1 flanking fire
Военный термин: фланговый огонь, фланкирующий огонь -
2 flanking fire
3 flanking fire
4 flanking fire
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > flanking fire
5 flanking
a воен. фланговый; фланкирующийСинонимический ряд:side-by-side (adj.) coincident; collateral; corresponding; lateral; parallel; side-by-side; skirting -
6 fire
огонь; стрельба; ркт. пуск; обстрел; пожар; зажигать, воспламенять; вести огонь; стрелять; производить выстрел; см. тж. engagement; firing; shootingbring fire to bear (on) — обрушивать огонь, обстреливать
dedicate the fires of a battery (to a unit) — ставить задачу (батарее) на специальную огневую поддержку (части)
— aerial fires— APC fire— close-supporting fire— counterbattery neutralization fire— direct-supporting fire— general supporting fire— gun fire— indirect laying fire— live ammunition fire— overwatching fire— post-action fires— single shot fire— smoke laying fire— spluttered fire— supporting fire— throw fire into— turn fire on -
7 flanking
[ʹflæŋkıŋ] a воен.фланговый; фланкирующий -
8 flanking
фланкирующий, обрамление( военное) фланговый;
фланкирующий - * attack наступление во фланг - * fire фланкирующий огоньБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > flanking
9 фланговый огонь
flanking fireБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > фланговый огонь
10 огонь
1) только ед. fire прям. и перен. разводить огонь ≈ to light a fire, kindle a fire, make a fire
2) (светящаяся точка, фонарь) light
3) воен. fire, firing вызывать огонь противника ≈ to draw the enemy's fire огонь зенитной артиллерии ≈ ack-ack сл. настильный огонь ≈ horizontal fire зенитный огонь ≈ flak частый огонь ≈ quick/rapid fire шквальный огонь ≈ heavy fire, mass barrage укрытие от огня ≈ cover( from fire) управление огнем ≈ fire control фланговый огонь ≈ flanking fire сигнальный огонь ≈ signal light пулеметный огонь ≈ machine-gun fire прицельный огонь ≈ aimed fire навесный огонь ≈ plunging/curved fire перекрестный огонь ≈ cross-fire прекращать огонь ≈ to cease fire прекращение огня ≈ cease-fire беглый огонь ≈ volley fire, rapid fire вести огонь ≈ to fire (on) ;
to shell заградительный огонь ≈ defensive fire огонь на разрушение ≈ battering воен. вспомогательный заградительный огонь ≈ emergency barrage воен. на линии огня ≈ in the firing line брит., on the firing line амер. артиллерийский огонь ≈ gun-fire автоматический огонь ≈ automatic fire зенитный заградительный огонь ≈ air-barrage ∙ %% сквозь огонь и воду ≈ through thick and thin пройти огонь и воду и медные трубы ≈ to go through fire and water, to go through thick and thin подливать масла в огонь ≈ to pour oil on the flames, to add fuel to the fire бояться как огня ≈ to smb./smth. like the plague из огня да в полымя страхование от огня треск огня шутить с огнем играть с огнем бенгальский огонь предавать огню предавать огню и мечум.
