1 flame up
2 flame
English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > flame
3 flame
flame v entflammenEnglish-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > flame
4 flame
1. noun1) Flamme, dieburst into flame — in Brand geraten
old flame — alte Flamme (ugs. veralt.)
3) (Computing) Flame, die2. transitive verbflame somebody — jemandem eine Flame/Flames schicken
the PC was flamed — die PC wurde mit Flames überzogen
* * *[fleim] 1. noun(the bright light of something burning: A small flame burned in the lamp.) die Flamme2. verb1) (to burn with flames: His eyes flamed with anger.) leuchten2) (to become very hot, red etc: Her cheeks flamed with embarrassment.) flammen•- academic.ru/27783/flaming">flaming- flammable
- flame of the forest* * *[fleɪm]I. nnaked \flame offene Flamme▪ to be in \flames in Flammen stehento burst into \flame in Brand geratento go up in \flames in Flammen aufgehen\flame of freedom Freiheitsliebe fhis old high school \flame seine alte Flamme aus der SchulzeitII. viher cheeks \flamed sie erröteteto \flame red rot leuchtenseeing the damage made the hatred \flame within her als sie den Schaden sah, flammte der Hass in ihr aufIII. vt (sl)* * *[fleɪm]1. n1) Flamme fthe house was in flames — das Haus stand in Flammen
she's an old flame of his — sie ist eine alte or ehemalige Flamme von ihm (inf)
2. vi(fire) lodern, flammen (geh); (fig face, cheeks) glühen3. vt (COMPUT)* * *flame [fleım]A s1. Flamme f:be in flames in Flammen stehen2. fig Flamme f, Glut f, Leidenschaft f, Heftigkeit f3. umg Flamme f (Freundin):4. Leuchten n, Glanz m5. grelle Färbung6. COMPUT Flame n, beleidigende E-MailB v/t TECH flammenC v/i1. lodern:a) auflodern,b) in Flammen aufgehen2. (rot) glühen, leuchten:flame up aufbrausen, in Wut geraten;her eyes flamed with anger ihre Augen flammten oder funkelten vor Wut;her cheeks flamed red ihre Wangen färbten sich rot* * *1. noun1) Flamme, dieold flame — alte Flamme (ugs. veralt.)
3) (Computing) Flame, die2. transitive verbflame somebody — jemandem eine Flame/Flames schicken
* * *n.Flamme -n f. v.flammen v. -
5 flame
[fleɪm] nnaked \flame offene Flamme;to be in \flames in Flammen stehen;to burst into \flame in Brand geraten;to go up in \flames in Flammen aufgehen;\flame of freedom Freiheitsliebe f;3) inet beleidigende E-Mailhis old high school \flame seine alte Flamme aus der Schulzeit1) ( blaze) brennen, lodern;( be brightly coloured) leuchten;her cheeks \flamed sie errötete;to \flame red rot leuchten;seeing the damage made the hatred \flame within her als sie den Schaden sah, flammte der Hass in ihr auf4) (Am);to \flame sb comput jdn per E-Mail beleidigen -
6 flame
7 flame
8 flame
9 flame
flame2 CHEM Flamme f -
10 flame up
11 flame (N.)
12 flame-cut
flame-cut1 v FORM, MECH ausbrennenflame-cut2 v MECH, MONT, SCHW abbrennenflame-cut3 v MONT, SCHW brennschneiden -
13 flame mail
14 flame-colored
15 flame-harden
flame-harden1 v MET flammhärtenflame-harden2 v SCHW brennhärten n -
16 flame lamp
English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > flame lamp
17 flame cutting
18 flame hardening
19 flame-retardant
flame-retardant adj feuerhemmend -
20 flame test
См. также в других словарях:
Flame — (fl[=a]m), n. [OE. flame, flaume, flaumbe, OF. flame, flambe, F. flamme, fr. L. flamma, fr. flamma, fr. flagrare to burn. See {Flagrant}, and cf. {Flamneau}, {Flamingo}.] 1. A stream of burning vapor or gas, emitting light and heat; darting or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flame — [flām] n. [ME < OFr flamme (< L flamma) & flambe < L flammula, dim. of flamma < base of flagrare, to burn: see FLAGRANT] 1. the burning gas or vapor of a fire, seen as a flickering light of various colors; blaze 2. a tongue of light… … English World dictionary
Flame — Flame, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Flamed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Flaming}.] [OE. flamen, flaumben, F. flamber, OF. also, flamer. See {Flame}, n.] 1. To burn with a flame or blaze; to burn as gas emitted from bodies in combustion; to blaze. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flame — [n1] fire blaze, brightness, conflagration, flare, flash, holocaust, light, rapid oxidation, wildfire; concepts 478,521 flame [n2] lover; passion affection, ardor, baby, beau, beloved, boyfriend, darling, dear, desire, enthusiasm, fervor, fire,… … New thesaurus
flame — flame; flame·less; flame·let; in·flame; flame·less·ly; … English syllables
flame — ► NOUN 1) a hot glowing body of ignited gas produced by something on fire. 2) something thought of as burning fiercely or able to be extinguished: the flame of hope. 3) a brilliant orange red colour. ► VERB 1) give off flames. 2) apply a flame… … English terms dictionary
Flame — [fleim] die; , s, auch das; s, s <aus gleichbed. engl. flame, eigtl. »Flamme«, dies über altfr. flame, flamme aus lat. flamma> Wortgefecht, heftige Auseinandersetzung über E Mail im Internet … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Flame — Flame, v. t. To kindle; to inflame; to excite. [1913 Webster] And flamed with zeal of vengeance inwardly. Spenser. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flame — flām vt, flamed; flam·ing to cleanse or sterilize by fire * * * (flām) 1. the luminous, irregular appearance usually accompanying combustion caused by the light emitted from energetically excited chemical species, or an appearance resembling … Medical dictionary
flame — n blaze, flare, glare, glow (see under BLAZE vb) Analogous words: effulgence, radiance, brilliance or brilliancy, refulgence, luminosity, brightness (see corresponding adjectives at BRIGHT): ardor, fervor, *passion: flashing, coruscation,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Flame — Flame, das Aderlaßeisen für Pferde … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon