1 fixed red
2 fixed red
3 fixed red light
Нефть: постоянный красный огонь -
4 fixed red light
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > fixed red light
5 temporarily replaced by a fixed red light buoy
Картография: временный красный световой буй без проблесковУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > temporarily replaced by a fixed red light buoy
6 temporarily replaced by a fixed red light buoy
English-Russian cartography dictionary > temporarily replaced by a fixed red light buoy
7 fixed star
астр. неподвижная звездаstar class — класс «звезда»
8 high-fixed brick
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > high-fixed brick
9 FR
10 FR
1) Компьютерная техника: Fitting Response2) Авиация: flight rules3) Американизм: FEDERAL Regulation, Form Report, Form Run4) Ботаника: Forest Root5) Спорт: Fast Recovery6) Военный термин: Fielding Runs, Flat Rack, Full Rate, facilities request, failure report, field report, fighter reconnaissance, film reader, film report, final release, final report, flash ranging, fleet reserve, flight readiness, flight report, fragmentation, frequency range, full repair, functional reliability, functional requirements, furlough rations7) Техника: Fire Retardent, Fraunhofer region, Fresnel region, degree Fahrenheit, fast reactor, fast release relay, fault repair, field reliability, field resistance, film recording, flow regulator, flow restrictor, franklin, frequency-measuring device, frequent, friction ratio, fusion reactor, обозначение для приёмных станций (МСЭ)8) Телекоммуникации: Functional Requirement, Передача с полной нагрузкой (Full Rate)9) Сокращение: Federal Reserve, Flight Refuelling, Former Republic, France (NATO country code), field reversing, fundamental research, fast release (relay)10) Физиология: Fracture, Frequency of respiration, Full Range11) Электроника: Frequency Response12) Вычислительная техника: Frame Relay (Telephony, Networking)13) Нефть: feed rate, first reading, first recording, formation resistivity factor, from, дебит (скважины или промысла), интенсивность отказов (failure rate), капитальный ремонт (full repair), отчёт об отказах (failure report), устранение неисправности (fault repair), скорость подачи (feed rate), регистрирующий расходомер (flow recorder)14) Иммунология: framework region15) Картография: fixed red, forest reserve16) Транспорт: Final Rule, Fire Road, Free Ride, Front Radiating17) Экология: fisheries research, flocculation ratio, flow recorder18) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: самопишущий расходомер (Flow recorder)19) Сетевые технологии: failure rate, frame relay, кадровая ретрансляция, частота отказов20) Полимеры: fatigue-resistant, fire retardant, fire-resistant, flow rate21) Пластмассы: Flame Retardant22) Океанография: FEDERAL Regulations23) Химическое оружие: Federal Register24) Макаров: волокнистонаполненный25) Велосипеды: экстремальная езда или гонка по пересечённой местности26) Безопасность: false rejection27) Нефть и газ: fractionator28) Имена и фамилии: Father Right29) Общественная организация: Fund Raising30) Должность: First Responder31) NYSE. First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc. -
11 Fr
