1 handmixer
• food mixer• handmixer -
2 eten
eten1〈 het〉1 [voedsel] food♦voorbeelden:hij houdt van lekker eten • he is fond of good foodeten en drinken meenemen • bring along something to eat and drinkdat is geen eten • that isn't fit to eat2 koud eten • cold meal, lunchwarm eten • hot meal, dinnerhet eten is opgediend/klaar • dinner is served/readyhet eten laten staan • 〈 niet beginnen〉 leave one's food; 〈 niet helemaal opeten〉 not finish one's foodhet eten maken • make dinnerwijn bij het eten drinken • drink wine with a mealik ben niet thuis met het eten • I won't be home for dinneronder het eten • during meals/the meal, at dinner(time)nog een kik en je gaat zonder eten naar bed • one more word out of you and you'll be packed off to bed without your dinner————————eten21 eat♦voorbeelden:hij begon er direct van te eten • he fell tote veel/te weinig te eten geven • overfeed, underfeedhet is te eten /niet te eten • it's edible/inedible, it tastes OK/awfulwat eten we vandaag? • what's for dinner today?goed kunnen eten • have a good hearty appetiteje kunt hier lekker eten • they serve good food herelekker gegeten? • enjoyed your meal?eet smakelijk • enjoy your mealte veel eten • overeat (oneself)om op te eten zijn • be/look good enough to eateet ze • enjoy♦voorbeelden:1 blijf je (te) eten? • will you stay for dinner?wij zitten net te eten • we've just sat down to dinnerbuitenshuis/buiten de deur eten • eat/dine outthuis eten • eat iniemand te eten vragen • ask someone to dinneruit eten gaan • go out for dinneriemand uit eten nemen • take someone out to dinner1 [door eten verkrijgen] eat♦voorbeelden:zijn bord leeg eten • eat everything upzijn buikje rond eten • eat one's fillzich te barsten eten • eat till one is fit to burst -
3 voedsel
1 food♦voorbeelden:plantaardig voedsel • vegetable foodvoedsel tot zich nemen • take food/nourishmentzij nemen voor drie dagen voedsel mee • they take along food/provisions for three daysde zieke kan geen voedsel meer verdragen • the patient cannot take food any longer -
4 blikconserven
n. tinned food, canned food, preserved food, food which is preserved in glass jars or metal tins -
5 blikvoer
n. canned food, preserved food, food which is preserved in glass jars or metal tins -
6 kost
1 [meervoud] [wat betaald moet worden] cost, expense ⇒ 〈 investeringen〉 outlay, charge 〈 voor diensten〉2 [levensonderhoud] living♦voorbeelden:kosten van levensonderhoud • cost of livingop haar eigen kosten • at her own expensede kosten bestrijden • meet the costsdit brengt veel kosten met zich mee • this involves considerable costs/expensede kosten dekken • cover the costsde kosten delen met iemand • share (the) expenses with someonede kosten dragen • bear the expensesveel kosten maken • go to great expensekosten maken • incur expenseskosten noch moeite sparen • spare no trouble or expensede kosten eruit hebben • have recovered one's expensesmet weinig kosten • at little expenseiemand op kosten jagen • put someone to expense(s)op kosten van • at the expense ofop kosten van zijn moeder leven • live off one's motherzonder kosten • free of charge2 de kost verdienen (als/door) • make/earn a living (as/out of/by -ing)zelf de kost verdienen • provide for oneselfwat doe jij voor de kost? • what do you do for a living?ik zou ze niet graag de kost willen geven, die … • there are more than you think who …bij iemand in de kost zijn • board with someonein de kost gaan bij • lodge/board withlichte/zware kost • light/heavy foodslappe kost • slopsgeestig zijn ten koste van iemand anders • be witty at someone else's expense -
7 voer
FAO, Food and Agricultural Organization, division of the United Nations which deals with food and agriculture -
9 beestenvoer
n. food for animals; not delicious food -
10 borrelgarnituur
n. snack, small amount of food or drink eaten between regular meals; food suitable for light informal eating -
11 borrelhapje
n. snack, small amount of food or drink eaten between regular meals; food suitable for light informal eating -
12 conserven
pref. preserved food, food which has been preserved in cans or jars -
13 eten
n. food, sustenance, nourishment; meal, dinner--------v. eat, consume food, dine -
14 fastfood
n. fast food, food rapidly prepared and served -
15 foodprocessor
n. food processor, kitchen appliance which grinds and chops food -
16 hondenbrood
n. dog food, food specially made for mongrels -
17 honger
n. hunger, desire for food, need for food; feeling of needing to eat; yearning desire, craving -
18 blikvoer
19 conserven
1 canned/ Btinned food(s) ⇒ preserved food(s) -
20 het eten laten staan
het eten laten staanVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > het eten laten staan
См. также в других словарях:
food — W1S1 [fu:d] n [: Old English; Origin: foda] 1.) [U and C] things that people and animals eat, such as vegetables or meat ▪ The restaurant serves good food at affordable prices. ▪ Try not to eat too much spicy food . ▪ I love Italian food ,… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Food — Food, Inc. Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Food, Inc. Título Ficha técnica Dirección Robert Kenner Producción Robert Kenner Richard Pearce Editor … Wikipedia Español
food — 1 Food, feed, victuals, viands, provisions, comestibles, provender, fodder, forage are comparable when meaning things that are edible for human beings or animals. Food is the most general of these terms and is typically applicable to all… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Food — Food, n. [OE. fode, AS. f[=o]da; akin to Icel. f[ae][eth]a, f[ae][eth]i, Sw. f[ o]da, Dan. & LG. f[ o]de, OHG. fatunga, Gr. patei^sthai to eat, and perh. to Skr. p[=a] to protect, L. pascere to feed, pasture, pabulum food, E. pasture. [root]75.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
food — UK US /fuːd/ noun ► [U] something that people eat to keep them alive: »The country has become a huge importer of raw materials such as cotton, steel, and food products. »The problem is that many small companies don t register their products as… … Financial and business terms
food — [ fud ] noun *** uncount the things that people or animals eat: The prices of food and clothing have risen dramatically in recent years. All the food is cooked and served by volunteers. Doctors stress the importance of eating good fresh food. a.… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
food — [fo͞od] n. [ME fode < OE foda < IE pāt , to feed, eat < base * pā , to pasture cattle > L pastor, pabulum, pascere, to feed, panis, bread] 1. any substance taken into and assimilated by a plant or animal to keep it alive and enable it … English World dictionary
food — (n.) O.E. foda food, nourishment; fuel, also figurative, from P.Gmc. *fodon (Cf. Goth. fodeins), from Germanic root *fod , equivalent of PIE *pa to tend, keep, pasture, to protect, to guard, to feed (Cf. Gk. pateisthai to feed; L. pabulum food,… … Etymology dictionary
food — food; food·less; food·ie; food·lessness; … English syllables
Food — Food, v. t. To supply with food. [Obs.] Baret. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
food — ► NOUN ▪ any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb to maintain life and growth. ● food for thought Cf. ↑food for thought ORIGIN Old English, related to FODDER(Cf. ↑fodder) … English terms dictionary