1 flush trimming
rubber trimming — вырубание резины; обрезка резины
2 flush trimming
Полиграфия: обрезка клише без полей -
3 flush trimming
Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > flush trimming
4 trimming
5 flush
1. струя; промывать струёй2. амер. проф. набирать текст без абзацных отступов3. находящийся на одном уровне, выровненныйto flush out — вымывать; промывать
6 trimming
1) обрезка (блока, стопы)2) отделка3) pl бумажные обрезкиАнгло-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > trimming
7 two-on trimming
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > two-on trimming
8 set flush
набирать без абзацных отступов; набранный без абзацных отступов -
9 setting flush
1. набирание без абзацных отступов2. набирающий без абзацных отступовset flush — набирать без абзацных отступов; набранный без абзацных отступов
10 oil
1. нефть || нефтяной2. масло ( растительное или минеральное) || масляный3. жидкая смазка, смазочное масло || смазыватьoil struck at... — нефть встречена на глубине...
— hot oil— base oil— cut oil— dead oil— form oil— fuel oil— lean oil— live oil— load oil— lock oil— net oil— oil in— raw oil— rich oil— rock oil— seep oil— sour oil— tank oil— tar oil— wet oil
* * *
нефть (все жидкие углеводороды, получаемые из скважин, и конденсаты, извлекаемые из природного газа)pipeline quality crude oil — нефть, соответствующая требованиям транспортирования по трубопроводу (упругость паров по Рейду в подвижном состоянии -100)
tanker specification crude oil — нефть, соответствующая требованиям транспортирования танкерами (упругость паров по Рейду в подвешенном состоянии -10)
to hold back oil in the reservoir — удерживать нефть в коллекторе;
— bad oil— base oil— cut oil— dead oil— dry oil— dump oil— fuel oil— hot oil— live oil— load oil— raw oil— rock oil— sour oil— tank oil— wet oil— wild oil
* * *
1. нефть
* * *
нефть (<<жидкие углеводороды, извлекаемые из природного газа) || нефтянойoil in bulk — 1) нефть наливом; нефтепродукты наливом 2) нефть в резервуаре;
oil in hole — нефть в стволе скважины;
oil in place — нефть в пласте; пластовая нефть; нефть, предположительно находящаяся в коллекторе;
oil in reserve — 1) нефть, заполняющая трубопроводы и резервуары 2) нефтепродукт, заполняющий систему заводских резервуаров и трубопроводов;
oil in sight — видимые запасы нефти;
oil in situ — нефть в пласте;
oil in storage — 1) нефть в трубопроводах 2) избыточная ( не отправленная потребителям) нефть на нефтебазах;
oil initially in place — первоначальные запасы нефти в коллекторе;
oil originally in reservoir — начальное содержание нефти в пласте;
to carry oil — содержать нефть;
to flood oil toward production well — вытеснять нефть ( водой) к добывающей скважине;
to hold back oil in the reservoir — удерживать нефть в коллекторе;
to make oil — добывать нефть;
to run the oil — 1) измерять количество нефти в промысловых резервуарах 2) перекачивать нефть из промысловых резервуаров по трубопроводу;
to skim off oil — собирать нефть, разлившуюся на поверхности воды;
to strike oil — обнаруживать месторождение нефти;
- oil of paraffinoil to surface — нефть, поступающая на поверхность;
- abandoned oil
- absorbent oil
- adsorbed oil
- absorption oil
- acid oil
- acid-refined oil
- acid-stage oil
- additive blended oil
- additive motor oil
- additive treated oil
- additive-type oil
- admiralty fuel oil
- aeroengine oil
- air filter oil
- aircraft oil
- airplane oil
- all-purpose engine oil
- alpha oil
- American paraffin oil
- Appalachian oil
- aqueous-soluble oil
- Arctic oil
- aromatic-base crude oil
- asphalt-base oil
- asphalt-free oil
- asphaltic road oil
- asphaltum oil
- automobile oil
- average-quality oil
- axle oil
- bad oil
- base oil
- batch oil
- Beaumont oil
- bentonite diesel oil
- benzolized oil
- benzyl mustard oil
- black oil
- blasting oil
- blended fuel oil
- blue oil
- bobbin oil
- bodied oil
- boiler oil
- branded oil
- break-in oil
- bright oil
- bubble point oil
- burner oil
- burning oil
- by-passed oil
- capacitor oil
- car oil
- carbon oil
- cargo oil
- catalytic gas oil
- circuit-breaker oil
- clay-filtered oil
- clean oil
- cleaning oil
- cleansing oil
- coal oil
- coastal oil
- coker gas oil
- cold-settled oil
- cold-test oil
- commercial oil
