1 flat out
['flæt'aʊt]Australian slang: flat out like a lizard drinking -
2 на предельной скорости
Русско-английский политехнический словарь > на предельной скорости
3 напрямик
1) General subject: across country, baldly, bluntly, cross country, flat, flat and plain, flat out, flat-out, forthright, outright, over hedge and ditch, plump, point to point, point-to-point, roundly, straight on, straight out, in a beeline2) Dialect: plat, plat and plain3) American: across lots4) Automobile industry: downright5) Makarov: as the crow flies, in a crow line -
4 явный
1) General subject: apparent, avowed, blatant, blazing, broad, card carrying, card-carrying, clear, confessed, declared, downright, emphatic, evident, evidential, explicit, express, flat, flat out, flat-out, frank (о симптомах и т.п.), gross, insuppressible, manifest, mere, naked, obvious, open, ostensible, ostensive, overt, palpable, patent, plain, plumb, professed, pronounced, pure and simple, rank, sheer, simple, stand smb. up, stand-up, transparent, transpicuous, unconcealed, undeniable, undisguised, undissembled, unequivocal, unmistakable, unmitigated, unqualified, up-and-down, visible, without colour, writ large, outright, expressed2) Biology: frank (напр. о признаке)3) Medicine: discernible (напр. о симптоме), distinct, frank, manifestative4) Colloquial: positive5) Mathematics: decisive6) Religion: perspicuous7) Law: self-evident8) Architecture: clayey features9) Diplomatic term: decided10) Politics: absolute, arrant, dyed-in-the-wool, hardcore, hardened, hopeless, inveterate, out and out, paid-up, total, unrelieved, utter11) Jargon: bald-faced12) Oil: detectable (об отказе)13) Business: marked14) leg.N.P. express (as distinguished from implied or tacit)15) Makarov: bald-headed, bare, barefaced, conspicuous, direct16) Taboo: glaring -
5 предельный
1) General subject: all, as all get-out, flat (напр., скорость), flat out, flat-out (напр., скорость), limit, limiting, margin, marginal, maximum, outside, overall, supreme, ultimate, utmost, vera, very, deadline, extreme, uttermost2) Engineering: breaking, maximum permissible, top-of-the-line, top-of-the-range3) Grammar: terminate, terminative, terminatory4) Chemistry: saturate7) Automobile industry: finite8) Mining: breaking (о нагрузке)9) Cinema: terminal11) Business: peak12) Drilling: irreducible13) Polymers: satisfied (о соединениях)14) Quality control: tolerance16) General subject: marginal (в экономической теории) -
6 прямо
1) General subject: ( as) clean as a whistle, aboveboard, antipodal, avowedly, baldly, bang, barely, before (smb.'s) face, blankly, bluntly, bolt upright, broadly, chuck steak, chucker, clean, directly, downright, due, endlong, endways, erect, fair, fair and square, flat, flat out, flat-out, flusher, forthright, foursquare, frankly, full, head on, in plain English, in so many words, live, on the level, on the square, on the straight, outright, outspokenly, plumb, plumb (smth.) (чем-л.), plump, point blank, point-blank, right, roundly, sheer, slap (to hit somebody slap in the eye - ударить кого-либо прямо в глаз), slick, smack, sock, souse, square, squarely, stark, starkly, straight, straight ahead, straight from the shoulder, straight out, straightforward, straightforwardly, straightly, straightway, up and down, up-and-down, upright, direct (to go direct to London - поехать прямо в Лондон), harshly, plumply2) Computers: right up3) Colloquial: just, plunk, spang, it's straight ahead4) Dialect: plat5) Sports: upright adv6) Latin: in-situ7) Engineering: straight forward8) Rare: uprightly9) General subject: upfront10) British English: smack-bang11) Railway term: end-on-end (надпись на оборудовании)12) Law: specifically14) Simple: evendown15) leg.N.P. explicitly (as distinguished from impliedly, by implication, and tacitly), expressly, immediately16) Makarov: as clean as a whistle, butt, chuck, clean as a whistle, cleanly, directly (о направлении), directly (открыто), end up, endwise, flush, head-on, plainly, sincerely17) Emotional: dead -
7 изо всех сил
1) General subject: ( at) full fling, all out, all-out, amain, at full tilt, billy oh, flat out, for all one is worth, for dear life, full tilt, full-blast, full-pelt, galley west, hammer and tongs, horse and foot, like blazes, like grim death, like the devil, tooth and nail (to fight tooth and nail - бороться не на жизнь, а на смерть; to go at it tooth and nail - энергично браться за что-либо), with a mighty heave, with all ones might, with might and main, with a vengeance, over the top2) Colloquial: flat-out, full out, like mad, like anything3) American: galley-west4) Obsolete: beat the cats, to5) Jargon: bust a cut, like old boots6) Emotional: billy7) Set phrase: (бежать, мчаться, пр.) as fast as one's legs can carry one, (трудиться, стараться, пр.) for all one is worth, (трудиться, стараться, пр.) for dear life, (трудиться, стараться, пр.) with might and main8) Makarov: by main force, by main strength, for all it is worth, one's head off, with all( one's) force -
8 быстро
1) General subject: amain, aptly, at a good bat, at a quick pace, at the double, betimes, briefly, currente calamo, dartingly, flat, flat out, fleetingly, hand over fist, hotfoot, in (at) full pelt, in double-quick time, in short order, jargon, lightly, like a shot, like smoke, like the wind, neck and crop, nimbly, overnight, pat, pitter-patter, prompt, quick, quickly, rapidly, readily, roundly, skittishly, slick, soon, speedily, sweepingly, swift, swiftly, telegraphically, thick and fast, throw (в определенное состояние), trippingly, wham bam, with celerity, with despatch (to do something with despatch - делать что-либо быстро), with dispatch (do something with dispatch - делать что-либо быстро), with speed, apace, play fast and loose, promptly, at a rate of knots, in a whisper, fast (e.g. He drives fast - Он водит машину быстро)2) Medicine: celeriter3) Colloquial: bob, flat-out, in a crack, like a house on fire, make it snappy, live-o (Mostly used in the UK.)5) Poetical language: fleetly6) Latin: cito7) Military: hubba-hubba8) Religion: apace (In a swift manner, with speed, quickly)9) Economy: at a high rate10) Music: rapidamente, subito, veloce11) Scottish language: belive12) Jargon: hell to split, in no time, jet up, lickety-split, on the double, slippy, some, two shakes of a lamb's tail, horse apple13) Astronautics: rapid14) American English: at a good clip, at a steady clip15) Makarov: at full pelt, currente calamo (лат., букв. беглым пером), in full pelt, like a blue streak, suddenly, thick, with expedition16) Taboo: a-helling, hell to toot17) Gold mining: at a brisk pace -
9 неприкрытый
1) General subject: bald (о недостатках), barefaced, flat (напр., обман), flat out, flat-out, hard core, nude, overt, uncovered, unscreened, unsheltered, without colour, blatant2) Naval: unsheltered (от ветра)3) Military: insecure, undefended4) Jargon: bald-faced5) Makarov: bald-headed, naked, open -
10 отчаянно
1) General subject: desperate, desperately, devilishly, flat, flat out, foolhardily, for dear life, like grim death, feverishly, fiercely, deliriously3) Economy: tooth-and-nail4) Makarov: like hell -
11 сломя голову
1) General subject: at a breakneck pace, at a breakneck speed, at breakneck pace, at breakneck speed, by leaps and bounds, flat, flat out, full tilt, headlong, hell for leather, lickety split, like anything, pell-mell, pellmell, posthaste, slap bang, slap-bang, for all one is worth, for dear life, at full lick, at a dead run, fit to bust2) Colloquial: flat-out, hell-for-leather, lickety-split3) Poetical language: amain4) Set phrase: (бежать, мчаться, скакать, пр.) at breakneck speed, (бежать, мчаться, скакать, пр.) like mad5) Makarov: like blue murder -
12 утончаться
1) General subject: flat out (постепенно), thin3) Makarov: become thin, become thinner, grow thin, grow thinner, thin out, flat out -
13 выдохнуться
1) General subject: be played out, exhale, fizzle, flatten, play out, to be played out (о человеке), wither, wither away, flatten out (о буме), write oneself (о писателе), go off (о пиве), burn out (о челов.), lose (one's) air, be flat out, run out of steam2) Colloquial: peg out3) Jargon: get burned out (о чел.)4) Makarov: have no kick left, fizzle out -
14 как можно скорее
1) General subject: as early as possible, as soon as feasible, as soon as may be, as soon as possible, at the earliest possible moment, at your earliest, fast as can, flat out, soonest (форма, принятая в телексах и т.п.), with all possible despatch, with the greatest possible despatch, with the unmost despatch, with the unmost dispatch2) Colloquial: flat-out, now (I need to know it NOW)3) Economy: at the earliest possible date4) EBRD: asap -
15 напрягать все силы для победы
General subject: be flat-out to win, to be flat-out to winУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > напрягать все силы для победы
16 обычная догадка
Idiomatic expression: flat-out guess (He didn't win the count-the-pennies contest through skill; he just made a FLAT-OUT GUESS.) -
17 сходить на нет
18 полностью
1) General subject: ( in) hide and hair, all over, all ready, all the (the whole) way, all to pieces, at full stretch, at large, blankly, clean, completely, dead, down to rock bottom, entirely, every bit, exactly, from A to Z, from cover to cover, full blast, hundred per cent, hundred-per-cent, in all (a dozen in all - всего дюжина), in full, in its entirety, in whole, long, neck and crop, out and away, out and out, outright, overall, purely, quite, radically, right, right down, roundly, sheer, soundly, stark, stock and barrel, (в сложных словах имеет значение) stone, the whole shop, thorough stitch, thorough-stitch, to a T, to the fingernails, to the top of (one's) bent, totally, toto caelo, up and down, up to here, way, well, well and truly, whole hog, whole-hog, without reserve, all-out, fully, implicitly, wholly, utterly, overwhelmingly, by the slump, in the slump, sheerly, comprehensively, back and edge, plain out2) Naval: over-all3) Colloquial: and sinker, hollow, hook line, lock, stock and barrel, square, to a fraction4) American: for fair, from the ground up, teetotally, with both feet6) Literal: wholesale7) Engineering: full arc, full capacity (A new battery needs to be charged to full capacity)8) Mathematics: absolutely, altogether, as a unit, as a whole, at all, bodily, in total, of all, perfectly, readily, thoroughly, throughout, uninterruptedly, whatsoever, without gaps9) Religion: from A to izzard10) Railway term: all11) Economy: in toto12) Pharmacology: drip dry14) Australian slang: the whole bang lot15) Scottish language: athegither16) Jargon: body and breeches, flat-out, stone, plumb (I'm plumb fed up with this mess. Я полностью сыт по горло этим бардаком.), but (This thing has to be done but good. Это дело было полностью сделано.), massively, mondo, full sesh, cold, full-blast full blast17) Emotional: in extenso, right-down18) Business: all in all, all-in-all, 100%19) Invective: up the ass, shit20) Sakhalin R: all inclusive21) Makarov: all the way, all the whole way, chock, chuck, clear, closely, directly, down to the ground, every inch, full, good and proper, integrally, rich, richly, right to a T, solid, the whole way, through, to the full, to the top of (one's) bent (Shakespeare), top of (one's) bent (Shakespeare), up to the hilt, full advantage22) Marketology: in their entirety23) Phraseological unit: to a full degree, to the fullest degree -
19 лезть из кожи вон
1) General subject: break neck, do( one's) best, fall over oneself, sweat guts out, go overboard, move heaven and earth, break a neck, bend over backwards, go out of one's way2) Australian slang: flat out like a lizard drinking3) Jargon: go for broke, bust ass4) Set phrase: lean over backwards6) Idiomatic expression: fall over backward, jump through hoops -
20 мчаться
1) General subject: bucket, career, dash, drive, go like blazes, go the pace, hell, highball, hurtle, lash, post, race, rattle, rip (о лодке, машине, автомобиле и т. п.), rush, scud, shoot ahead, skirr (рассекая воздух), speed, spur, squatter, strike out, sweep, tear, tear along, tear down, zip (как пуля), career about, career along, career over, career through, hit the pace2) Colloquial: hotfoot, lick, powder, scorch, sling, slip along, whiz (об автомобиле и т.п.), whizz (об автомобиле)3) American: dust, go like sixty, go like sixty /split/, go like split, pour it on, wingding5) Hunting: bruise6) Jargon: drill, flat out, hot foot, hotfoot (it), snap it up, whoosh, whoosh (на автомашине и т.п.), high -tail it, high -tall, storm7) Makarov: fly, line out, sweep along, sweep over
См. также в других словарях:
flat-out — adj. downright; plain; unqualified; as, a flat out lie. Syn: out and out, outright. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flat-out — /flat owt /, adj. Informal. 1. moving or working at top speed or with maximum effort; all out: a flat out effort by all contestants. 2. downright; thoroughgoing: Many of the paintings were flat out forgeries. [1925 30] * * * … Universalium
flat-out — flat′ out′ adj. Informal. 1) cvb inf using full speed or all of one s resources: a flat out effort[/ex] 2) cvb inf downright: a flat out forgery[/ex] • Etymology: 1925–30 … From formal English to slang
flat out — INFORMAL ► as hard or as fast as possible: »Towards the end of the project the whole department was working flat out to meet the deadlines. Main Entry: ↑flat … Financial and business terms
flat out — If you work flat out, you work as hard and fast as you possibly can … The small dictionary of idiomes
flat out — ► flat out as fast or as hard as possible. Main Entry: ↑flat … English terms dictionary
flat-out — [adv] at top speed all out, all the way, at a good clip*, for all one’s worth*, full blast, head over heels*, in full gallop*, lickety split, the whole nine yards*, to the max, unrestrainedly, wide open, without reservation; concepts 574,762,781 … New thesaurus
flat-out — [flatout′] adj. Informal 1. at full speed, with maximum effort, etc. 2. absolute; thorough; definite … English World dictionary
flat out — adverb Date: 1932 1. in a blunt and direct manner ; openly < called flat out for revolution National Review > 2. at top speed or peak performance < the car does 180 m.p.h. flat out > 3. (usually flat out) absolutely, downright usually used as an… … New Collegiate Dictionary
flat out — 1. as fast as possible. The painters have been working flat out to get the job finished. She drives as though her car has only two speeds – flat out and stopped. 2. clearly and without confusion. The coach told me flat out, “You re too small.” I… … New idioms dictionary
flat out — 1. mod. totally. □ She was flat out mad as hell. □ We were all flat out disgusted. 2. mod. at top speed. □ They drove the thing flat out for an hour. □ If we run … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions