Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 flowing

    [fl'ouiŋ] adj 1 corrente, fluente, que flui, que se escoa. 2 fluente, natural, fácil. 3 fluido, brando, doce, harmonioso. 4 flutuante, ondeante, volante. 5 crescente. a flowing style estilo fluente. flowing of the material escoamento do material.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > flowing

  • 2 flowing of the material

    flowing of the material
    escoamento do material.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > flowing of the material

  • 3 flowing metal

    flow.ing me.tal
    [fl'ouiŋ metəl] n metal doce.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > flowing metal

  • 4 flowing water

    flow.ing wa.ter
    [fl'ouiŋ mɔ:tə] n água corrente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > flowing water

  • 5 a flowing style

    a flowing style
    estilo fluente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > a flowing style

  • 6 bloodstream

    noun (the blood flowing through the body: The poison entered her bloodstream.) circulação sanguínia
    * * *
    [bl'∧dstri:m] n circulação sanguínea.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bloodstream

  • 7 caftan

    (a type of long flowing dress or robe sometimes brightly-coloured.) caftã
    * * *
    [k'æftæn; kæft'æn] n cafetã, túnica.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > caftan

  • 8 confluence

    (a flowing together of two rivers.) confluência
    * * *
    [k'ɔnfluəns] n 1 confluência. 2 afluência de gente, multidão.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > confluence

  • 9 effluent

    ((a flowing out of) waste matter from a factory etc.) defluente
    * * *
    ['eflu2nt] n efluente. • adj efluente, emanante.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > effluent

  • 10 flow

    [fləu] 1. verb
    1) (to move along in the way that water does: The river flowed into the sea.) correr
    2) ((of the tide) to rise: The boat left the harbour when the tide began to flow.) subir
    2. noun
    (the act of flowing: a flow of blood; the flow of traffic.) corrente
    * * *
    [flou] n 1 fluência, ação de correr líquido, escoamento, derramamento. 2 fluxo, circulação. 3 fig torrente, fluidez. 4 vazão. 5 corrente, curso de água. 6 maré enchente, inundação, cheia. 7 Med menstruação, regras. 8 flows Com fluxos. 9 Comp fluxo. • vt 1 fluir, manar, circular. 2 derramar-se, escorrer, brotar, dimanar, derivar, fluir, proceder, resultar. 3 escorregar, deslizar, passar de leve, ser fluido ou fluente (estilo). 4 estar dependurado e tremulando, ondear, flutuar. 5 abundar, afluir, refluir, vir ou ir em grande quantidade, transbordar. 6 subir, encher (a maré). 7 alagar. 8 menstruar. flow of chips Tech escoamento de aparas. flow of current circulação da corrente. flow of heat fluxo calorífico. flow of oil circulação de óleo. flow of spirits disposição animada. flow of steam circulação de vapor.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > flow

  • 11 gush

    1. verb
    1) ((of liquids) to flow out suddenly and in large amounts: Blood gushed from his wound.) jorrar
    2) (to exaggerate one's enthusiasm etc while talking: The lady kept gushing about her husband's success.) gabar-se
    2. noun
    (a sudden flowing (of a liquid): a gush of water.) esguicho
    - gushingly
    * * *
    [g∧ʃ] n 1 torrente, erupção, fluxo, esguicho, jato. 2 arroubo, arrebatamento. • vt+vi 1 jorrar, esguichar, correr, sair em fluxo, derramar, transbordar. 2 falar com arroubo. 3 ser efusivo ou afetadamente sentimental.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > gush

  • 12 kaftan

    (a type of long flowing dress or robe sometimes brightly-coloured.) caftã
    * * *
    [k'æftæn] n = link=caftan caftan.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > kaftan

  • 13 ooze

    [u:z] 1. verb
    1) (to flow slowly: The water oozed through the sand.) esvair-se
    2) (to have (something liquid) flowing slowly out: His wound was oozing blood.) verter
    2. noun
    (liquid, slippery mud: The river bed was thick with ooze.) lodo
    * * *
    [u:z] n 1 limo, lodo. 2 infusão de casca de tanino e outros produtos para o curtimento de couros, peles, etc. 3 corrida vagarosa de massas líquidas. 4 Geol depósito mole. • vt 1 correr ou escoar lentamente (líquidos). 2 gotear, gotejar, pingar. 3 esvair-se. 4 fig tornar-se público.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ooze

  • 14 overflow

    1. [əuvə'flou] verb
    (to flow over the edge or limits (of): The river overflowed (its banks); The crowd overflowed into the next room.) transbordar
    2. ['əuvəflou] noun
    1) (a flowing over of liquid: I put a bucket under the pipe to catch the overflow; ( also adjective) an overflow pipe.) excedente
    2) (an overflow pipe.) cano de descarga
    * * *
    ['ouvəflou] n 1 inundação, alagamento, enchente. 2 superabundância. • [ouvafl'ou] vt+vi 1 inundar, transbordar, alagar. 2 superabundar. overflow pipe ladrão: tubo de descarga.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > overflow

