1 flame spreading
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > flame spreading
2 flame spreading
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > flame spreading
3 flame spreading
Техника: распространение пламени -
4 flame spreading
распространение пламени (напр. в кольцевой камере сгорания)Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > flame spreading
5 flame spreading
English-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology > flame spreading
6 flame spreading property
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > flame spreading property
7 flame spreading speed
Техника: скорость газопламенного напыления -
8 flame-spreading time
9 flame spreading property
English-Russian scientific dictionary > flame spreading property
10 flame spreading speed
English-Russian scientific dictionary > flame spreading speed
11 flame spreading time
English-Russian scientific dictionary > flame spreading time
12 flame
flame deflectorотражатель пламениflame holderстабилизатор пламениflame shieldотражатель пламениflame spreadingраспространение пламениflame stabilizerстабилизатор пламени(в камере сгорания) flame tube air holeокно подвода воздуха к жаровой трубеflame tube coolingохлаждение жаровой трубыflame tube headфронтовое устройство камеры сгоранияignition flameзапальное пламяjet flameвыхлопной факел -
13 spreading
14 spreading
1) распространение; простирание, протяжение2) расширение; уширение3) рассеивание4) разброс5) растекание (краски, припоя)7) плющение; расклёпывание; расковка• -
15 распространение пламени
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > распространение пламени
16 распространение пламени
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > распространение пламени
17 spread
spread nразмах(крыла) azimuth beam spreadазимутальное раскрытие лучаbeam spreadраствор луча(системы посадки по приборам) beam spread angleугол раствора лучаflame spreadingраспространение пламениspherical wave spreadingсферическое распространение волныspread effectэффект разброса -
18 spread
1. n распространение; рост, увеличение2. n шутл. прибавка в весе3. n протяжённость, протяжение; широта, размах4. n разг. накрытый столspread the table — накрывать на стол; накрыть на стол
5. n разг. пиршество, обильное угощение6. n разг. роскошь напоказ7. n разг. покрывало; скатерть; простыня8. n разг. разворот9. n разг. амер. ком. разница, разрыв10. n спец. рассеивание11. n спец. диапазон отклонений; разбросspread of points — разброс точек; разброс отсчетов
12. v распространять; расстилать13. v раскладывать14. v развёртывать, раскрывать15. v мазать, намазыватьto spread butter on bread, to spread bread with butter — намазывать масло на хлеб, мазать хлеб маслом
16. v мазаться, намазываться17. v распределять, укладывать бетонную смесь18. v простирать, протягивать19. v распространяться, простираться20. v разносить, распространять21. v распространяться, получать распространение22. v давать рассрочку; отсрочить23. v накрывать24. v амер. подавать, сервировать25. v растягивать, тянутьspread out — растягиваться, вытягиваться; расширяться
26. v затягиваться, растягиватьсяthe grammar lectures spread over into the next term — лекции по грамматике продолжались и в следующем семестре
27. v спец. растягивать работу путём сокращения рабочих дней и часоврастягивать, расширять; вытягивать, расплющивать, расклёпывать, разводить
butterfly put spread — спред "бабочка" для опциона "пут"
28. v разводить, раздвигатьСинонимический ряд:1. array (noun) array; collection; display2. bedspread (noun) bedcover; bedspread; counterpane; coverlet3. cover (noun) cloth; cover; tablecloth4. diffusion (noun) amplification; diffusion; enlargement; expansion; extension; perfusion; radiation; suffusion5. dinner (noun) banquet; dinner; feast; regale6. expanse (noun) amplitude; breadth; compass; distance; expanse; extent; measure; range; reach; scope; space; stretch; sweep7. preserve (noun) conserve; jam; jelly; peanut butter; preserve8. circulate (verb) cast; circulate; diffuse; disperse; dispose; disseminate; distribute; emit; propagate; radiate; scatter; strew; ted9. circulated (verb) circulated; diffused; dispersed; disseminated; distributed; propagated; radiated; strewed/strewed or strewn10. cover (verb) coat; cover; gild; overlay; paint; pave; smear; varnish; veneer11. extend (verb) draw out; enlarge; expand; extend; fan out; lengthen; open; outstretch; sprawl; stretch; stretch out; unfold; widen12. gave (verb) carried; communicate; convey; gave; pass; transmit13. opened (verb) expanded; extended; fanned out; opened; outspread; outstretched; unfolded14. proclaim (verb) broadcast; declare; disburse; divulge; proclaim; publish15. set (verb) laid; lay; set16. travel (verb) get about; get around; go around; travelАнтонимический ряд:collect; conceal; concentrate; condense; confine; contract; crowd; fold; gather; hush; shrink -
