1 floated loan
Экономика: размещённый заём -
2 floated loan
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > floated loan
3 floated loan
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > floated loan
4 floated loan
5 loan
6 loan
1. nзаем; ссуда; кредит
- accommodation loan
- active loan
- adjustable mortgage loan
- advance loan
- agency loan
- agricultural loan
- amortization loan
- asset-based loan
- back-to-back loan
- bad loan
- balloon loan
- bank loan
- banking sector's nonperforming loans
- bank-to-bank loan
- below-market loan
- big loan
- bilateral loan
- blank loan
- borrowed-pledge security loan
- bottomry loan
- bridge loan
- bridging loan
- broker's loan
- building loan
- bullet loan
- business loan
- call loan
- callable loan
- capped floating rate loan
- cash loan
- character loan
- cheap loan
- clearance loan
- collared floating rate loan
- collateral loan
- collateralized loan
- commercial loan
- committed loan
- commodity loan
- compulsory loan
- concessionary loan
- consolidated loan
- consumption loan
- corporate loan
- Crown loan
- currency loan
- customer's loan
- daily loan
- day loan
- day-to-day loan
- dead loan
- dealer loan
- defaulted loan
- delinquent loan
- demand loan
- development loan
- direct loan
- disbursed loan
- discount loan
- discount interest loan
- distressed loan
- dollar loan
- domestic loan
- downstream loan
- droplock loan
- dud loan
- emergency loan
- emergency reconstruction loan
- Eurocurrency loan
- Eurosyndicated loans
- excess loan
- export adjustment loan
- external loan
- farm loan
- federal loan
- fiduciary loan
- fixed loan
- fixed-date loan
- fixed-interest loan
- fixed rate loan
- floated loan
- floating-rate loan
- forced loan
- foreign loan
- free-limit loan
- frozen loan
- funded loan
- funding loan
- gold loan
- government loan
- hard loan
- hedged loan
- high-interest loan
- home loan
- home finance loan
- home improvement loan
- housing construction loan
- hybrid loan
- indexed loan
- industrial loan
- industrial and trade policy adjustment loan
- installment loan
- interbank loan
- intercompany loan
- interest bearing loan
- interest-free loan
- interim loan
- intermediate loan
- internal loan
- inventory loan
- investment loan
- jeopardy loan
- jumbo loan
- large loan
- limited recourse loan
- local loan
- lombard loan
- long loan
- long-dated loan
- long-period loan
- long-sighted loan
- long-term loan
- long-term mortgage loan
- low-interest loan
- low-interest-rate mortgage loan
- lucrative loan
- margin loan
- market loan
- medium-term loan
- money loan
- morning loan
- mortgage loan
- multicurrency loan
- multilateral loan
- municipal loan
- national loan
- negative amortization loan
- net loans
- nonperforming loan
- on call loan
- one-off purpose-oriented loan
- outstanding loan
- overage loan
- overdue loan
- overnight loan
- package loan
- parallel loan
- participating loan
- participation loan
- past-due loan
- performing loan
- permanent loan
- permanent government loan
- perpetual loan
- personal loan
- pledge loan
- poorly performing loan
- precarious loan
- prematured loan
- prime-rate loan
- problem loan
- programme loan
- public loan
- purpose loan
- real estate loan
- receivable loan
- reconstruction loan
- recourse loan
- redeemable loan
- redemption loan
- rehabilitation import loan
- reimbursable loan
- renegotiated loan
- repaid loan
- replacement loan
- resetter loan
- seasonal loan
- seasoned loan
- sector loan
- sector adjustment loan
- sector investment and maintenance loan
- secured loan
- securities loan
- securitized loan
- self-liquidating loan
- self-liquidation loan
- senior loan
- short loan
- short-dated loan
- short-sighted loan
- short-term floating rate loan
- short-time loan
- sight loan
- signature loan
- simple-interest loan
- single loan
- sinking-fund loan
- small business loan
- soft loan
- sovereign loan
- sovereign-risk loan
- stabilization loan
- stand-by loan
- state loan
- sterling loan
- stock exchange loan
- straight loan
- street loan
- subsidiary loan
- swing loan
- syndicate loan
- tax-exempt loan
- technical assistance loan
- term loan
- tied loan
- time loan
- time-slice loan
- underperforming loan
- undersubscribed loan
- underwater loan
- undisbursed loan
- unlimited loan
- unrecoverable loan
- unsecured loan
- upstream loan
- utilized loan
- variable rate loan
- viable loan
- watch loan
- weekly loan
- loan against borrower's note
- loan against goods
- loan against a guarantee
- loan against hypothecation of goods
- loan against payment documents
- loan against pledged bills
- loan against pledge of goods
- loan against a promissory note
- loan against securities
- loan against shares
- loan at call
- loan at interest
- loan at notice
- loan for a period of