1. тк. ед. fire (тж. перен.) ;
(о человеке) fire-brand, live wire;
развести ~ make* a fire;
сгореть в огне go* up in flames, be* burnt in a fire;
греться у огня warm one self at/by a fire;
2. (свет) light;
разг. (блеск глаз) gleam;
зажечь ~ light* a lamp;
(об электричестве) put*/switch on the light;
погасить ~ put* out the light;
в домах уже засветились огни lights were already burning in the windows;
гореть огнём (о глазах) glow;
3. тк. ед. (стрельба, обстрел) fire;
(из тяжёлых орудий) gun-fire;
открыть ~ open fire;
вести ~ fire;
под огнём under fire;
в огне
1) (в жару) in a fever;
2) (в бою) under fire;
в ~ и в воду за кого-л. would go through fire and water for smb.`s sake;
из огня да в полымя out of the frying-pan into the fire;
между двух огней between two fires;
огнём и мечом пройти ravage with fire and sword;
бояться кого-л. как огня be* scared to death of smb. ;
пройти ~ и воду have* been through the mill;
играть с огнём play with fire;
его днём с огнём не найдёшь there`s not a trace of him anywhere. -
11 attack
атака; удар; воздействие; тушение пожара; атаковать; attack by superheated air действие перегретого воздуха attack aerial - сбрасывание или сливание огнетушащего вещества (состава) на лесной пожар с самолета или вертолета; воздушное десантирование средств лесопожарной службы; прокладка рукавной линии при помощи вертолета attack aggressive - энергичная атака; активные действия attack chemical - химическое воздействие; тушение пожара химическими веществами attack close - атака (тушение пожара) с близкого расстояния attack direct - подача огнетушащего вещества (состава) непосредственно на огонь; непосредственная атака на огонь attack dry - тушение пожара порошком attack dual agent - атака (тушение пожара) с применением двух типов огнетушащего вещества (состава) attack fire - атака (наступление) на огонь, тушение пожара attack first - первая (исходная) атака при тушении лесного пожара attack flanking - фланговая атака; тушение пожара с флангов attack foam - пенная атака, тушение пожара с помощью пенных средств attack frontal fire - фронтальная атака на огонь attack gas - тушение пожара инертными газами attack initial - первая (исходная) атака при тушении лесного пожара attack inside fire - атака (тушение пожара) изнутри attack massed - массированная атака (тушение пожара) attack master stream - атака (тушение пожара) с подачей сплошных дальнобойных струй; подача сплошных дальнобойных струй attack outside fire - атака (тушение пожара) снаружи premature - преждевременное тушение пожара attack single agent - атака (тушение пожара) с применением одного типа огнетушащего вещества (состава) attack steam - тушение пожара паром attack surrounding fire - атака (тушение пожара) с нескольких направлений attack two-platoon -' атака (тушение пожара) с двух направлений attack water - тушение пожара водой -
12 window
1) окно•- austral window - band window - basement window - bay window - berner's window - blank window - bow window - cant-bay window - casement window - centre-hung swivel window - centre-pivoted window - clearstorey window - combination window - compass window - continuous window - dead window - door window - dormer window - double window - double-casement window - double-glazed window - double-glazing window - drop slide window - false window - fan window - fisk window - fixed window - flanking windows - floor-to-ceiling window - folding-type window - french window - gable window - gabled dormer window - galactic window - garret window - guillotine window - hanging window - hinged window - hinged casement window - inspection window - jut window - lancet window - lattice window - louver window - low-side window - marigold window - metal window - mica window - mullion window - multiple-casement window - opening light window - oriel window - picture window - round-headed window - sash window - sashless window - shop window - single window - single-casement window - single-sashed window - sliding sash window - squint window - stationary window - storm window - stormproof window - three-light window - top hung window - transom window - triple-casement window - two-fold window - two-light frame window - venetian window - ventilating window - viewing window - watch window - wheel window* * *окно- aluminum window
- arched window
- attic window
- awning window
- back window
- basement window
- bay window
- blank window
- blind window
- bottom hinged window
- bow window
- cant-bay window
- casement window
- cellar window
- clearstory window
- combination window