19 machine
1) машина; механизм; станок; агрегат2) машинка; устройство; аппарат3) машинный; станочный4) обрабатывать механически; обрабатывать резанием•- absorption refrigerating machine - approved shot-firing machine - automatic arc-welding machine - automatic assembly machine - automatic bar-stock machine - automatic cam-controlled machine - automatic casting machine - automatic chain-bending machine - automatic checking machine - automatic chucking machine - automatic cocoon-reading machine - automatic drawing-in machine - automatic half-hose machine - automatic hopper-feed machine - automatic hosiery machine - automatic multistation machine - automatic single-spindle machine - automatic single-station machine - automatic sorting machine - automatic tracer machine - automatic weighing machine - automatic welding machine - automatic winding machine - autonomous sequential machine - carton feeding machine - case assembling machine - case making machine - cask windlassing machine - casting cleaning machine - chain testing machine - cigarette making machine - cigarette packing machine - circular warp-knitting machine - claw trussing machine - cloth mellowing machine - cocoon winding machine - coil winding machine - compound-table milling machine - concentrate charging machine - conditional probability machine - continuous dyeing machine - continuously operating machine - core roll-over machine - cylinder sizing machine - cylinder warping machine - double-cutter shearing machine - double-faced winding machine - double-knife cutting machine - dough dividing machine - dough forming machine - dough molding machine - dough rolling machine - dough rounding machine - drop roller machine - dropwire cleaning machine - drum winding machine - duplex calculating machine - elevator washing machine - fish dressing machine - fish packing machine - flame-shape cutting machine - flat-and-back stripping machine - flax scutching machine - flax spreading machine - gang drilling machine - gantry cutting machine - machine with input - meat tenderizing machine - mechanical interlock machine - medium-range sprinkling machine - multiple-spot welding machine - multiroll straightening machine - network access machine - overhead charging machine - paddle wool-washing machine - pattern recognition machine - penetrating-type dyeing machine - reversed torsion machine - roller printing machine - roof ripping machine - rotary cutting machine - rotary filling machine - saddle stitch machine - section warping machine - shot blasting machine - shot welding machine - soap milling machine - stitch welding machine - syrup filling machine - tablet compressing machine - tape sizing machine - tobacco ripping machine - tobacco stringing machine - vacuum kneading machine - vacuum packing machine - vacuum refrigerating machine - vacuum seaming machine - yeast extruding machine -
20 operator
1) оператор; (квалифицированный) рабочий3) управляющее устройство, средство управления4) метр. поверитель5) связист (телефонист, радист)6) матем. оператор ( символ операции)7) вчт. операция8) энерг. рабочий фильтр9) нефт. нефтедобывающая фирма10) оператор (участок оперона, регуляторная функция которого контролируется белком-репрессором)•-
crawl operator
adding operator
airborne radio operator
aircraft control operator
aircraft operator
AND operator
arc-welding operator
arithmetic operator
asdic operator
audio operator
band-building operator
binary operator
bit string operator
boiler house operator
Boolean operator
bridge carrier operator
cable television operator
cable operator
calander operator
camera operator
chain-saw operator
charging machine operator
charging-car operator
cinema operator
CNC operator
coach operator
coiler operator
comparison operator
composite operator