  • 15 river

    (a large stream of water flowing across country: The Thames is a river; the river Thames; the Hudson River; ( also adjective) a river animal.) rio
    - riverside
    * * *
    [r'ivə] n 1 rio. 2 fig abundância. • adj 1 fluvial. 2 ribeirinho. down the river rio abaixo. the Hudson River o Rio Hudson. the River Thames o Rio Tâmisa. up the river rio acima.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > river

  • 16 silt

    (fine sand and mud left behind by flowing water.) sedimento
    * * *
    [silt] n lodo, limo, sedimento fino carregado pela água, areia finíssima. • vt+vi entupir, encher com lodo. to silt up entupir, assorear.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > silt

  • 17 spring

    [spriŋ] 1. past tense - sprang; verb
    1) (to jump, leap or move swiftly (usually upwards): She sprang into the boat.) saltar
    2) (to arise or result from: His bravery springs from his love of adventure.) resultar
    3) (to (cause a trap to) close violently: The trap must have sprung when the hare stepped in it.) (fazer) saltar
    2. noun
    1) (a coil of wire or other similar device which can be compressed or squeezed down but returns to its original shape when released: a watch-spring; the springs in a chair.) mola
    2) (the season of the year between winter and summer when plants begin to flower or grow leaves: Spring is my favourite season.) primavera
    3) (a leap or sudden movement: The lion made a sudden spring on its prey.) salto
    4) (the ability to stretch and spring back again: There's not a lot of spring in this old trampoline.) elasticidade
    5) (a small stream flowing out from the ground.) nascente
    - springiness
    - sprung
    - springboard
    - spring cleaning
    - springtime
    - spring up
    * * *
    [spriŋ] n 1 pulo, salto, recuo. 2 mola, mola espiral. 3 elasticidade. 4 contragolpe. 5 primavera. 6 fonte, nascente. 7 origem, causa, fonte. 8 período inicial, primavera da vida. 9 Naut racha, rachadura, fenda (do mastro). 10 empenamento, curvatura. • vt+vi (ps sprang, pp sprung) 1 pular, saltar. 2 recuar, retroceder, voltar, ressaltar por força elástica. 3 fazer pular ou saltar, acionar uma mola, armar. 4 levantar-se, emergir, brotar, nascer, crescer, descender. 5 surgir repentinamente, soltar, voar, lascar-se, saltar. 6 produzir, apresentar de repente. 7 rachar, fender. the ship sprang a leak / o navio começou a fazer água. 8 empenar, curvar-se. 9 levantar (caça). 10 fazer saltar, estourar. 11 sl sair ou escapar da cadeia. • adj 1 que tem mola, de mola. 2 suspenso em molas. 3 primaveril. 4 de fonte ou nascente. to spring at pular em cima de, lançar-se sobre. she sprang a surprise on me ela me fez uma surpresa. to spring a mine fazer explodir uma mina. to spring back pular para trás, voltar para trás (por força de mola). to spring forth saltar para fora. to spring forward lançar-se sobre ou para a frente. to spring into existence surgir, formar-se de repente. to spring something on someone revelar algo de surpresa a alguém. to spring to one’s feet levantar-se de um salto. to spring up brotar, surgir, levantar-se de um salto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > spring

  • 18 stagnant

    1) ((of water) standing still rather than flowing and therefore usually dirty: a stagnant pool.) estagnado
    2) (dull or inactive: Our economy is stagnant.) estagnado
    - stagnation
    * * *
    [st'ægnənt] adj 1 estagnado, quieto, inativo. 2 podre. 3 parado, paralisado, lento, vagaroso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stagnant

  • 19 stiff

    1) (rigid or firm, and not easily bent, folded etc: He has walked with a stiff leg since he injured his knee; stiff cardboard.) rígido
    2) (moving, or moved, with difficulty, pain etc: I can't turn the key - the lock is stiff; I woke up with a stiff neck; I felt stiff the day after the climb.) duro
    3) ((of a cooking mixture etc) thick, and not flowing: a stiff dough.) espesso
    4) (difficult to do: a stiff examination.) difícil
    5) (strong: a stiff breeze.) forte
    6) ((of a person or his manner etc) formal and unfriendly: I received a stiff note from the bank manager.) formal
    - stiffness
    - stiffen
    - stiffening
    - bore
    - scare stiff
    * * *
    [stif] n 1 sl cadáver. 2 sl pessoa formal, cerimoniosa. 3 Amer sl pessoa desajeitada, caipira. 4 sl pessoa bêbada. 5 sl trabalhador migrante, trabalhador braçal. • vt sl 1 enganar, trapacear, ludibriar. 2 tratar rudemente, ser injusto com. 3 fracassar comercialmente. • adj 1 duro, rijo, teso. 2 firme, duro de mover. 3 inflexível, tenso. 4 apertado, esticado. 5 espesso, viscoso. 6 denso, compacto. 7 formal, afetado, constrangido, cerimonioso. he’s as stiff as a poker / ele é excessivamente formal (ou cerimonioso). 8 forte, constante (vento). 9 severo, rigoroso. 10 obstinado, persistente. 11 forte, com muito álcool. 12 coll alto, salgado (fig, falando de preço), excessivo. 13 entrevado, emperrado. 14 dolorido. 15 teimoso, intransigente. 16 formal, frio. 17 sl bêbado. • adv 1 duramente, rijamente. 2 muito, extremamente. it bored me stiff / foi muito cansativo ou enfadonho para mim. 3 totalmente. to bore someone stiff aborrecer alguém com conversa chata. to keep a stiff upper lip agüentar firme. to scare someone stiff assustar alguém, amedrontar alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stiff

