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  • 1 גג שטוח

    flat roof

    Hebrew-English dictionary > גג שטוח

  • 2 ארובה

    אֲרוּבָּהf. (b. h. אֲרֻבָּה, ארב) opening, whence 1) an aperture in the roof looking to the ground floor (answering to the Greek hypaithron, Roman compluvium), contrad. fr. חַלֹּון a garret window in the wall projecting above the flat roof. Bets.V, 1 (35b); cmp. Rashi a. l. Nidd.20b כסומא בא׳ like a blind man finding his way down from the ărubbah, i. e. hitting the truth by chance. Ohol. X, 1; a. fr.Pl. אֲרוּבֹּות. Ib. 4 sq.; a. e. 2) the opening panel of folding doors.Pl. as supra. Yoma 76a. Sabb.43a; 153b; Kel. XV, 2 read with Ar. אֲרוּכֹות.

    Jewish literature > ארובה

  • 3 אֲרוּבָּה

    אֲרוּבָּהf. (b. h. אֲרֻבָּה, ארב) opening, whence 1) an aperture in the roof looking to the ground floor (answering to the Greek hypaithron, Roman compluvium), contrad. fr. חַלֹּון a garret window in the wall projecting above the flat roof. Bets.V, 1 (35b); cmp. Rashi a. l. Nidd.20b כסומא בא׳ like a blind man finding his way down from the ărubbah, i. e. hitting the truth by chance. Ohol. X, 1; a. fr.Pl. אֲרוּבֹּות. Ib. 4 sq.; a. e. 2) the opening panel of folding doors.Pl. as supra. Yoma 76a. Sabb.43a; 153b; Kel. XV, 2 read with Ar. אֲרוּכֹות.

    Jewish literature > אֲרוּבָּה

  • 4 צריפא

    צְרִיפָא, צְרִיפָהch. 1) same. B. Mets.42a צ׳ דאורבני a cot of bulrushes. B. Bath.6a אבל לצ׳ דאורבני לא but he has no right to put up a cot of bulrushes (and let the rain drip on the neighbors ground), v. נְטַף. Men.64b חדא ידא אאיגרא … אצריפה one hand on a flat roof, and one on a cone-shaped roof, v. preced; Yalk. Ezra 1067.Snh.44a, v. צְרַף.Pl. צְרִיפִין, צְרִיפֵי. Succ.13b הנהו צ׳ דאורבניוכ׳ those cone-shaped bundles of bulrushes are fit to cover the Succah, when the top knots are untied. 2) pr. n. pl. Tsrifa (or Ts. d ʿEna), in Babylonia. B. Mets.86a ומשחין לצ׳ מצ׳ לעינא (Ms. M. מפומבדיתא לצ׳ דעינא ומצ׳ דעינא). Snh.44a (expl. אדרת שנער, Josh. 7:21) סרבלא דצ׳ (Ms. F. ס׳ צ׳, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 3) a cloak made in Ts. (v., however, צְרַף). 3) name of an idolatrous temple (and fair) in Ashkelon. Ab. Zar.11b.

    Jewish literature > צריפא

  • 5 צריפה

    צְרִיפָא, צְרִיפָהch. 1) same. B. Mets.42a צ׳ דאורבני a cot of bulrushes. B. Bath.6a אבל לצ׳ דאורבני לא but he has no right to put up a cot of bulrushes (and let the rain drip on the neighbors ground), v. נְטַף. Men.64b חדא ידא אאיגרא … אצריפה one hand on a flat roof, and one on a cone-shaped roof, v. preced; Yalk. Ezra 1067.Snh.44a, v. צְרַף.Pl. צְרִיפִין, צְרִיפֵי. Succ.13b הנהו צ׳ דאורבניוכ׳ those cone-shaped bundles of bulrushes are fit to cover the Succah, when the top knots are untied. 2) pr. n. pl. Tsrifa (or Ts. d ʿEna), in Babylonia. B. Mets.86a ומשחין לצ׳ מצ׳ לעינא (Ms. M. מפומבדיתא לצ׳ דעינא ומצ׳ דעינא). Snh.44a (expl. אדרת שנער, Josh. 7:21) סרבלא דצ׳ (Ms. F. ס׳ צ׳, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 3) a cloak made in Ts. (v., however, צְרַף). 3) name of an idolatrous temple (and fair) in Ashkelon. Ab. Zar.11b.

