
    • toimeksianto
    finance, business, economy
    • toimitusmaksu
    • toimikunta
    finance, business, economy
    • toimituspalkkio
    • virkamääräys
    • delegaatio
    • asiamiestehtävä
    • asettaa palvelukseen
    • upseerin valtakirja
    • valiokunta
    • valtuuskunta
    • välityspalkkio
    finance, business, economy
    • provisio
    • prosenttipalkkio
    finance, business, economy
    • provisiopalkka
    • tehtävä
    • tekeminen
    • kaupinta
    • myyntipalkkio
    • määräys
    • syyllistyminen
    • lautakunta
    finance, business, economy
    • komissiopalkkio
    finance, business, economy
    • komissio
    • komitea
    * * *
    kə'miʃən 1.
    1) (money earned by a person who sells things for someone else.)
    2) (an order for a work of art: a commission to paint the president's portrait.)
    3) (an official paper giving authority, especially to an army officer etc: My son got his commission last year.)
    4) (an official group appointed to report on a specific matter: a commission of enquiry.)
    2. verb
    1) (to give an order (especially for a work of art) to: He was commissioned to paint the Lord Mayor's portrait.) antaa toimeksianto
    2) (to give a military commission to.) antaa valtakirja
    - commissioner
    - in/out of commission

    English-Finnish dictionary > commission

  • 15 statistics

    • tilasto
    • tilastot
    • tilastotiede
    • tilastotiedot
    • statistiikka
    * * *
    stə'tistiks 1. noun plural
    (figures giving information about something: There were 900 deaths and 20,000 injuries on the roads last year, but the statistics for the previous year were worse.) tilastot
    2. noun singular
    (the study of such figures.)
    - statistically
    - statistician

    English-Finnish dictionary > statistics

  • 16 catch

    • olla tarttuva
    • ottaa kiinni
    • saada selvää
    • saada kiinni
    • saada
    • saalistaa
    • saalis
    • torjua
    • hyvä kauppa
    • jahdata
    • juoni
    • ehtiä ajoissa
    • este
    • siepata
    • solki
    • apaja
    • vangita
    • pyytää(jahdata)
    • pyynti
    • pyytää (pyydystää)
    • pyytää
    • pyydystää
    • ralli
    • tavoittaa
    • kiehtoa
    • kiinnike
    • kalansaalis
    • kaapata
    • kalastaa
    • kaanon
    • haka
    • haltuunotto
    • metsästää
    • napata
    • pidike
    • pidin
    • salpa
    • sairastua
    • löytää
    • säppi
    • tarrautua
    • tarttua
    • tarrain
    • takertua
    • yllättää
    • yllättää tekemästä
    • yllättää (teosta)
    • käräyttää
    • käsittää
    • käryttää
    • kuulla
    • koukku
    • koppi
    • lukitus
    * * *
    kæ  1. past tense, past participle - caught; verb
    1) (to stop and hold (something which is moving); to capture: He caught the cricket ball; The cat caught a mouse; Did you catch any fish?; I tried to catch his attention.) saada kiinni, ottaa kiinni, siepata
    2) (to be in time for, or get on (a train, bus etc): I'll have to catch the 9.45 (train) to London.) ehtiä
    3) (to surprise (someone) in the act of: I caught him stealing (my vegetables).) yllättää
    4) (to become infected with (a disease or illness): He caught flu.) saada
    5) (to (cause to) become accidentally attached or held: The child caught her fingers in the car door.) jäädä kiinni, tarttua
    6) (to hit: The punch caught him on the chin.) osua
    7) (to manage to hear: Did you catch what she said?) saada selvää
    8) (to start burning: I dropped a match on the pile of wood and it caught (fire) immediately.) syttyä (palamaan)
    2. noun
    1) (an act of catching: He took a fine catch behind the wicket.) koppi, kiinniotto
    2) (a small device for holding (a door etc) in place: The catch on my suitcase is broken.) säppi, pidike
    3) (the total amount (of eg fish) caught: the largest catch of mackerel this year.) saalis
    4) (a trick or problem: There's a catch in this question.) ansa, juoni
    - catchy
    - catch-phrase
    - catch-word
    - catch someone's eye
    - catch on
    - catch out
    - catch up

