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  • 1 flat sole

    Обувная промышленность: плоская подошва

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > flat sole

  • 2 sole

    sole [sɔl]
    feminine noun
    ( = poisson) sole
    * * *
    sɔl nf
    sole inv (fish)
    * * *
    sole nf
    1 Zool sole;
    2 ( de four) hearth;
    3 ( de sabot) sole;
    4 Naut sole, (flat) bottom.
    [sɔl] nom féminin
    1. [d'un four] hearth
    3. [d'un cheval] sole
    6. CUISINE & ZOOLOGIE sole

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > sole

  • 3 sole

    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) fodsål
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) sål
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) søtunge
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) søtunge
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) eneste
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) ene-
    * * *
    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) fodsål
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) sål
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) søtunge
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) søtunge
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) eneste
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) ene-

    English-Danish dictionary > sole

  • 4 sole

    I səul noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) planta
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) suela

    II səul plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.)
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.)

    III səul adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) único
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) exclusivo
    sole n
    1. planta
    2. suela
    3. lenguado
    1 (only, single) único,-a
    2 (exclusive) exclusivo,-a
    1 (fish) lenguado
    1 (of foot) planta; (of shoe, sock) suela
    1 poner suela a
    sole ['so:l] adj
    : único
    sole n
    1) : suela f (de un zapato)
    2) : lenguado m (pez)
    planta (del pie) s.f. (Shoe)
    suela (Textil) s.f.
    exclusivo, -a adj.
    solo, -a adj.
    único, -a adj.
    lenguado s.m.
    palma s.f.
    planta del pie s.f.
    plantilla s.f.
    suela del zapato s.f.
    solar v.

    I səʊl
    a) ( of foot) planta f
    b) ( of shoe) suela f
    2) ( fish) (pl sole or soles) lenguado m

    adjective (before n)
    a) ( only) único
    b) ( exclusive) < rights> exclusivo

    they are sole agents for... — tienen la representación exclusiva de...

    transitive verb (usu pass)

    to have one's shoes soled and heeled — hacerles* poner suelas y tacones or (CS, Per) tacos a los zapatos

    I [sǝʊl]
    1. N
    1) (Anat) planta f
    2) [of shoe] suela f

    N (pl sole or soles) (=fish) lenguado m
    III [sǝʊl]
    ADJ (=only) único; (=exclusive) exclusivo, en exclusividad

    the sole reason is that... — la única razón es que...


    sole owner N, sole proprietor Npropietario(-a) m / f único(-a)

    sole trader Nempresario(-a) m / f individual

    * * *

    I [səʊl]
    a) ( of foot) planta f
    b) ( of shoe) suela f
    2) ( fish) (pl sole or soles) lenguado m

    adjective (before n)
    a) ( only) único
    b) ( exclusive) < rights> exclusivo

    they are sole agents for... — tienen la representación exclusiva de...

    transitive verb (usu pass)

    to have one's shoes soled and heeled — hacerles* poner suelas y tacones or (CS, Per) tacos a los zapatos

    English-spanish dictionary > sole

  • 5 sole

    I [səʊl]
    1) (single) solo, unico
    2) (exclusive) [ agent] esclusivo; [ trader] in proprio

    to be in sole charge of sth. — essere il responsabile unico di qcs

    II [səʊl]
    nome (pl. sole, soles) sogliola f.
    III 1. [səʊl]
    nome (of shoe) suola f.; (of sock) piede m.; (of iron) piastra f.; (of foot) pianta f.

    rubber, leather soled shoes — scarpe con la suola di gomma, di cuoio

    IV [səʊl]
    verbo transitivo risuolare [ shoe]
    * * *
    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.)
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.)
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.)
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.)
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.)
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.)
    * * *
    I [səʊl]
    1. n
    (of foot) pianta del piede, (of shoe) suola
    2. vt
    FALSE FRIEND: sole is not translated by the Italian word sole II [səʊl] n III [səʊl] adj
    1) (only) unico (-a), solo (-a)

    the sole reasonla sola or l'unica ragione

    2) (exclusive) esclusivo (-a)

    sole agentagente m or rappresentante m esclusivo

    * * *
    sole (1) /səʊl/
    1 (anat.) pianta ( del piede)
    2 ( di scarpa, ecc.) suola
    3 ( in genere) base; fondo
    4 (edil.) suola; soletta
    5 (elettron.) base; suola
    6 (geogr.) fondovalle
    sole leather, cuoio per risuolature □ sole plate, (edil.) piastra di fondazione; (mecc.) basamento, piastra di supporto; incastellatura ( di una macchina, ecc.).
    sole (2) /səʊl/
    (zool., Solea) sogliola.
    ♦ sole (3) /səʊl/
    solo; singolo; unico; esclusivo: the sole culprit, il solo colpevole; on my own sole responsibility, sotto la mia esclusiva responsabilità; (comm.) sole agent, rappresentante esclusivo
    ● (comm.) sole distributor, concessionario □ (leg.) sole heir, erede universale □ (leg.) sole owner, proprietario unico □ sole proprietorship, ditta personale (o individuale); azienda in proprio; impresa individuale □ sole right, diritto esclusivo □ sole selling rights, esclusiva di vendita □ (comm.) sole trader, imprenditore individuale.
    (to) sole /səʊl/
    v. t.
    * * *
    I [səʊl]
    1) (single) solo, unico
    2) (exclusive) [ agent] esclusivo; [ trader] in proprio

    to be in sole charge of sth. — essere il responsabile unico di qcs

    II [səʊl]
    nome (pl. sole, soles) sogliola f.
    III 1. [səʊl]
    nome (of shoe) suola f.; (of sock) piede m.; (of iron) piastra f.; (of foot) pianta f.

    rubber, leather soled shoes — scarpe con la suola di gomma, di cuoio

    IV [səʊl]
    verbo transitivo risuolare [ shoe]

    English-Italian dictionary > sole

  • 6 sole

    I 1. noun
    (Anat.; of shoe) Sohle, die
    2. transitive verb
    II noun
    (fish) Seezunge, die
    III adjective
    einzig; alleinig [Verantwortung, Erbe, Recht]; Allein[erbe, -eigentümer]

    he is the sole judge of whether... — er allein urteilt darüber, ob.../entscheidet, ob...

    * * *
    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) die Sohle
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) die Bodenfläche
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) die Seezunge
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) die Seezunge
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) einzig
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) alleinig
    - academic.ru/68733/solely">solely
    * * *
    [səʊl, AM soʊl]
    adj attr, inv
    1. (only) einzig, alleinig
    to take \sole charge of sb/sth die alleinige Verantwortung für jdn/etw übernehmen, allein für jdn/etw sorgen
    \sole exception einzige Ausnahme
    \sole surviving relative einziger überlebender Verwandter/einzige überlebende Verwandte
    \sole responsibility alleinige Verantwortung
    \sole survivor einziger Überlebender/einzige Überlebende
    2. (exclusive) Allein-
    \sole agency Alleinvertretung f
    \sole agent Alleinvertreter(in) m(f)
    \sole right alleiniges Recht
    \sole right to sell Alleinverkaufsrecht nt
    [səʊl, AM soʊl]
    1. FASHION [Schuh]sohle f
    2. ANAT [Fuß]sohle f
    <pl - or -s>
    [səʊl, AM soʊl]
    1. (fish) Seezunge f
    Dover \sole [Dover]seezunge f
    lemon \sole Seezunge f
    2. no pl FOOD Seezunge f
    filet of \sole Seezungenfilet nt
    * * *
    I [səʊl]
    1. n
    Sohle f
    2. vt
    besohlen II
    (= fish) Seezunge f III
    reason einzig; responsibility, owner, ownership alleinig; use ausschließlich

    with the sole exception of... — mit alleiniger Ausnahme +gen...

    for the sole purpose of... — einzig und allein zu dem Zweck +gen..., zum alleinigen or einzigen Zweck +gen...

    sole heirAlleinerbe m/-erbin

    * * *
    sole1 [səʊl]
    A s
    1. ANAT (Fuß) Sohle f
    2. (Schuh) Sohle f:
    sole leather Sohl(en)leder n
    3. TECH Bodenfläche f, Sohle f
    B v/t besohlen
    sole2 [səʊl] adj (adv solely)
    1. einzig, alleinig, Allein…:
    the sole reason der einzige Grund;
    sole agency Alleinvertretung f;
    sole bill WIRTSCH Solawechsel m;
    have sole distribution for den Alleinvertrieb haben für;
    sole heir Allein-, Universalerbe m;
    sole owner Alleininhaber(in);
    2. besonders JUR unverheiratet: feme sole
    sole3 [səʊl] pl soles [-z], besonders koll sole s FISCH Seezunge f
    * * *
    I 1. noun
    (Anat.; of shoe) Sohle, die
    2. transitive verb
    II noun
    (fish) Seezunge, die
    III adjective
    einzig; alleinig [Verantwortung, Erbe, Recht]; Allein[erbe, -eigentümer]

    he is the sole judge of whether... — er allein urteilt darüber, ob.../entscheidet, ob...