- compass window
- dead window
- door window
- dormer window
- double window
- double casement window
- double-hung sash window
- double-hung window
- drop window
- extract window
- false window
- fan window
- fire brigade access window
- flanking window
- floor-to-ceiling window
- flower window
- French window
- full-height window
- gable window
- gemel window
- gliding window
- horizontal sliding window
- hung-sash window
- in-swinging window
- interior glazed window
- jut window
- lancet window
- louver window
- nook window
- oriel window
- reversible window
- ribbon window
- room-heigh window
- rose window
- sash window
- shop window
- show window
- single casement window
- single-hung window
- single-light window
- sliding window
- stained glass window
- storm window
- top hung window
- utility window
- vertically pivoted window
- vertical sliding window
- walk-on window
- wheel window -
13 FA
1) Общая лексика: U.S. area phone code A Football Agency2) Компьютерная техника: Finite Automata, Finite Automaton, Functional Application3) Геология: Пробирный анализ ( Fire assay)4) Спорт: Family And, Free Agent, Футбольная ассоциация5) Военный термин: Feasibility Assessment, Fighter Attack, Frankford Arsenal, Freeboard Aft, Freedom Arms, French Army, From Arpanet, Full Accounting, Functional Architecture, Fusil Automatique, failure analysis, family allowance, field activity, field allowance, field ambulance, field army, fighter allocator, fighter alter, final assembly, financial adviser, fine alignment, fire alarm, fire arms, fitter/armourer, flag allowance, flight accident, flight attendant, forward area, free area, frequency agility, friendly aircraft, fully automatic, further assignment, Frontal Aviation (FSU), ПА (полевая артиллерия)6) Техника: aeronautical station, facsimile amplifier, failure access, final address register, flat-gain amplifier, frame antenna, functional assembly, обозначение для воздушных станций (МСЭ), оператор управления авиационными средствами7) Шутливое выражение: Food Addicts8) Химия: Fully Amorphous9) Математика: факторный анализ (factor analysis)10) Юридический термин: Female Adult, Fine Attitude11) Бухгалтерия: Закон о Бюджете (ежегодно принимаемый парламентом Великобритании)12) Грубое выражение: For Arse, Fuck All, Fucking A, Fucking Arseholes13) Металлургия: Fresh Area14) Телекоммуникации: Failed Answer15) Сокращение: Football Association, Fraticide Avoidance, Frequency Agile, Russian Frontal Aviation, fore and aft, free aperture, Field Army (China), Persian (Farsi), основные фонды (Fixed Assets), Area Forecast (aviation), Certified Mail (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Factor Analysis, Factories Act 1961 (UK), Faculty Assistant, Failure Alarm, Fairchild Aircraft, Faith Alive, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Fallen Angel, False Alarm, Fame Academy (UK BBC series), Family Assistance, Family Auto (car dealers), FanArt, Fanconi Anemia (form of aplastic anemia), Fanny Adams, Farm Aid, Farmers' Almanac, Fat Admirer, Fat Albert (fictional character), Feasibility Analysis, Federal Agent, Federal Association, Felonious Assault (law enforcement), Fenton's Approximation (Algorithm), Feudal Age, Fiber Adapter, Fibonacci Association, FictionAlley.org, Field Activities, Field Authorization, Fiery Avenger (Everquest game), Filiae Amatissimae (Latin: To (My) Beloved Daughter, epigraphy), Final Acceptance, Final Alert (mapmaking program), Final Approach, Final Approval, Final Art (desktop publishing/printing/design; approved by client and ready to go to production), Finally Approved (sarcastic variation of Final Approval), Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Financial Advisor, Financial Agent, Financial Aid, Financial Assurance, Finanzamt (German: revenue office), Fine Arts, Fiona Apple (singer), Firearms (half-life modification), Fireman Apprentice, Firma (German: company), First Aid/Medical Aid Station, First Article, Fiscal Agent (Medicaid), Fixed Assets, Flanking Attack, Flash Animation, Flexible Alerting, Fluorescein Angiogramic Angiography, Fluorescein Angiography (retinal, choroidal and iris blood vessels testing), Fluorescent Antibody (laboratory virus testing), Fly Ash (mineral admixture for concrete), Focus Alert, Focus Amplifier, Focus Area, Food Allergy, For Auction, Force Analyzer, Forced Air, Forced Answer, Foreign Agent (network node), Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Foreign Military Affairs, Formal Advertising, Formic Acid, Forte Agent, Fourier Analysis, Framework