  • 20 thick

    [Ɵik] 1. adjective
    1) (having a relatively large distance between opposite sides; not thin: a thick book; thick walls; thick glass.) grosso
    2) (having a certain distance between opposite sides: It's two inches thick; a two-inch-thick pane of glass.) de grossura
    3) ((of liquids, mixtures etc) containing solid matter; not flowing (easily) when poured: thick soup.) grossa
    4) (made of many single units placed very close together; dense: a thick forest; thick hair.) espesso
    5) (difficult to see through: thick fog.) denso
    6) (full of, covered with etc: The room was thick with dust; The air was thick with smoke.) espesso
    7) (stupid: Don't be so thick!) estúpido
    2. noun
    (the thickest, most crowded or active part: in the thick of the forest; in the thick of the fight.) espessura
    - thickness
    - thicken
    - thick-skinned
    - thick and fast
    - through thick and thin
    * * *
    [θik] n 1 grosso, parte mais grossa ou densa. 2 fig foco, centro. 3 sl pessoa tola, estúpida. • adj 1 gordo, grosso, de grossura. 2 denso, compacto. 3 abundante, numeroso. 4 cheio, coberto. the street is thick with dust / a rua está cheia de poeira. the table was thick with flies / a mesa estava coberta de moscas. 5 espesso, grosso, denso. 6 turvo. 7 coll estúpido, obtuso. • adv (também thickly) 1 densamente, espessamente. the snow fell thick / a neve caía em densos flocos. 2 intensamente, cerradamente. 3 abundantemente. the letters came thick and fast / choveram cartas. a bit thick um pouco exagerado. he is thick in the head sl ele é muito tapado. in the thick of the fight no meio da luta. through thick and thin fig por todas as dificuldades. two inches thick duas polegadas de grossura.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > thick

См. также в других словарях:

  • Flowing — Flow ing, a. That flows or for flowing (in various sense of the verb); gliding along smoothly; copious. [1913 Webster] {Flowing battery} (Elec.), a battery which is kept constant by the flowing of the exciting liquid through the cell or cells.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flowing — Flow ing, a. & n. from {Flow}, v. i. & t. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flowing — index circulation, copious, eloquent, facile, fluvial, full Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • flowing — [adj] gushing, abounding brimming, continuous, cursive, easy, falling, flooded, fluent, fluid, fluidic, full, issuing, liquefied, liquid, overrun, pouring out, prolific, rich, rippling, rolling, running, rushing, sinuous, smooth, spouting,… …   New thesaurus

  • Flowing — Flow Flow (fl[=o]), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Flowed} (fl[=o]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Flowing}.] [AS. fl[=o]wan; akin to D. vloeijen, OHG. flawen to wash, Icel. fl[=o]a to deluge, Gr. plw ein to float, sail, and prob. ultimately to E. float, fleet.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flowing — flowingly, adv. flowingness, n. /floh ing/, adj. 1. moving in or as in a stream: flowing water. 2. proceeding smoothly or easily; facile: flowing language. 3. long, smooth, graceful, and without sudden interruption or change of direction: flowing …   Universalium

  • flowing — /ˈfloʊɪŋ/ (say flohing) adjective 1. that flows; moving in or as in a stream: flowing water. 2. proceeding smoothly or easily: flowing language. 3. smoothly and gracefully continuous throughout the length: flowing lines; flowing curves. 4.… …  

  • flowing — flow|ing [ˈfləuıŋ US ˈflou ] adj 1.) hanging or moving in a smooth graceful way ▪ She had pale skin and dark, flowing hair. ▪ long, flowing robes 2.) continuing in a smooth, graceful way, with no sudden changes ▪ a flowing melody ▪ flowing curves …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • flowing — flow|ing [ flouıŋ ] adjective usually before noun 1. ) flowing clothes or hair hang in an attractive way: The women wore long flowing skirts. 2. ) flowing water is moving along: a fast flowing stream …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • flowing — adjective 1) long flowing hair Syn: loose, free, unconfined, draping Ant: stiff, curly 2) the new model will have soft, flowing lines Syn: sleek, streamlined, a …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • flowing — UK [ˈfləʊɪŋ] / US [ˈfloʊɪŋ] adjective [usually before noun] 1) flowing clothes or hair hang in an attractive way The women wore long flowing skirts. 2) flowing water is moving along a fast flowing stream …   English dictionary

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