- compressor oil
- concrete form oil
- condensed oil
- condenser oil
- conventional oil
- cordage oil
- corrected oil
- crankcase oil
- crevice oil
- crude oil
- crude mineral oil
- crude petroleum fuel oil
- crude shale oil
- crystal oil
- cut oil
- cutter oil
- cutting oil
- cycle oil
- cycle gas oil
- cylinder oil
- dangerous oil
- dead oil
- debenzolized oil
- degassed oil
- denuded oil
- desalinized oil
- development oil
- dielectrical oil
- diesel oil
- diesel-fuel oil
- dispersed oil
- dissolved oil
- distillate oil
- distillate fuel oil
- domestic oil
- doped oil
- dry oil
- dual-purpose oil
- dump oil
- earth oil
- economically recoverable oil
- electrical switch oil
- emulsified crude oil
- emulsion oil
- engine oil
- enriched oil
- entrained oil
- equilibrium oil
- estimated original oil in place
- explosive oil
- extra-heavy crude oil
- first-quality oil
- fluid oil
- flush oil
- fluxing oil
- foam oil
- foot's oil
- foreign oil
- form oil
- fossil oil
- free oil
- fuel oil
- furnace oil
- gaged oil
- gas oil
- gas absorber oil
- gas and mud-cut oil
- gas-cut oil
- gas-cut load oil
- gear oil
- gearbox oil
- gearcase oil
- gelled oil
- graphite lubrication oil
- grease oil
- grease-spoiled oil
- green bloom oil
- green cast oil
- hard oil
- heating oil
- heavy oil
- heavy-cycle gas oil
- heavy-duty supplement oil
- heavy gas oil
- heavy lubricating oil
- heavy neutral oil
- high-gravity oil
- high-pour-point oil
- high-pour-test oil
- high-pressure oil
- high-temperature shale oil
- highly detergent oil
- highly refined oil
- highly resinous oil
- hot oil
- hybrid-base oil
- hydraulic oil
- hydraulic system oil
- hydrocarbon oils
- hydrofined oil
- hydrogen-deficient gas oil
- illuminating oil
- imported oil
- inactive oil
- incremental oil
- industrial white oil
- initial oil in place
- initial oil in reservoir
- in-place oil
- inspissated oil
- instrument oil
- insulating oil
- intermediate oil
- irreducible oil
- kerosene oil
- lake oil
- lamp oil
- lean oil
- lease oil
- light oil
- light crude oil
- light cycle gas oil
- light engine oil
- light fuel oil
- light gas oil
- light viscosity oil
- lightwood oil
- limestone oil
- live oil
- livered oil
- load oil
- lock oil
- long-time burning oil
- loom oil
- low-gravity oil
- low-viscosity oil
- lubricating oil
- machinery oil
- make-up oil
- marine oil
- marine engine oil
- merchantable oil
- middle oil
- Middle East oil
- migratory oil
- mineral oil
- mineral earth oil
- mineral seal oil
- miner's oil
- mixed asphaltic base oil
- mixed-base oil
- mother oil
- motor oil
- moveable oil
- mud oil
- mud-cut oil
- multigrade oil
- noncongealable oil
- nondrying oil
- opal oil
- naphthalene oil
- naphthene oil
- natural oil
- net oil
- net residual oil
- nonabsorbent oil
- nonfoaming oil
- nonrecoverable oil
- nonresinous oil
- nonsulfurous oil
- occluded oil
- offshore oil
- original oil in place
- original stock tank oil in place
- oxydized oil
- oxygenated oil
- pale oil
- paraffin-base oil
- paraffin-base crude oil
- paraffinic oil
- pattern oil
- penetrating oil
- petrolatum oil
- petroleum fuel oil
- petroleum gas oil
- pilot oil
- piped oil
- pipeline oil
- pipeline quality crude oil
- polybase oil
- power oil
- primary oil
- produced oil
- prospective oil
- pumping load oil
- pure oil
- range oil
- raw oil
- recirculating oil
- reclaimed lubricating oil
- recoverable oil
- recovered oil
- red oil
- reduced oil
- reduced fuel oil
- refined oil
- residual oil
- retained oil
- returning circulation oil
- rich oil
- road oil
- rock oil
- roily oil
- rustproof oil
- saturated oil
- scavenge oil
- scrubbing oil
- secondary oil
- seep oil
- selective solvent-extracted oil
- selective solvent-refined oil
- separator oil
- service DG oil
- service DM oil
- service DS oil
- service ML oil
- service MM oil
- service MS oil
- shafting oil
- shale oil
- Sherwood oil
- short oil
- shrinked oil
- skunk oil
- slightly gas-cut oil
- sludge oil
- slurry oil
- slush oil
- slushing oil
- solar oil
- solid oil
- solidified oil
- soluble oil
- sorbed oil
- sour oil
- spindle oil
- steam-distillable oil
- steam-refined oil
- stock-tank oil
- stock-tank oil in place
- stoker's oil
- stone oil
- stove oil
- straight mineral oil
- straw oil
- stripped oil
- stripping oil
- subzero oil
- sulfonated oil
- sulfur-bearing oil
- sulfurous oil
- summer oil
- surplus oil
- sweat oil
- sweet oil
- switch oil
- tank oil
- tanker specification crude oil
- tar oil
- tarry oil
- tertiary oil
- thin oil
- thinned oil
- topped oil
- torch oil
- tractor oil
- transformer oil
- trapped oil
- trimming oil
- trolly oil
- turkey-red oil
- undiluted engine oil
- univis oil
- unrecovered oil
- unrefinable oil
- unrefinable crude oil
- unstripped oil
- untreated oil
- vaporizing oil
- vulcan oil
- washed blue oil
- waste oil
- water-cut oil
- watered oil
- watery oil
- wax oil
- wet oil
- white oil
- wild oil
- winter oil
- wirerope oil* * *• нефть• нефтяной -
11 device
1) устройство2) установка; агрегат3) аппарат4) механизм5) прибор; измерительное устройство7) компонент; элемент8) схема•devices identical in design — конструктивные аналоги;-
alphanumeric display device-
automatic exposure control device-
bubble memory device-
bucket brigade charge-coupled device-
decision-making device-
drilling bit feed device-
electrical device-
exposure control device-
Gunn-effect device-
Hall-effect device-
hard-copy output device-
household electrical device-
humidity detecting device-
hybrid-type device-
Josephson-effect device-
maneuvering propulsion device-
materials-handling device-
multiport device-
night observation device-
noise dampening device-
photoconducting device-
propulsion device-
protection device-
raster-display device-
registering pin device-
reversible film feeding device-
seed-feeding device-
supply reel braking device-
three-axis device -
12 tank
1) бак; цистерна; танк2) резервуар3) ванна, чан4) водохранилище; (искусственный) водоём; бассейн6) сил. шламбассейн12) кфт. ба(чо)к•to bleed [empty\] a tank — опорожнять резервуар;to fuel the tank — возд. заправлять бак топливом;to roll a tank — перемешивать нефть в резервуаре (каким-л. газом);to run a tank — сливать нефть из резервуара в трубопровод;to strap a tank — измерять ёмкость резервуара;to switch to the proper tank — возд. переключать выключателем на расход топлива из соответствующего бака;to thief a tank — отбирать пробы в резервуаре;to turn the proper tank on — переключать краном на расход топлива из соответствующего бака;-
accumulator tank
acid dump tank
activated tanks
additive tank
aeration tank
aft fuel tank
afterpeak tank
agitator tank
air blow tank
air tank
air-buoyancy tank
air-oil tank
alternate fuel tank
anodizing tank
antipitching tanks
antirolling tanks
aseptic tank
asphalt-lined tank
auxiliary fuel tank
auxiliary tank
backwater tank
bag fuel tank
balance tank
balancing tank
ballast tank
balloon roof tank
bath tank
bioaeration tank
blanching tank
bleaching tank
blending tank
blend tank
blow-off tank
boat tank
boil tank
bottomless offshore storage tank
bottomless offshore tank
breathing tank
brine tank
bulk oil tank
bullet tank
buoyancy tank
burial tank
buried tank
cantilever tank
canvas tank
cargo tank
catch tank
cathode tank
cement slurry mixing tank
cement mixing tank
charging stock tank
charging tank
chill tank
chromatographic tank
clarification tank
clean ballast tank
coagulation tank
cold water tank
collapsible tank
collecting tank
compound surge tank
compressed-air surge tank
concentrate holding tank
concentration tank
concentrator tank
condensate gathering tank
condensate tank
conservator tank
constant header tank
constricted tank
continuous tank
controlled passive tanks
coolant bleed holdup tank
core flooding tank
core flood tank
corner tank
crude oil storage tank
crude storage tank
cryogenic tank
culture tank
culture-holding tank
curing tank
cuttings tank
daily service tank
daily tank
day tank
deaerator storage tank
decanting tank
decay tank
deck tank
deep tank
defecation tank
degassing tank
depositing tank
detritus tank
developing tank
differential surge tank
digestion tank
dip tank
discharge tank
dishwasher tank
distilling tank
domestic water tank
dome-type tank
double-bottom tank
drain tank
drilling mud mixing tank
drilling mud settling tank
drilling mud storage tank
drilling mud suction tank
drilling mud tank
drinking water tank
drip tank
Dubai storage tank
dump tank
earth tank
earthen tank
electrolytic tank
elevated tank
emergency head tank
emergency tank
