Перевод: с итальянского на русский

с русского на итальянский

fondazione artificiale

См. также в других словарях:

  • Базалья, Франко — Франко Базалья Franco Basaglia …   Википедия

  • Oscar Nuccio — (Brindisi, 9 July 1931 – Rieti, 23 April 2004) was an Italian historian of economic thought. He taught the history of economic thought in the departments of political science at the University of Pisa, the University of Teramo, and Sapienza… …   Wikipedia

  • Carlo Penco — (born August 1948) is an Italian analytic philosopher and associate professor of the philosophy of language at the University of Genoa in Italy. He received his Ph.D. in Philosophy Summa cum Laude at the University of Genoa in 1972 with a… …   Wikipedia

  • impianto — im·piàn·to s.m. AU 1a. insieme delle operazioni necessarie per la sistemazione, la costruzione o l avviamento di una determinata attrezzatura, di una struttura o di un congegno: impianto di un macchinario, di una caldaia Sinonimi: installazione.… …   Dizionario italiano

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