Approach, Frankford Arsenal (PA; ammunition headstamp), Frankfort Arsenal (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Freakin' A! (polite form), Fredericksburg Academy, Free Agent (baseball, football, etc.; player who may sign with any team), French Angora (rabbit), Frequency Agile/Agility, Friederich's Ataxia, Friends Always, Frontal Aviation, Fuel Assembly, Fulbright Association, Full Arc, Full Armor (anime), Fulvic Acid, Function Analysis (product engineering / development tool), Functional Acknowledgment, Functional Administrator, Functional Allocation, Functional Analysis, Functional Assessment, Fund Accounting, Funds Allocated (USACE), Fur Affinity (web site), Fury Assembly, Fuse Alarm, feasibility assessment (US DoD), fractional anisotropy16) Университет: Final Answer, Full Accreditation17) Физиология: Failed appointment, Fat Analysis, Forearm18) Электроника: Filter Anode19) Вычислительная техника: Football Association (British soccer--a word derived from Association), final address (register), (полный) сумматор, (полный)(одноразрядный) сумматор с тремя входами20) Нефть: foaming agents, анализ отказов (failure analysis)21) Иммунология: Fluorescent Antibody22) Транспорт: Flight Attendants, Flying Accident23) Фирменный знак: First Alert24) Экология: free air25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: full authority, Functional Authority26) Образование: Frequently Asked27) Сетевые технологии: fully accessible28) Полимеры: fatty acid, folic acid, furfuryl alcohol29) Автоматика: factory automation, full adder30) Химическое оружие: functional area31) SAP.тех. автоматически переадресовано32) Электротехника: frequency adjustment, field-accelerating (relay)33) Должность: Field Agent34) NYSE. Fairchild Corporation35) НАСА: First Alien, First Ascent -
14 Fa
1) Общая лексика: U.S. area phone code A Football Agency2) Компьютерная техника: Finite Automata, Finite Automaton, Functional Application3) Геология: Пробирный анализ ( Fire assay)4) Спорт: Family And, Free Agent, Футбольная ассоциация5) Военный термин: Feasibility Assessment, Fighter Attack, Frankford Arsenal, Freeboard Aft, Freedom Arms, French Army, From Arpanet, Full Accounting, Functional Architecture, Fusil Automatique, failure analysis, family allowance, field activity, field allowance, field ambulance, field army, fighter allocator, fighter alter, final assembly, financial adviser, fine alignment, fire alarm, fire arms, fitter/armourer, flag allowance, flight accident, flight attendant, forward area, free area, frequency agility, friendly aircraft, fully automatic, further assignment, Frontal Aviation (FSU), ПА (полевая артиллерия)6) Техника: aeronautical station, facsimile amplifier, failure access, final address register, flat-gain amplifier, frame antenna, functional assembly, обозначение для воздушных станций (МСЭ), оператор управления авиационными средствами7) Шутливое выражение: Food Addicts8) Химия: Fully Amorphous9) Математика: факторный анализ (factor analysis)10) Юридический термин: Female Adult, Fine Attitude11) Бухгалтерия: Закон о Бюджете (ежегодно принимаемый парламентом Великобритании)12) Грубое выражение: For Arse, Fuck All, Fucking A, Fucking Arseholes13) Металлургия: Fresh Area14) Телекоммуникации: Failed Answer15) Сокращение: Football Association, Fraticide Avoidance, Frequency Agile, Russian Frontal Aviation, fore and aft, free aperture, Field Army (China), Persian (Farsi), основные фонды (Fixed Assets), Area Forecast (aviation), Certified Mail (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Factor Analysis, Factories Act 1961 (UK), Faculty Assistant, Failure Alarm, Fairchild Aircraft, Faith Alive, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Fallen Angel, False Alarm, Fame Academy (UK BBC series), Family Assistance, Family Auto (car dealers), FanArt, Fanconi Anemia (form of aplastic anemia), Fanny Adams, Farm Aid, Farmers' Almanac, Fat Admirer, Fat Albert (fictional character), Feasibility Analysis, Federal Agent, Federal Association, Felonious Assault (law enforcement), Fenton's Approximation (Algorithm), Feudal Age, Fiber Adapter, Fibonacci Association, FictionAlley.org, Field Activities, Field Authorization, Fiery Avenger (Everquest game), Filiae Amatissimae (Latin: To (My) Beloved Daughter, epigraphy), Final Acceptance, Final Alert (mapmaking program), Final Approach, Final Approval, Final Art (desktop publishing/printing/design; approved by client and ready to go to production), Finally Approved (sarcastic variation of Final