1) Компьютерная техника: Fitting Response2) Авиация: flight rules3) Американизм: FEDERAL Regulation, Form Report, Form Run4) Ботаника: Forest Root5) Спорт: Fast Recovery6) Военный термин: Fielding Runs, Flat Rack, Full Rate, facilities request, failure report, field report, fighter reconnaissance, film reader, film report, final release, final report, flash ranging, fleet reserve, flight readiness, flight report, fragmentation, frequency range, full repair, functional reliability, functional requirements, furlough rations7) Техника: Fire Retardent, Fraunhofer region, Fresnel region, degree Fahrenheit, fast reactor, fast release relay, fault repair, field reliability, field resistance, film recording, flow regulator, flow restrictor, franklin, frequency-measuring device, frequent, friction ratio, fusion reactor, обозначение для приёмных станций (МСЭ)8) Телекоммуникации: Functional Requirement, Передача с полной нагрузкой (Full Rate)9) Сокращение: Federal Reserve, Flight Refuelling, Former Republic, France (NATO country code), field reversing, fundamental research, fast release (relay)10) Физиология: Fracture, Frequency of respiration, Full Range11) Электроника: Frequency Response12) Вычислительная техника: Frame Relay (Telephony, Networking)13) Нефть: feed rate, first reading, first recording, formation resistivity factor, from, дебит (скважины или промысла), интенсивность отказов (failure rate), капитальный ремонт (full repair), отчёт об отказах (failure report), устранение неисправности (fault repair), скорость подачи (feed rate), регистрирующий расходомер (flow recorder)14) Иммунология: framework region15) Картография: fixed red, forest reserve16) Транспорт: Final Rule, Fire Road, Free Ride, Front Radiating17) Экология: fisheries research, flocculation ratio, flow recorder18) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: самопишущий расходомер (Flow recorder)19) Сетевые технологии: failure rate, frame relay, кадровая ретрансляция, частота отказов20) Полимеры: fatigue-resistant, fire retardant, fire-resistant, flow rate21) Пластмассы: Flame Retardant22) Океанография: FEDERAL Regulations23) Химическое оружие: Federal Register24) Макаров: волокнистонаполненный25) Велосипеды: экстремальная езда или гонка по пересечённой местности26) Безопасность: false rejection27) Нефть и газ: fractionator28) Имена и фамилии: Father Right29) Общественная организация: Fund Raising30) Должность: First Responder31) NYSE. First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc. -
Картография: temporarily replaced by a fixed red light buoy -
13 fr
1) Компьютерная техника: Fitting Response2) Авиация: flight rules3) Американизм: FEDERAL Regulation, Form Report, Form Run4) Ботаника: Forest Root5) Спорт: Fast Recovery6) Военный термин: Fielding Runs, Flat Rack, Full Rate, facilities request, failure report, field report, fighter reconnaissance, film reader, film report, final release, final report, flash ranging, fleet reserve, flight readiness, flight report, fragmentation, frequency range, full repair, functional reliability, functional requirements, furlough rations7) Техника: Fire Retardent, Fraunhofer region, Fresnel region, degree Fahrenheit, fast reactor, fast release relay, fault repair, field reliability, field resistance, film recording, flow regulator, flow restrictor, franklin, frequency-measuring device, frequent, friction ratio, fusion reactor, обозначение для приёмных станций (МСЭ)8) Телекоммуникации: Functional Requirement, Передача с полной нагрузкой (Full Rate)9) Сокращение: Federal Reserve, Flight Refuelling, Former Republic, France (NATO country code), field reversing, fundamental research, fast release (relay)10) Физиология: Fracture, Frequency of respiration, Full Range11) Электроника: Frequency Response12) Вычислительная техника: Frame Relay (Telephony, Networking)13) Нефть: feed rate, first reading, first recording, formation resistivity factor, from, дебит (скважины или промысла), интенсивность отказов (failure rate), капитальный ремонт (full repair), отчёт об отказах (failure report), устранение неисправности (fault