1 fluorescence radiation
reactor radiation — реакторное излучение; излучение реактора
backward radiation — обратное излучение; вторичное излучение
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > fluorescence radiation
2 fluorescence radiation
1) Медицина: флюоресцентное излучение2) Техника: излучение флюоресценции3) Нефтепромысловый: флуоресцентное излучение4) Макаров: излучение флуоресценцииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > fluorescence radiation
3 fluorescence radiation
Англо русский политехнический словарь > fluorescence radiation
4 fluorescence radiation
English-russian dictionary of physics > fluorescence radiation
5 fluorescence radiation
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > fluorescence radiation
6 fluorescence radiation
7 fluorescence radiation
Англо-русский словарь по пищевой промышленности > fluorescence radiation
8 fluorescence radiation
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > fluorescence radiation
9 fluorescence radiation
English-russian astronautics dictionary > fluorescence radiation
10 radiation
излучение; лучеиспускание; радиация -
11 fluorescence X radiation
характеристическое рентгеновское излучение; флуоресцентное рентгеновское излучениеEnglish-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > fluorescence X radiation
12 fluorescence dosimeter
English-Russian big medical dictionary > fluorescence dosimeter
13 fluorescent radiation
English-russian astronautics dictionary > fluorescent radiation
14 anti-Stokes type radiation
Макаров: (fluorescence) излучение антистоксового типа (флуоресценция)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > anti-Stokes type radiation
15 anti-Stokes type radiation (fluorescence)
Макаров: излучение антистоксового типа (флуоресценция)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > anti-Stokes type radiation (fluorescence)
16 logging
1. каротаж, скважинные исследования2. запись показаний приборов; регистрация результатов испытаний
* * *
1. геофизические исследования в скважинах, каротаж2. регистрация (напр. результатов испытаний)dual spacing thermal decay-time logging — двухзондовый импульсный нейтронный каротаж по времени жизни тепловых нейтронов
induced spectral gamma-ray logging — спектрометрический гамма-активационный каротаж; спектрометрия наведенного гамма-излучения
logging of resistivity with a shielded electrode — каротаж по методу сопротивления экранированного заземления
* * *
каротаж; геофизические исследования скважин ( ГИС), скважинные исследования
* * *
* * *
1) геофизические исследования в скважинах, каротаж2) регистрация (напр. результатов испытаний)•- logging of resistivity with shielded electrode
- acoustic logging
- acoustic amplitude logging
- acoustic cement bond logging
- acoustic transit-time logging
- acoustic velocity logging
- activation logging
- amplitude logging
- array sonic logging
- audio logging
- borehole logging
- borehole compensated acoustic logging
- borehole televiewer logging
- caliper logging
- carbon logging
- cased hole logging
- casing-collar logging
- cement-bond logging
- cement-bond sonic logging
- cement-bonding acoustic logging
- cemotop logging
- chlorine logging
- combination logging
- compensated density logging
- compensated formation density logging
- compensated sonic logging
- compressional-wave logging
- computer controlled logging
- conductivity logging
- constant current induced potential logging
- contact logging
- continuous logging
- continuous velocity logging
- correlation logging
- cuttings logging
- delayed neutron logging
- density logging
- density gamma-gamma logging
- density gamma-ray logging
- dielectrical logging
- direct digital logging
- double spacing gamma-gamma logging
- downhole logging
- downhole receiver seismic well logging
- drilling-fluid resistivity logging
- drilling mud logging
- drilling-mud resistivity logging
- dual induction logging
- dual-receiver acoustic logging
- dual-spacing thermal decay-time logging
- electrical logging
- electrical monoelectrode logging
- electrical resistivity logging
- electromagnetic well logging
- electronic logging
- electronic casing-caliper logging
- epithermal neutron logging
- failure logging
- final mud logging
- fluorescence logging
- focalized lateral logging
- focalized seven-electrode lateral logging
- focalized three-electrode lateral logging
- focused logging
- focused electrical logging
- focused induction logging
- formation density gamma-gamma logging
- full-waveform logging
- gamma logging
- gamma-cement logging
- gamma-gamma logging
- gamma-ray logging
- gamma-ray depth control logging
- geophysical logging
- gravity logging
- guard-electrode logging
- hole logging
- hostile environment logging
- impulse neutron-neutron logging
- induced potential logging
- induced spectral gamma-ray logging
- induction logging
- injection logging
- inverse lateral logging
- lateral logging
- long-spaced acoustic logging
- magnetic logging
- magnetic permeability logging
- magnetic susceptibility logging
- microcaliper logging
- microspherically focused logging
- monoelectrode logging
- monopole logging
- mud logging
- multipole logging
- multispaced neutron logging
- natural gamma-ray logging
- neutron logging
- neutron activation logging
- neutron gamma logging
- neutron gamma-ray logging
- neutron lifetime logging
- neutron-neutron logging
- noise logging
- normal logging
- nuclear logging
- nuclear cement bond logging
- nuclear magnetic resonance logging
- nuclear well logging
- open-hole logging
- operating time logging
- oxygen logging
- physical well logging
- pipe-analysis logging
- pipe-inspection logging
- porosity logging
- production logging
- proximity logging
- pulsed neutron logging
- pulsed neutron lifetime gamma-ray logging
- radiation logging
- radioactive tracer logging
- radioactive well logging
- radioactivity logging
- radiometric logging
- redox well logging
- regular sonic logging
- resistivity logging
- scattered gamma-ray logging
- section gage logging
- seismic well logging
- selective gamma-gamma logging
- selective gamma-ray logging
- sidewall neutron-neutron porosity logging
- selective spectrometric gamma-gamma logging
- shearwave logging
- shielded-electrode logging
- sidewall neutron logging
- sieve residue logging
- single-receiver acoustic logging
- sniffer logging
- sonic logging
- sonic waveform logging
- spectral gamma-ray logging
- spectral radioactive well logging
- spectrometric gamma-gamma logging
- spherically focused logging
- spontaneuos potential logging
- standard electrical logging
- superthermic neutron-neutron logging
- surface receiver seismic well logging
- temperature logging
- thermal decay-time logging
- thermal neutron-neutron logging
- through-drillstem logging
- treat evaluation logging
- trumpet logging
- ultrasonic logging
- unfocused electrical logging
- variable density logging
- velocity logging
- well logging
- well caliper logging
- well radioactivity logging* * *• ГИС• каротаж -
17 detection
1. обнаружение, выявление2. детектирование, выпрямление
* * *
обнаружение, выявление
* * *
обнаружение, выявление- detection of sand production
- detection of seismic signal
- arrival detection
- automatic fault detection
- continuous gas detection by mud logging
- crack detection
- defect detection
- direct detection
- discrepancy detection
- early detection
- electromagnetic detection
- emergency detection
- event detection
- failure detection
- false detection
- fatigue stress detection
- fault detection
- fire detection
- flaw detection
- fluorescence flaw detection
- gamma-ray flaw detection
- hydrocarbon gas detection
- hydrocarbon gas detection in cores
- immediate detection
- krypton flow detection
- leak detection
- luminescence flaw detection
- magnetic detection
- magnetic crack detection
- magnetic flaw detection
- magnetic particle flaw detection
- malfunction detection
- mass-spectrometric leak detection
- microwave defect detection
- multipathing detection
- neutron flaw detection
- off-limit detection
- off-line detection
- oil detection
- on-line detection
- penetrant flaw detection
- radiation flaw detection
- radiographic flaw detection
- radiographic slit detection
- radioscopic flaw detection
- rotogenerative detection of corrosion
- scheduled detection
- seismic detection
- short-period detection
- spot detection of gaseous hydrocarbons
- trouble detection
- ultrasonic flaw detection
- ultrasonic pulse-echo detection
- weld crack detection
- X-ray flaw detectionАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > detection
сокр. от synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence) -
сокр. от synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence) -
20 strength
1) сила; интенсивность2) прочность; предел прочности, временное сопротивление ( материала)3) напряжённость ( поля)4) крепость, концентрация ( раствора)5) численность, количество•-
abrasion coke strength
absorption strength
acid strength
adhesion strength
adhesive fracture strength
aged strength
air-dry strength
alcohol strength
annealed strength
aroma strength
baked strength
baking strength
base strength
beam strength
bearing strength
bending strength
bonding strength
bond strength
breakdown strength
breaking strength
brine strength
brittle strength
buckling strength
bulk strength
bursting strength
burst strength
caking strength
carcass strength
cartridge strength
Charpy impact strength
cleavage strength
coating strength
cohesive fracture strength
cohesive strength
cold-work strength
collecting strength
color strength
combined strength
compression strength
compression yield strength
conventional yield strength
corrosion fatigue strength
crack strength
creep rupture strength
creep strength
cross direction strength
cross strength
crushing strength
cube crushing strength
cured tensile strength
current strength
dielectric strength
disruptive electric strength
dry bond strength
dry strength
dye strength
dynamic strength