equalizing tank
etching tank
etch tank
evacuated tank
evaporation tank
expansion tank
expansion-roof tank
external fuel tank
ex-vessel storage tank
fabric tank
feed tank
feedwater tank
ferry fuel tank
field tank
filling tank
filter tank
filter-bottom tank
first fuel consumed tank
fixed-roof tank
fixing tank
flexible fuel tank
flexible tank
float tank
floating roof tank
flocculating tank
flotation tank
flow tank
flushing tank
flush tank
forepeak tank
formula mixing tank
free-water settling tank
fuel consumed tank
fuel expansion tank
fuel oil tank
fuel tank
gage tank
gas tank
gas-decay tank
gasoline tank
glass-melting tank
globe-bottom tank
globe-roof tank
gravitation tank
grease skimming tank
grounded tank
gunbarrel tank
gunwale tank
head tank
header tank
heated digestion tank
heat-exchange tank
heeling tank
hemispheroid tank
hide brining tank
hip tank
holding tank
holdup tank
hot tank
hot-water tank
hydraulic tank
ice-storage tank
inflatable dome-roof tank
inground tank
injection tank
ink tank
integral tank
interconnected tanks
intermittent tank
lagering tank
lager tank
land storage tank
lead-lined tank
lease tank
liberator tank
lifter-roof tank
lime coating tank
lower wing tank
low-temperature tank
lubrication tank
massecuite tank
maturing and deaeration tank
measuring tank
melting tank
melting-out tank
mixing tank
model tank
molten spelter tank
monitoring tank
multiple tank
multisphere tank
neutralization tank
neutron-shield tank
oil tank
oil-gathering tank
oil-storage tank
orifice surge tank
overflow tank
overhead storage water tank
overhead tank
oxidation tank
paraffin tank
parboiling tank
passive stabilizing tanks
pickle tank
pillow tank
pipeline tank
precipitation tank
preconditioning tank
premixing tank
presettling tank
pressure tank
pressurized tank
priming tank
processing tank
quench tank
quenching tank
radiator top tank
rating tank
reactivation tank
receiving tank
refining tank
refrigerated truck tank
regenerant tank
rejection tank
rendering tank
restricted orifice surge tank
retention tank
rinse tank
rising tank
rotating-arm tank
roughing tank
rubberized tank
rubber-lined tank
run tank
run-down tank
salt-settling tank
scale settling tank
scrubbing tank
seamless tank
second fuel consumed tanks
sedimentation tank
seed tank
self-priming tank
self-sealing fuel tank
separating tank
septic tank
service mud storage tank
service tank
settling tank
sewage tank
sewage treatment tank
shaker tank
shotgun tank
simple surge tank
single-chamber tank
skimming tank
slipper fuel tank
slop tank
sludge digestion tank
sludge tank
slurry tank
solvent catch tank
solvent tank
spiral flow tank
stabilizing tanks
steeping tank
stock tank
storage tank
submerged tank
subsidence tank
subsurface tank
suction tank
sulfitation tank
sump tank
supply tank
surge tank
swarf-settling tank
switch tank
tank of oil circuit-breaker
tempering tank
test tank
throat-type tank
throat tank
tongs cooling tank
topside tank
towing tank
transformer tank
transit site tank
trimming tank
trim tank
trip tank
truck tank
ungrounded tank
unlined tank
vacuum tank
vacuum-degassing tank
vapor-tight tank
vent tank
vented tank
ventral fuel tank
volume tank
wash tank
washing tank
washwater tank
waste tank
water-scaled tank
water-sprayed tank
water-supply tank
water-top tank
wave tank
weathering tank
wet-oil tank
window tank
wingtip fuel tank
working tank
yeast assimilation tank -
13 tank
1) танк
2) бак
3) баковый
4) бассейновый
5) бачок
6) ванна
7) дошник
8) канистра
9) судовой танк
10) цистерна
11) <engin.> баллон
12) корпус линии задержки
13) чан
14) резервуар
15) резервуарный
16) сборник
17) приемник
18) хранилище
19) <tech.> контур-резервуар
– aeration tank
– ballast tank
– bilge tank
– blanching tank
– bleach tank
– blend tank
– blow-up tank
– brine tank
– carbonation tank
– cargo tank
– catch tank
– champagne-fermenting tank
– coagulating tank
– coagulation tank
– collapse of tank
– collecting tank
– concentrating tank
– cooling tank
– crystallizing tank
– de-icer tank
– deaerator tank
– decantation tank
– deck tank
– dipping tank
– double-bottom tank
– drain tank
– drop tank
– drop-over tank
– emergency tank
– expansion tank
– expendable tank
– experimental tank
– external tank
– fat refining tank
– feed tank
– fertilizer tank