repair), скорость подачи (feed rate), регистрирующий расходомер (flow recorder)14) Иммунология: framework region15) Картография: fixed red, forest reserve16) Транспорт: Final Rule, Fire Road, Free Ride, Front Radiating17) Экология: fisheries research, flocculation ratio, flow recorder18) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: самопишущий расходомер (Flow recorder)19) Сетевые технологии: failure rate, frame relay, кадровая ретрансляция, частота отказов20) Полимеры: fatigue-resistant, fire retardant, fire-resistant, flow rate21) Пластмассы: Flame Retardant22) Океанография: FEDERAL Regulations23) Химическое оружие: Federal Register24) Макаров: волокнистонаполненный25) Велосипеды: экстремальная езда или гонка по пересечённой местности26) Безопасность: false rejection27) Нефть и газ: fractionator28) Имена и фамилии: Father Right29) Общественная организация: Fund Raising30) Должность: First Responder31) NYSE. First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc. -
15 bed
1. станина; рама2. основание; постель ( под фундаментом)3. фундамент; плита4. слой, пласт, залежь5. русло, ложе6. стенд, установка для проведения испытаний7. ставить на основание; укладывать, устанавливать8. заделывать— key bed— pay bed— red bed— thin bed
* * *
1. стенд2. основание, фундамент— test bed
* * *
пласт, слой; залежь ( осадочного образования); ложе ( породы); русло ( реки)
* * *
слой, горизонт, пласт; залежь
* * *
1) основание; фундамент; плита; постель ( под фундаментом)2) стенд3) слой ( катализатора)4) геол. слой породы; пласт; горизонт; плоское рудное тело, залегающее параллельно напластованию вмещающих пород5) залежь•- bed of sedimentation
- bed of truck
- active mixed bed
- accidental bed
- adjacent beds
- adsorption bed
- anticlinal bed
- anticlinally bent bed
- barren bed
- bent bed
- boiling bed
- bottom set bed
- brea bed
- capping bed
- carrier bed
- catalyst bed
- commercial bed
- competent bed
- conductive bed
- confining bed
- conjugated beds
- consolidating bed
- contorted bed
- datum bed
- dense bed
- discontinuous bed
- down-flow fixed bed
- drilling mud contaminating bed
- endurance test bed
- equalizing bed
- expanding bed
- fastest bed
- filter bed
- finite thickness bed
- fire bed
- fixed bed
- flat dipping bed
- fluidized bed
- fossiliferous bed
- foundation bed
- fresh water bed
- function test bed
- gas-permeable bed
- gas-source bed
- gently dipping bed
- gently sloping bed
- gravely bed
- hanging bed
- high-speed bed
- high-velocity bed
- horizontal bed
- impermeable bed
- impervious bed
- inclined bed
- index datum bed
- indicator bed
- infinite thickness bed
- intake bed
- intercalated bed
- invaded bed
- isotropic bed
- key bed
- lenticular bed
- limestone bed
- lower bed
- low-resistivity bed
- main producing oil bed
- marker bed
- monoclinal bed
- mother bed
- mother bed of oil
- multilayer bed
- native bed
- noninvaded bed
- nonproducing bed
- nonshaly bed
- oil-bearing bed
- oil-permeable bed
- oil-source bed
- older bed
- outcropping bed
- overlying bed
- overturned bed
- parent bed
- pay bed
- payout bed
- penetrated bed
- permeable bed
- pipeline bed
- porous bed
- red bed
- reference bed
- reflecting bed
- refracting bed
- reservoir bed
- resistive bed
- rock bed
- rotary bed
- salt bed
- sealed bed
- sedimentary bed
- separate bed
- shale bed
- shallow bed
- slightly cemented bed
- slightly consolidated bed
- slowest bed
- solid bed of catalyst
- source bed
- static bed of catalyst
- steeply dipping bed
- steeply pitching bed
- subjacent bed
- surface key bed
- tank bed
- terrestrial beds
- test bed
- thick bed
- thin bed
- thin bed of hard rock
- tilted bed
- underlying bed