    * * *
    (fish) n.
    Scholle -n f. adj.
    einzig adj. n.
    Seezunge -n f.
    Sohle -n f.

    English-german dictionary > sole

  • 7 sole

    I səul noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) fotsåle
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) skosåle
    II səul plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) sjøtunge
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) sjøtunge
    III səul adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) eneste, ene
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) ene-
    subst. \/səʊl\/
    1) (sko)såle, fotsåle
    2) bunn, underside, underlag
    3) ( fisk i familien Soleidae) tunge
    4) ( fisk i familien Pleuronectidae) flyndre
    5) ( fisk i familien Bothidae) tungevar
    6) (på ski, også ski sole) belegg, skisåle
    verb \/səʊl\/
    adj. \/səʊl\/
    1) ene, eneste (av sitt slag), ene-
    2) (spesielt jus, spesielt om kvinne) enslig
    3) uovertruffen, enestående
    4) (gammeldags, poetisk) alene
    for the sole purpose of... med det ene formål å..., utelukkende\/ene og alene for å...
    in sole possession of i udelt besittelse av
    sole heir enearving
    sole sales right enerett til salg

    English-Norwegian dictionary > sole

  • 8 sole

    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) podplat
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) podplat
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) morski list
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) morski list
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) edini
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) izključni
    * * *
    I [sóul]
    podplat (noge, čevlja); technical podnožje, spodnji del; temeljna plošča
    sole leather — usnje za podplate;
    transitive verb
    podplatiti (čevelj)
    II [sóul]
    sam, edini, izključni; obsolete (čisto) sam; juridically neomožena, samska; poetically archaic osamljen, sam
    sole agency — edina, izključna agencija
    feme sole juridically neporočena (samska) ženska
    the sole heir — edini, univerzalni dedič
    III [sóul]
    morski list (riba)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > sole

  • 9 sole

    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) plante (du pied)
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) semelle
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) sole
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) sole
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) seul, unique
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) exclusif

    English-French dictionary > sole

  • 10 sole

    [səul] 1. n
    (of foot, shoe) podeszwa f; ( fish) ( pl inv) sola f
    2. adj
    ( unique) jedyny; ( exclusive) wyłączny
    * * *
    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) podeszwa
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) podeszwa
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) sola
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) sola
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) jedyny
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) wyłączny

    English-Polish dictionary > sole

  • 11 sole, flat-headed

    2. RUS японская палтусовидная камбала f, японская камбала-ёрш f
    3. ENG red halibut, flatheaded flounder, flat-headed sole
    4. DEU
    5. FRA

    2. RUS северная [узкозубая, охотоморская] палтусовидная камбала f
    3. ENG flat-headed sole, flat-headed flounder, cigarette paper
    5. FRA plie f à tête plate


  • 12 sole

    باطِن القَدَم \ sole: the flat bottom of a shoe; the underside of the foot. \ سَمَكُ مُوسَى \ sole: a flat edible sea fish; this fish as food. \ نَعْل الحِذَاء \ sole: the flat bottom of a shoe; the underside of the foot.

    Arabic-English glossary > sole

  • 13 sole

    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) il
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) sóli
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) sólflúra
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) sólflúra
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) einn, eini
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) einka-

    English-Icelandic dictionary > sole

  • 14 sole

    talp, egyetlen
    * * *
    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) talp
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) talp
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) nyelvhal
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) nyelvhal
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) egyetlen
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) kizárólagos

    English-Hungarian dictionary > sole

  • 15 sole

    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) planta
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) sola
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) linguado
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) linguado
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) único
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) exclusivo
    * * *
    [soul] n 1 sola do pé. 2 sola de sapato ou de chinelo. • vi solar, pôr sola.
    [soul] n Ichth solha, linguado.
    [soul] adj 1 só, sozinho. 2 único. 3 exclusivo. 4 abandonado, sozinho. 5 solteiro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sole

  • 16 sole

    adj. biricik, tek, yeğâne, özel, bekâr, yalnız
    n. taban, kaide, dil balığı
    v. pençe vurmak, taban koymak
    * * *
    1. ayak tabanı 2. pençe vur (v.) 3. tek (adj.)
    * * *
    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) taban
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) taban, pençe
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) dil balığı
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) dil balığı (eti)
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) tek, biricik
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) tek, yalnız

    English-Turkish dictionary > sole

  • 17 sole

    • jalkapohja
    • ainokainen
    • ainoa lajiaan
    • ainut
    • ainoa
    leather industry
    • antura
    • anturoida
    • puolipohjata
    • kengänpohja
    • kengänantura
    • meriantua
    • meriantura
    building / construction industry
    • perustus
    • yksin
    • yksinomainen
    • yksi
    • pohjata
    • pohja
    * * *
    I səul noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) jalkapohja
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) kengänpohja
    II səul plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) kampela
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) kampela
    III səul adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) ainoa
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) yksin-

    English-Finnish dictionary > sole

  • 18 sole

    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) pēdas apakša
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) []zole
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) jūras mēle
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) jūras mēle
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) vienīgais; viens vienīgs
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) ekskluzīvs; vienpersonīgs
    * * *
    pēdas apakša; jūras mēle; pazole; paltuss; pēda; pazolēt; viens vienīgs; vienreizējs; neprecējies

    English-Latvian dictionary > sole

  • 19 sole

    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) padas
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) padas
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) jūrų liežuvis
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) jūrų liežuvis
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) vienintelis
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) išimtinis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > sole

  • 20 sole

    adj. enda; ensam; endast, uteslutande
    n. skosula; fotsula; sjötunga (sorts fisk)
    v. sula om sätta på en ny sula
    * * *
    I [səul] noun
    1) (the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks.) fotsula
    2) (the flat surface of a boot or shoe that covers this part of the foot.) sula
    II [səul] plurals - sole, soles; noun
    1) (a type of small, flat fish: They were fishing for sole; three soles.) sjötunga
    2) (its flesh as food: We had sole for supper.) sjötunga
    III [səul] adjective
    1) (only; single: my sole purpose/reason.) enda
    2) (not shared; belonging to one person or group only: the sole rights to a book.) ensam-

    English-Swedish dictionary > sole

См. также в других словарях:

  • Sole — may refer to: Contents 1 Business 2 Fish 3 People 4 O …   Wikipedia

  • Sole — Sole, n. [F. sole, L. solea; so named from its flat shape. See {Sole} of the foot.] (Zo[ o]l.) (a) Any one of several species of flatfishes of the genus {Solea} and allied genera of the family {Soleid[ae]}, especially the common European species… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sole — Sole, n. [F. sole, L. solea; so named from its flat shape. See {Sole} of the foot.] (Zo[ o]l.) (a) Any one of several species of flatfishes of the genus {Solea} and allied genera of the family {Soleid[ae]}, especially the common European species… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flat foot — flatfoot flat foot (Med.) A foot in which the arch of the instep is flattened so that the entire sole of the foot rests upon the ground; also, the deformity, usually congential, exhibited by such a foot; splayfoot. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flat|fish — «FLAT FIHSH», noun, plural fish|es or (collectively) fish. any one of a group of fishes that live in the sea an are much used for food; fluke. Flatfish have a flat body, and swim on one side. Their eyes are on the same side of the head. Halibut,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • flat|foot — «FLAT FUT», noun, plural feet (for defs. 1 and 2), foots (for definite 3). 1. a foot with a flattened arch so that the entire sole touches the ground. 2. a condition in which the feet have flattened arches. 3. U.S. Slang. a policeman …   Useful english dictionary

  • Flat feet — Flatfoot redirects here. For the band Flatfoot 56, see Flatfoot 56. Flat feet Classification and external resources A flat foot. ICD 10 M …   Wikipedia

  • sole — sole1 W3 [səul US soul] adj [only before noun] [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: soul, from Latin solus alone ] 1.) the sole person, thing etc is the only one = ↑only ▪ the sole American in the room ▪ Griffiths is the sole survivor of the… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • sole — I UK [səʊl] / US [soʊl] adjective [only before noun] ** the sole person or thing is the only one of a particular type She is the sole survivor of the crash. His sole purpose in going there was to see Kelly. • have sole ownership/responsibility… …   English dictionary

  • sole — sole1 [ soul ] adjective only before noun ** the sole person or thing is the only one of a particular type: ONLY: She is the sole survivor of the crash. His sole purpose in going there was to see Kelly. have sole ownership/responsibility etc. to… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • sole — 1 adjective (only before noun) 1 the sole person, thing etc is the only one: the sole American in the room 2 a sole duty, right, responsibility etc is one that is not shared with anyone else: Derek has sole responsibility for sales in Eire. 2… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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