– fill up tank
– filter-bottom tank
– flush tank
– freezing tank
– fuel oil tank
– fuel tank
– gas tank
– gauge tank
– gauging tank
– grain tank
– hardening tank
– heeling tank
– hydroacoustic tank
– hypo tank
– knock-down tank
– lauter tank
– liquid-manure tank
– lubricating oil tank
– mash tank
– measuring tank
– mercury tank
– milk tank
– mobile tank
– oil tank
– oil tank wagon
– oil-catch tank
– on-line tank
– oxidant tank
– oxygen tank
– paraffin tank
– pasteurizing tank
– picking tank
– prefabricated tank
– preliminary tank
– pressure tank
– purge tank
– radiator tank
– reactor tank
– receiving tank
– refining tank
– rendering tank
– rough-vacuum tank
– salting tank
– sand tank
– scalding tank
– service tank
– settling tank
– sewage tank
– side tank
– sludge tank
– soaking tank
– standby tank
– storing tank
– summer tank
– surge tank
– tank barge
– tank capacity
– tank car
– tank circuit
– tank classifier
– tank compartment
– tank inductance
– tank lid
– tank rectifier
– tank room
– tank truck
– tank venting
– tempering tank
– tender tank
– transformer tank
– transportation tank
– trimming tank
– tweendeck tank
– vacuum tank
– varnish-settling tank
– wash-rinse tank
– water tank
– water-dispensing tank
– water-gauge tank
– weighing tank
gravitation experimental tank — гравитационный опытовый бассейн
tank group farm — <energ.> нефтехранилище резервуарное групповое
14 tank
1) бак; цистерна; танк2) резервуар || хранить в резервуаре3) ванна; чан; камера4) бачок; канистра; сосуд5) сборник, приёмник; хранилище7) водоём8) отстойник9) баллон10) дошник•- ballast tank - evaporation soil tank- gas tank- gravity gasoline tank -
15 block
1. блок2. клише, форма высокой печати3. печатная формаblock book — книга, отпечатанная с деревянных форм; ксилографическая книга
4. подставка5. упор6. металлический штамп7. оправка8. монтировать клише на подставку9. склеивать в блокиair pin block — пистонная камера, пистоны
10. текстовый блок11. элемент вёрсткиflush block — клише, обрезанное по контуру рисунка
latch block — упор, взаимодействующий с механическим щупом
basic block — базисный блок; стандартный блок; линейный участок; базовый элемент
12. линогравюра13. клише на линолеумеprinting block — клише, форма высокой печати
process block — клише, изготовленное фотомеханическим способом
relief block — клише, форма высокой печати
14. клише с гравюры на дереве15. деревянная подставкаwood block printing — печатание с деревянного клише; ксилография
anopistographic block book — книга с текстом, отпечатанным с деревянных досок
16. гравюра на дереве -
16 system
система; установка; устройство; ркт. комплекс"see to land" system — система посадки с визуальным приземлением
A.S.I. system — система указателя воздушной скорости
ablating heat-protection system — аблирующая [абляционная] система тепловой защиты
ablating heat-shield system — аблирующая [абляционная] система тепловой защиты
active attitude control system — ксм. активная система ориентации
aft-end rocket ignition system — система воспламенения заряда с задней части РДТТ [со стороны сопла]
aircraft response sensing system — система измерений параметров, характеризующих поведение ЛА
air-inlet bypass door system — дв. система перепуска воздуха на входе
antiaircraft guided missile system — ракетная система ПВО; зенитный ракетный комплекс
antiaircraft guided weapons system — ракетная система ПВО; зенитный ракетный комплекс
attenuated intercept satellite rendez-vous system — система безударного соединения спутников на орбите
attitude and azimuth reference system — система измерения или индикации углов тангажа, крена и азимута
automatic departure prevention system — система автоматического предотвращения сваливания или вращения после сваливания
automatic drift kick-off system — система автоматического устранения угла упреждения сноса (перед приземлением)
automatic hovering control system — верт. система автостабилизации на висении
automatic indicating feathering system — автоматическая система флюгирования с индикацией отказа (двигателя)
automatic mixture-ratio control system — система автоматического регулирования состава (топливной) смеси
automatic pitch control system — автомат тангажа; автоматическая система продольного управления [управления по каналу тангажа]