    Jewish literature > צריפה

  • 6 צְרִיפָא

    צְרִיפָא, צְרִיפָהch. 1) same. B. Mets.42a צ׳ דאורבני a cot of bulrushes. B. Bath.6a אבל לצ׳ דאורבני לא but he has no right to put up a cot of bulrushes (and let the rain drip on the neighbors ground), v. נְטַף. Men.64b חדא ידא אאיגרא … אצריפה one hand on a flat roof, and one on a cone-shaped roof, v. preced; Yalk. Ezra 1067.Snh.44a, v. צְרַף.Pl. צְרִיפִין, צְרִיפֵי. Succ.13b הנהו צ׳ דאורבניוכ׳ those cone-shaped bundles of bulrushes are fit to cover the Succah, when the top knots are untied. 2) pr. n. pl. Tsrifa (or Ts. d ʿEna), in Babylonia. B. Mets.86a ומשחין לצ׳ מצ׳ לעינא (Ms. M. מפומבדיתא לצ׳ דעינא ומצ׳ דעינא). Snh.44a (expl. אדרת שנער, Josh. 7:21) סרבלא דצ׳ (Ms. F. ס׳ צ׳, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 3) a cloak made in Ts. (v., however, צְרַף). 3) name of an idolatrous temple (and fair) in Ashkelon. Ab. Zar.11b.

    Jewish literature > צְרִיפָא

  • 7 צְרִיפָה

    צְרִיפָא, צְרִיפָהch. 1) same. B. Mets.42a צ׳ דאורבני a cot of bulrushes. B. Bath.6a אבל לצ׳ דאורבני לא but he has no right to put up a cot of bulrushes (and let the rain drip on the neighbors ground), v. נְטַף. Men.64b חדא ידא אאיגרא … אצריפה one hand on a flat roof, and one on a cone-shaped roof, v. preced; Yalk. Ezra 1067.Snh.44a, v. צְרַף.Pl. צְרִיפִין, צְרִיפֵי. Succ.13b הנהו צ׳ דאורבניוכ׳ those cone-shaped bundles of bulrushes are fit to cover the Succah, when the top knots are untied. 2) pr. n. pl. Tsrifa (or Ts. d ʿEna), in Babylonia. B. Mets.86a ומשחין לצ׳ מצ׳ לעינא (Ms. M. מפומבדיתא לצ׳ דעינא ומצ׳ דעינא). Snh.44a (expl. אדרת שנער, Josh. 7:21) סרבלא דצ׳ (Ms. F. ס׳ צ׳, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 3) a cloak made in Ts. (v., however, צְרַף). 3) name of an idolatrous temple (and fair) in Ashkelon. Ab. Zar.11b.