- underlying pipeline bed
- undetectable bed
- velocity bed
- water-bearing bed
- water-permeable bed
- water-saturated bed
- well-penetrated bed
- younger bed* * *• 1) основание; 2) слой• горизонт• залежь• ложа• пласт• плита• плоское рудное тело, залегающее параллельно напластованию вмещающих пород• постель• рама• слой• стенд -
16 aircraft
воздушное судно [суда], атмосферный летательный аппарат [аппараты]; самолёт (ы) ; вертолёты); авиация; авиационный; см. тж. airplane, boostaircraft in the barrier — самолёт, задержанный аварийной (аэродромной) тормозной установкой
aircraft off the line — новый [только что построенный] ЛА
B through F aircraft — самолёты модификаций B, C, D, E и F
carrier(-based, -borne) aircraft — палубный ЛА; авианосная авиация
conventional takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт с обычными взлетом и посадкой (в отличие от укороченного или вертикального)
keep the aircraft (headed) straight — выдерживать направление полёта ЛА (при выполнении маневра); сохранять прямолинейный полет ЛА
keep the aircraft stalled — сохранять режим срыва [сваливания] самолёта, оставлять самолёт в режиме срыва [сваливания]
nearly wing borne aircraft — верт. ЛА в конце режима перехода к горизонтальному полёту
pull the aircraft off the deck — разг. отрывать ЛА от земли (при взлете)
put the aircraft nose-up — переводить [вводить] ЛА на кабрирование [в режим кабрирования]
put the aircraft through its paces — определять предельные возможности ЛА, «выжимать все из ЛА»
reduced takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт укороченного взлета и посадки (с укороченным разбегом и пробегом)
rocket(-powered, -propelled) aircraft — ракетный ЛА, ЛА с ракетным двигателем
roll the aircraft into a bank — вводить ЛА в крен, накренять ЛА
rotate the aircraft into the climb — увеличивать угол тангажа ЛА для перехода к набору высоты, переводить ЛА в набор высоты
short takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт короткого взлета и посадки (с коротким разбегом и пробегом)
single vertical tail aircraft — ЛА с одинарным [центральным] вертикальным оперением
strategic(-mission, -purpose) aircraft — ЛА стратегического назначения; стратегический самолёт
take the aircraft throughout its entire envelope — пилотировать ЛА во всем диапазоне полётных режимов
trim the aircraft to fly hands-and-feet off — балансировать самолёт для полёта с брошенным управлением [с брошенными ручкой и педалями]
turbofan(-engined, -powered) aircraft — ЛА с турбовентиляторными двигателями, ЛА с ТРДД
turbojet(-powered, -propelled) aircraft — ЛА с ТРД
undergraduate navigator training aircraft — учебно-тренировочный самолёт для повышенной лётной подготовки штурманов
water(-based, takeoff and landing) aircraft — гидросамолёт
1) Компьютерная техника: Fix Often Repair Daily2) Спорт: First On Racing Day, Fix On Race Day3) Военный термин: Foreign Office Research Department4) Шутливое выражение: Fabulous Off Road Driving, Factory Ordered Road Disaster, Fail On Road Daily, Failed On Race Day, Fails On Rainy Days, Famous Odor Resistant Dog, Fast Only Rolling Downhill, Fastest On Road, Dip!, Feeble Old Redneck Driving, Final Organ of Reproductive Discipline, Finally Obsolete Racing Device, Fireball On Rear Denting, First On Race Day, First On Recall Day, First On Road to Dump, First On Rubbish Dump, First On Rust and Deterioration, First Order of Reproductive Discipline, Fix Or Recycle Dilemma, Fix Or Repair Dally, Fixed Or Repaired Daily, Flames On Road Daily, Flintstone Or Rubble Driven, Flip Over Read Directions, Flipped Over Roadside Disaster, Flys Over Rolled Dodge, Fond Of Resonating Decibels, Foot On