- loan in sterling
- loan of money
- loan on bills of exchange
- loan on call
- loan on collateral
- loan on debentures
- loan on easy terms
- loan on favourable terms
- loan on goods
- loan on interest
- loan on landed property
- loan on merchandise
- loan on mortgage
- loan on pawn
- loan on policy
- loan on securities
- loan on the security of bills
- loan on short notice
- loans to customers
- loan without interest
- loan without security
- loan with participations
- loan with strings attached
- loan bearing no interest
- loan payable on request of the creditor
- accelerate a loan
- accommodate with a loan
- advance a loan
- allow a loan
- apply for a loan
- assess delinquent loans
- back a loan
- book loans
- call in a loan
- cancel a call loan
- complete a loan
- contract a loan
- cover a loan
- default on a loan
- disburse a loan
- downgrade a loan
- extend a loan
- finance a loan
- float a loan
- forfeit a loan
- get a loan
- give a loan
- grant a loan
- guarantee a loan
- issue a loan
- launch a loan
- liquidate a loan
- make a loan
- meet a loan
- monitor a loan
- negotiate a loan
- obtain a loan
- offer a loan
- pay back a loan
- pay down a loan
- pay off a loan
- place a loan
- provide a loan
- put out on loan
- qualify for a loan
- raise a loan
- recall a loan
- redeem a loan
- renew a loan
- repay a loan
- request a loan
- retire a loan
- retrieve a loan
- secure a loan
- secure a new loan
- service a loan
- sink a loan
- slash loans
- subscribe to a loan
- support a loan
- take up a loan
- warrant a loan
- write off bad loans2. v -
7 loan
8 float a loan
expr infml esp AmEI couldn't afford to pay cash for the car so I floated a loan — У меня не хватило наличных денег, чтобы уплатить за автомобиль, поэтому я взял в долг
9 market
10 amount
1. сущ.
1) величина, количество a large amount of work ≈ много работы considerable amount ≈ значительное количество enormous( huge, large, tremendous) amount ≈ огромное количество moderate amount ≈ умеренное количество negligible (paltry, small) amount ≈ ничтожно мало the full amount ≈ полный объем No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man can store up in his ghostly heart. ≈ Никакая сила пламени или свежести не может сравниться с тем, что человек может таить в своем темном и непонятном сердце. Syn: number, quantity
2) итог, результат, сумма What is the amount of this? ≈ Сколько это составляет? Syn: sum, total
3) важность, значение, значимость, значительность The amount of it is that you have too much to say in this case. ≈ Значение этого состоит в том, что вы будете вынуждены много всего объяснять в таком случае.
2. гл.
1) доходить( до какого-л. количества), составлять( сумму) ;
равняться (to) The bill amounts to L
40. ≈ Счет составляет сумму в 40 фунтов стерлингов. Syn: add up to, come to
2) быть равным, равнозначащим;
означать (to) to amount to very little, not to amount to much ≈ быть незначительным, не иметь большого значения This amounts to a refusal. ≈ Это равносильно отказу. What, after all, does it amount to? ≈ Что, в конце концов, это означает? Syn: add up to
3) добиваться( чего-л.) (to) I don't see how Jim can ever amount to much. ≈ Я не понимаю, как Джим сможет достичь чего-либо значительного.количество;
величина - small * of smth. небольшое количество чего-л.;
- he has any * of money у него денег хватает;
- * of business торговый оборот;
- * of housing жилищный фонд;
- * of turnover сумма оборота капитала;
- * of employment (экономика) занятость;
- in * по количеству, количественно;
- the * of clouds (метеорология) балл облачности;
- the * used (техническое) затрата;
- * of deflection( техническое) стрела прогиба все, весь объем, вся масса - a great * of negligence большая степень халатности;
непростительная небрежность;
- the * of evidence against him is great против него собрано огромное количество улик;
- he has an enormous * of energy он человек неистощимой энергии общая сумма, итог - what is the * of the debt? какова общая сумма долга? (бухгалтерское) основная сумма и проценты с нее - * due сумма к получению, причитающаяся сумма;
- * at risk (страхование) страховая сумма (to) составлять;
доходить до;
равняться - the bill *s to $ 25 cчет составляет сумму в 25 долларов (to) быть равным, равносильным, равнозначным, означать - to * to a refusal быть равносильным отказу;
- to * to very little, not to * to much не иметь большого значения, очень мало значить;
- what does it * to? что это значит?;
- it *s to this это означает следующее становиться, добиваться - he'll never * to anything из него никогда ничего не выйдетacquisition ~ сумма покупки acquisition ~ сумма приобретенияadvance ~ авансовая суммаaggregate ~ общее количество aggregate ~ общий итог aggregate ~ совокупная сумма aggregate ~ суммарное количествоamount быть равным, равнозначащим;