Approval), Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Financial Advisor, Financial Agent, Financial Aid, Financial Assurance, Finanzamt (German: revenue office), Fine Arts, Fiona Apple (singer), Firearms (half-life modification), Fireman Apprentice, Firma (German: company), First Aid/Medical Aid Station, First Article, Fiscal Agent (Medicaid), Fixed Assets, Flanking Attack, Flash Animation, Flexible Alerting, Fluorescein Angiogramic Angiography, Fluorescein Angiography (retinal, choroidal and iris blood vessels testing), Fluorescent Antibody (laboratory virus testing), Fly Ash (mineral admixture for concrete), Focus Alert, Focus Amplifier, Focus Area, Food Allergy, For Auction, Force Analyzer, Forced Air, Forced Answer, Foreign Agent (network node), Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Foreign Military Affairs, Formal Advertising, Formic Acid, Forte Agent, Fourier Analysis, Framework Approach, Frankford Arsenal (PA; ammunition headstamp), Frankfort Arsenal (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Freakin' A! (polite form), Fredericksburg Academy, Free Agent (baseball, football, etc.; player who may sign with any team), French Angora (rabbit), Frequency Agile/Agility, Friederich's Ataxia, Friends Always, Frontal Aviation, Fuel Assembly, Fulbright Association, Full Arc, Full Armor (anime), Fulvic Acid, Function Analysis (product engineering / development tool), Functional Acknowledgment, Functional Administrator, Functional Allocation, Functional Analysis, Functional Assessment, Fund Accounting, Funds Allocated (USACE), Fur Affinity (web site), Fury Assembly, Fuse Alarm, feasibility assessment (US DoD), fractional anisotropy16) Университет: Final Answer, Full Accreditation17) Физиология: Failed appointment, Fat Analysis, Forearm18) Электроника: Filter Anode19) Вычислительная техника: Football Association (British soccer--a word derived from Association), final address (register), (полный) сумматор, (полный)(одноразрядный) сумматор с тремя входами20) Нефть: foaming agents, анализ отказов (failure analysis)21) Иммунология: Fluorescent Antibody22) Транспорт: Flight Attendants, Flying Accident23) Фирменный знак: First Alert24) Экология: free air25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: full authority, Functional Authority26) Образование: Frequently Asked27) Сетевые технологии: fully accessible28) Полимеры: fatty acid, folic acid, furfuryl alcohol29) Автоматика: factory automation, full adder30) Химическое оружие: functional area31) SAP.тех. автоматически переадресовано32) Электротехника: frequency adjustment, field-accelerating (relay)33) Должность: Field Agent34) NYSE. Fairchild Corporation35) НАСА: First Alien, First Ascent -
15 fA
1) Общая лексика: U.S. area phone code A Football Agency2) Компьютерная техника: Finite Automata, Finite Automaton, Functional Application3) Геология: Пробирный анализ ( Fire assay)4) Спорт: Family And, Free Agent, Футбольная ассоциация5) Военный термин: Feasibility Assessment, Fighter Attack, Frankford Arsenal, Freeboard Aft, Freedom Arms, French Army, From Arpanet, Full Accounting, Functional Architecture, Fusil Automatique, failure analysis, family allowance, field activity, field allowance, field ambulance, field army, fighter allocator, fighter alter, final assembly, financial adviser, fine alignment, fire alarm, fire arms, fitter/armourer, flag allowance, flight accident, flight attendant, forward area, free area, frequency agility, friendly aircraft, fully automatic, further assignment, Frontal Aviation (FSU), ПА (полевая артиллерия)6) Техника: aeronautical station, facsimile amplifier, failure access, final address register, flat-gain amplifier, frame antenna, functional assembly, обозначение для воздушных станций (МСЭ), оператор управления авиационными средствами7) Шутливое выражение: Food Addicts8) Химия: Fully Amorphous9) Математика: факторный анализ (factor analysis)10) Юридический термин: Female Adult, Fine Attitude11) Бухгалтерия: Закон о Бюджете (ежегодно принимаемый парламентом Великобритании)12) Грубое выражение: For Arse, Fuck All, Fucking A, Fucking Arseholes13) Металлургия: Fresh Area14) Телекоммуникации: Failed Answer15) Сокращение: Football Association, Fraticide Avoidance, Frequency Agile, Russian Frontal Aviation, fore and aft, free aperture, Field Army (China), Persian (Farsi), основные фонды (Fixed Assets), Area Forecast (aviation), Certified Mail (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Factor Analysis, Factories Act 1961 (UK), Faculty Assistant, Failure Alarm, Fairchild