Road Decelerates, For Old, Rotten Deadbeat, For Only Real Drivers, Forced On Reluctant Drivers, Fords Only Run Downhill, Forever On Road Driving, Forget Out Running Dale, Forgot Our Recommended Defaults, Fork Over Repair Dough, Formed Of Rejected DNA, Forward Only, Reverse Defective, Forwarded Once, Return Denied, Fouled Out Re, Found On Red Dumpster, Found On Road Daily, Found On Rubbish Dump, Found On Rubbish Dumps, Found On Russian Dump, Found Outside Refuse Dump, Found Outside Rotting Dump, Fraternal Order of Restored Sotos, Free Or Reduced Drastically, Frequent Opinion, Frequent Overhaul, Rapid Deterioration, Frequently On Ritalin, Designers, Fumes and Odors Readily Detectable, Funky Old Rebuilt Dodge, Funny Old Rattling Dump5) Грубое выражение: Fantastically Orgasmic Realistic Dream, Fat Old Retarded Drivers, Flipping Over Results in Death, Found Off Road Dead, Found On Racetrack Dead, Found On Roadside Dead, Found On Round Dead, Fuck Off Redneck Driver, Fuck Over Rebuilt Dodge, Fucked On Race Day, Fucked On Recent Deal, Fucked Over Rebuilt Dodge, Fucked Over Rebuilt Dodges, Fucked up or rebuilt Dodge, Fuckin Ol Rusty Dodge, Fuckin Old Rebuilt Dodge, Fucking Owner's Really Dumb, Fucking Owners Really Dumb6) Сокращение: Fix Or Repair Daily, Found On Road Dead, Found On Roadside, Dead (This acronym to desribe a project, idea, etc., not worth bothering with, due to high probability of ultimate failure.), Fix On Repair Daily, For Outstanding Reliability and Dependability7) Университет: Funny Old Red Dogs8) Сленг: fixed of repaired daily9) Вычислительная техника: Fix Or Repair Daily (Humor), Found On Road Dead (Humor)10) Экология: Floating Ocean Research and Development Station11) НАСДАК: Forward Industries, Inc.12) Общественная организация: Forum for the Restoration of Democracy13) НАСА: Flying Orbital Radioactive Disaster -
18 Ford
1) Компьютерная техника: Fix Often Repair Daily2) Спорт: First On Racing Day, Fix On Race Day3) Военный термин: Foreign Office Research Department4) Шутливое выражение: Fabulous Off Road Driving, Factory Ordered Road Disaster, Fail On Road Daily, Failed On Race Day, Fails On Rainy Days, Famous Odor Resistant Dog, Fast Only Rolling Downhill, Fastest On Road, Dip!, Feeble Old Redneck Driving, Final Organ of Reproductive Discipline, Finally Obsolete Racing Device, Fireball On Rear Denting, First On Race Day, First On Recall Day, First On Road to Dump, First On Rubbish Dump, First On Rust and Deterioration, First Order of Reproductive Discipline, Fix Or Recycle Dilemma, Fix Or Repair Dally, Fixed Or Repaired Daily, Flames On Road Daily, Flintstone Or Rubble Driven, Flip Over Read Directions, Flipped Over Roadside Disaster, Flys Over Rolled Dodge, Fond Of Resonating Decibels, Foot On Road Decelerates, For Old, Rotten Deadbeat, For Only Real Drivers, Forced On Reluctant Drivers, Fords Only Run Downhill, Forever On Road Driving, Forget Out Running Dale, Forgot Our Recommended Defaults, Fork Over Repair Dough, Formed Of Rejected DNA, Forward Only, Reverse Defective, Forwarded Once, Return Denied, Fouled Out Re, Found On Red Dumpster, Found On Road Daily, Found On Rubbish Dump, Found On Rubbish Dumps, Found On Russian Dump, Found Outside Refuse Dump, Found Outside Rotting Dump, Fraternal Order of Restored Sotos, Free Or Reduced Drastically, Frequent Opinion, Frequent Overhaul, Rapid Deterioration, Frequently On Ritalin, Designers, Fumes and Odors Readily Detectable, Funky Old Rebuilt Dodge, Funny Old Rattling Dump5) Грубое выражение: Fantastically Orgasmic Realistic Dream, Fat Old Retarded Drivers, Flipping Over Results in Death, Found Off Road Dead, Found On Racetrack