this amounts to a refusal это равносильно отказу ~ быть равным ~ величина ~ достигать ~ доходить (до какого-л. количества), составлять (сумму) ;
the bill amount s to l 40 счет составляет сумму в 40 фунтов стерлингов ~ значительность, важность ~ итог ~ количество;
a large amount of work много работы ~ количество ~ объем ~ основная сумма и проценты с нее ~ равняться ~ составлять сумму ~ сумма, итог;
what is the amount of this? сколько это составляет? ~ сумма ~ (денежная) сумма~ in arrears задолженная сумма~ in dispute спорная сумма~ in notes сумма, указанная на банкнотах~ in words сумма, выраженная словами~ of advance сумма аванса~ of appropriation сумма ассигнований~ of bill сумма векселя ~ of bill сумма счета к оплате~ of contract сумма контракта~ of cumulative value adjustments полная сумма переоценок актива баланса в соответствии с его текущей стоимостью~ of donation сумма пожертвования~ of dues сумма сборов~ of dues payable подлежащая оплате сумма сборов~ of fine сумма штрафа~ of fixed assets сумма основного капитала~ of grant сумма субсидии~ of guarantee сумма залога~ of income сумма дохода~ of increase сумма прироста~ of inheritance стоимость наследства~ of loan сумма займа ~ of loan сумма кредита~ of loans raised сумма полученных займов~ of loss сумма убытка~ of maintenance сумма обеспечения~ of money денежная сумма~ of premium премиальная сумма~ of provision сумма резерва~ of quota сумма квоты~ of sale сумма продаж~ of savings сумма накоплений~ of simulation вчт. объем моделирования~ of tax сумма налога~ of tax payable подлежащая уплате сумма налога~ of transfer сумма перевода~ to достигать ~ to доходить до ~ to означать ~ to равняться ~ to составлять сумму~ to be deducted сумма, подлежащая удержанию~ to be paid сумма к оплатеto ~ to very little, not to ~ to much быть незначительным, не иметь большого значения;
what, after all, does it amount to? что, в конце концов, это означает?appraised ~ оцененная суммаbasic ~ исходное количество basic ~ основное количество, базовая сумма (при начислении пособия и т. п.)~ доходить (до какого-л. количества), составлять (сумму) ;
the bill amount s to l 40 счет составляет сумму в 40 фунтов стерлинговcash ~ сумма наличнымиconditional sale ~ сумма условной продажиdata ~ вчт. количество информации data ~ вчт. объем данныхdifferential ~ дифференциальная суммаdocumentary credit ~ сумма документарного аккредитиваto ~ to very little, not to ~ to much быть незначительным, не иметь большого значения;
what, after all, does it amount to? что, в конце концов, это означает?donated ~ подаренная суммаdouble-figure ~ двузначная суммаdue ~ причитающаяся суммаearnings-related ~ сумма рассчитанная с учетом заработкаerror ~ вчт. величина ошибкиestimated ~ рассчитанная величинаexceptional ~ необычный итогexcess ~ избыточное количество excess ~ превышение установленной суммы excess ~ сумма превышенияfinal ~ итоговая суммаfull ~ полная суммаgross ~ валовая сумма gross ~ общее количествоguarantee ~ гарантийная суммаimmaterial ~ незначительное количествоincome tax ~ сумма взимаемого подоходного налогаinsurance ~ общая сумма страхования insurance ~ сумма страхованияinterest ~ сумма процентаintervention ~ сумма интервенцииinvested ~ инвестированная суммаinvoice ~ сумма фактурыinvoiced ~ сумма по счетуissue ~ сумма эмиссииlarge ~ крупная сумма~ количество;
a large amount of work много работыminimum ~ минимальная сумма minimum ~ минимальное количествоmonetary ~ денежная суммаmonetary compensatory ~ (MCA) сумма валютной компенсацииnet ~ сумма-неттоnonrecurring ~ единовременная суммаto ~ to very little, not to ~ to much быть незначительным, не иметь большого значения;
what, after all, does it amount to? что, в конце концов, это означает?notional principal ~ условная основная сумма кредитного обязательства в процентном свопеodd ~ некруглая суммаoutstanding ~ не предъявленная к платежу сумма outstanding ~ недоимка outstanding ~ неоплаченная сумма outstanding ~ непогашенная часть займа outstanding ~ сумма задолженностиpay an ~ выплачивать всю суммуpension ~ сумма выплачиваемой пенсииpremium ~ сумма страхового взносаrecoverable ~ возмещаемая сумма recoverable ~ количество, подлежащее возмещениюrisk ~ рисковая суммаsubscribe an ~ подписываться на определенную суммуsubvention ~ сумма субсидииsupplementary ~ дополнительная суммаsurplus ~ избыточное количествоtarget ~ планируемая суммаtax ~ размер налогов tax ~ сумма налоговtax-exempt basic ~ основная сумма, не облагаемая налогомtax-free ~ сумма, не облагаемая налогомtaxable ~ сумма, облагаемая налогомamount быть равным, равнозначащим;
this amounts to a refusal это равносильно отказуtotal ~ итог total ~ общая суммаtriple-figure ~ трехзначная суммаto ~ to very little, not to ~ to much быть незначительным, не иметь большого значения;
