1 fluctuation gradient
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > fluctuation gradient
2 gradient
градиент; тангенс угла набора высоты ( в процентах) ; уклон; скорость изменения ( параметра) по расстояниюgross gradient (of climb) — полный [максимальный гарантированный] градиент набора высоты (без учёта ухудшения характеристик в процессе эксплуатации)
net gradient (of climb) — минимальный гарантированный градиент набора высоты (с учётом ухудшения характеристик в процессе эксплуатации)
3 force
1) сила
2) вдавливать
3) вынуждать
4) заставить
5) нагнетательный
6) интенсивность
7) принуждать
8) силовой
9) сигнальный
10) усилие
11) заставлять
12) принудить
13) вставлять
14) вставить
15) вгонять
16) вогнать
17) нагнетать
18) форсировать
19) перегружать
20) перегрузить
21) вытеснять
22) вытеснить
– application of force
– apply force
– area of force
– axial force
– backward force
– breaking force
– by force
– center of force
– centrifugal force
– clamping force
– coercive force
– compressive force
– constraining force
– constraint force
– control force
– cornering force
– counterelectromotive force
– directive force
– driving force
– electrode force
– electromotive force
– field of force
– force cell
– force closure
– force couple
– force direction
– force factor
– force field
– force function
– force of wind
– force polygon
– force potential
– force pump
– force similarity
– force the fluctuation
– force the fluctuations
– force transducer
– forging force
– forward force
– g force gradient
– gram force
– impulse of force
– in force
– J x B force
– lifting force
– line of force
– locking force
– magnetizing force
– magnetomotive force
– maintenance force
– molecular force
– moment of a force
– moment of force
– motive force
– point force
– ponderomotive force
– propulsive force
– repulsive force
– return force
– roll force
– self-demagnetizing force
– shearing force
– stick force
– stilus force
– take force
– thermomotive force
– towing force
– tractive force
– tube of force
– upset force
– vibromotive force
– welding force
– wind force
frequency force factor — <electr.> коэффициент силовой частоты
low-insertion force socket — контактное гнездо с малым усилием сочленения
4 voltage
1) напряжение, разность потенциалов2) потенциал•- accelerating voltagevoltage across — напряжение на (напр. зажимах)
- acceleration voltage
- active voltage
- actuating voltage
- allowable voltage
- alternating voltage
- anode voltage
- anode breakdown voltage
- anode-cathode voltage
- anode-to-cathode voltage
- applied voltage
- arc voltage
- arc-drop voltage
- asymptotic breakdown voltage
- avalanche voltage
- avalanche breakdown voltage
- average voltage
- back voltage
- balanced voltages
- barrier voltage
- base voltage
- baseband voltage
- base-to-emitter voltage
- bath voltage
- bias voltage
- birefringence threshold voltage
- black-out voltage
- blanking voltage
- blocking voltage
- blue video voltage
- booster voltage
- branch voltage
- breakdown voltage
- breakover voltage
- bridge supply voltage
- bucking voltage
- built-in voltage
- bus voltage
- calibration voltage
- capacitor voltage
- catcher voltage
- cathode voltage
- cathode sheath voltage
- cathode storage-element equilibrium voltage
- cell voltage
- charge voltage
- circuit voltage
- clamp voltage
- clock voltage
- closed-circuit voltage
- coercive voltage
- collector voltage
- collector breakdown voltage
- collector storage-element equilibrium voltage
- collector-to-base voltage
- collector-to-emitter voltage
- color voltage
- commercial-frequency voltage
- common-mode voltage
- commutating voltage
- compensating voltage
- complex voltage
- compliance voltage
- composite controlling voltage
- computer voltage
- constant voltage
- contact voltage
- control voltage
- control-circuit voltage
- convergence voltage
- corona start voltage
- counter voltage
- crest voltage
- critical voltage
- critical anode voltage
- critical grid voltage
- crossover voltage
- current-resistance voltage
- cutoff voltage
- dc voltage
- decelerating voltage
- decomposition voltage