console operator
control tower operator
differentiation operator
direction finder operator
door operator
drill operator
dump operator
duty operator
edge operator
electric motor operator
electric operator
energy operator
engine operator
experienced operator
extruding machine operator
feller operator
flame cutting torch operator
flight radio operator
flight systems operator
forehearth operator
forest operator
generic operator
gradient operator
ground radio operator
hack operator
Hamilton operator
Hueckel operator
human operator
indirection operator
infix operator
interlocking operator
Laplace operator
lathe operator
lehr operator
logging operator
logical operator
machine operator
mathematical operator
membership operator
multiplicative operator
navigator-radio operator
OR operator
paper-machine operator
postfix operator
prefix operator
pusher operator
radar operator
radio operator
reactor operator
relational operator
relation operator
retarder operator
rolling mill operator
roof bolter operator
sawmill operator
screen operator
sensor operator
shearer operator
shuttle/cell operator
skilled operator
sonar operator
sorting operator
spreading machine operator
stacker operator
standard basis operator
station operator
stove operator
string operator
substation operator
suffix operator
switcher operator
telecine operator
tensor operator
unitary operator
unary operator
unit delay operator
unskilled operator
vector operator
video tape operator
vision control operator
vision operator
vision mixer operator
welding operator
white-collar operator
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Flame retardant — Flame retardants are materials that inhibit or resist the spread of fire. These can be separated into several categories: *Minerals such as asbestos, compounds such as aluminium hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, antimony trioxide, various hydrates … Wikipedia
Plenum cable — is cable that is laid in the plenum spaces of buildings. The plenum (pronounced as IPAEng|ˈplɛnəm) is the space that can facilitate air circulation for heating and air conditioning systems, by providing pathways for either heated/conditioned or… … Wikipedia
Mineral-insulated copper-clad cable — MIMS redirects here. For multi isotope imaging mass spectrometry, see Isotope mass spectrometry. PVC sheathed MICC cable. Conductor cross section area is 1.5 mm²; overall diameter is 7.2 mm … Wikipedia
STS-73 — is a Space Shuttle program mission.Infobox Space mission mission name = STS 73 insignia = Sts 73 patch.png shuttle = Columbia launch pad = 39 B launch = October 20, 1995, 9:53:00 a.m. EDT landing = November 5, 1995, 6:45:21 a.m. EST, KSC Runway… … Wikipedia
2008 Summer Olympics torch relay — 2008 Summer Olympics Bid process Venues Marketing Concerns and controversies Torch relay (route) Opening ceremony (flag bearers) Medal table (medalists) Closing ceremony Event calendar … Wikipedia
Southeast Asian arts — Literary, performing, and visual arts of Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines. The classical literatures of Southeast Asia can be divided into three major regions: the Sanskrit region of… … Universalium
Glossary of wildland fire terms — The following is a glossary of wildland fire terms. Except where noted, terms are taken from a 1998 Fireline Handbook transcribed for a Conflict 21 counter terrorism studies website by the Air National Guard. [… … Wikipedia
Australia — /aw strayl yeuh/, n. 1. a continent SE of Asia, between the Indian and the Pacific oceans. 18,438,824; 2,948,366 sq. mi. (7,636,270 sq. km). 2. Commonwealth of, a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, consisting of the federated states and… … Universalium
Internet forum — The phpBB Internet Forum software package, one of the most popular forum packages … Wikipedia
King's Cross fire — The King s Cross fire was a fatal underground fire in London which broke out at approximately 19:30 on 18 November 1987, and which killed 31 people.It took place at King s Cross St. Pancras, a major interchange on the London Underground. The… … Wikipedia
environment — environmental, adj. environmentally, adv. /en vuy reuhn meuhnt, vuy euhrn /, n. 1. the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu. 2. Ecol. the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors… … Universalium