Dead, Found On Roadside Dead, Found On Round Dead, Fuck Off Redneck Driver, Fuck Over Rebuilt Dodge, Fucked On Race Day, Fucked On Recent Deal, Fucked Over Rebuilt Dodge, Fucked Over Rebuilt Dodges, Fucked up or rebuilt Dodge, Fuckin Ol Rusty Dodge, Fuckin Old Rebuilt Dodge, Fucking Owner's Really Dumb, Fucking Owners Really Dumb6) Сокращение: Fix Or Repair Daily, Found On Road Dead, Found On Roadside, Dead (This acronym to desribe a project, idea, etc., not worth bothering with, due to high probability of ultimate failure.), Fix On Repair Daily, For Outstanding Reliability and Dependability7) Университет: Funny Old Red Dogs8) Сленг: fixed of repaired daily9) Вычислительная техника: Fix Or Repair Daily (Humor), Found On Road Dead (Humor)10) Экология: Floating Ocean Research and Development Station11) НАСДАК: Forward Industries, Inc.12) Общественная организация: Forum for the Restoration of Democracy13) НАСА: Flying Orbital Radioactive Disaster -
19 ford
1) Компьютерная техника: Fix Often Repair Daily2) Спорт: First On Racing Day, Fix On Race Day3) Военный термин: Foreign Office Research Department4) Шутливое выражение: Fabulous Off Road Driving, Factory Ordered Road Disaster, Fail On Road Daily, Failed On Race Day, Fails On Rainy Days, Famous Odor Resistant Dog, Fast Only Rolling Downhill, Fastest On Road, Dip!, Feeble Old Redneck Driving, Final Organ of Reproductive Discipline, Finally Obsolete Racing Device, Fireball On Rear Denting, First On Race Day, First On Recall Day, First On Road to Dump, First On Rubbish Dump, First On Rust and Deterioration, First Order of Reproductive Discipline, Fix Or Recycle Dilemma, Fix Or Repair Dally, Fixed Or Repaired Daily, Flames On Road Daily, Flintstone Or Rubble Driven, Flip Over Read Directions, Flipped Over Roadside Disaster, Flys Over Rolled Dodge, Fond Of Resonating Decibels, Foot On Road Decelerates, For Old, Rotten Deadbeat, For Only Real Drivers, Forced On Reluctant Drivers, Fords Only Run Downhill, Forever On Road Driving, Forget Out Running Dale, Forgot Our Recommended Defaults, Fork Over Repair Dough, Formed Of Rejected DNA, Forward Only, Reverse Defective, Forwarded Once, Return Denied, Fouled Out Re, Found On Red Dumpster, Found On Road Daily, Found On Rubbish Dump, Found On Rubbish Dumps, Found On Russian Dump, Found Outside Refuse Dump, Found Outside Rotting Dump, Fraternal Order of Restored Sotos, Free Or Reduced Drastically, Frequent Opinion, Frequent Overhaul, Rapid Deterioration, Frequently On Ritalin, Designers, Fumes and Odors Readily Detectable, Funky Old Rebuilt Dodge, Funny Old Rattling Dump5) Грубое выражение: Fantastically Orgasmic Realistic Dream, Fat Old Retarded Drivers, Flipping Over Results in Death, Found Off Road Dead, Found On Racetrack Dead, Found On Roadside Dead, Found On Round Dead, Fuck Off Redneck Driver, Fuck Over Rebuilt Dodge, Fucked On Race Day, Fucked On Recent Deal, Fucked Over Rebuilt Dodge, Fucked Over Rebuilt Dodges, Fucked up or rebuilt Dodge, Fuckin Ol Rusty Dodge, Fuckin Old Rebuilt Dodge, Fucking Owner's Really Dumb, Fucking Owners Really Dumb6) Сокращение: Fix Or Repair Daily, Found On Road Dead, Found On Roadside, Dead (This acronym to desribe a project, idea, etc., not worth bothering with, due to high probability of ultimate failure.), Fix On Repair Daily, For Outstanding Reliability and Dependability7) Университет: Funny Old Red Dogs8) Сленг: fixed of repaired daily9) Вычислительная техника: Fix Or Repair Daily (Humor), Found On Road Dead (Humor)10) Экология: Floating Ocean Research and Development Station11) НАСДАК: Forward Industries, Inc.12) Общественная организация: Forum for the Restoration of Democracy13) НАСА: Flying Orbital Radioactive Disaster -