    Jewish literature > צְרִיפָה

  • 8 שפע

    שָׁפַע(cmp. שָׁפָה II) 1) to be smooth. Gen. R. s. 14 קורה שוֹפַעַת a smooth-trimmed trunk (of a palm-tree, v. שִׁפְעָה I). 2) to incline, slide. Neg. X, 10 השוֹפֵעַוכ׳, v. גַּבַּחַת; Sifra Thazr. Par. 5, ch. X. Tosef.Kel.B. Kam.VI, 15 תנור ששפתיו שוֹפְעוֹת לתוכו (not ששפתות) a stove the rims of which incline towards the inside; שפתיו שופעות לאחוריו if its rims incline towards its outer walls. Ohol. VII, 2 אהל שהוא שופעוכ׳ a tent the top of which goes slanting down, so that the flat roof is only of the size of a finger; a. e. 3) to pour out, run, discharge. Yalk. Lev. 554 כל זמן ששופע לתוכהוכ׳ as long as it (the spring) discharges its overflow into the garden, the vegetables get black (dark green) Nidd.IX, 8 (among the symptoms of approaching menstruation) ושוֹפַעַת and she discharges, expl. ib. 63b top. Bekh.III, 1 בהמה גסה ששָׁפְעָהוכ׳ a large domestic animal that discharged a clod of blood; a. e.Y.Hor.I, 46a top עד שישפע, read: שישמע, v. שָׁמַע. Hif. הִשְׁפִּיעַ 1) to make slanting. Erub.43b משְׁפִּיעַ ועולה משפיע ויורד (not משפיעו) let him make the wall slanting (from the centre) upwards and downwards (so that it should cast no shade). 2) to pour abundantly; to sell in large quantities; trnsf. to give in abundance. Dem. II, 4 כל המַשְׁפִּיעִים במדה גסה (Y. ed. המשופעים, corr. acc.) all wholesale dealers; אלו הן המַשְׁפִּיעִיןוכ׳ these are considered wholesale dealers, v. סִיטוֹן. Ber.32a (ref. to ודי זהב, Deut. 1:1) בשביל … וזהב שהִשְׁפַּעְתָּ להםוכ׳ on account of the silver and gold which thou didst pour upon them, until they said, enough!this was why they made the golden calf; (Yoma 86b שהרבית). Snh.108a דור … בשביל טובה שה׳וכ׳ the generation of the flood became overbearing only on account of the wealth that the Lord bestowed upon them. Ib. בטובה שהִשְׁפַּעְתִּיוכ׳ with the very blessing that I bestowed upon them, do they provoke me to anger; a. fr. 3) to give overmeasure. Tosef.B. Bath.V, 3 מקום שנהגו להַשְׁפִּיעַ משפיעוכ׳ where it is customary to give overmeasure, you must pour as much as is required: as long as the back and the bottom rim of the vessel are not wetted; a. e.Part. pass. מוּשְׁפָּע, v. infra. Pi. שִׁפֵּעַ 1) to make slanting. Part. pass. מְשוּפָּע; f. מְשוּפַּעַת; Pi. מְשופָּעִים, מְשוּפָּעִין; מְשוּפָּעוֹת Sabb.5a כותל מש׳ a slanting wall. Y.Ned.V, beg.39a היה המקום מש׳וכ׳ if the place in his court is sloping … the neighbor may protest (against washing being done in it), for he may say, thou pourest out, and it comes to my ground; a. e.(Yalk. Lev. 571 דרך משופע, v. מְשוּפָּש. 2) to cause to flow. Lam. R. to IV, 15 מהו ושפח וש׳וכ׳ what is vsippaḥ (Is. 3:17)? It means vshippʿa (he caused them to discharge blood), in order that the holy seed be not mixed up &cPart. pass. as ab. abundant, eloquent, verbose. Midr. Till. to Ps. 1:5 ed. Bub. (ref. to Prov. 15:7b) אלו המש׳וכ׳ this refers to those who are extremely fluent, but in whom there is not the sap of the Law; Yalk. Prov. 953 המוּשְׁפָּעִים. Pu. שוּפַּע; 1) to be made slanting; part. מְשוּפָּע, v. supra. 2) to be poured. Gen. R. s. 69 end; Yalk. ib. 120, v. 7, פַּךְ. Hithpa. הִשְׁתַּפֵּעַ to slant. Y.Erub.X, 26b bot. במִשְׁתַּפֵּעַ עשרהוכ׳ when the wall slants at the grade of ten hand-breadths to three.

    Jewish literature > שפע

  • 9 שָׁפַע

    שָׁפַע(cmp. שָׁפָה II) 1) to be smooth. Gen. R. s. 14 קורה שוֹפַעַת a smooth-trimmed trunk (of a palm-tree, v. שִׁפְעָה I). 2) to incline, slide. Neg. X, 10 השוֹפֵעַוכ׳, v. גַּבַּחַת; Sifra Thazr. Par. 5, ch. X. Tosef.Kel.B. Kam.VI, 15 תנור ששפתיו שוֹפְעוֹת לתוכו (not ששפתות) a stove the rims of which incline towards the inside; שפתיו שופעות לאחוריו if its rims incline towards its outer walls. Ohol. VII, 2 אהל שהוא שופעוכ׳ a tent the top of which goes slanting down, so that the flat roof is only of the size of a finger; a. e. 3) to pour out, run, discharge. Yalk. Lev. 554 כל זמן ששופע לתוכהוכ׳ as long as it (the spring) discharges its overflow into the garden, the vegetables get black (dark green) Nidd.IX, 8 (among the symptoms of approaching menstruation) ושוֹפַעַת and she discharges, expl. ib. 63b top. Bekh.III, 1 בהמה גסה ששָׁפְעָהוכ׳ a large domestic animal that discharged a clod of blood; a. e.Y.Hor.I, 46a top עד שישפע, read: שישמע, v. שָׁמַע. Hif. הִשְׁפִּיעַ 1) to make slanting. Erub.43b משְׁפִּיעַ ועולה משפיע ויורד (not משפיעו) let him make the wall slanting (from the centre) upwards and downwards (so that it should cast no shade). 2) to pour abundantly; to sell in large quantities; trnsf. to give in abundance. Dem. II, 4 כל המַשְׁפִּיעִים במדה גסה (Y. ed. המשופעים, corr. acc.) all wholesale dealers; אלו הן המַשְׁפִּיעִיןוכ׳ these are considered wholesale dealers, v. סִיטוֹן. Ber.32a (ref. to ודי זהב, Deut. 1:1) בשביל … וזהב שהִשְׁפַּעְתָּ להםוכ׳ on account of the silver and gold which thou didst pour upon them, until they said, enough!this was why they made the golden calf; (Yoma 86b שהרבית). Snh.108a דור … בשביל טובה שה׳וכ׳ the generation of the flood became overbearing only on account of the wealth that the Lord bestowed upon them. Ib. בטובה שהִשְׁפַּעְתִּיוכ׳ with the very blessing that I bestowed upon them, do they provoke me to anger; a. fr. 3) to give overmeasure. Tosef.B. Bath.V, 3 מקום שנהגו להַשְׁפִּיעַ משפיעוכ׳ where it is customary to give overmeasure, you must pour as much as is required: as long as the back and the bottom rim of the vessel are not wetted; a. e.Part. pass. מוּשְׁפָּע, v. infra. Pi. שִׁפֵּעַ 1) to make slanting. Part. pass. מְשוּפָּע; f. מְשוּפַּעַת; Pi. מְשופָּעִים, מְשוּפָּעִין; מְשוּפָּעוֹת Sabb.5a כותל מש׳ a slanting wall. Y.Ned.V, beg.39a היה המקום מש׳וכ׳ if the place in his court is sloping … the neighbor may protest (against washing being done in it), for he may say, thou pourest out, and it comes to my ground; a. e.(Yalk. Lev. 571 דרך משופע, v. מְשוּפָּש. 2) to cause to flow. Lam. R. to IV, 15 מהו ושפח וש׳וכ׳ what is vsippaḥ (Is. 3:17)? It means vshippʿa (he caused them to discharge blood), in order that the holy seed be not mixed up &cPart. pass. as ab. abundant, eloquent, verbose. Midr. Till. to Ps. 1:5 ed. Bub. (ref. to Prov. 15:7b) אלו המש׳וכ׳ this refers to those who are extremely fluent, but in whom there is not the sap of the Law; Yalk. Prov. 953 המוּשְׁפָּעִים. Pu. שוּפַּע; 1) to be made slanting; part. מְשוּפָּע, v. supra. 2) to be poured. Gen. R. s. 69 end; Yalk. ib. 120, v. 7, פַּךְ. Hithpa. הִשְׁתַּפֵּעַ to slant. Y.Erub.X, 26b bot. במִשְׁתַּפֵּעַ עשרהוכ׳ when the wall slants at the grade of ten hand-breadths to three.

    Jewish literature > שָׁפַע

  • 10 צריף

    צְרִיףm. (צָרַף) (narrow,) cone-shaped roof of reeds ; cone-shaped hut (v. Sm. Ant.3>, Engl, ed., s. v. Tugurium). Succ.I, 11 העושה … כמין צ׳ if a man makes his Succah in the shape of a cone (the walls forming the roof); Tosef. ib. I, 10. Sabb.56b אותו היום … נבנה צ׳וכ׳ on the day, when Jeroboam introduced two golden calves …, a hut was built (on the site of Rome), and this grew to be Greek Italy; a. e.Pl. צְרִיפִים, צְרִיפִין. Y.Ab. Zar. I, 39c יום … שני צ׳ ברומי on the day when Jeroboam …, Remus and Romulus came and built two huts on the site of Rome; Cant. R. to I, 6; Esth. R. to I, 9. Erub.55b יושבי צ׳ כיושבי קברים dwellers in cots are like dwellers in graves. Ex. R. s. 20 הרס את הצ׳ he destroyed the shepherds cots; a. e.גַגּוֹת צְרִיפִין pr. n. pl. Gaggoth Tsrifin ( Cottage Roofs). Men.X, 2. Ib. 64b; Y.Shek.V, 48d top פעם אחת … אית אתר דמתקרי ג׳ צ׳ או צ׳ ג׳ it once occurred during a drought …, when they did not know whence to get the ʿOmer, that a mute was there, and he put one hand on (pointed to) גגית (flat roofs) and one on צריפין (cone-shaped roofs); they brought him before Pethahiah (Mordecai), who asked, Is there a place called G. Ts. or Ts. G.?

