1 fluctuate
tr['flʌktjʊeɪt]1 fluctuar, variarv.• fluctuar (Matemática) v.'flʌktʃueɪt, 'flʌktjʊeɪtintransitive verb fluctuar*['flʌktjʊeɪt]VI [cost] oscilar; [prices, temperature] fluctuar, oscilarto fluctuate between — [person] vacilar entre
* * *['flʌktʃueɪt, 'flʌktjʊeɪt]intransitive verb fluctuar* -
2 fluctuate
fluctuate [ˈflʌktjʊeɪt][prices, temperature] fluctuer* * *['flʌktjʊeɪt]intransitive verb gen, Finance [rate, mood] fluctuer ( between entre) -
3 fluctuate
fluctuate ['flʌktʃʊeɪt](rate, temperature, results etc) fluctuer; (interest, enthusiasm, support) être fluctuant ou variable; (person → in enthusiasm, opinions etc) être fluctuant ou changeant; Finance (exchange rate, share prices) fluctuer;∎ our production fluctuates from week to week notre production est fluctuante ou varie d'une semaine sur l'autre -
4 fluctuate
verbколебаться; колыхаться; быть неустойчивым, менятьсяSyn:vibrate* * *(v) измениться; изменяться; колебаться; меняться* * *быть неустойчивым, меняться; колебаться* * *[fluc·tu·ate || 'flʌktʃʊeɪt] v. колебаться, быть неустойчивым, меняться, колыхаться* * *колебатьменяться* * *быть неустойчивым, меняться; колебаться; колыхаться (between; with) -
5 fluctuate
verbഏറ്റക്കുറച്ചിലുണ്ടാവുക, കൂടുകയും കുറയുകയും ചെയ്യുക, ചഞ്ചലിക്കുക, ചാഞ്ചാടുക, ഇളകുക -
6 fluctuate
intransitive verb* * *fluc·tu·ate[ˈflʌktʃueɪt]vi numbers, prices, feelings schwanken; ECON business cycle, market sich akk ständig verändern, fluktuieren fachspr* * *['flʌktjʊeɪt]vischwanken; (in number also) fluktuieren* * *fluctuate [-eıt] v/i schwanken:b) fig unschlüssig sein:fluctuate between … and schwanken zwischen (dat) … u* * *intransitive verb* * *v.schwanken v. -
7 fluctuate
8 fluctuate
[flʌktjueit]1.intransitive verbvalovati; majati se, omahovati, kolebati; commerce dvigati se in padati (cene);2.transitive verb Americanrazmajati -
9 fluctuate
(of market, currency, value) fluctuer; (of price) flotter, varier -
10 fluctuate
1. v колебаться; быть неустойчивым, нерешительным2. v колыхаться, волноваться3. v покачиваться на волнах4. v возвыш. колебать, колыхать, волновать5. v спец. флуктуировать, флюктуироватьСинонимический ряд:sway (verb) alternate; bend; change; incline; lean; oscillate; shift; sway; swing; undulate; vacillate; vary; wave; waverАнтонимический ряд:decide; hold; persist; stick -
11 to fluctuate
at fluktuere -
12 häilyä
yks.nom. häilyä; yks.gen. häilyn; yks.part. häilyi; yks.ill. häilyisi; mon.gen. häilyköön; mon.part. häilynyt; mon.ill. häilyttiinflicker (verb)fluctuate (verb)hover (verb)teeter (verb)vacillate (verb)waver (verb)sway swing (noun)* * *• hover• quiver• shilly-shally• sway• swing• teeter• waver• fluctuate• flicker• vacillate -
13 vaihdella
yks.nom. vaihdella; yks.gen. vaihtelen; yks.part. vaihteli; yks.ill. vaihtelisi; mon.gen. vaihdelkoon; mon.part. vaihdellut; mon.ill. vaihdeltiinalternate (verb)diversify (verb)fluctuate (verb)interchange (verb)range (verb)vary (verb)* * *• change• interchange• vary• vary between and• switch• range• keep changing• hunt• fluctuate• differ• alternate• diversify -
14 heilahdella
yks.nom. heilahdella; yks.gen. heilahtelen; yks.part. heilahteli; yks.ill. heilahtelisi; mon.gen. heilahdelkoon; mon.part. heilahdellut; mon.ill. heilahdeltiinfluctuate (verb)oscillate (verb)rock (verb)sway (verb)swing (verb)* * *• hunt• swing• sway• sling• rock• fluctuate• oscillate -
15 lainehtia
yks.nom. lainehtia; yks.gen. lainehdin; yks.part. lainehti; yks.ill. lainehtisi; mon.gen. lainehtikoon; mon.part. lainehtinut; mon.ill. lainehdittiinbillow (verb)fluctuate (verb)heave (verb)undulate (verb)wave (verb)* * *• surge• wave• undulate• swell• seethe• ripple• swirl• heave• flutter• fluctuate• billow• ruffle -
16 sway
1. n качание, колебание; раскачивание2. n власть, господство; влияние3. v качаться, колебаться4. v качать, раскачивать5. v иметь влияние; склонять6. v обыкн. поэт. управлять, править7. v тех. поворачивать в горизонтальном направленииСинонимический ряд:1. authority (noun) authority; command; control; dominance; domination; dominion; government; jurisdiction; mastery; might; power; predominance; prerogative; rule; strings2. influence (noun) influence; leverage; weight3. oscillation (noun) oscillation; undulation4. affect (verb) affect; carry; get; impact; impress; inspire; move; strike; touch5. bias (verb) bias; influence; prejudice6. fluctuate (verb) bend; dispose; fluctuate; incline; lean; oscillate; pendulate; predispose; swing; tend; vacillate; wave7. govern (verb) control; convince; direct; dominate; govern; overrule; persuade; prevail; prevail upon; reign; rule8. waver (verb) careen; lurch; rock; stagger; teeter; totter; waver; weave; wobbleАнтонимический ряд:discourage; steady; weakness -