what, after all, does it amount to? что, в конце концов, это означает? soever: ~ присоединяясь к словам who, what, when, how, where служит для усиления: in what place soever где бы то ни было what: what pron emph. какой!;
what a strange phenomenon! какое необычное явление!;
what an interesting book it is! какая интересная книга! ~ pron conj. какой, что, сколько;
I don't know what she wants я не знаю, что ей нужно;
like what's in your workers' eyes? например, что думают ваши рабочие? ~ pron inter. какой?, что?, сколько?;
what is it? что это (такое?)~ сумма, итог;
what is the amount of this? сколько это составляет?withdrawal ~ сумма, снятая со счета -
11 amount
[əˈmaunt]acquisition amount сумма покупки acquisition amount сумма приобретения advance amount авансовая сумма aggregate amount общее количество aggregate amount общий итог aggregate amount совокупная сумма aggregate amount суммарное количество amount быть равным, равнозначащим; this amounts to a refusal это равносильно отказу amount быть равным amount величина amount достигать amount доходить (до какого-л. количества), составлять (сумму); равняться; the bill amount s to l 40 счет составляет сумму в 40 фунтов стерлингов amount значительность, важность amount итог amount количество; a large amount of work много работы amount количество amount объем amount основная сумма и проценты с нее amount равняться amount составлять сумму amount сумма, итог; what is the amount of this? сколько это составляет? amount сумма amount (денежная) сумма amount for distribution сумма к распределению amount in arrears задолженная сумма amount in damages сумма компенсации ущерба amount in dispute спорная сумма amount in notes сумма, указанная на банкнотах amount in words сумма, выраженная словами amount of advance сумма аванса amount of appropriation сумма ассигнований amount of bill сумма векселя amount of bill сумма счета к оплате amount of contract сумма контракта amount of cumulative value adjustments полная сумма переоценок актива баланса в соответствии с его текущей стоимостью amount of damage страх. сумма ущерба amount of depreciation сумма амортизационных отчислений amount of difference величина разницы amount of dividends сумма дивидендов amount of donation сумма пожертвования amount of dues сумма сборов amount of dues payable подлежащая оплате сумма сборов amount of exemption сумма вычетов при расчете налогов amount of fine сумма штрафа amount of fixed assets сумма основного капитала amount of grant сумма субсидии amount of guarantee сумма залога amount of income сумма дохода amount of increase сумма прироста amount of inheritance стоимость наследства amount of loan сумма займа amount of loan сумма кредита amount of loans floated сумма размещенных займов amount of loans raised сумма полученных займов amount of loss сумма убытка amount of maintenance сумма обеспечения amount of money денежная сумма amount of premium премиальная сумма amount of provision сумма резерва amount of quota сумма квоты amount of reduction сумма сокращения расходов amount of refund сумма рефинансирования amount of repayment сумма погашения долга amount of sale сумма продаж amount of savings сумма накоплений amount of simulation вчт. объем моделирования amount of tax сумма налога amount of tax payable подлежащая уплате сумма налога amount of transfer сумма перевода amount on deposit сумма вклада amount on deposit сумма депозита amount to достигать amount to доходить до amount to означать amount to равняться amount to составлять сумму amount to be deducted сумма, подлежащая удержанию amount to be paid сумма к оплате to amount to very little, not to amount to much быть незначительным, не иметь большого значения; what, after all, does it amount to? что, в конце концов, это означает? annual amount ежегодная сумма annuity amount сумма страхования ренты appraised amount оцененная сумма assessed amount оценочная стоимость balance sheet amount итоговая сумма балансового отчета basic amount исходное количество basic amount основное количество, базовая сумма (при начислении пособия и т. п.) amount доходить (до какого-л. количества), составлять (сумму); равняться; the bill amount s to l 40 счет составляет сумму в 40 фунтов стерлингов calculated amount вычисленная сумма carrying amount балансовый показатель cash amount сумма наличными compensatory amount сумма компенсации conditional sale amount сумма условной продажи contracted amount договорная сумма cover amount сумма покрытия data amount вчт. количество информации data amount вчт. объем данных debit amount дебетовая сумма debit amount дебетовый итог differential amount дифференциальная сумма disability amount пособие по инвалидности documentary credit amount сумма документарного аккредитива to amount to very little, not to amount