electric field strength
electric strength
endurance strength
field strength
film strength
flavor strength
flexural strength
flow strength
fluorescence strength
folding strength
fore-and-aft strength
full strength
gel strength
green bond strength
green strength
high-temperature strength
image strength
impact fatigue strength
impact puncture strength
impact strength
impulse strength
ink strength
insulating strength
interference field strength
interlaminar strength
knot strength
liquor strength
longitudinal strength
long-term strength
loop strength
magnetic field strength
magnetic pole strength
mask strength
mechanical strength
notch impact strength
offset yield strength
opening strength
overall strength
paper wet strength
pavement strength
peel strength
picking strength
plastic strength
plybond strength
proof strength
pull strength
puncture strength
radio field strength
raw-tensile strength
repeated flexural strength
repeated impact bending strength
retained strength
rubber-to-cord-bond strength
rupture strength
sand strength
setting strength
shearing strength
shear strength
shear-through-thickness strength
shock strength
short-time strength
signal strength
sliding strength
solution strength
solvent strength
source strength
specific dielectric strength
static strength
strength of coupling
strength of insulation
strength of pole
strength of radiation
strength of shade
stripping strength
structural strength
surface strength
tearing strength
tensile splitting strength
tensile strength
tensile yield strength
thermal short-circuit strength
thread strength
tinctorial strength
torsional strength
transverse strength
twisting strength
U strength
ultimate strength
vibration strength
wave strength
weight strength
weld strength
wet bursting strength
wet strength
wind strength
working strength
yield strength
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
fluorescence radiation — fluorescencinė spinduliuotė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. fluorescence radiation; fluorescent radiation vok. Fluoreszenzstrahlung, f rus. флуоресцентное излучение, n pranc. rayonnement de fluorescence, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
X-ray fluorescence radiation — fluorescencinė rentgeno spinduliuotė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. fluorescent X ray radiation; X ray fluorescence radiation vok. Barkla Strahlung, f; Röntgenfluoreszenzstrahlung, f rus. флуоресцентное рентгеновское излучение, n… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Fluorescence spectroscopy — aka fluorometry or spectrofluorometry, is a type of electromagnetic spectroscopy which analyzes fluorescence from a sample. It involves using a beam of light, usually ultraviolet light, that excites the electrons in molecules of certain compounds … Wikipedia
Fluorescence — Flu o*res cence, n. [From {Fluor}.] (Chemistry, Optics) A luminescence emitted by certain substances due to the absorption of radiation at one wavelength, and the almost instantaneous re emission of radiation at another, usually longer wavelength … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fluorescence — ► NOUN 1) light emitted by a substance when it is exposed to radiation such as ultraviolet light or X rays. 2) the property of emitting light in this way. ORIGIN from FLUORSPAR(Cf. ↑F) (which fluoresces), on the pattern of opalescence … English terms dictionary
Fluorescence — Fluorescent minerals emit visible light when exposed to ultraviolet light Fluorescence is the emission of light by a substance that has absorbed light or other electromagnetic radiation of a different wavelength.[1] It is a form of luminescence.… … Wikipedia
radiation — radiational, adj. /ray dee ay sheuhn/, n. 1. Physics. a. the process in which energy is emitted as particles or waves. b. the complete process in which energy is emitted by one body, transmitted through an intervening medium or space, and… … Universalium
Fluorescence X — Spectrométrie de fluorescence X Pour les articles homonymes, voir SFX, FX et XRF. Un spectromètre de fluorescence X Philips PW1606 avec manutention automatiq … Wikipédia en Français
fluorescence — /floo res euhns, flaw , floh /, n. Physics, Chem. 1. the emission of radiation, esp. of visible light, by a substance during exposure to external radiation, as light or x rays. Cf. phosphorescence (def. 1). 2. the property possessed by a… … Universalium
radiation measurement — ▪ technology Introduction technique for detecting the intensity and characteristics of ionizing radiation, such as alpha, beta, and gamma rays or neutrons, for the purpose of measurement. The term ionizing radiation refers to those… … Universalium
radiation — 1. radiation [ radjasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1378; du lat. médiév. radiare, latinisation de rayer par fausse étym. ♦ Action de radier (qqn ou plus rarement qqch.) d une liste, d un registre. Sa radiation des listes électorales. Dr. Radiation du barreau (d… … Encyclopédie Universelle