17 waver
1. n единичное дерево2. v колыхаться; дрожать3. v дрогнуть4. v развеваться, полоскатьсяbanners wavering in the wind — знамёна, полощущиеся на ветру
5. v редк. качаться, шататься6. v колебаться, проявлять нерешительностьСинонимический ряд:1. fluctuate (verb) alternate; fluctuate; flutter; vacillate2. hesitate (verb) dither; falter; halt; hesitate; pause; shilly-shally; swing; whiffle; wiggle-waggle3. shake (verb) quiver; shake; shiver; tremble4. sway (verb) reel; stagger; sway; teeter; totter; weave; wobble -
18 kellua
yks.nom. kellua; yks.gen. kellun; yks.part. kellui; yks.ill. kelluisi; mon.gen. kellukoon; mon.part. kellunut; mon.ill. kelluttiinbuoy (verb)float (verb)fluctuate (verb)swim (noun)* * *• swim• be afloat• buoy• float• fluctuate• glide -
19 hover
1. n парение; свободный полёт2. n ожидание; неопределённое положение; состояние неопределённости, «подвешенное» состояние3. n диал. нависший берег; яма под берегом4. v парить, кружить, зависать, находиться в режиме висения5. v нависать, окутывать6. v нависать, застыватьthe director hovered her typewriter waiting for her to finish the letter — директор застыл над её машинкой, ожидая, пока она закончит письмо
7. v нависать, угрожать8. v быть на краю; постоянно подвергаться угрозе9. v колебаться, не решаться, мешкатьto hover on the brink of decision — колебаться, не знать, что делать
10. v сидеть на яйцах, высиживать11. v прикрыватьСинонимический ряд:1. float in the air (verb) dance; flicker; flit; flitter; float; float in the air; flutter; fly; hang; hang in the air; hang motionless; poise2. fluctuate (verb) fluctuate; seesaw; vacillate; waver3. linger (verb) hang around; haunt; hesitate; linger; not be far; remain close; stay by one's sideАнтонимический ряд:drop; leave -
20 at fluktuere
to fluctuate
См. также в других словарях:
fluctuate — ► VERB ▪ rise and fall irregularly in number or amount. DERIVATIVES fluctuation noun. ORIGIN Latin fluctuare undulate , from fluere to flow … English terms dictionary
fluctuate — fluc‧tu‧ate [ˈflʌktʆueɪt] verb [intransitive] if prices, income, rates etc fluctuate, they change, increasing or falling often or regularly: • Dealers know that prices fluctuate and that capital losses can be expected. fluctuate around • The… … Financial and business terms
fluctuate — verb ( ated; ating) Etymology: Latin fluctuatus, past participle of fluctuare, from fluctus flow, wave, from fluere more at fluid Date: 1634 intransitive verb 1. to shift back and forth uncertainly 2. to ebb and flow in waves transitive verb to… … New Collegiate Dictionary
fluctuate — I verb alter, alternate, be changeful, be intermittent, be periodic, be unsteady, change, change continuously, fluctuare, intermit, move in waves, pendulate, rise and fall, shift, show variety, swing, vary, wave, waver II index beat (pulsate),… … Law dictionary
fluctuate — verb ADVERB ▪ considerably, greatly ▪ dramatically, widely, wildly ▪ Prices have fluctuated wildly in recent years. ▪ constantly … Collocations dictionary
fluctuate — verb (I) if something such as a price or amount fluctuates, it changes very often from a high level to a low one and back again (+ between): The present output of oil fluctuates between 3 and 5 million gallons per week. | fluctuate wildly: House… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
fluctuate — verb profits fluctuate from month to month Syn: vary, change, differ, shift, alter, waver, swing, oscillate, alternate, rise and fall, go up and down, seesaw, yo yo, be unstable … Thesaurus of popular words
fluctuate — verb a) To vary irregularly; to swing. b) To undulate … Wiktionary
fluctuate — verb Syn: vary, change, shift, alter, waver, swing, oscillate, alternate, rise and fall … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
fluctuate — [c]/ˈflʌktʃueɪt / (say flukchoohayt) verb (fluctuated, fluctuating) –verb (i) 1. to change continually, as by turns, from one course, position, condition, amount, etc., to another, as the mind, opinion, policy, prices, temperature, etc.; vary… …
fluctuate — UK [ˈflʌktʃueɪt] / US [ˈflʌktʃuˌeɪt] verb [intransitive] Word forms fluctuate : present tense I/you/we/they fluctuate he/she/it fluctuates present participle fluctuating past tense fluctuated past participle fluctuated to change frequently The… … English dictionary