    Jewish literature > צריף

  • 11 צְרִיף

    צְרִיףm. (צָרַף) (narrow,) cone-shaped roof of reeds ; cone-shaped hut (v. Sm. Ant.3>, Engl, ed., s. v. Tugurium). Succ.I, 11 העושה … כמין צ׳ if a man makes his Succah in the shape of a cone (the walls forming the roof); Tosef. ib. I, 10. Sabb.56b אותו היום … נבנה צ׳וכ׳ on the day, when Jeroboam introduced two golden calves …, a hut was built (on the site of Rome), and this grew to be Greek Italy; a. e.Pl. צְרִיפִים, צְרִיפִין. Y.Ab. Zar. I, 39c יום … שני צ׳ ברומי on the day when Jeroboam …, Remus and Romulus came and built two huts on the site of Rome; Cant. R. to I, 6; Esth. R. to I, 9. Erub.55b יושבי צ׳ כיושבי קברים dwellers in cots are like dwellers in graves. Ex. R. s. 20 הרס את הצ׳ he destroyed the shepherds cots; a. e.גַגּוֹת צְרִיפִין pr. n. pl. Gaggoth Tsrifin ( Cottage Roofs). Men.X, 2. Ib. 64b; Y.Shek.V, 48d top פעם אחת … אית אתר דמתקרי ג׳ צ׳ או צ׳ ג׳ it once occurred during a drought …, when they did not know whence to get the ʿOmer, that a mute was there, and he put one hand on (pointed to) גגית (flat roofs) and one on צריפין (cone-shaped roofs); they brought him before Pethahiah (Mordecai), who asked, Is there a place called G. Ts. or Ts. G.?

    Jewish literature > צְרִיף

См. также в других словарях:

  • Flat roof — Roof Roof, n. [OE. rof, AS. hr?f top, roof; akin to D. roef cabin, Icel. hr?f a shed under which ships are built or kept; cf. OS. hr?st roof, Goth. hr?t. Cf. {Roost}.] 1. (Arch.) The cover of any building, including the roofing (see {Roofing})… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flat roof — A flat roof is a type of covering of a building. In contrast to the sloped form of a roof, a flat roof is horizontal or nearly horizontal. Materials that cover flat roofs should allow the water to run off freely from a very slight… …   Wikipedia

  • flat roof — plokščiasis stogas statusas Aprobuotas sritis statyba apibrėžtis Stogas, kurio nuolydis nuo 0,7 ° iki 7 °. atitikmenys: angl. flat roof vok. Flachdach, n rus. плоская крыша šaltinis Statybos techninis reglamentas STR 2.05.02:2008 „Statinių… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • flat roof — roof that is not on an incline, horizontal roof or ceiling …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Flat Roof —   A slightly sloped roof, usually with a tar and gravel cover. Most commercial buildings use this kind of roof …   Energy terms

  • flat roof — noun : a nearly horizontal roof pitched for water drainage only …   Useful english dictionary

  • Roof — Roof, n. [OE. rof, AS. hr?f top, roof; akin to D. roef cabin, Icel. hr?f a shed under which ships are built or kept; cf. OS. hr?st roof, Goth. hr?t. Cf. {Roost}.] 1. (Arch.) The cover of any building, including the roofing (see {Roofing}) and all …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Roof plate — Roof Roof, n. [OE. rof, AS. hr?f top, roof; akin to D. roef cabin, Icel. hr?f a shed under which ships are built or kept; cf. OS. hr?st roof, Goth. hr?t. Cf. {Roost}.] 1. (Arch.) The cover of any building, including the roofing (see {Roofing})… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • roof terrace — UK US noun [countable] [singular roof terrace plural roof terraces] a small outside area on top of a flat roof where you can sit Thesaurus: roofs and parts of roofshyponym …   Useful english dictionary

  • roof garden — roof gardens N COUNT A roof garden is a garden on the flat roof of a building …   English dictionary

  • roof garden — ☆ roof garden n. 1. a garden on the flat roof of a building 2. the roof or top floor of a high building, decorated as a garden and used as for a restaurant …   English World dictionary

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