1 plate
[pleit]1) (a shallow dish for holding food etc: china plates.) prato2) (a sheet of metal etc: The ship was built of steel plates.) chapa3) (articles made of, or plated with, usually gold or silver: a collection of gold plate.) baixela4) (a flat piece of metal inscribed with eg a name, for fixing to a door, or with a design etc, for use in printing.) placa5) (an illustration in a book, usually on glossy paper: The book has ten full-colour plates.) estampa6) ((also dental plate) a piece of plastic that fits in the mouth with false teeth attached to it.) placa7) (a sheet of glass etc coated with a sensitive film, used in photography.) chapa•- plated- plateful
- plating
- plate glass* * *[pleit] n 1 chapa, lâmina, folha. 2 placa. 3 ilustração, gravura. 4 baixela de prata ou de outro metal. 5 objeto metálico com incrustações de prata. 6 prato. 7 pratada. 8 Electr ânodo, eletrodo positivo. 9 chapa fotográfica. 10 Typogr estereotipia ou eletrotipia. 11 Sports copa, taça. 12 armadura, couraça. 13 Zool carapaça. 14 Eccl prato de coleta. 15 Eccl fig coleta. 16 Dent dentadura postiça. 17 Biol lâmina, lamela. 18 Bact lâmina. 19 chapa de blindagem. 20 Archit frechal. 21 trilho chato. 22 Her besante de prata. 23 corte de carne de boi. • vt 1 chapear. 2 laminar. 3 incrustar. 4 blindar, couraçar. 5 Typogr estereotipar. 6 Bact preparar lâminas. -
2 plate
[pleit]1) (a shallow dish for holding food etc: china plates.) prato2) (a sheet of metal etc: The ship was built of steel plates.) chapa3) (articles made of, or plated with, usually gold or silver: a collection of gold plate.) baixela4) (a flat piece of metal inscribed with eg a name, for fixing to a door, or with a design etc, for use in printing.) placa, clichê5) (an illustration in a book, usually on glossy paper: The book has ten full-colour plates.) estampa6) ((also dental plate) a piece of plastic that fits in the mouth with false teeth attached to it.) dentadura7) (a sheet of glass etc coated with a sensitive film, used in photography.) chapa•- plated- plateful - plating - plate glass
См. также в других словарях:
Flat printing — Листовая печать; Плоская печать … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Printing — is a process for reproducing text and image, typically with ink on paper using a printing press. It is often carried out as a large scale industrial process, and is an essential part of publishing and transaction printing.HistoryWoodblock… … Wikipedia
flat-bed cylinder press — flat bed cylinder press, a printing press in which the paper is pressed between a revolving cylinder and a reciprocating flat surface holding the type or printing plates … Useful english dictionary
printing — /prin ting/, n. 1. the art, process, or business of producing books, newspapers, etc., by impression from movable types, plates, etc. 2. the act of a person or thing that prints. 3. words, symbols, etc., in printed form. 4. printed material. 5.… … Universalium
Printing press — For the history and technology of movable type, see Movable type. Printing press from 1811, exhibited in Munich, Germany … Wikipedia
printing press — a machine, as a cylinder press or rotary press, for printing on paper or the like from type, plates, etc. [1580 90] * * * ▪ printing machine by which images are transferred to paper by means of ink. Although movable type, as well as… … Universalium
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