20 light
( аэронавигационный) огоньbidirectional stop bar lights — огни линии -«стоп» двустороннего действия
steady green light: "cleared for takeoff" — немигающий зелёный свет: «взлёт разрешён» (световой сигнал для воздушных судов на земле)
steady green light: "cleared to land" — немигающий зелёный свет: «посадка разрешена» (световой сигнал для воздушных судов в полёте)
steady red light: "give the way to other aircrafts and continue circling" — немигающий красный свет: «уступите дорогу другим судам и продолжайте полёт по кругу» (световой сигнал для воздушных судов в полёте)
steady red light: "stop" — немигающий красный свет: «остановитесь» (световой сигнал для воздушных судов на земле)
to focus the light — фокусировать фару; фокусировать световой сигнал
См. также в других словарях:
Fixed Repeating Schedule — is a key element of the Toyota Production System and Lean Manufacturing. As its name suggests it is a production schedule which is unchanging and repeated perhaps daily or over a longer period such as a fortnight or month. If it can be… … Wikipedia
Red Hat Enterprise Linux derivatives — are Linux distributions which are based on the source code of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.HistoryRed Hat Linux was one of the first and most popular Linux distributions. This was largely due to the fact that, while a paid for supported version was… … Wikipedia
Red Boy — (zh tspw|t=紅孩兒|s=红孩儿|p= Hóng Hái Er |w= Hung Hai Erh ; Japanese: Kōgaiji ) was a character featured in the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West. Red Boy was also known as the Boy Sage King (聖嬰大王), and had been the son of Princess Iron Fan… … Wikipedia
Red Horse Muziklaban — is an annual rock band competition that has been held in the Philippines since 1999. It features young unsigned bands who compete for the grand prize of Php 1,000,000 and a recording contract with Viva Philippines. It is sponsored by the San… … Wikipedia
Fixed action pattern — Kelp Gull chicks peck at red spot on mother s beak to stimulate regurgitating reflex. In ethology, a fixed action pattern (FAP), or modal action pattern, is an instinctive behavioral sequence that is indivisible and runs to completion.[1] … Wikipedia
Red — This article is about the color. For other uses, see Red (disambiguation). Red Spectral coordinates Wavelength 620–740 … Wikipedia
Red fox — For other uses, see Red fox (disambiguation). Red fox Temporal range: Mid Pleistocene–Recent European red fox (V. v. crucigera) Conservation status … Wikipedia
Red states and blue states — legend|#0000ff|States carried by the Democrat in all four electionsRed States and Blue States refer to those states of the United States of America whose residents predominantly vote for the Republican Party or Democratic Party presidential… … Wikipedia
Red Shadows — This article is about the fictional fighting force. For the 1968 collection of stories by Robert E. Howard, see Red Shadows (collection). Red Shadows Logo of the Red Shadows Publication information Pu … Wikipedia
Red Bull GmbH — Infobox Company company name = Red Bull GmbH picture of product = company company type = Private slogan = Red Bull Gives You Wiiings. No Red Bull. No Wings. foundation = 1984 founder = Dietrich Mateschitz Chaleo Yoovidhya location = Fuschl am See … Wikipedia
Red Terror — The Red Terror in Soviet Russia was the campaign of mass arrests and executions conducted by the Bolshevik government. In Soviet historiography, the Red Terror is described as officially announced on September 2, 1918 by Yakov Sverdlov and ended… … Wikipedia