to much быть незначительным, не иметь большого значения; what, after all, does it amount to? что, в конце концов, это означает? dollar amount сумма в долларах donated amount подаренная сумма double-figure amount двузначная сумма due amount причитающаяся сумма earnings-related amount сумма рассчитанная с учетом заработка error amount вчт. величина ошибки estimated amount рассчитанная величина exact amount точная сумма exceptional amount необычный итог excess amount избыточное количество excess amount превышение установленной суммы excess amount сумма превышения final amount итоговая сумма fixed amount постоянное количество full amount полная сумма gross amount валовая сумма gross amount общее количество guarantee amount гарантийная сумма immaterial amount незначительное количество income tax amount сумма взимаемого подоходного налога insurance amount общая сумма страхования insurance amount сумма страхования interest amount сумма процента intervention amount сумма интервенции invested amount инвестированная сумма invoice amount сумма фактуры invoiced amount сумма по счету issue amount сумма эмиссии large amount крупная сумма amount количество; a large amount of work много работы maximum amount максимальная сумма minimum amount минимальная сумма minimum amount минимальное количество monetary amount денежная сумма monetary compensatory amount (MCA) сумма валютной компенсации net amount сумма-нетто nominal amount номинальная сумма nonrecurring amount единовременная сумма to amount to very little, not to amount to much быть незначительным, не иметь большого значения; what, after all, does it amount to? что, в конце концов, это означает? notional principal amount условная основная сумма кредитного обязательства в процентном свопе odd amount некруглая сумма order amount сумма заказа outstanding amount не предъявленная к платежу сумма outstanding amount недоимка outstanding amount неоплаченная сумма outstanding amount непогашенная часть займа outstanding amount сумма задолженности pay an amount выплачивать всю сумму pension amount сумма выплачиваемой пенсии premium amount сумма страхового взноса purchase amount объем закупок recourse amount юр. сумма с правом регресса recoverable amount возмещаемая сумма recoverable amount количество, подлежащее возмещению recovery amount сумма страхового возмещения remaining amount остаток суммы residual amount остаток суммы residual amount остаточная сумма risk amount рисковая сумма sales amount объем сбыта subscribe an amount подписываться на определенную сумму subvention amount сумма субсидии supplementary amount дополнительная сумма surplus amount избыточное количество target amount планируемая сумма tax amount размер налогов tax amount сумма налогов tax-exempt basic amount основная сумма, не облагаемая налогом tax-free amount сумма, не облагаемая налогом taxable amount сумма, облагаемая налогом amount быть равным, равнозначащим; this amounts to a refusal это равносильно отказу total amount итог total amount общая сумма triple-figure amount трехзначная сумма to amount to very little, not to amount to much быть незначительным, не иметь большого значения; what, after all, does it amount to? что, в конце концов, это означает? soever: amount присоединяясь к словам who, what, when, how, where служит для усиления: in what place soever где бы то ни было what: what pron emph. какой!; как!; что!; what a strange phenomenon! какое необычное явление!; what an interesting book it is! какая интересная книга! amount pron conj. какой, что, сколько; I don't know what she wants я не знаю, что ей нужно; like what's in your workers' eyes? например, что думают ваши рабочие? amount pron inter. какой?, что?, сколько?; what is it? что это (такое?) amount сумма, итог; what is the amount of this? сколько это составляет? withdrawal amount сумма, снятая со счета -
12 amount
1. n1) количество; объем2) общая сумма, итог3) бухг. основная сумма и проценты с нее
- accession compensatory amounts
- accruing amounts
- aggregate amount
- aggregate amount of capital invested
- approved amounts
- available amount
- budgeted amount
- capitalized amounts
- carrying amounts
- claim amount
- contractual amount
- dealt amount
- drawdown amount
- equivalent amount
- estimated amount
- excessive amount of goods
- face amount
- fair amount
- fractional amount
- full amount
- gross amount
- guarantee amount
- guaranteed amount
- immense amount
- insurance amount
- invoice amount
- lump-sum amount
- mandatory amount
- net amount
- nominal amount
- original amount
- outstanding amount
- overall amount
- overdue amount
- penalty amount
- principal amount
- remaining amount
- reserved amount
- residual amount
- seasonal amount
- significant amount
- specific amount of metal
- substantial amount
- tax amount