Aircraft, Faith Alive, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Fallen Angel, False Alarm, Fame Academy (UK BBC series), Family Assistance, Family Auto (car dealers), FanArt, Fanconi Anemia (form of aplastic anemia), Fanny Adams, Farm Aid, Farmers' Almanac, Fat Admirer, Fat Albert (fictional character), Feasibility Analysis, Federal Agent, Federal Association, Felonious Assault (law enforcement), Fenton's Approximation (Algorithm), Feudal Age, Fiber Adapter, Fibonacci Association, FictionAlley.org, Field Activities, Field Authorization, Fiery Avenger (Everquest game), Filiae Amatissimae (Latin: To (My) Beloved Daughter, epigraphy), Final Acceptance, Final Alert (mapmaking program), Final Approach, Final Approval, Final Art (desktop publishing/printing/design; approved by client and ready to go to production), Finally Approved (sarcastic variation of Final Approval), Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Financial Advisor, Financial Agent, Financial Aid, Financial Assurance, Finanzamt (German: revenue office), Fine Arts, Fiona Apple (singer), Firearms (half-life modification), Fireman Apprentice, Firma (German: company), First Aid/Medical Aid Station, First Article, Fiscal Agent (Medicaid), Fixed Assets, Flanking Attack, Flash Animation, Flexible Alerting, Fluorescein Angiogramic Angiography, Fluorescein Angiography (retinal, choroidal and iris blood vessels testing), Fluorescent Antibody (laboratory virus testing), Fly Ash (mineral admixture for concrete), Focus Alert, Focus Amplifier, Focus Area, Food Allergy, For Auction, Force Analyzer, Forced Air, Forced Answer, Foreign Agent (network node), Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Foreign Military Affairs, Formal Advertising, Formic Acid, Forte Agent, Fourier Analysis, Framework Approach, Frankford Arsenal (PA; ammunition headstamp), Frankfort Arsenal (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Freakin' A! (polite form), Fredericksburg Academy, Free Agent (baseball, football, etc.; player who may sign with any team), French Angora (rabbit), Frequency Agile/Agility, Friederich's Ataxia, Friends Always, Frontal Aviation, Fuel Assembly, Fulbright Association, Full Arc, Full Armor (anime), Fulvic Acid, Function Analysis (product engineering / development tool), Functional Acknowledgment, Functional Administrator, Functional Allocation, Functional Analysis, Functional Assessment, Fund Accounting, Funds Allocated (USACE), Fur Affinity (web site), Fury Assembly, Fuse Alarm, feasibility assessment (US DoD), fractional anisotropy16) Университет: Final Answer, Full Accreditation17) Физиология: Failed appointment, Fat Analysis, Forearm18) Электроника: Filter Anode19) Вычислительная техника: Football Association (British soccer--a word derived from Association), final address (register), (полный) сумматор, (полный)(одноразрядный) сумматор с тремя входами20) Нефть: foaming agents, анализ отказов (failure analysis)21) Иммунология: Fluorescent Antibody22) Транспорт: Flight Attendants, Flying Accident23) Фирменный знак: First Alert24) Экология: free air25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: full authority, Functional Authority26) Образование: Frequently Asked27) Сетевые технологии: fully accessible28) Полимеры: fatty acid, folic acid, furfuryl alcohol29) Автоматика: factory automation, full adder30) Химическое оружие: functional area31) SAP.тех. автоматически переадресовано32) Электротехника: frequency adjustment, field-accelerating (relay)33) Должность: Field Agent34) NYSE. Fairchild Corporation35) НАСА: First Alien, First Ascent -
16 fa
1) Общая лексика: U.S. area phone code A Football Agency2) Компьютерная техника: Finite Automata, Finite Automaton, Functional Application3) Геология: Пробирный анализ ( Fire assay)4) Спорт: Family And, Free Agent, Футбольная ассоциация5) Военный термин: Feasibility Assessment, Fighter Attack, Frankford Arsenal, Freeboard Aft, Freedom Arms, French Army, From Arpanet, Full Accounting, Functional Architecture, Fusil Automatique, failure analysis, family allowance, field activity, field allowance, field ambulance, field army, fighter allocator, fighter alter, final assembly, financial adviser, fine alignment, fire alarm, fire arms, fitter/armourer, flag allowance, flight accident, flight attendant, forward area, free area, frequency agility, friendly aircraft, fully automatic, further assignment, Frontal Aviation (FSU), ПА (полевая артиллерия)6) Техника: aeronautical station, facsimile amplifier, failure access, final