B.L.C. high-lift system — система управления пограничным слоем для повышения подъёмной силы (крыла)
backpack life support system — ксм. ранцевая система жизнеобеспечения
beam-rider (control, guidance) system — ркт. система наведения по лучу
biowaste electric propulsion system — электрический двигатель, работающий на биологических отходах
buddy (refueling, tank) system — (подвесная) автономная система дозаправки топливом в полете
closed(-circuit, -cycle) system — замкнутая система, система с замкнутым контуром или циклом; система с обратной связью
Cooper-Harper pilot rating system — система баллов оценки ЛА лётчиком по Куперу — Харперу
deployable aerodynamic deceleration system — развёртываемая (в атмосфере) аэродинамическая тормозная система
depressurize the fuel system — стравливать избыточное давление (воздуха, газа) в топливной системе
driver gas heating system — аэрд. система подогрева толкающего газа
dry sump (lubrication) system — дв. система смазки с сухим картером [отстойником]
electrically powered hydraulic system — электронасосная гидросистема (в отличие от гидросистемы с насосами, приводимыми от двигателя)
exponential control flare system — система выравнивания с экспоненциальным управлением (перед приземлением)
flywheel attitude control system — ксм. инерционная система ориентации
gas-ejection attitude control system — ксм. газоструйная система ориентация
gas-jet attitude control system — ксм. газоструйная система ориентация
ground proximity extraction system — система извлечения грузов из самолёта, пролетающего на уровне земли
hot-air balloon water recovery system — система спасения путем посадки на воду с помощью баллонов, наполняемых горячими газами
hypersonic air data entry system — система для оценки аэродинамики тела, входящего в атмосферу планеты с гиперзвуковой скоростью
igh-temperature fatigue test system — установка для испытаний на выносливость при высоких температурах
interceptor (directing, vectoring) system — система наведения перехватчиков
ion electrical propulsion system — ксм. ионная двигательная установка
isotope-heated catalytic oxidizer system — система каталитического окислителя с нагревом от изотопного источника
jet vane actuation system — ркт. система привода газового руля
laminar flow pumping system — система насосов [компрессоров] для ламинаризации обтекания
launching range safety system — система безопасности ракетного полигона; система обеспечения безопасности космодрома
leading edge slat system — система выдвижных [отклоняемых] предкрылков
low-altitude parachute extraction system — система беспосадочного десантирования грузов с малых высот с использованием вытяжных парашютов
magnetic attitude control system — ксм. магнитная система ориентации
magnetically slaved compass system — курсовая система с магнитной коррекцией, гироиндукционная курсовая система
mass-expulsion attitude control system — система ориентации за счёт истечения массы (газа, жидкости)
mass-motion attitude control system — ксм. система ориентации за счёт перемещения масс
mass-shifting attitude control system — ксм. система ориентации за счёт перемещения масс
monopropellant rocket propulsion system — двигательная установка с ЖРД на унитарном [однокомпонентном] топливе
nucleonic propellant gauging and utilization system — система измерения и регулирования подачи топлива с использованием радиоактивных изотопов
open(-circuit, -cycle) system — открытая [незамкнутая] система, система с незамкнутым контуром или циклом; система без обратной связи
plenum chamber burning system — дв. система сжигания топлива во втором контуре
positioning system for the landing gear — система регулирования высоты шасси (при стоянке самолёта на земле)
radar altimeter low-altitude control system — система управления на малых высотах с использованием радиовысотомера
radar system for unmanned cooperative rendezvous in space — радиолокационная система для обеспечения встречи (на орбите) беспилотных кооперируемых КЛА
range and orbit determination system — система определения дальностей [расстояний] и орбит
real-time telemetry processing system — система обработки радиотелеметрических данных в реальном масштабе времени
recuperative cycle regenerable carbon dioxide removal system — система удаления углекислого газа с регенерацией поглотителя, работающая по рекуперативному циклу