- taxable amount
- tax-free amount
- tradeable amount
- uncollected amounts
- unlimited amounts
- zero bracket amount
- amount of accrued interest
- amount of advance
- amount of allocations
- amount of balance
- amount of a bill
- amount of business
- amount of capital investments
- amount of a claim
- amount of commission
- amount of compensation
- amount of a contract
- amount of credit
- amount of currency
- amount of damages
- amount of debt
- amount of delivery
- amount of deposit
- amount of a discount
- amount of drawings
- amount of drawing under a letter of credit
- amount of earnest money
- amount of excise tax
- amount of expenses
- amount of finance
- amount of financing
- amount of floated assets
- amount of a franchise
- amount of general average
- amount of housing
- amount of indebtedness
- amount of information
- amount of a letter of credit
- amount of a licence fee
- amount of a loan
- amount of losses
- amount of money
- amount of an order
- amount of payment
- amount of recovery
- amount of reduction
- amount of remuneration
- amount of sales
- amount of sampling
- amount of subscription
- amount of stock
- amount of turnover
- amount of the value-added tax
- amount of work
- amount claimed
- amount due
- amount free of tax
- amount owed
- amount owing
- amount paid into an account
- amount payable
- amount realized
- amount receivable
- amount subject to penalty tax
- amount subject to tax
- amount written off
- amount written off as losses
- double the amount
- charge an amount to the debit of an account
- deposit an amount
- enter an amount
- index an amount for inflation
- pass an amount to the credit
- pay an amount into current account
- recover an amount
- refund an amount
- reimburse an amount
- verify the amount of earnings
- amounts differ2. vсоставлять (сумму); равнятьсяEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > amount
13 market
1. n1) рынок2) биржа3) торговля4) амер. продовольственный магазин
- acceptance market
- active market
- actuals market
- advancing market
- agricultural market
- agricultural commodities market
- auction market
- bear market
- bid market
- biddable market
- black market
- bond market
- boom market
- bootleg market
- brisk market
- broad market
- bull market
- buoyant market
- buyers' market
- call money market
- capital market
- captive market
- car market
- cash market
- central wholesale markets
- chartering market
- closed market
- colonial market
- commercial banking market
- commercial paper market
- commodity market
- competition-free market
- competitive market
- concentrated market
- confidence market
- congested market
- consumer market
- control market
- core European market
- corn market
- corporate bond market
- covered market
- credit market
- curb market
- currency market
- dead market
- debt market
- demoralized market
- depressed market
- difficult market
- discount market
- distant market
- domestic market
- dual exchange market
- dull market
- easy money market
- effective market
- either way market
- emerging markets
- enduring market
- equity market
- Eurobond market
- Eurocurrency market
- Euro securities market
- exchange market
- exchangeable bond market
- expanding market
- export market
- external market
- falling market
- farmers' market
- farm labour market
- farm seasonal labour market
- finance market
- financial market
- firm market
- fixed-interest market
- flat market
- flexible market
- floated market
- fluctuating market
- food market
- foreign market
- foreign currency stock market
- foreign exchange market
- forward market
- fourth market
- fragmented market
- free market
- freight market
- fund market
- futures market
- gaining market
- giant market
- gilt-edged market
- gilts market
- glamor market
- global equity market
- glutted market
- gold market
- goods market
- government market
- grain market
- graveyard market
- gray market
- grey market
- heavy market
- heterogeneous market
- hired agricultural labour market
- home market
- homogeneous market
- housing market
- illegal market
- illiquid markets
- immediate market
- inactive market
- increasing market
- indeterminate market
- industrial market
- industrial labour market
- inflated securities market
- inland market
- insurance market
- interbank market
- interbank currency market
- intermediate market
- internal market
- international market
- international monetary market
- inverted market
- investment market
- jerry-built market
- job market
- kerb market
- labour market
- large market
- lawful market
- legal market
- licence market
- limited market
- liner tonnage market
- liquid market
- liquidity market
- lively market
- livestock market
- loan market
- local market
- locked market
- London discount market
- lucrative market