address register, flat-gain amplifier, frame antenna, functional assembly, обозначение для воздушных станций (МСЭ), оператор управления авиационными средствами7) Шутливое выражение: Food Addicts8) Химия: Fully Amorphous9) Математика: факторный анализ (factor analysis)10) Юридический термин: Female Adult, Fine Attitude11) Бухгалтерия: Закон о Бюджете (ежегодно принимаемый парламентом Великобритании)12) Грубое выражение: For Arse, Fuck All, Fucking A, Fucking Arseholes13) Металлургия: Fresh Area14) Телекоммуникации: Failed Answer15) Сокращение: Football Association, Fraticide Avoidance, Frequency Agile, Russian Frontal Aviation, fore and aft, free aperture, Field Army (China), Persian (Farsi), основные фонды (Fixed Assets), Area Forecast (aviation), Certified Mail (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Factor Analysis, Factories Act 1961 (UK), Faculty Assistant, Failure Alarm, Fairchild Aircraft, Faith Alive, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Fallen Angel, False Alarm, Fame Academy (UK BBC series), Family Assistance, Family Auto (car dealers), FanArt, Fanconi Anemia (form of aplastic anemia), Fanny Adams, Farm Aid, Farmers' Almanac, Fat Admirer, Fat Albert (fictional character), Feasibility Analysis, Federal Agent, Federal Association, Felonious Assault (law enforcement), Fenton's Approximation (Algorithm), Feudal Age, Fiber Adapter, Fibonacci Association, FictionAlley.org, Field Activities, Field Authorization, Fiery Avenger (Everquest game), Filiae Amatissimae (Latin: To (My) Beloved Daughter, epigraphy), Final Acceptance, Final Alert (mapmaking program), Final Approach, Final Approval, Final Art (desktop publishing/printing/design; approved by client and ready to go to production), Finally Approved (sarcastic variation of Final Approval), Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Financial Advisor, Financial Agent, Financial Aid, Financial Assurance, Finanzamt (German: revenue office), Fine Arts, Fiona Apple (singer), Firearms (half-life modification), Fireman Apprentice, Firma (German: company), First Aid/Medical Aid Station, First Article, Fiscal Agent (Medicaid), Fixed Assets, Flanking Attack, Flash Animation, Flexible Alerting, Fluorescein Angiogramic Angiography, Fluorescein Angiography (retinal, choroidal and iris blood vessels testing), Fluorescent Antibody (laboratory virus testing), Fly Ash (mineral admixture for concrete), Focus Alert, Focus Amplifier, Focus Area, Food Allergy, For Auction, Force Analyzer, Forced Air, Forced Answer, Foreign Agent (network node), Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Foreign Military Affairs, Formal Advertising, Formic Acid, Forte Agent, Fourier Analysis, Framework Approach, Frankford Arsenal (PA; ammunition headstamp), Frankfort Arsenal (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Freakin' A! (polite form), Fredericksburg Academy, Free Agent (baseball, football, etc.; player who may sign with any team), French Angora (rabbit), Frequency Agile/Agility, Friederich's Ataxia, Friends Always, Frontal Aviation, Fuel Assembly, Fulbright Association, Full Arc, Full Armor (anime), Fulvic Acid, Function Analysis (product engineering / development tool), Functional Acknowledgment, Functional Administrator, Functional Allocation, Functional Analysis, Functional Assessment, Fund Accounting, Funds Allocated (USACE), Fur Affinity (web site), Fury Assembly, Fuse Alarm, feasibility assessment (US DoD), fractional anisotropy16) Университет: Final Answer, Full Accreditation17) Физиология: Failed appointment, Fat Analysis, Forearm18) Электроника: Filter Anode19) Вычислительная техника: Football Association (British soccer--a word derived from Association), final address (register), (полный) сумматор, (полный)(одноразрядный) сумматор с тремя входами20) Нефть: foaming agents, анализ отказов (failure analysis)21) Иммунология: Fluorescent Antibody22) Транспорт: Flight Attendants, Flying Accident23) Фирменный знак: First Alert24) Экология: free air25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: full authority, Functional Authority26) Образование: Frequently Asked27) Сетевые технологии: fully accessible28) Полимеры: fatty acid, folic acid, furfuryl alcohol29) Автоматика: factory automation, full adder30) Химическое оружие: functional area31) SAP.тех. автоматически переадресовано32) Электротехника: frequency adjustment, field-accelerating (relay)33) Должность: Field Agent34) NYSE. Fairchild Corporation35) НАСА: First Alien, First Ascent -
17 party