- deflecting voltage
- derivative voltage
- dielectric breakdown voltage
- differential-mode voltage
- dipole voltage
- dipole barrier voltage
- direct voltage
- discharge voltage
- disruptive discharge voltage
- domain voltage
- drain voltage
- driving voltage
- drop-away voltage
- drop-out voltage
- effective voltage
- electric voltage
- electrode voltage
- emitter voltage
- equilibrium voltage
- error voltage
- excess voltage
- excess domain voltage
- excitation voltage
- extinction voltage
- extinguishing voltage
- extra-high voltage
- Faraday voltage
- field voltage
- filament voltage
- final voltage
- firing voltage
- first breakdown voltage
- first crossover voltage
- flashback voltage
- flashover voltage
- flat-band voltage
- floating voltage
- fluctuation voltage
- flyback voltage
- focusing voltage
- formation voltage
- forming voltage
- forward voltage
- forward breakover voltage
- forward gate voltage
- fuel-cell voltage
- gate voltage
- gate nontrigger voltage
- gate trigger voltage
- gate turn-off voltage
- generated voltage
- gradient-established storage-element equilibrium voltage
- green-video voltage
- grid voltage
- half-wave voltage
- Hall voltage
- heater voltage
- high voltage
- high-level voltage
- holding voltage
- ignition voltage
- impressed voltage
- induced voltage
- inflection-point voltage
- initial voltage
- initial inverse voltage
- injected voltage
- in-phase voltage
- input voltage
- input error voltage
- interference voltage
- internal correction voltage
- inverse voltage
- ionization voltage
- junction voltage
- keep-alive voltage
- kickback voltage
- line voltage
- link voltage
- load voltage
- logical-threshold voltage
- low-level voltage
- magnetron critical voltage
- mains voltage
- maintaining voltage
- mask voltage
- minimum off-state voltage
- neutralizing voltage
- node voltage
- node-to-datum voltage
- noise voltage
- no-load voltage
- nominal voltage
- offset voltage
- off-load voltage
- off-state voltage
- on-load voltage
- on-state voltage
- open-circuit voltage
- operating voltage
- oscillating voltage
- out-of-balance voltages
- out-of-phase voltage
- output voltage
- output offset voltage
- pace voltage
- peak voltage
- peak inverse voltage
- peak-point voltage
- peak reverse voltage
- peak-to-peak voltage
- periodic voltage
- permissible voltage
- phase voltage
- photoelectric voltage
- pickup voltage
- pinch-off voltage
- plate voltage
- polarizing voltage
- poling voltage
- primary voltage
- principal voltage
- projected peak-point voltage
- psophometric voltage
- pull-in voltage
- pulsating voltage
- pump voltage
- punch-through voltage
- puncture voltage
- push-pull voltages
- push-push -voltages
- rail voltage
- rated voltage
- rated impulse withstand voltage
- reactive voltage
- rectified voltage
- rectifier-load voltage
- red video voltage
- reference voltage
- reflector voltage
- reignition voltage
- residual voltage
- resistance voltage
- resonance voltage
- reverse voltage
- reverse-bias voltage
- reverse-bias breakdown voltage
- ripple voltage
- root-mean-square voltage
- saturation voltage
- sawtooth voltage
- scanning voltage
- screen-grid voltage
- secondary voltage
- secondary-emission crossover voltage
- second-crossover voltage
- self-breakdown voltage
- self-firing voltage
- self-induction voltage
- shot-noise voltage
- signal voltage
- single-ended input voltage
- single-ended output voltage
- sinusoidal voltage
- source voltage
- square-wave voltage
- stabilized voltage
- staircase voltage
- starter breakdown voltage
- starting voltage
- step voltage
- storage-element equilibrium voltage
- supply voltage
- surge voltage
- sweep voltage
- swing voltage
- switching voltage
- synchronousvoltage
- tank voltage
- target voltage
- temperature voltage
- thermocouple voltage
- thermoelectric voltage
- threshold voltage
- time-base voltage
- touch voltage
- tree-branch voltage
- tunnel breakdown voltage
- ultrahigh voltage
- unit step voltage
- valley voltage
- variable voltage
- working voltage
- Zener voltage
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