- machine and equipment market
- major market
- manpower market
- mass market
- mature card market
- merchandise market
- military market
- monetary market
- money market
- monopolized market
- narrow market
- national market
- new issues market
- off-board market
- offered market
- offshore market
- one-buyer market
- one-sided market
- one-way market
- open market
- open-air market
- option market
- organized market
- outer market
- outside market
- overbought market
- oversaturated market
- overseas market
- overstocked market
- over-the-counter market
- parallel markets
- passenger market
- pegged market
- physical market
- piggiback market
- placement market
- potential market
- price-elastic market
- primary market
- primary mortgage market
- produce market
- professional labour market
- profitable market
- property market
- prospective market
- protected market
- purchasing market
- railroad market
- railway market
- raw materials market
- ready market
- real market
- real estate market
- receptive market
- repurchase market
- resale market
- reseller market
- reserved market
- restricted market
- retail market
- retail public market
- rigged market
- rising market
- roadside market
- roller-coaster market
- rural market
- sagging market
- sales market
- saturated market
- seaboard markets
- secondary market
- securities market
- seesaw market
- seller's market
- sensitive market
- services market
- settlement market
- share market
- sheltered market
- shipping market
- shorthaul market
- short-term money market
- shrinking market
- sick market
- single market
- slack market
- sluggish market
- soft market
- sophisticated market
- speculative market
- speed market
- spot market
- spot currency market
- stable market
- stagnant market
- stale market
- steady market
- stiff market
- street market
- strong market
- substantial market
- tanker market
- tanker freight market
- technically strong market
- technically weak market
- terminal market
- test market
- thin market
- third market
- tight market
- tight money market
- tonnage market
- top-heavy market
- trade market
- trading market
- transport market
- travel market
- two-tier market
- two-tier foreign exchange market
- two-tier gold market
- two-way market
- uncertain market
- undersaturated market
- uneven market
- unlisted securities market
- unofficial market
- unorganized market
- unpredictable market
- unsettled market
- unsteady market
- upscale market
- urban market
- vast market
- volatile market
- volatile equity market
- weak market
- weekly market
- wholesale market
- world market
- world commodity market
- markets for equity issues
- market for a product
- market of foodstuffs
- market of inventions
- market of limited absorptive capacity
- market off
- above the market
- at the market
- at today's market
- in the market
- in line with the market
- in a rising market
- on the market
- affect a market
- assess a market
- bang a market
- be in the market
- be long of the market
- bear the market
- black the market
- boom the market
- branch out into a new market
- break into the market
- bring on the market
- bring to the market
- broaden a market
- build up a market
- bull the market
- buy at the market
- come into the market
- command a market
- congest a market
- conquer a market
- consolidate the country's fragmented market
- corner a market
- create a market
- develop a market
- divide the market
- dominate the market
- enter the market
- evaluate a market
- expand a market
- explore a market
- find market
- find a ready market
- flood the market
- force the market
- gain access to the market
- get access to the market
- glut the market
- hold a market
- investigate a market
- keep the market
- liberalize financial markets
- launch on the market
- make a market
- manipulate a market
- meet with a ready market
- monopolize a market
- open up new markets
- oust from the market
- overstock a market
- penetrate into the market
- play the market
- price oneself out of the market
- pull from the market
- pull out of the market
- put on the market
- raid the market
- regain a market
- retain a market
- rig a market
- rule a market
- secure a market
- seize a market
- segment a market
- sell at the market
- share markets
- sound the market
- split markets
- spoil the market
- study a market
- suit the market
- take over a market
- tap new markets
- test a market
- win a market2. vEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > market
14 aircraft
воздушное судно [суда], атмосферный летательный аппарат [аппараты]; самолёт (ы) ; вертолёты); авиация; авиационный; см. тж. airplane, boostaircraft in the barrier — самолёт, задержанный аварийной (аэродромной) тормозной установкой
aircraft off the line — новый [только что построенный] ЛА