команда, группа, отряд; партия; наряд; см. тж. grouptactical (air) control party — команда [пост] управления [наведения] ТА
— advanced landing party— OP party -
18 window
- window
- nокно
- aluminum window
- arched window
- attic window
- awning window
- back window
- basement window
- bay window
- blank window
- blind window
- bottom hinged window
- bow window
- cant-bay window
- casement window
- cellar window
- clearstory window
- combination window
- compass window
- dead window
- door window
- dormer window
- double window
- double casement window
- double-hung sash window
- double-hung window
- drop window
- extract window
- false window
- fan window
- fire brigade access window
- flanking window
- floor-to-ceiling window
- flower window
- French window
- full-height window
- gable window
- gemel window
- gliding window
- horizontal sliding window
- hung-sash window
- in-swinging window
- interior glazed window
- jut window
- lancet window
- louver window
- nook window
- oriel window
- reversible window
- ribbon window
- room-heigh window
- rose window
- sash window
- shop window
- show window
- single casement window
- single-hung window
- single-light window
- sliding window
- stained glass window
- storm window
- top hung window
- utility window
- vertically pivoted window
- vertical sliding window
- walk-on window
- wheel window
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
19 dike
1) дамба; буна, полузапруда; шпора; перемычка || защищать дамбой; обваловывать2) плотина || перегораживать плотиной; воздвигать плотину3) ров, канава•-
brush dike
brush-and-stone dike
central-core dike
closing dike
cross dike
cutoff dike
dam dike
double-head spur dike
fire dike
flanking dike
gravel-and-stone spur dike
half-moon dike
low dike
one-head spur dike
overflow dike
river dike
soil-saving dike
spoil dike
spur dike
tank dike
training dike
wing dike -
20 maneuver
маневр; прием; pl. маневры; учения; маневрировать, выполнять маневр; передвигаться; линейный ( о подразделении)course, speed, altitude antimissile maneuver — ПР маневр изменением направления полета, скорости, высоты (ЛА)
— firepower maneuver— wheeling orbiting maneuver
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
flanking fire — noun also flank fire : fire delivered on an enemy flank from a position to the side of that enemy … Useful english dictionary
Fire and Movement — is a military tactic that uses suppressive fire, or threat thereof, to decrease the enemy s ability to return fire, organization and unit cohesion, and morale. The tactic is used by small unit commanders on the modern battlefield. The movement… … Wikipedia
Flanking maneuver — In military tactics, a flanking maneuver, also called a attack, is an attack on the sides of an opposing force. If a flanking maneuver succeeds, the opposing force would be surrounded from two or more directions, which significantly reduces the… … Wikipedia
flank fire — noun see flanking fire … Useful english dictionary
Glossary of wildland fire terms — The following is a glossary of wildland fire terms. Except where noted, terms are taken from a 1998 Fireline Handbook transcribed for a Conflict 21 counter terrorism studies website by the Air National Guard. [… … Wikipedia
The Station nightclub fire — The Station redirects here. For the online sketch channel, see The Station (YouTube). The Station nightclub fire The fire at 40 seconds. Daniel Biechele is facing camera at right. Date February 20, 2003 ( … Wikipedia
Cerro Grande Fire — The smoke plume on May 11, 2000 reaches the panhandle of Oklahoma (NOAA image). The Cerro Grande Fire was a disastrous forest fire in New Mexico, United States of America that occurred in May 2000. The fire started as a controlled burn, and… … Wikipedia
military technology — Introduction range of weapons, equipment, structures, and vehicles used specifically for the purpose of fighting. It includes the knowledge required to construct such technology, to employ it in combat, and to repair and replenish it.… … Universalium
Castle — This article is about medieval fortifications. For other uses, see Castle (disambiguation). For a list of all castles, see List of castles. For similar but unrelated structures in Japan, see Japanese castle … Wikipedia
Trench warfare — is a form of warfare where both combatants have fortified positions and fighting lines are static. Trench warfare arose when a revolution in firepower was not matched by similar advances in mobility. The result was a slow and grueling form of… … Wikipedia
Operation Iskra — Part of the E … Wikipedia