    English-Finnish dictionary > catch

  • 17 light

    • onnellinen
    • tulitikku
    • tuli
    • ilmava
    • hyväntuulinen
    • iloinen
    • helppo
    • hilpeä
    • hento
    • huoleton
    • hohde
    • viritä
    • vieno
    • aurinkoinen
    • siro
    • ajanviete
    • vaalea
    • vaaleaihoinen
    • valkea
    • valaistus
    • valkeus
    • valoisuus
    • valoisa
    • valaista
    • valistus
    • valaisin
    • vallaton
    • valo
    • vähäinen
    • vähin matkatavaroin
    • päivänvalo
    • rento
    • ketterä
    • keveä
    • kevytmielinen
    • kepeä
    • kevyesti
    • kevyt
    • kirkas
    • lievä
    • lennokas
    • mieto
    • pehmeä
    • majakka
    • sulava
    • sytyttää
    • syttyä
    • säteilevä
    • ymmärrys
    • kuohkea
    • kuumentaa
    • kynttilä
    • lamppu
    • laskeutua
    • köykäinen
    • pieni
    • pintapuolinen
    • lyhty
    • loisto (majakka)
    • loiste
    * * *
    I 1. noun
    1) (the brightness given by the sun, a flame, lamps etc that makes things able to be seen: It was nearly dawn and the light was getting stronger; Sunlight streamed into the room.) valo
    2) (something which gives light (eg a lamp): Suddenly all the lights went out.) valo
    3) (something which can be used to set fire to something else; a flame: Have you got a light for my cigarette?) tuli
    4) (a way of viewing or regarding: He regarded her action in a favourable light.) valo
    2. adjective
    1) (having light; not dark: The studio was a large, light room.)
    2) ((of a colour) pale; closer to white than black: light green.)
    3. lit verb
    1) (to give light to: The room was lit only by candles.)
    2) (to (make something) catch fire: She lit the gas; I think this match is damp, because it won't light.)
    - lighting
    - lighthouse
    - light-year
    - bring to light
    - come to light
    - in the light of
    - light up
    - see the light
    - set light to
    1) (easy to lift or carry; of little weight: I bought a light suitcase for plane journeys.) kevyt
    2) (easy to bear, suffer or do: Next time the punishment will not be so light.) lievä
    3) ((of food) easy to digest: a light meal.) kevyt
    4) (of less weight than it should be: The load of grain was several kilos light.) vajaapainoinen
    5) (of little weight: Aluminium is a light metal.) kevyt
    6) (lively or agile: She was very light on her feet.) kepeä
    7) (cheerful; not serious: light music.) kevyt
    8) (little in quantity; not intense, heavy, strong etc: light rain.) heikko
    9) ((of soil) containing a lot of sand.) kuohkea
    - light-headed
    - light-hearted
    - lightweight
    - get off lightly
    - make light of
    - travel light
    III = light on - past tense, past participle lit [lit] - verb
    (to find by chance: While wandering round the town, we lit on a very cheap restaurant.)

    English-Finnish dictionary > light

  • 18 prosecution

    • jatkaminen
    • jonkin harjoittaminen
    • vaino
    • kanne
    • syytteeseenpano
    • syyttäjä
    • syyttäjäviranomainen
    • syyttäminen
    • syyte
    * * *
    1) ((an) act of prosecuting or process of being prosecuted: He faces prosecution for drunken driving; There are numerous prosecutions for this offence every year.) syyte
    2) (the person/people bringing a legal action, including the lawyer(s) representing them: First the prosecution stated its case, then the defence.) syyttäjäpuoli

    English-Finnish dictionary > prosecution

  • 19 round

    • panos
    • ripeä
    • runsas
    • norkoilla
    • vartiokierros
    • erä
    • askelma
    • vuoro
    • pyöristyä
    • pyörähtää
    • pyöreä
    • pyöristää
    • kehä
    • kierto
    • kierros
    • kiertokäynti
    • kelpo
    • kaanon
    • pelierä
    • peli
    • sarja
    • melkoinen
    • taakse
    • tarkastuskierros
    • takaa
    • takana
    • ympäriltä
    • ympärillä
    • ympyrä
    • ympärille
    • ympäri
    • ympyriäinen
    • laukaus
    • piiri
    • piiritanssi
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (shaped like a circle or globe: a round hole; a round stone; This plate isn't quite round.) pyöreä
    2) (rather fat; plump: a round face.) pyöreä
    2. adverb
    1) (in the opposite direction: He turned round.) ympäri
    2) (in a circle: They all stood round and listened; A wheel goes round; All (the) year round.) ympäri
    3) (from one person to another: They passed the letter round; The news went round.) ympäri
    4) (from place to place: We drove round for a while.) ympäri
    5) (in circumference: The tree measured two metres round.) ympärysmitaltaan
    6) (to a particular place, usually a person's home: Are you coming round (to our house) tonight?) luokse
    3. preposition
    1) (on all sides of: There was a wall round the garden; He looked round the room.) ympärillä
    2) (passing all sides of (and returning to the starting-place): They ran round the tree.) ympäri
    3) (changing direction at: He came round the corner.) takana
    4) (in or to all parts of: The news spread all round the town.) ympäri
    4. noun
    1) (a complete circuit: a round of drinks (= one for everyone present); a round of golf.) kierros
    2) (a regular journey one takes to do one's work: a postman's round.) kierros
    3) (a burst of cheering, shooting etc: They gave him a round of applause; The soldier fired several rounds.) sarja
    4) (a single bullet, shell etc: five hundred rounds of ammunition.) patruuna
    5) (a stage in a competition etc: The winners of the first round will go through to the next.) kierros
    6) (a type of song sung by several singers singing the same tune starting in succession.) kaanon
    5. verb
    (to go round: The car rounded the corner.) kiertää
    - roundly
    - roundness
    - rounds
    - all-round
    - all-rounder
    - roundabout
    6. adjective
    (not direct: a roundabout route.) kiertotie
    - round-shouldered
    - round trip
    - all round
    - round about
    - round off
    - round on
    - round up