B through F aircraft — самолёты модификаций B, C, D, E и F
carrier(-based, -borne) aircraft — палубный ЛА; авианосная авиация
conventional takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт с обычными взлетом и посадкой (в отличие от укороченного или вертикального)
keep the aircraft (headed) straight — выдерживать направление полёта ЛА (при выполнении маневра); сохранять прямолинейный полет ЛА
keep the aircraft stalled — сохранять режим срыва [сваливания] самолёта, оставлять самолёт в режиме срыва [сваливания]
nearly wing borne aircraft — верт. ЛА в конце режима перехода к горизонтальному полёту
pull the aircraft off the deck — разг. отрывать ЛА от земли (при взлете)
put the aircraft nose-up — переводить [вводить] ЛА на кабрирование [в режим кабрирования]
put the aircraft through its paces — определять предельные возможности ЛА, «выжимать все из ЛА»
reduced takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт укороченного взлета и посадки (с укороченным разбегом и пробегом)
rocket(-powered, -propelled) aircraft — ракетный ЛА, ЛА с ракетным двигателем
roll the aircraft into a bank — вводить ЛА в крен, накренять ЛА
rotate the aircraft into the climb — увеличивать угол тангажа ЛА для перехода к набору высоты, переводить ЛА в набор высоты
short takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт короткого взлета и посадки (с коротким разбегом и пробегом)
single vertical tail aircraft — ЛА с одинарным [центральным] вертикальным оперением
strategic(-mission, -purpose) aircraft — ЛА стратегического назначения; стратегический самолёт
take the aircraft throughout its entire envelope — пилотировать ЛА во всем диапазоне полётных режимов
trim the aircraft to fly hands-and-feet off — балансировать самолёт для полёта с брошенным управлением [с брошенными ручкой и педалями]
turbofan(-engined, -powered) aircraft — ЛА с турбовентиляторными двигателями, ЛА с ТРДД
turbojet(-powered, -propelled) aircraft — ЛА с ТРД
undergraduate navigator training aircraft — учебно-тренировочный самолёт для повышенной лётной подготовки штурманов
water(-based, takeoff and landing) aircraft — гидросамолёт
См. также в других словарях:
Liberty loan — any of the five bond issues of the U.S. government floated in World War I. * * * … Universalium
liberty loan — noun Usage: usually capitalized 1st L : one of the five United States government gold bond issues authorized by acts of Congress between April 24, 1917 and March 3, 1919 * * * any of the five bond issues of the U.S. government floated in World… … Useful english dictionary
France — /frans, frahns/; Fr. /frddahonns/, n. 1. Anatole /ann nann tawl /, (Jacques Anatole Thibault), 1844 1924, French novelist and essayist: Nobel prize 1921. 2. a republic in W Europe. 58,470,421; 212,736 sq. mi. (550,985 sq. km). Cap.: Paris. 3.… … Universalium
international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… … Universalium
Manchester United F.C. — MUFC redirects here. For other uses, see MUFC (disambiguation). Manchester United … Wikipedia
Northern Rock — This article is about the consumer bank. For the separate asset company, see Northern Rock (Asset Management). For the company s nationalisation, see Nationalisation of Northern Rock. For the company that this bank will be merged with, see Virgin … Wikipedia
List of privatizations — This list of privatizations provides links to notable and/or major privatizations. See also: Privatization .Privatizations by countryArgentina* Aerolíneas Argentinas, the former national carrier * ENTel (national telecommunications company)… … Wikipedia
money — moneyless, adj. /mun ee/, n., pl. moneys, monies, adj. n. 1. any circulating medium of exchange, including coins, paper money, and demand deposits. 2. See paper money. 3. gold, silver, or other metal in pieces of convenient form stamped by public … Universalium
History of the University of California, Los Angeles — The History of University of California, Los Angeles begins in 1919, when the Los Angeles branch of the California State Normal School became the Southern Branch of the University of California. After moving to its new campus in Westwood in 1929 … Wikipedia
History of trade for the People's Republic of China — Trade has been a very significant factor of the People s Republic of China s economy. In the twenty five years that followed the founding of the People s Republic of China in 1949, China s trade institutions were built into a partially modern but … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in Brazil — has proved to be a resilient and resourceful sector, despite tremendous challenges and persistent inequalities in the sector. A lot has been achieved during the past decades, including a sustained improvement in efficiency and improved access.… … Wikipedia