rendezvous beacon and command system — маячно-командная система обеспечения встречи («а орбите)
satellite automatic terminal rendezvous and coupling system — автоматическая система сближения и стыковки спутников на орбите
Schuler tuned inertial navigation system — система инерциальной навигации на принципе маятника Шулера
sodium superoxide carbon dioxide removal system — система удаления углекислого газа с помощью надперекиси натрия
space shuttle separation system — система разделения ступеней челночного воздушно-космического аппарата
stellar-monitored astroinertial navigation guidance system — астроинерциальная система навигации и управления с астрокоррекцией
terminal control landing system — система управления посадкой по траектории, связанной с выбранной точкой приземления
terminal descent control system — ксм. система управления на конечном этапе спуска [снижения]
terminal guidance system for a satellite rendezvous — система управления на конечном участке траектории встречи спутников
test cell flow system — ркт. система питания (двигателя) топливом в огневом боксе
vectored thrust (propulsion) system — силовая установка с подъёмно-маршевым двигателем [двигателями]
water to oxygen system — ксм. система добывания кислорода из воды
wind tunnel data acquisition system — система регистрации (и обработки) данных при испытаниях в аэродинамической трубе
— D system
См. также в других словарях:
Flush trimming — Обрезка клише без полей … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
French flush-cut saw — A French flush cut saw is a double edged tool, similar to a veneer saw, that is designed for trimming the ends of dowels, tenons, and other protusions flush with a surface. The blade usually has 11 teeth per inch on one side, and 20 teeth per… … Wikipedia
Laminate trimmer — A laminate trimmer is a small version of a wood router, nominally used to trim laminate. It generally has a 1/4 inch collet. Typical laminate trimmers spin their bits at up to 30,000 RPM. Some models provide variable speed control.Laminate… … Wikipedia
Supermarine Spitfire (late Merlin powered variants) — Infobox Aircraft name =Spitfire type =Fighter manufacturer =Supermarine caption =Supermarine Spitfire VIII in the markings of 457(RAAF) Sqn designer =R. J. Mitchell first flight =5 March 1936 introduction =1938 retired =1955, RAF status = primary … Wikipedia
Veneer saw — The veneer saw is a small double edged tool for cutting thin hardwood veneer. Its narrow curved blade facilitates precision work, and its elevated offset handle makes it possible to cut flush with a surface. The blade is usually 3 or 4 inches… … Wikipedia
Inventions in medieval Islam — A significant number of inventions were developed in the medieval Islamic world, a geopolitical region that has at various times extended from Al Andalus and Africa in the west to the Indian subcontinent and Malay Archipelago in the east.… … Wikipedia
Submarine — For other uses, see Submarine (disambiguation). A Japan Maritime Self Defense Force Oyashio class submarine in 2006 A submarine is a watercraft capable of independent operation below the surface of the water. It differs from a submersible, which… … Wikipedia
nutritional disease — Introduction any of the nutrient related diseases and conditions that cause illness in humans. They may include deficiencies or excesses in the diet, obesity and eating disorders, and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease,… … Universalium
Woolf, Virginia — ▪ British writer Introduction original name in full Adeline Virginia Stephen born Jan. 25, 1882, London, Eng. died March 28, 1941, near Rodmell, Sussex English writer whose novels, through their nonlinear approaches to narrative, exerted a… … Universalium
Horseshoe — For other uses, see Horseshoe (disambiguation). Modern horseshoes are most commonly made of steel and nailed into the hoof wall … Wikipedia
List of inventors — This is a list of inventors. See also: List of scientists, Timeline of invention, List of inventions named after people, List of inventors killed by their own inventions, and . Alphabetical list compactTOC NOTOC A * Vitaly Mikhaylovich Abalakov,… … Wikipedia