    English-Finnish dictionary > round

  • 20 season

    • ryydittää
    • totuttaa
    • höystää
    • huvikausi
    • esityskausi
    • vuodenaika
    • kausi
    • kausi (sesonki)
    • kilpailukausi
    • myyntikausi
    leather industry
    • parkita
    • satokausi
    • sesonki
    • maustaa
    • sopiva aika
    • kuivata
    • kypsyttää
    • kypsyä
    • kylpykausi
    * * *
    'si:zn 1. noun
    1) (one of the main divisions of the year according to the regular variation of the weather, length of day etc: The four seasons are spring, summer, autumn and winter; The monsoon brings the rainy season.) vuodenaika, kausi
    2) (the usual, proper or suitable time for something: the football season.) kausi
    2. verb
    1) (to add salt, pepper, mustard etc to: She seasoned the meat with plenty of pepper.) maustaa
    2) (to let (wood) be affected by rain, sun etc until it is ready for use.) ilmakuivattaa
    - seasonal
    - seasoned
    - seasoning
    - season ticket
    - in season
    - out of season

    English-Finnish dictionary > season

См. также в других словарях:

  • Anthem for the Year 2000 — Infobox Single Name = Anthem for the Year 2000 Artist = Silverchair from Album = Neon Ballroom Released = February 1999 Format = CD, 7 Recorded = 1998 Genre = Post grunge Length = 4:07 Label = Murmur Producer = Nick Launay Last single = The Door… …   Wikipedia

  • Now Wait for Last Year —   …   Wikipedia

  • Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 — Bill summary= Originally introduced in the House [http://www.opencongress.org/bill/110 h2082/show (H.R. 2082)] , the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 authorizes funding levels for the 13 government intelligence agencies and… …   Wikipedia

  • A Widow for One Year — infobox Book | name = A Widow for One Year title orig = translator = image caption = Paperback cover author = John Irving illustrator = cover artist = country = United States language = English series = genre = Fiction publisher = Random House… …   Wikipedia

  • The Historical Register for the Year 1736 — is a 1737 play by Henry Fielding. A satire, it contained thinly veiled attacks on British politicians and led to the passage of the Licensing Act of 1737, which placed drama under the control of the government. This ended Fielding s career as a… …   Wikipedia

  • Year Zero (game) — Year Zero an alternate reality game by Nine Inch Nails and 42 Entertainment Campaign Campaign timeline Year Zero album …   Wikipedia

  • Year and a day — can refer to: * the Year and a day rule, a period tied into various legal principles in a number of jurisdictions * A Year and a Day (1998 novel), by Virginia Henley * A Year and a Day (2004 novel), by Leslie Pietrzyk Morrow * A poem by Elizabeth …   Wikipedia

  • Year — A year (from Old English gēar) is the orbital period of the Earth moving around the Sun. For an observer on Earth, this corresponds to the period it takes the Sun to complete one course throughout the zodiac along the ecliptic. In astronomy, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Year zero — There is no year zero in the widely used Gregorian calendar, nor in its predecessor, the Julian calendar. Under those systems, the year 1 BC is followed by AD 1. However, there is a year zero in astronomical year numbering (where it coincides… …   Wikipedia

  • Year 10,000 problem — The Year 10,000 problem, or Y10K, is the class of all potential software bugs that may emerge should the need to express years with five digits arise. The problem can have discernible effects today, but is also sometimes mentioned because of its… …   Wikipedia

  • Year of the Eucharist — The Year of the Eucharist is the name of the liturgical year from October 2004 to October 2005, as celebrated by Catholics worldwide. On June 10, 2004, Pope John Paul II announced the dedication of an entire year to the Blessed Sacrament and… …   Wikipedia

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